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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki

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    Alternate breace flag and new bottoace flag! [160 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2023 Feb 10 Fri 20:04:21 GMT)
    An alternate breace flag Danni (he/they/it+) - I've made an alternate breace flag! I thought that since I am breace, it could be a bit more inclusive than the one that's already proposed. Black/dark gray symbolizes asexuals, gray represents all ace-spec individuals, white represents allosexuals, and the red circle with the x over it represents the rejection of sexual interaction with their breasts and/or their partner(s)'s breasts. The bottoace flag A new Bottoace pride flag! Black/dark gray symbolizes asexuals, gray represents all ace-spec individuals, white represents allosexuals, and the red circle with the sideway x over it represents the rejection of sexual interaction with their buttocks and/or their partner(s)'s buttocks. The x is sideways so that it would be less confused with the alternate breace flag, and that breasts and buttocks are two different things.
    The History of the Wiki [2444 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Aug 19 Fri 13:08:53 GMT)
    Author's Note: For simplicity... The current FANDOM wiki (https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/LGBTQIA%2B_Wiki) will be referred to as the FANDOM Wiki. The Miraheze wiki (https://lgbta.miraheze.org/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki) will be referred to as the Miraheze Wiki. The MyWikis Wiki (https://lgbtqia.mywikis.wiki/wiki/Main_Page) will be referred to as the MyWikis wiki. The WikiTide wiki (https://lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/LGBTA_Wiki) will be referred to as the WikiTide Wiki. The MOGAI wiki (formerly EZGender https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/MOGAI_Wiki) will be referred to as the MOGAI Wiki. And the Legacy wiki originally hosted on FANDOM (no link, as it's defunct) will be referred to as Legacy Wiki. Wiki hosts will be bolded for clearer distinction. My name is Jeb, the current owner of the WikiTide and MyWikis Wiki. To start with, the Legacy Wiki community was hosted on FANDOM. I myself was not there to moderate it at the time, and was only a bystander for the time being. ChaoticCylinder owned the wiki initially, then Cryptocrew, then Contie, then me as of 2022. The Legacy Wiki History 2019 to 2022 This entry is paraphrased from https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/User:VoxelDraqon, as I myself was not there to witness this part of the history. This however is still written from my perspective. At the time, the Legacy Wiki wasn't just a wiki. It was a community, with threads, comments, blogs, and a large variety of discussions. The associated Discord was quite large though did split off from the wiki at one point. Though I'm unsure why, it may be due to the fact it was more of the Wiki's community than a relation to the Wiki content itself. I believe this split off Discord still exists to this day. But it was taken over by the official LGBTA+ Wiki Central Discord. The community itself was.. perhaps a bit of a mess. Understandably minors ruled the scene, those who were questioning, trying to figure out their identities, but then also help one another at the time. Many were traumatised individuals, others were plural. The space must have been inviting enough to include these minorities. This is more of an extra detail but it did impact the wiki contents and others' impressions of the wiki. The wiki took micro labels to the next step, with minors coining various identities with no resources or proof of creation. This has pros and cons but at the time the main con was having terms being redefined and edited, which was technically okay to do since the pages had no resources to reference its original definition. After various ownership changes, Contie enforced a new policy where wiki pages required resources. Other owners left, most likely due to stress. The redefining of terms was a prominent controversy with the wiki, with the addition of being overly inclusive. There were and still are to this day many complains about pages such as bi lesbianism being present. Though I'd like to stress that regardless of whether one supports an article or not, it's a wiki. It is for educational purposes, and not all pages are immediately regarded as 'supported'. The 'Merge' January 2022 For some background information, it's important to note the management hierarchy of wikis. Each wiki has its own set of 'local' admins and moderators. But the wiki, site, and content falls under its host, and the admins that manage said host. The hosts (such as FANDOM, or Miraheze) generally do not collaborate or moderate wikis unless something is reported. Knowing this, it was a very sudden shock when FANDOM admins suddenly announced that they would be merging the Legacy wiki. At the time, it wasn't just the LGBTQIA wiki present on FANDOM. A few other smaller wikis based on queer subjects existed as well, and all managed by separate communities. FANDOM's idea was to combine them to create a centralised location for all LGBT related terminology and history. This in theory is fine, but the execution was extremely poor. Below are a few quotes from their official statement, titled: "A new combined wiki". 1. "We worked closely with a number of LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies as we developed this wiki..." 2. "Only official terms that are recognised by people working on LGBTQIA+ issues will be approved." Sources: https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Sannse/A_new_combined_wiki https://twitter.com/ez_gender/status/1483938454446747650? This immediately sparked several issues. To refute each point... 1. We are unsure of who exactly these 'individuals and allies' are. But it is a fact that nobody from the wikis at the time were contacted. Not from the Legacy Wiki, not from the MOGAI (EZGender) wiki, or any other smaller queer wikis. 2. FANDOM claiming that identities have to be "official" was especially troubling for many, especially minorities that did not fit into the larger labels like gay or lesbian. But beyond the article itself, the biggest issues... Firstly, it was done without consent of the Legacy Wiki and other smaller wikis. Yes, the FANDOM legally have the right to do whatever they want with the content they host. But ultimately it was immoral, rude, and inconsiderate to the thousands of individuals that helped contribute to the wikis. Secondly, it was not a merge at all. A merge implies two entities combining into a single form. The actual result was the complete deletion of the Legacy Wiki, and a new wiki domain taking its place. This is not a merge. The Legacy Wiki was deleted, and any links to said wiki now redirect to the FANDOM's own version. The FANDOM Wiki had completely submerged the Legacy Wiki, with its own set of local admins and moderators, completely wiping away a massive amount of information that had helped thousands of queer members across the internet. The content that took its place was rough, inaccurate, or harmful. One of its more controversial rules was the exclusion of "Articles outside the scope of LGBTQIA+ Wiki (i.e. fictional gender identities). Whilst in theory this appears to be terms from actual fictional sources, it actually encapsulated mostly any coined term on sites such as Tumblr or Twitter. A document was also written critiquing the FANDOM wiki's article on Intersex. