The Autre System is a system designed to describe different forms of intersex variations. This system can be useful for those who wish to describe their variations and symptoms in non-technical terms, and may be easier to describe to dyadic individuals.
The terms that fall under this system are listed below.
Interanders (pronounced in-ter-on-ders) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are caused by having abnormal chromosomes. This could be having more chromosomes than usual, less than usual, or another chromosomal abnormality. This includes the following variations:
- 49,XXXXY Syndrome
- De La Chapelle Syndrome
- Klinefelter Syndrome
- Pentasomy X
- Tetrasomy X
- Triple X Syndrome
- Turner Syndrome
- XYY Syndrome
- XYYY Syndrome
- XYYYY Syndrome
- XXYYY Syndrome
- XXXYY Syndrome
- XXYY Syndrome
- XXXY Syndrome
Intermeer (pronounced in-ter-me-air) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are caused by an overproduction of horomones (testosterone, estrogen, or both.) This includes the following:
Intermindre (pronounced in-ter-mean-dray) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are caused by a lack of horomones (testosterone, estrogen, or both.) This includes the following:
- Aromatase Deficiency
- Androgen insensitivity syndrome
- Estrogen insensitivity syndrome
- Leydig Cell Hypoplasia
Interparami (pronounced in-ter-par-ah-me) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are related to ones reproductive system (uterus, ovaries, testicles, etc.) This includes the following:
- Gonadal agenesis
- Gonadal dysgenesis
- Hypergonadism
- Müllerian Agenesis
- Ovotesticular
- Polyorchidism
- Uterus didelphys
Interispod (pronounced in-ter-ease-pod) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are related to ones genitals. This includes the following:
- Agenital
- Ambiguous Genitalia
- Clitoromegaly
- Diphallia
- Hypospadias
- Macrogenital
- Penoscrotal Transposition
Intersangue (pronounced in-ter-sang-gee) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are related to ones genes. This includes the following:
- 17-KSR Deficiency
- Ablepharon Macrostomia Syndrome
- Barber Say Syndrome
- Campomelic Dysplasia
- Denys-Drash Syndrome
- H Syndrome
- Kallman Syndrome
- SCARF Syndrome
- WNT4 Deficiency
Interdentro (pronounced in-ter-den-trow) is a term used to describe all intersex variations that are related to ones glands. This includes the following:
Intercausa (pronounced in-ter-lee-gah-doe) is a term used to describe all syndromes and traits that cause or are linked to intersex traits, while not being inheritely intersex themselves. This includes the following:
- Aarskog-Scott Syndrome
- ATR-16 Syndrome
- CHARGE Syndrome
- Chromosome 18 Ring
- Opitz G/BBB Syndrome
- Poland Syndrome
- Prader–Willi Syndrome
- Seaver Cassidy Syndrome
- Secondary Sex Agenesis
This system was coined by Willow from Cryptocrew's system on April 25th of 2021.
Autre means 'other' in French, anders means 'different' in Dutch, meer means 'more' in Afrikaans, parami comes from magparami which is Filipino for 'reproduce,' ispod means 'below' in Bosnian, sangue means 'blood,' dentro means 'inside,' and ligado means 'linked' in Portugese.