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    "I'm Questioning My Sexuality, Is There A Term For..." (Part 1)

    This is part one of three posts for people who are questioning their sexuality. This serves as a masterpost for a large amount of sexualities, orginized mostly based on the gender(s) you're attracted to. (Parts 2 and 3 will cover a-spec identities.)

    A note before we start: Instead of writing out "women and women-aligned people" and "men and men-aligned people" a thousand times I wrote "women*" and "men*" in all instances to show that non-binary people are include in all these definitions unless explicitly specified otherwise.

    Also note that some terms say "(exclusive or not)" in this case it means that someone with that identity is definitely attracted to a certain gender(s), but they may or may not be attracted to other genders as well (what those other genders are, if any, are not specified). In addition, terms that are generally considered exclusive may have exceptions.

    Part 2 

    Part 3 

    Attracted to Women*, Fiaspec, Fingenders, or Femininity 

    For Women*

    • Lesbian: Women* exclusively attracted to women*.
    • Sapphic: Woman* attracted to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).

    For Men*

    • Marsexual: Genderfluid boy exclusively attracted to women*. 
    • Romeric: Man* attracted to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).

    For Non-Binary People

    • Aurorasexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to women*.
    • Donnasexual: Unaligned non-binary exclusively attracted to women*.
    • Feminamoric: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women*.
    • Robiselle: Anonbinary attracted exclusively to binary women.
    • Trixic/Orbisian: Non-binary attracted to women* (exclusively or not).
    • Venusic: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and women-aligned non-binary people.
    • Xenirian: Xenic people exclusively attracted to women*.

    For Agender People

    • Agenirian: Agender attracted to women* (exclusively or not).
    • Azalian: Agender attracted to women* (exclusively or not).
    • Iliosexual: Agender or abinary exclusively attracted to women*.
    • Naneosexual: Agender exclusively attracted to women*.

    For Anyone

    • Femaric: Any non-straight attraction to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
    • Finsexual: Anyone attracted to feminine people regardless of gender.
    • Gynesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women* and/or femininity.
    • Lunaric: Anyone attracted to exclusively feminine-aligned non-binary people (not including binary women).
    • Minwomasexual: Anyone attracted only to women* who are GNC.
    • Proquasexual: A feminine person attracted to feminine people regardless of gender.
    • Womasexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women*.

    Attracted to Men*, Miaspec, Mingenders, or Masculinity

    For Men*

    For Women*

    • Aphrodisexual: Genderfluid girl exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Julietian: Woman* attracted to men* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).

    For Non-Binary People

    • Erwekinne: Anonbinary exclusively attracted to binary men.
    • Marsic: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men and men-aligned people.
    • Toric/Quadrisian: Non-binary attracted to men* (exclusive or not).
    • Uomosexual: Unaligned non-binary exclusively attracted to men.
    • Ursasexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Viramoric: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Xenilian: Xenic exclusively attracted to men*.

    For Agender People

    • Agenilian: Agender attracted to men* (exclusive or not).
    • Fenosexual: Agender or abinary exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Thistlian: Agender exclusively attracted to men.
    • Yaesexual: Agender exclusively attracted to men*.

    For Anyone

    • Androsexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Finmasexual: Anyone attracted to men* who are GNC.
    • Mascic: Any non-straight attraction to men* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
    • Masexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*.
    • Proquusexual: A masculine person attracted to masculine people regardless of gender.
    • Solaric: Anyone exclusive attracted to masculine aligned non-binary people (not including binary men).

    Attracted to Non-Binary People

    For Non-Binary People

    • Ceterosexual: Non-binary exclusively attracted to non-binary people.
    • Enbian: Non-binary attraction to non-binary people (exclusively or not).
    • Galaxsexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to non-binary people.
    • Terraric: Non-binary attracted to non-binary people.
    • Xenidian: Xenic exclusively attracted to non-binary people.
    • Xenixian: Xenic exclusively attracted to xenic.