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nbv62d_AxOMaRwj_0ndHJSpQN24BsgjjkTnaGjZeCxI/edit Sources: https://twitter.com/IntersexGoose/status/1484537809482358786 https://ezgender-wiki.tumblr.com/ https://64.media.tumblr.com/52656de83340bed4f6839b0567c4c0b3/0955494c31958c7a-41/s500x750/fcbc4b0655e3aa0e725a60ab8f5cac7f29f3c508.png The only wiki they did not 'merge' (delete) was the MOGAI (EZGender) wiki. Thinking it was a favour to allow at least one wiki on FANDOM to host obscure micro-labels, it would cause a massive influx of attention towards a very small wiki with very limited staff members. This created a surge of stress for the MOGAI wiki and its staff. Understandably... MOGAI swiftly announced they would be disbanding from FANDOM, and moving to Miraheze instead. It is believed that a request for the deletion of the MOGAI wiki on FANDOM was made by the wiki owner. However after this request, FANDOM staff only gave the wiki a single day before deletion, which goes against their 2 week window (citation needed). Thankfully a lot of terms were already archived once the merger announcement was made by FANDOM, so the 1 day window (whilst being informal) wasn't detrimental. MOGAI Wiki's official stance is to boycott FANDOM. Sources: https://ezgender-wiki.tumblr.com/ https://ezgender-wiki.tumblr.com/post/676801806082441216/the-ezgendermicrolabel-wiki-on-fandom-will-be https://mogai.miraheze.org/wiki/MOGAI_Wiki Going back to the Legacy Wiki though, the Legacy wiki staff only had less than a month to archive every single page and resource on the wiki. During the whole event, this caused a great deal of stress for the Legacy staff. There were threats of suicide and emotional distress prevalent for staff and members. https://www.lgbtqia.wiki/wiki/User:VoxelDraqon had suggested the use of Miraheze as a new platform, and helped greatly in the process of archiving. Other smaller organisations helped including an archival team, and the dating app Taimi. Taimi was offered as a potential alternative to Miraheze but it never came to action. Though many pages were successfully archived and imported to Miraheze, many were lost, including discussions that hosted a large portion of coining resources. The Staff Change 2022 This was about the time I hopped into the equation. Witnessing the hellfire that was the FANDOM takeover fiasco, the Legacy Wiki officially moved to Miraheze. Whilst the wiki formats are relatively similar, the editors and structure was unfamiliar to many staff members. It was a harsh change, and staff were put under a lot of stress due to the drama that was taking place. I offered a hand in moderation, fixing little errors here and there. I had quickly found out that nearly every staff member from the Legacy Wiki were actually minors. This surprised me greatly, how they had been managing something like this, and dealing with the FANDOM giant, I was impressed but also concerned. The stress on the staff was very apparent, most moderators were unable to be contacted due to school pressures, home life, and more. They simply didn't have the availability to manage the wiki's sudden move and influx of attention. One by one, moderators seemed to leave swiftly. Each stress induced moderator walked out, passing their position to someone else. The ownership of the wiki itself was tossed to two other members (one for just a mere day), before it suddenly landed with me. Now it wasn't just a host change, but an almost completely new set of staff. This is when it more officially became the Miraheze Wiki. Since then, I have done my best to kickstart various housekeeping projects, but also retain various wiki standards such as resourcing requirements. Since then, any traces of the Legacy Wiki has been wiped from social media, including Tumblr and Twitter accounts. I had not planned to recreate this, instead wishing to use the wiki itself as a one true source of information. Source: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/official-lgbta-wiki The NEW Wiki 2023 At one point, whilst going through the Miraheze' wiki as I usually do on any normal day, and as my experiences grew in regards to wiki editing - it struck me hard that our information was more wrong than I thought. Misinformation is rife throughout the wiki, which is absolutely grating for me considering external websites often source our wiki. I find fabricated quotes, biased resourcing, no resourcing at all, and a constant battle of edits between disagreeing parties, probably because no resources were provided. This is horrifying to me, as the entire point of a wiki is to be a source of information. And if we can't do that part right, then what are we. So I decided to create a new host, one separate from Miraheze, and not meant to supercede it but to be a superior version in terms of wiki standards. This wiki is the MyWikis host. This host carries far stricter rules and formatting, and does not allow imports from Miraheze as it serves to be an entire rework. Progress with it is slow at the moment mainly due to my own personal and work commitments, but I am hopeful it will be later recognised as not just a helpful resource but an accurate one! Also at some point amongst this we started hosting a new Tumblr blog + a custom domain email address to provide another avenue for feedback and requests. The Host Move 2023 In June, Miraheze as a host had announced their closure as they did not have enough volunteers to continue their operations. I didn't want to take any immediate action yet at that point as Miraheze was being offered various volunteers as a way of saving the platform. But as a base plan, I had decided that we would archive the wiki, and move to MyWikis as a sole platform. I didn't even create a backup in the meantime due to the influx of backups Miraheze had to do for the other wikis that were scared out of their mind. A week later though Miraheze cancelled their closure as they'd found new volunteers. However, whilst many celebrated, I knew it was an extremely unstable position. I figured most of the volunteers, if not all, were probably not all that experienced with MediaWiki and only joined out of desperation to keep the platform alive (I don't fully know this, this is just my speculation). And whilst Miraheze still operates today, its staff dwindles yet again and getting any support when something goes wrong is an arduous task. At two different points our Miraheze wiki had gone down. At one point it went down due to an expiry of its certificate, to which Miraheze explained in the ticket that "All certificates are automatically updated so this does not need to stay open". Which I found very confusing considering the certificate had already expired, meaning either the auto-renewal wasn't working, or for some reason it's set to renew AFTER it's expired. Both are terrible. Having had about enough of Miraheze's platform, I decided to pursue WikiTide as an alternative option. They have stricter rules on what wikis they allow creation of, have better funding, and have more than 2 admins. All of which point to a healthier and more reliable host. They'd also done recent works to improve the performance of their host, and it showed! So I was happy to begin the import to WikiTide, change of domain, and now it is our current host, alongside the MyWikis new wiki. Source: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Board/Policies/20230615-Statement https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_is_Not_Shutting_Down I hope this helps shed some light on the history of this wiki and its community. And a reminder to everyone, I want to hear any feedback you have - good or bad. I've noticed some blog posts on social media commenting about the wiki, indirect thoughts and complaints. I can hear you better if you talk to me. :) Special thanks to the following individuals for helping me summarise these thoughts: The various bloggers from https://mogaiwiki.tumblr.com/ Juwan J. Holmes's article https://www.intomore.com/the-internet/whats-happening-lgbtqia-wiki/ VoxelDraqon, moderator of this wiki Paul, owner of the MOGAI wiki. Regards, Jeb_CC, Bureaucrat | (xe/xem/xir) (talk) 22:13, 12 October 2023 (UTC)
    I'm on... [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Aug 13 Sat 8:11:54 GMT)
    I'm active on: https://kasatate1.tumblr.com/ https://www.pixiv.net/users/42434423
    Discord Roles and Common Community Terminology [790 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jul 18 Mon 0:32:52 GMT)
    This page specifically relates to the Discord server, but can be used as a general common terminology reference - as many roles are created by demand and population. Nominal and Terms Crossnominal - goes by a name that does not traditionally align with one’s gender Multinominal - goes by multiple names Mutonominal - goes by certain names under certain situations or around certain people Nomifluid - names change over time Nameless - identifies with no names or does not feel connected to any name. Pronouns Pluralpronouns - pronouns used for a collective of individuals (usually for systems) Namepronouns - pronouns based on one's name Nounself Pronouns - derived from a pre-existing nouns Emojiself Pronouns - pronouns that uses emojis or other pictograms Neopronouns - pronouns that are not officially recognized in the language they are used in Mirrored Pronouns - uses the pronouns of the individual referring to them Nullpronominal - no pronouns, refer by name instead. Pronounfluid - pronouns change over time Pronounflux - pronoun preferences fluctuate in intensity Modality Transgender - identifies as a gender different to one's AGAB Cusper - on the "cusp" between being transgender and a gender non-conforming cisgender individual Intragender - not cisgender, but has a similar experience with cisgender individuals Cisgender - identifies with one's AGAB Ipsogender - intersex who identifies with one's AGAB Ultergender - intersex who does not identify with one's AGAB Adgender - someone who moves towards a given gender, or gender presentation Misc Altersex - desiring sex traits that deviate from the sex characteristics of a Müllerian or