Carnelian refers to a non-binary individual who is nblm and nblnb, meaning a non-binary individual who is attracted to men, and non-binary individuals, and/or a non-binary individual who prioritizes their attraction to men and non-binary individuals over other attractions they may have. This attraction can be exclusive or not. Carnelian is an umbrella term, like diamoric, and is typically not used as an identity on its own, however it can be if desired. individuals included in this umbrella are pansexual non-binary individuals, bisexual non-binary individuals, and any other non-binary individuals who are attracted to men and non-binary individuals.
The term was submitted anonymously to the Tumblr blog beyond-mogai-pride-flags on July 2, 2018.
The carnelian flag was submitted anonymously to the Tumblr blog beyond-mogai-pride-flags on July 2, 2018[1]. It uses the same five stripe patterns as many of the other juvelic orientation flags. The colors are based on the gemstone carnelian.