    For Agender People

    • Agenidian: Agender attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not).
    • Agenixian: Agender attracted to xenic people (exclusively or not).
    • Delphinian: Agender attracted to agender people (exclusively or not).
    • Magnolian: Agender attracted to non-binary and agender people (exclusive or not).
    • Wisterian: Agender attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not).

    For Men*

    • Astroidian: Man* attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not).

    For Women*:

    • Asterian: Woman* attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not).

    For Anyone

    • Ageninic: Anyone attracted to agender people.
    • Ceterosexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-binary people.
    • Enboric: Any attraction to non-binary people (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
    • Neusexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to agender and/or neutral genders. 
    • Ninsexual: Anyone attracted to gender neutral/androgynous presenting people regardless of gender.
    • Nogarian: Anyone attracted to anonbinary (exclusively or not).
    • Saturnic: Anyone exclusively attracted to androgynous aligned non-binary people.
    • Stellaric: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-aligned, and androgynous non-binary people.
    • Triasexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-binary people.

    General Attractions

    These terms there do not fit in the previous sections because they do not specify the gender(s) that you are attracted to.

    • Contraic: “Opposite” gender attraction for non-binary people.
    • Demetersexual: Genderfluid and strayt.
    • Diamoric: Any form of non-binary attraction.
    • Duaric: Includes all men attracted to women and all women attracted to men, exclusively or not (umbrella term).
    • Gai: Gay but in a uniquely non-binary way.
    • Gay: Attraction to the same/similar gender.
    • Queer: Anyone who is not straight.
    • Straight/Heterosexual: Attraction to a different gender.
    • Strayt: Straight but in a uniquely non-binary way.
    • Symmaic: “Same” gender attraction for non-binary people.
    • Ultramoric: Anyone who experiences non-straight attraction (umbrella term).

    Attracted to Multiple Genders 

    If you are bigender, multigender, or genderfluid you may be interested in our gender-loving-gender page, where there are many, many more terms.

    If you are anonbinary you may be interested in the anonbinary collection page.

    • Bisexual: Anyone attracted to more the one gender (any genders).
    • Disexual: Anyone attracted to exactly two genders (any two).
    • Omnisexual: Anyone attracted to all genders, though gender still plays a role in the attraction.
    • Pansexual: Anyone attracted to all genders, where gender does not play a role in attraction.
    • Pluralian/Multisexual: Anyone who is attracted to multiple genders (umbrella term).
    • Polysexual: Anyone attracted to many genders, but not all (any genders).
    • Trisexual: Anyone attracted to exactly 3 genders (any three).
    • Hexsexual: Anyone attracted to exactly 6 genders (any six).


    • Ainic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for genderless people or genderless/gender neutral presentation.
    • Ambivaic: Attracted to multiple genders and having no preference.
    • Finic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for women* or a feminine gender presentation.
    • Minic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for men* or a masculine gender presentation.
    • Ninic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for non-binary/neutral genders or an androgynous/gender neutral presentation.
    • Nonbic: Non-cis person attracted to multiple genders but with preference for non-binary people.
    • Xinic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for xenic people or a xenine gender presentation.

    Attracted to Men* and Women*

    • Mercuric: Anyone exclusively attracted to men, masculine-aligned non-binary, women, and feminine-aligned non-binary people.
    • Orchidian: Agender attracted to women* and men* (exclusive or not).
    • Rochillic: Man* attracted to women* and men* (exclusive or not).
    • Salietian: Woman* attracted to men* and women* (exclusive or not).
    • Scapolitian: Non-binary attracted to women* and men* (exclusive or not).

    Attracted to Women* and Non-Binary People

    • Agatic: Woman* attracted to women* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Brownitian/Ammolic/Ametrian: Non-binary attracted to women* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Enbitrix: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and non-binary people.
    • Femmesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women, feminine non-binary people, and androgynous people.
    • Litian: Man* attracted to non-binary people and women* (exclusive or not).
    • Neptunic: Anyone attracted to women*, and non-binary people. 
    • Trixensexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to women* and non-binary people.