Wolffian Intersex - born with physical sex characteristics not traditionally classified as Müllerian or Wolffian Transsex - desired sex characteristics doesn’t match one's original natural sex characteristics Genders Ningender - neutral in nature Lingender - androgynous in nature Agingender - agender/genderless in nature Libragender - mostly agender but has a partial connection to another gender Uingender - unknown/unidentified in nature Kenochoric - a set of genders centered around the idea of kenopsia: the eerie atmosphere of a place that has been abandoned Paragender - mostly but not fully a gender Demigender - partially but not fully a gender Multigender - identifies with multiple genders Pangender - identifies as all genders Xingender - xenine in nature Gendervoid - a gender which is an absence, a blank space or void where a gender might otherwise be Outherine - umbrella term for the qualities associated with Atrinary Anthrogenders Cassgender - when one feels that their gender is unimportant or where one is indifferent to the idea of gender Alterhumangender - gender is tied to one's Alterhumanity Integender - gender identity is tied to being intersex Genderfluid - gender changes over time Genderflux - gender intensity fluctuates over time Genderspike - gender spikes to another gender before returning Orientations Achillean - Queer attraction to Men Vincian - Men loving Men Toric - Non-binary attracted to Men Uranic - Attraction to Men and Non-Binary Saturnic - Attraction to Androgynous Non-Binary Sapphic - Women loving Women Lesbian - Queer attraction to Women Trixic - Non-binary attracted to Women Neptunic - Non-binary attracted to Women and Non-Binary Diamoric - Non-binary Orientation Enbian - Non-binary attracted to Non-Binary Medusan - Alterhumangender loving Alterhumangender Bisexual - Attraction to two or more genders Polysexual - Attraction to multiple genders Pansexual - Attraction to all genders Omnisexual - Attraction to all genders Heterosexual - Attraction to the opposite gender(s) Homosexual - Attraction to the same gender(s) Abrosexual - Attraction changes over time Ceterosexual - Attraction to Non-Binary Objectum - Attraction to objects Pomosexual - Does not fit into any attraction labels Cassexual - Indifferent to the idea of attraction Quoisexual - Unsure of attraction or the concept of it A-Spec A-Spec - A lack of attraction Asexual - A lack of sexual attraction Aromantic - A lack of romantic attraction Aplatonic - A lack of platonic attraction Autosexual - Attraction to self Greysexual - Semi lack of sexual attraction Aegosexual - Attraction with a disconnect between oneself and the subject of arousal Cupiosexual - Lacks attraction but still desires a relationship Lithosexual - Experiences attraction but does not want reciprocation Bellussexual - Lacks attraction but still interested in the aesthetic Caedsexual - No longer experiences attraction due to trauma Abasexual - Experiences attraction due to trauma Demisexual - Only experiences attraction after an emotional bond is formed Apressexual - Only experiences attraction after another form of attraction is felt Fraysexual - Only gains attraction with those not deeply connected with Reciprosexual - Does not experience attraction until another individual is attracted to them Proculsexual - Only attracted to those they can never be in a relationship with Fictosexual - Attraction to fiction
    Dobermangender [50 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jul 1 Fri 0:24:32 GMT)
    A kind of faunagender that falls under the category of canisgender. The term is defined to have a strong relation or connection to the dog breed Doberman History Dobermangender was coined by samlimar on tumblr on June 30, 2022. Flags The flag was created by the same person on June 30, 2022.
    Coining another thing [38 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jun 25 Sat 22:35:45 GMT)
    Navis Attraction is a tertiary attraction in which a attraction of some sort gets tangled up with a “they look so cute together” type thing. Navis is Latin for ship(since this is inspired by shipping culture). No flag as of posting! :>
    Coining a tertiary attraction [38 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jun 25 Sat 22:34:06 GMT)
    Navis Attraction is a tertiary attraction in which a attraction of some sort gets tangled up with a “they look so cute together” type thing. Navis is Latin for ship(since this is inspired by shipping culture). No flag as of posting! :>
    Coining SIN [34 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jun 25 Sat 19:35:57 GMT)
    SIN is a gender nature relating to all genders that are, to some extent, sentient. Sentingender is this nature’s equivalent to fingender. I’ll think of a flag idea eventually.
    I just realized this [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jun 25 Sat 19:26:38 GMT)
    But my gender is, to some extent, sentient. ...hm.
    I find it so weird [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 May 18 Wed 22:33:06 GMT)
    That cishet allies are less queerphobic than the lesbians of twitter. Like. My dad(who is virtually the definition of cishet
    Editor’s Guidebook [18 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 May 15 Sun 14:25:47 GMT)
    Hello! I’m Marie, a staff member of this wiki, and I’m here to explain some things about this wiki. (WIP)
    Ah [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Mar 9 Wed 16:12:02 GMT)
    These exist, ig.
    Introduction [103 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Feb 14 Mon 15:29:57 GMT)
    Interactions and Discussions Guidelines [3209 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Feb 9 Wed 17:28:34 GMT)
    TW: brief mention violence of abuse; mention of suicide and self-harm in guideline 13. Be nice and treat others with respect. All discussion posts, replies and comments must follow Miraheze's Code of Conduct and Content Policy as well as those for this wiki's Community Guidelines. Users who commit small violations of guidelines will not be immediately banned, but rather given a warning and directed to these guidelines to learn why what they did was against community guidelines. If, after being directed to and reading those guidelines, the user continues to violate guidelines, then they will be banned. This does NOT apply to harassment, discrimination, invalidation, or any other form of harm or vandalism. The following guidelines apply to all interactions with other users on this wiki (including the comment sections of articles and the discussions section of this site). General conduct 1.1) Trolling, or vandalizing of any kind will be deleted and will lead to your account being banned. 1.2) No blatantly/excessively toxic behaviour, passive-aggression or otherwise disrespectful posts/comments. Anything that directly insults or threatens another user can result in a ban anywhere from three months to indefinitely, depending on the severity. This includes but is not limited to threats of violence, intentional misgendering, unwanted sexual or romantic advances, or continuing to do something that makes another user uncomfortable when you have been told to stop. Do not condone violence against or the demonization of any group (regardless of the group in question). This includes demonizing pedophiles, necrophiles, zoophiles, or other paraphilic disorders. Paraphilic disorders are mental illnesses, and demonizing such groups is included under ableism. Do not make "jokes" about killing anybody regardless of the context or your intentions. 1.3) Be respectful of others Minorly passive-aggressive posts/comments or posts/comments with generally disrespectful tones such as posts with content along the lines of "block me if you must, I don’t care," or similar will be removed and blatant/repeated instances of this may result in a warning or block. 1.4) No excessive "mini-modding" behaviour (attempting to enforce guidelines without being a staff member); report users who have violated the rules to staff members via the reporting feature. Asking a user to include appropriate trigger/content warnings in their posts does not violate this guideline. 1.5) Advertising Do not ask individuals to follow you or message you on another social media account in the comments of an article. Only give out your social media as a means of contacting another user via message walls or in the discussions section if it is relevant to the conversation, not unsolicited, and not for the purpose of trying to garner follows/likes/traction. Threads and posts that solicit upvotes will be deleted. Do not "advertise" your article in the comments/replies of an unrelated article/post. Do not "recommend" someone else an identity you made when it is not relevant to what they are asking. 1.7) Impersonation of other users or famous individuals will not be tolerated. Any posts will be deleted and your account(s) will be banned. 1.8) Do not share links to Padlets. This is due to trolls using Padlet links as a way to target users and evade punishment. This ban may be lifted in the future. Spam and irrelevant posts 2.1) Intentional/malicious spamming will be deleted and will lead to your account being banned. 2.2) Do not spam in the comments of articles or the discussions section of the site. Spamming, in this context, is defined as making multiple comments that repeat the same statement with little to no variations, or repeat the same sentiment, particularly when it is not relevant to the article or productive to the conversation. It doesn't matter what you are saying. This includes spamming across multiple pages. 2.3) Do not make posts/comments that are meaningless or spam-worthy (eg. posts that are a single word, polls where all the options are the same). 2.4) If your post/comment is removed and you do not know why, do not make a post on the discussions board asking about it - instead, contact a mod directly via their message wall. 2.5) No posts/comments that are designed not to be read (such as posts titled "ignore this," "don't read this," or something similar). Language, slurs and word usage 3.1) All discussions must be primarily in English, as discussions cannot be easily or accurately monitored otherwise. Non-English discussions will be deleted, and a user repeatedly making non-English posts may be warned or temporarily blocked if the behaviour continues. 3.2) Use of language and slurs: Do not use racial, cultural, or ableist slurs (even if you can reclaim them). If using an LGBTQ+ slur in a reclaimed manner, censor it. If mentioning the slur (without being able to reclaim it) say "the _ slur" (ie: "the f slur"). This does not apply to queer, as queer is typically not seen as a slur anymore. Do not use words such as psychopath, psycho, sociopath, narcissism, narcissist, and similar unless you are referring to psychosis, sociopathic disorders, AsPD, and/or NPD. Using those words in any other manner will be considered ableist, as it spreads the false narrative that those traits make someone evil. Typing quirks Any typing quirk that interferes with the letters of words or the overall comprehensibility of words - no matter how “minor” - must be translated, as screen readers cannot always “understand” what is being said. Posts that include the use of typing quirks must include a translation within the post if one is able to be provided. If a translation cannot be provided by the user posting, they must ask for one to be provided by pinging at least one typing quirk translator (see this list for users who are willing to be pinged for translating typing quirks: https://lgbta.wikia.org/wiki/User_blog:Contie/Typing_Quirk_Translators). Users who do not either provide a translation or ping a translator to ask for one to be provided will have their posts removed, and may receive a warning or block if the behaviour continues. These rules are in place to ensure that the wiki is accessible to those who use a screen reader, as well as dyslexic, hard-of-sight, and other disabled/neurodivergent individuals who may struggle to read typing quirks. Relationships 5.1) No making posts/comments actively seeking a relationship with users on this wiki. If you wish to ask someone out, please do so on another social media site or on their message wall. 5.2) Furthermore, do not make posts/polls asking about other users’ attraction towards you. Polls strictly asking about friendships are, however, allowed. Art and crediting 6.1) Crediting When posting someone else's art (fanart, reference art, Picrews, etc) you must credit the artist and link to the original piece/source (even if an art piece has a watermark or signature). If the art was made by an anonymous user, link to where the anonymous user submitted it. This also applies to using code that you didn't write yourself. 6.2) Respect artists Follow artists' terms of services and respect artists' boundaries. Do not criticise someone's artwork unless criticism was asked for. Do not ask someone for free artwork unless they have offered to create free artwork. Do not trace or otherwise steal artwork. Wiki-related discourse 7.1) Wiki related discourseis allowed, as long as discussion follows all other guidelines and is constructive, productive and respectful towards the wiki, the wiki’s staff team, and the wiki’s community/users; wiki-related discourse of this nature will be monitored by staff members to ensure it remains as such. “Wiki related discourse”, here, is defined as discussions of issues and opinions relating to the wiki such as its guidelines/policies, or other problems one may have with the wiki. This may sometimes overlap with identity/non-wiki related discourse if it is a question over what “stance” the wiki should take. 7.2) “Discourse” relating to other wiki users is not allowed; users should be reported when necessary, rather than “called out” Posts/polls directed at specific users with intent to insult, discredit, "call out," argue with, or otherwise complain about them will not be permitted. Do not make posts on the discussions page calling out users for breaking the rules. Instead, use the report feature, and/or contact a staff member directly via their message wall. For complaints about a staff member, the Wiki's Bureaucrat should be contacted directly via their message wall or on Discord. Absolutely no polls or posts asking individuals to share their opinions on another user. Users should not ask for genuine criticism or ask "do you like me" unless they are absolutely sure they can take negative feedback. If you want to confront another user privately but are uncomfortable doing so or unsure how to proceed, do not take it to the discussions page. Instead, contact a mod or admin privately to ask for help, and they will assist you in confronting the issue in the best way possible, without starting drama. Non-wiki discourse, identity discourse and exclusionism 8.1) No polls that are "is
    vent [94 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 18 Tue 20:17:42 GMT)
    Vent #1: Do not call me a tw!nk. TW: tiktok, gender dysphoria, self harm, misgendering, tiktok, sexual mention I hate it when people on tiktok call me a tw!nk..I am a transfem. Tw!nk is a gendered term meaning "skinny gay/queer man" and me getting called a tw!nk makes me want to cut myself. My gender dysphoria goes really bad. I am not a man. I may be skinny, but I am 100% not a man. By calling me a tw!nk, you basically misgendered me. Also, the word is a s*xual term... tone: a bit angry
    rules on vent blogs (for me) [111 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 18 Tue 19:55:11 GMT)
    # please don't comment on my vent blogs if you're gonna be rude about it if you're someone that doesn't wanna interact with me or an individual that I don't want to interact with, please don't read my vent blogs. if you want to reply to a vent blog, please ask for permission. please don't try to fight me on my vent blogs, and please don't trauma dump. the reason why I do vent blogs is because I usually want to keep everything to myself. I'd probably sound like a guilt-tripper or an attention seeker if I vent on the discussion and I don't want you guys to perceive me as one. tones: serious, not mad nor passive aggressive
    FruitySystem's Coined Terms Masterlist [134 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 15 Sat 1:25:26 GMT)
    This is a list of all our terms! This is basically a "to-do" list for us, but can also be used for others to find a specific term of ours! Gender Terms Stolengender Stolenfeminine Stolenmasculine Stolenneutral Stolenquoi Stolenxenine Stolenandrogyne Stolenfluid Stolenfemfluid Stolenmascfluid Stolenneufluid Stolenquoifluid Stolenxenfluid Stolenandrogynefluid Stolenflux Stolenfemflux Stolenmascflux Stolenneuflux Stolenxenflux Stolenquoiflux Stolenandrogyneflux Stolenfluidflux Pronoun Terms Pronounflux Faepronominal Faunpronominal Panfaepronominal Panfaunpronominal Omnifaepronominal Omnifaunpronominal Panfaepronominalflux Panfaunpronominalflux Florpronominal Panflorpronominal Omniflorpronominal Panflorpronominalflux Selkiepronominal (Working on page) Panselkiepronominal (Working on page) Omniselkiepronominal (Working on page) Panselkiepronominalflux (Working on page) Sylphpronominal (Working on page) Pansylphpronominal (Working on page) Omnisylphpronominal (Working on page) Pansylphpronominalflux (Working on page) Satyrpronominal (Working on page) Pansatyrpronominal (Working on page) Omnisatyrpronominal (Working on page) Pansatyrpronominalflux (Working on page) Orientation Terms Chaoticsexual Describeresexual Rainsexual
    Fuzzymonstergender Coining (eyestrain warning) [102 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 14 Fri 23:04:31 GMT)