    Attracted to Men* and Non-Binary People

    • Asterosian: Man* attracted to non-binary people and men* (exclusive or not).
    • Carnelian: Non-binary attracted to men* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Citrinian: Woman* attracted to non-binary people and men* (exclusive or not).
    • Enbitor: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men and non-binary people.
    • Lilacian: Agender attracted to men* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Mascusexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*, masculine-aligned people, and androgynous people.
    • Uranic: Anyone exclusively attracted to men* and non-binary people.
    • Torensexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to men* and non-binary people.

    Attracted to Men*, Women*, and Non-Binary People

    • Dahlian: Agender attracted to men*, women*, non-binary, and agender people (exclusive or not).
    • GNCsexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to people who are gender non-conforming.
    • Marblic/Astronic: Man* attracted to women*, men*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Plutaric: Anyone attracted to men, women, stellarians, and lunarians, but not solarians.
    • Taaffeitian: Woman* attracted to men*, women*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
    • Versian/Jaspian: Non-binary attracted to women*, men*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not).

    Attracted to All Genders Except...

    • Nofinsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present feminine, regardless of gender.
    • Nomasexual: Attraction to all genders except binary men.
    • Nominsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present masculine, regardless of gender.
    • Noninsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present gender neutral/androgynous, regardless of gender. 
    • Nowomasexual: Attraction to all genders except binary women.
    • Penultisexual: Attracted to all genders except one's own.


    These are identities based on questioning, feeling unsure, having a sexuality that changes, not being able to define your sexuality, or not wanting to define your sexuality.

    • Abrosexual: Someone whose orientation changes
    • Comsexual: Someone who experiences attraction but can’t/doesn’t want to specify that attraction any further.
    • Cryptosexual: Someone whose orientation cannot be defined using our current vocabulary.
    • Implasexual: Someone who will never be satisfied with their orientation due to self-doubt. 
    • Novisexual: Attraction so complicated it is difficult or impossible to fit into one term.
    • Novosexual: Genderfluid and abrosexual at the same time. One cannot say what their sexuality or gender is, because it is not permanent. 
    • Omnique/Omnigay: Genderfluid and abrosexual at the same time, where one's gender or sexuality changes so that one is always defined as gay or queer.
    • Paraidemsexual: When gay/lesbian is very close to defining one’s identity, but one feels unsure or anxious about describing themself as gay/lesbian.
    • Pomoimplasexual: Someone who feels there is currently no identity which describes their experiences, but feels like sometime in the future there might be.
    • Pomosexual: Someone who denies or does not fit any labels of attraction.
    • Queer: Anyone who is not straight.
    • Sanssexual: Someone whose attraction changes randomly, subcategory of abrosexual.
    • Xumsexual: Someone who will never be satisfied with their orientation due to self-doubt or identity issues (exclusive to neurodivergent people).


    I’m non-binary but I feel most comfortable identifying as [insert identity here], do I have to use the non-binary exclusive terms?

    No, you can identity as whatever you feel comfortable as.

    I identify as [gay/lesbian/insert other monosexual identity here] but I think I might have possibly been attracted to a man/women at one point in my life, do I have to identify as bisexual now?

    No, you don’t have to change your entire identity if you feel it’s a one time occurrence that is unimportant to your normal attraction.

    Can I be [insert a-spec identity here] and [insert other identity here]?


    I identity as/want to identity as [insert identity here], but what if I’m not?

    There seems to be a belief within the community that once you identify as a given identity you have to be completely certain that this is what you will identify as for the rest of your life. While some people might find their identity the first time that’s not the case for everyone. Sometimes the only way to try out different identities and see if it fits. If you find out that you aren’t actually some identity then that’s a good thing because it means you’ve figured out sometimes about yourself that you didn’t know before. Don’t feel bad for changing your identity later. The LGBT police aren’t going to get you because you weren’t really some identity.

    Am I bi, poly, or omni?
    There is no official, rigid definition of these terms. Identify as whatever you’re comfortable with. 

    How come some of these terms have the same definition?

    1) There might be a subtle difference that got lost when I summarized the terms.

    2) There is no LGBTA+ hivemind. Not everyone is aware of every term that’s been coined so sometimes two people will make terms with the same definition. If you’ve asking which one to identify with just go with whichever one you like more.

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