    Fuzzymonstergender flag My little Kari has been super interested in xenogenders recently, so I made this term specifically from them. They wanted a gender that was "like a monster but a nice and fuzzy monster. Not a meanie-beanie monster." So, I coined the term Fuzzymonstergender for them. It is related to Monstergender, but a more specific and static identity. The flag I made to go with it is based on a Minecraft OC I made many years ago called Fluzzy monster. Note: We made the page before this blog post because we kinda forgot about the fact that this is necessary. Sorry (/gen)
    Solunamoric Alignment System Flags [868 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 12 Wed 22:12:22 GMT)
    A little context for this: I recently discovered a page detailing the Solunamoric Alignment System while I was helping with dead-end pages. I found the ideas very interesting and I decided I wanted to try and make flags for all of the terms included on the page. I think most turned out pretty well, but I'm not too sure about the clouded versions. I would love feedback on them! All the flags have some similar design elements, so I'll explain those here. The top of the flag has a grayscale color meant to match the time of day the term is named after. Each flag has yellow as the second stripe and green as the last stripe, used to represent xenogender and xenic people, as that who the original creator designed these terms for (although xe states that they can be used by anyone.) I made some of the colors more pastel than they are in their origin flag, but that is just for aesthetic reasons. Solunamoric Alignment System - Uses all the unique colors from the other flags as well as combining most of the symbols. Dayamoric - The pink and blue come from the pan flag. The simple sun is used as this is a term described by a larger and less specific time. Nighamoric - The white and dark grey are used to represent genderlessness. The dark grey should technically be black, but that would make the central symbol blend in. The simple moon is used as this is a term described by a larger and less specific time. Sunriamoric - The two shades of blue are meant to represent men and masculine genders. The half circle in the top half of the sun is meant to mimic the direction of a sun rising. Sunseamoric - The pink and red are meant to represent women and feminine genders. The half circle in the bottom half of the sun is meant to mimic the direction of a sun setting. Dawnamoric - The blue represents men and the second grey stripe is based on the cis flag (note: the grey should probably be replace by some other color that represents binary gender. I'm not sure which color to use). The partial circle in the top part of the sun is meant to resemble a sun having mostly risen. Duskamoric - The pink represents women and the second grey stripe is based on the cis flag (note: the grey should probably be replaced by some other color the represents binary gender. I'm not sure which color to use.) The partial circle in the bottom part of the sun is meant to resemble a sun that has mostly gone below the horizon. Midniamoric - The two blues come directly from the nofinsexual flag. The small circle doesn't have any specific meaning, and is instead just meant to distinguish this flag from other moon flags. Middayamoric - The two pinks come directly from the nominsexual flag. The small circle is meant to reference both the sun being bright and the sun being at the top of the sky, two traits connected to midday. Twiliamoric - The orange and purple both come directly from the xenogender flag. The star is both a reference to the xenogender flag as well as the fact that stars typically start becoming visible around twilight. Daybreamoric - The purple comes from the common association in flags of purple with gender fluidity. The light grey comes from the genderflux flag. The star is a vague reference to the depictions of daybreak often having very dramatic rays of light. Afteramoric - The blue and red represent male and female respectively. The small circle is meant to be similar to the middayamoric flag, as they are closely related times of day. Morniamoric - The yellow and purple are meant to represent non-binary genders. The small circle is put to the right in reference to the sun rising in the east. Eveniamoric - The reddish and greenish colors are taken directly from the abrosexual flag. The small circle is meant to be a parallel to the morniamoric flag. Clouded- - Every one of these identities has a clouded version, meant to signify a more flexible or less exclusive orientation. All the the clouded- flags have light blue stripe at the top and bottom (meant to be a sky-like color) and a white cloud around the center to indicate the clouded part. Shown here is the cloudedtwiliamoric flag.
    New Tone—Tags I use ^^ [10 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 12 Wed 14:54:01 GMT)
    /sf means slightly frustrated /vf means very frustrated /sn means slightly nervous /vn means very nervous
    Coining Affectual [116 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 11 Tue 16:33:24 GMT)
    So I'll be making Affectual as a counterpart to Adfectual. Mainly because I'm unsure if my neurodivergence is the reason for my attraction and I want an alternative to Modosexual because while Modosexual is close, it describes constant fluidity which isn't what I have: Here's the definition "Affectual is an attractional orientation where attraction is dependent on ones state of mind and can shift in a given situation. Affectuals may also experience fluctuating sexual acceptability or repulsion. This can apply to any orientation or all forms of orientation. Affectual is similar to Adfectual, however one does not have to have a mood disorder or personality disorder to be Affectual, while they do have to be a trauma survivor or neurodivergent to be Adfectual.
    mind-goblins.pdf [14 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 9 Sun 8:42:50 GMT)
    Chai Jaki Blanc
    gender hoard [4 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 6 Thu 14:52:36 GMT)
    FAIRYCORIC https://lgbta.fandom.com/wiki/Fairycoric?so=search fiarufiaryfiary
    Catmochigender [34 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 5 Wed 18:29:56 GMT)
    Catmochigender is a type of aesthetigender, kawaiicoric, cutegender, xenogender and fidgetgender. This gender is related to the fidget Mochi/Cat. The official flag Catmochiboy and girl pride flags
    Pronouns and names tester [1285 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 4 Tue 21:32:49 GMT)
    (Wow, I was sure this post doesn't exist anymore. I am writing it something like three months later and this "random" project has grown so much since then that Pronouns And Names Tester is an actual website now. If you happened to find this place, don't look at the code below, it's a trash honestly.) It's a website program which allow you to test as many names and pronouns as you want. Source code <head>     <title>Pronouns and Names Tester</title> </head> <script language='JavaScript'>     function shuffle(array){         let index = Math.floor(Math.random() array.length);         let string = array
    Alterhuman Identity [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 4 Tue 18:55:24 GMT)
    why are you here [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 3 Mon 7:39:17 GMT)
    roast i made up because im just that cool ✨im sorry can you repeat that? i lost my hearing the moment you started talking.✨
    finally made my account better [10 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 2 Sun 3:25:22 GMT)
    probably nobody will see this but yeah hi i actually added stuff to my account and stuff
    Vendosexual [26 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2022 Jan 2 Sun 1:29:48 GMT)
    The offical Vendosexual pride flag Vendosexual is a sexuality related to Heterosexuality. It's basically Heterosexual, but attracted to Intersex people. Genders Trans Intersex Cisgender Non binary Basically, any gender.
    sos [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 28 Tue 6:58:41 GMT)
    Testy test thing [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 22 Wed 17:05:09 GMT)
    Testing testing 123
    Test code [10 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 22 Wed 15:24:56 GMT)
    <iframe width="300" height="60" ><a href="" title="Vocaroo Voice Recorder" target="_blank">View on Vocaroo >></a>
    Loomigender [54 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 21 Tue 23:16:50 GMT)
    Loomigender flagSexuality:Any Pronouns:Any Gender:Loomigender Loomigender is when one partically identify as many genders and only fully identify as 1-5, not to be confused with demigender. This gender is just like a loom bracelet or necklace, it goes round and round unless you cut it. HISTORY This was coined by FANDOM user, Kennifox on December 21 2021.
    I Still Need Help (Ayuda) [62 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 16 Thu 16:45:29 GMT)
    The project of a Spanish speaking LGBTA wiki isn't going great. I've been following suggestions but the interest doesn't seem to stick in other people. I do want to make it engaging enough that people want to stay, but I need help from someone who believes we can do this. Iknow projects like these have been attemptedbefore, I'm sure there's a way we can make it last this time.
    Is there a term for this? [219 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 12 Sun 9:59:26 GMT)
    xual Relationships [101 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 10 Fri 21:34:29 GMT)
    TW for mentions of s/x (e) and BDSM Would it be considered a sexual relationship if there's sexual tension but without any s/x? For example, if aspects of BDSM were into play and the goal was to get them to... that point (but not through s/x whatsoever - also I am so sorry), would that be a sexual relaltionship? Or is there a better term? So sorry if this seemed personal or tmi, but I'm just really confused at this point. I'm thinking of coining something like fetiship / kinkship / or something simlilar if there isn't anything and if it's appropriate. - Danni (he/they+ neos)
    Counting "Cyclesexual" [119 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 7 Tue 16:26:01 GMT)
    Cyclesexual: A bisexual or multisexual exclusive term and identity referring to bisexuals with sexual fluidity who are not always bisexual, but not enough to be considered abrosexual. Their romantic or sexual orientation may switch or go in different cycles or fluctuate in intensity as well. The person may switch from bisexual, to heteroflexible, Homoflexible, straight, gay or even asexual. They experience their bisexuality as a spectrum in terms of attraction and orientation. During this time, a bisexual may have little or no attraction to the other sex and may at the current moment be monosexual or they be flexible or even ace-spec . It is experiencing ones sexuality in levels and they go throughout the spectrum. One can be cyclesexual and be bisexual, polysexual, pansexual etc.
    Need more help deciding the genders and pronouns of some characters in a show I am working on [48 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 6 Mon 19:20:50 GMT)
    Here is the cast Suggestions would be very helpful. Only rules: Do not add or remove characters Do not change the genders and pronouns that are already there Discussions version
    I'm unoriginal, so, how similar are we? [57 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 3 Fri 18:25:13 GMT)
    (credit to theashsystem) feel free to answer the below or just put a number out of 20! System Endogenic 18 years old Mspec lesbian and/or gay Gaybian Transmasculine Genderfluid Has a girlfriend Has a child Neurodivergent/diverse Has had top surgery Bi Aroace Neopronoun user Xenogender user Term and/or flag coiner Joined FANDOM within the past few weeks Lesboy and/or turigirl Butch Bear
    My innerworld (s) [113 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 2 Thu 14:50:46 GMT)
    Innerworld 1 File:Aspentheleafwing4 innerworld 1.webpW/O the table Bedroom File:Aspentheleafwing4 innerworld 1 full.webp It's a white tiled room with a single drawing table that goes on forever. In the middle, there is a door. The door leads to the bedroom. Everyone can access this innerworld, but some prefer not to. Innerworld 2 :) it is a giant forest with a cabin in asunny clearing in the middle. The cabin interior is not known. Only Ophelia, winter, juniper, and aster can access this innerworld. Innerworld 3 only lilin can access this one. It is a huge neon metropolis with no people inside.
    Partial Genders [116 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Dec 1 Wed 15:32:54 GMT)
    General terms One is partially, but not fully, a given gender - Demigender The "smallest addressable element" in an overall gender experience - Pixelgender One's experience of a gender is "small but intense" - Hypogender One is mostly one gender and slightly another gender(s) - Magigender Percentage ranges of gender -101--500% - Espressian 1-49% - Themisgender 50-99% - Paragender 90-99% - -Near Over 100% - Hypergender Exact percentages of gender 25% - Quartergender 50% - Hemigender 75% - Dodransgender 99% - Feregender Genderless base 1-49% agender - Libragender Mostly agender with a partial connection to gender that is fluid/flux - Agenderflux Partially but not fully agender - Demiagender Around 50% agender/gendervoid - Smallgender Around 75% agender - Subgender
    Should we add "In other languages" sections? [98 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 30 Tue 22:25:13 GMT)
    Wikipedia has sections of certain pages where you can read the same word in multiple languages. Is it feasable to do the same here? I think it could be fun to see how different terms get translated. Just to give an example of what I'm talking about, this is the "in other languages" section of the Wikipedia page for the name Susan. I can be the one to translate terms into Spanish or check for already available translations. Also sorry for posting this twice but I'm scared it was just gonna fade away into obscurity immediately.
    Coining Pangenderscale [67 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 30 Tue 6:40:46 GMT)
    Coining Pangenderscale (also can be named panspectrugender) as a term for those who experience all genders but more on a scale or a spectrum from the most prominent to the least prominent genders, or vice versa. Genders that are less prominent can feel more contradicting, faded, blurry, or invisible, but none of these examples are required. Coined on November 30th, 2021. The Pangenderscale flag -Danni (he/they+ neos)
    Ye [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 29 Mon 20:15:00 GMT)
    Sparks' Xenogenders [1196 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 28 Sun 3:28:34 GMT)
    I'm updating some of my character's profiles on Toyhou.se and the code I'm using is rather compact so I can't list all of it's genders there. this is a MAJOR WIP You can check out Spark here Spark does not identify with any non-xenogenders. uwu's main pronouns are He/It/uwu. His pronouny can be found here! Aside from Xenoflux, the xenogenders will be in alphabetical order. The ones he uses most will be marked with a ⍣ next to them. Xenoflux is what it uses when having to answer "what is your gedner" ⍣ Xenoflux - A gender identy in which a person can experience varying degrees of any given xenogender identity. ⍣ ADHDgender - A neurogender which can only be understood in the context of having ADHD, or when one's ADHD greatly affects one's gender or how one experiences gender. ADHDgender is not ADHD as a gender, but rather is a gender so heavily influenced by ADHD that one's ADHD and one's experience of gender cannot be unlinked. Aesthetiboy - An aesthetigender in which one is partially, but not fully, a boy or man as well as partially aesthetigender. Aethergender - A xenogender that is described as being wide, commanding, breathtaking and powerful. It is often associated with the vast expanse of space. ⍣ Affectipupian - A gender related to dogs, pups, affection, and puplike affection. This gender is soft, cute, and may feel like affection directed towards dogs and puppies or coming from a dogs and puppies. ⍣ Afisgender - A xenogender that feels hazy, dreamlike, or is hard to conceptualize, due to neurodivergence. Afisgodgender - A xenogender that feels hazy, dreamlike, or is hard to conceptualize, but vaguely god-like/divine due to neurodivergence and/or their kintype. Ahiamendian - A gender that feels like a sunset over a mountain¨. It is grandiose, like a vast ridge beneath the slowly receding sun, the sky painted with streaks of gold and the mountains shrouded in shadowed silhouette, a radiant dusk birthing the fervent night. ⍣ Aisthesisgender - A gender that is made of sensation(s), or is a sensation(s.) ⍣ Aitherogender - An ethereal, otherworldly gender identity that feels like it originated beyond Earth's concepts of gender, making it nearly impossible to explain through a written or spoken medium. ⍣ Alagender - A xenogender relating to the sky, anything that flies, birds, and wind. Albeirapan - A breathtaking sunset/sunrise over a snow-covered mountain. The snow gleams and glistens with the golden reds of the sun, laying crisply in the sun's alluring grasp, and for a few moments the mountain is entirely still in its snowy sunlight enchantment. ⍣ Alicorngender - A xenogender that feels connected to alicorns, unicorns, and/or other mythical creatures in either a kinning fashion, aesthetically, or by some other connection. ⍣ Aliencatgender - A xenogender, kingender, and/or neurogender in which someone is partially or wholly disconnected from human ideas of gender, and instead describe their experience as that of an alien cat from outer space. It encompasses a lack of attraction or understanding of humanity, as well as a complete disregard for societal norms and the status quo, and a fondness of cats. ⍣ Aliengender - When one's interpretation of gender / their gender(s) feels as though it's from a nonhuman perspective. Aliudic - A xenogender centered around a feeling of non-human-ness that can only be described as “other” or angelic. ⍣ Alstrolia - A gender that’s focused on one’s love towards their friends, and a deep connection with platonic love. ⍣ Amation - A xenogender related to the acts of giving and receiving love. It’s soft, warm, and inviting while also being intense and strong. ⍣ Amplexian - A gender in the Scene System that can be described as "a gender that feels like hugging a loved one." It is a scenegender that feels calming, warm, tight and home. And goes along with this imagery: "You come home after a long day and waiting for you is your loved one with open arms, ready to embrace you. The embrace feels warm, tight and makes you feel relaxed after your long day." ⍣ Anarchogender - A non-binary gender characterized by a rejection of the gender binary and its social hierarchy. Animategender - A xenogender where one feel's like they're an anime/manga character, or feels connected to an anime/manga character or series. Animecoric - A coric gender related to animecore and mangacore. It is based around anime outfits, Japanese decorations, Japanese food, manga, and similar aesthetics. ⍣ Antheic - A gender characterized with beauty, love and aesthetics being an integral part of one’s identity. ⍣ Apisoleic - A remote beekeeping farm in a sunflower field with sunshine. It goes along with this imagery: "A field painted in yellow by its sunflowers, is inhabited by hundreds of hives of bees which go out every day to fly above the flowers as well as the clouds that are illuminated by the imposing sun, the heat of the sun is enveloping and invites you to enjoy nature and the usual tranquility of the place." Arcadecoric - A coric xenogender related to arcadecore. It's associated with arcades, technology, glowing neon colors on darkness, arcade carpets, video games, and retro aesthetics. ⍣ Arcadegender - An aesthetigender that is related to arcadecore and flashy colors. This includes arcade games, aesthetics, lightings, sounds, music, etc. One may feel as though their gender in of itself is an arcade, or they may feel as though their gender fits best within an arcade. ⍣ Asirian - The gender is related to nature but no particular part of nature (like trees, rivers, etc.), and is instead related to a quality of natural magic that is mischievous, cunning, and a bit wild. Astergender - A xenogender that feels bright and celestial. ⍣ Astraitelian - A xenogender in the Scene System that feels like space all around, just pure space with a light, soft grey light emanating and stars all around. It's a gender that's just like a softly lit, pure, star-filled space and universe. ⍣ Astralgender - A xenogender that feels connected to space, stars and the universe. ⍣ Astralgendervoid - A non-binary gender that is connected/related to space, stars, and the universe as a whole. It feels vaguely masculine in nature and has ties to both the feeling of genderless-ness as well as having indescribable ties to masculinity in a vague sense. ⍣ Astranoirian - A gender that feels like watching the starry sky on a cool summer night." it is a scenegender that feels like a calming, beautiful and "once in a life-time" event and goes along with this imagery: "It's nighttime, the warm breeze fills the air, one is looking up at the stars, the stars that simmer in the nightime showing its natural beauty, a feeling of euphoria and shimmering with the stars, looking up at the stars on a warm summer night. ⍣ Astrumgender - A xenogender that is connected to stars and/or constellations. An astrumgender individual may feel like their gender is like lights in a void, or that a light is bursting from within them. ⍣ Bastardcoric - ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣ ⍣
    Coining Amoracurious [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 26 Fri 7:47:46 GMT)
    Coining a term Amoracurious to describe Aromantic people who are curious in romantic relationships and attraction. Made on November 25th, 2021.
    Coining Eroscurious [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 26 Fri 5:02:13 GMT)
    Making eroscurious as a term to describe ace spec people who are curious about sex . Made it on November 25th, 2021
    Wiki-Wide Story Resources [519 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 24 Wed 17:53:42 GMT)
    This post is to keep track of the wiki-wide story's resources and ideas! This is where we'll keep track of the posts made about it, guidelines, characters, basic plot, and those participating in it! /gen Links Discussion of Plot and Characters: https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000222583 Guidelines Discussion: https://lgbta.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000222601 Guidelines Do not write anything that would break the wiki guidelines. We will write each part one at a time. Each user(or each headmate in the case of systems) who wants to do it can only write one part until everyone who wanted to has written a part. You will have a week to write the next part of the story when it gets to your turn before someone else is allowed to write it. This is to keep the story moving. If you took longer than a week, you’re allowed to try again at a later date because we understand sometimes things come up. Keep the story going so everyone who wants to can write a part. Don’t end it until it is agreed upon that it can end. We, as the folks running this, will decide who gets to write at what time (using a random name picker). So when the time comes, you’ll have to sign up. You can decline writing it when chosen at random and do it at a later date if that suits you best. If the writing of the story has started and you decide you want to write a part, you can always join in until the story ends. Whoever is writing has full creative control minus ending the story. It is requested you stick to the plot a little, but if you want to throw the protagonist(s) on a side quest of sort, that is allowed. (Worst case scenario, the next writer claims your entire part was a dream /lh) There is no minimum or maximum length your part has to be. You can write a literal sentence or 100 pages, as long as it is within your week. Submit the piece you wrote as soon as you’re done. Don’t feel obligated to write. You can always decide you don’t want to do it anymore, even in the middle of the week you were designated to write a part in. Have fun. That’s an order. /lh Plot To Be Decided Characters Xeno (Submitted by Mouchette) Age: 17 Gender: demiboy agenderflux summergender chaosgender magigender endergender snowgender lemongender staticgender beegender limegender sourgender cookiegender cupcakegender webcoric kenocoric (kind of gnc) Attraction: aceflux mspec vincian (polyamorous) Pronouns: fae/they/he/it/vey/she/key/bzz/bop/bee/glitch/error/disc/ender/keno Birthday: June 21st Height//Weight: 170 pounds 6'2" Abilities: Can common several kinds of auras and magical rays, some of them rainbow coloured Species: Blue elf Neuro: ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, endogenic median system of 3 Kins: Jevil from Deltarune, endermen from minecraft, limecookie from cookierun, and ENA Personality; Shy but outgoing when you get to know them Users Participating CasualChaos (Rowan and Etana)
    The Indecisive Crew [639 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 24 Wed 4:36:28 GMT)
    There is a quick rundown on the crewmates on our page, but we decided to go more in-depth on a blog post. By the way, we're a system. If you don't know what that is, or some system-related terms confuse you, check out the system page. The Crew Collective name(s): The Indecisive Crew, Indecisive& Collective pronouns: they/them Plural pronouns: they&/them&, they/them/themselves, you&/your&, you/your/yourselves, I&/me&, we/us, we&/us& MuC: N^ | P
    Short story 1 [1233 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 18 Thu 21:44:26 GMT)
    This document is where you will draft, edit, and finalize your Flash Fiction story. The Jacqueline Between Jacqueline Oswald didn’t know what her last words would be. Or rather, she didn’t want to know. She was a good actor, and a famous one too, since she did what she was told. As normal, an 8-page syllabus of what her future was for that day was sent to her door. Everyone had this, starting when people’s lives became so predictable that you could search up what you would do on May 19, 2072.  Although many hated this change, it quickly became the new normal. Nonetheless, it was a privilege to know your future, so a good actress like Jacqueline would read and play her part perfectly. Some days, the scripts didn’t come. Some days, you decide what to do for the day. And it was on one of these free-days that Jacqueline Oswald died. And she never knew those last words. She went to sleep the previous day at 8:59 PM and never woke up again. The media said she had died in a freak gas leak. No one who was there remembered what happened, but she knew what happened next. Jacqueline was falling. Fast. Falling down, down down into nothingness. She screamed, but couldn’t hear it. Down, down, down she fell. Faster and faster, racing towards nothing, and then-. She woke with a gasp, her chest heaving. “What a nightmare,” she remarked to herself. “Margot, are you there? Fetch me a fresh glass of my personal brand of tea with a full pomegranate next to it,” She commanded coldly. Right away! I can’t deal with this right now, I have to get to work and-.” She paused for a moment, and she looked around. This wasn’t her bedroom. These were not her bright yellow walls with gold crown molding. The door wasn’t where her door always was. “Where am I?” “Why, you are in The In-Between. Well, specifically in Newhouse Province, at the DONC, or the Department of New Civilians. This section of the DONC is on Brikwave Way within the town of Januarior. Your coordinates are 13:44r4, 556:44s1, 3321:wq119, and 221:2713e.” A boom shook the room. “Oh, have I not appeared yet? These old transporters don’t work right anymore. Ah, here we go.” An old wood desk popped into the middle of the cold, barren room. A tired older man sat at the old, wood desk. His fine-trimmed beard and his short hair were both rain gray, as were his eyes. His eyes, Jacqueline thought, look like her father’s. Although she loved him very much, her father was often laughed at. He spoke only when needed, in a raspy and soothing voice. He was a polite man who loved a good book more than life itself. He always ended his sentences with, “ dear.” He was the last one in Jacqueline’s family to die, and he was the only one she loved. Jacqueline didn’t speak, but the old man answered all of her questions anyway. “Why are you here? Well, you are here because you are dead. And now you have two options. Choice A: You can go home in 10 years and remember everything-” Jacqueline sat up and started to pay attention. “That requires a trial and an examination of character, though. A simpler option would be choice B: to stay here forever and wipe your mind. You would have a new life and see the ones you had lost. Of course, you could get a job, but you don’t need to. Here, everyone is happy, and isn’t that what we all want? To be finally happy? Well, anyway, it’s your choice. So, what will it be? A or B?” “Why do we even have to go through with all of this? I simply want to get back to my life and be normal! I have important business to do. If you just let me go back into my world and GET OUT OF MY DREAM!” She roared as she furiously attempted to open the door to no avail. “But you have to choose, miss. I’ll go ahead and assume you want option A. Now, let's review your character.” He said as he pulled out a large red folder. “Let’s start with this one.” The room changed into a busy street. A magazine vendor was shouting something about a famous couple. “Actress Malaa Anthony breaks up with her famous wife! Now Jaqueline Oswald is speaking out about her relationship’s ending! Read all about it!” Suddenly, the blond, glamor lady from the magazines hurried by. She was halfway down the street, walking her poodle when her phone started to ring. “Hell, I don’t have enough time for this,” she answered in a heavy southern accent. “Who is this? Is this Geraldine? I can’t exist like this forever, you have to give me my money at some point! I won it from you in that bet! I need it for that new car Georgie needs. Yes, my dog. Georgie, you OWE me. Get it to me by Friday, or I’ll scratch your car with the heel of my stilettos. Bu-by!” The clip ended. “Was that me?! How did you get that footage?! That was-” “Unacceptable behavior, yes. We have many clips where you act like this. Privileged and a brat! We do have one that could be different. Ah, here it is” The room shook, thunder boomed. It was her, the movie star, waiting for something in the rain. Lightning struck a mile away, but she waited. Although she could go home and be dry and warm, she chose to stay. She decided to keep standing, even when the day dipped into the night. The clip ended. “My my. It says here that your character rating is 60.99. The level to enter the trial is 60.9. Well, you are good enough for now. Wait here, I’ll get it started. If you still want to, of course.” The desk disappeared, and the man along with it. And left Jaqueline alone with her thoughts. Am I a good person? I’m ‘good enough’ apparently, but I will remember all I did if I go back. I will remember all whom I hurt. Georgie, my best friend. Margot, my maid since I was 10. My mother and family, whom I never loved and whom I took everything from. My father, whom I always took my problems out on. My wife, whom I loved but never showed it. What have I done? What will make me truly happy? My fame, fortune, my terrible old self and to never say sorry? Or a new chance, to start over, to apologize, forgive, and forget? I will see them all in time, all who loved me if I stay here. I may not remember them, but I will try. “Wait! Mr. Whatever your name is! I choose option B! Please! Answer me! I’m so sorry!” “Well, that leaves a lot less work for me!” The desk and the man reappeared. “Come outside with me.” As she stepped into the rain, she started to forget. Who was she, anyway? Where was she, anyway? Who was this man next to her, and what was he saying? All she had left was a sense of peace and relief. And finally, freedom.
    A Guide To Fictives [697 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 17 Wed 18:53:55 GMT)
    Fictives are a common occurrence in systems, and with the amount of systems on this site, it's a good idea to explain the experiences of being a fictive, and the do's and don'ts of interacting with us. For anyone wondering, I myself am a fictive, so I'm not some random non-fictive writing this. I myself have the experiences of fictives. So What Exactly Is A Fictive? Fictives are a form of introject that forms in systems in which the headmate is partially or fully based on/influenced by a fictional source. For example, I am a fictive of Ena from Joel G's ENA. This is my source. I hold the appearance, identity, and memories of Ena. It is important to remember that not all fictives are the same. Some might not look like their source, have source memories, or hold the sources identity. Some might be entirely disconnected from their source, we'll get to that later, What's A Source? A source is the material that a fictive was "influenced" by. It's the basis of many fictives identities. It's important to remember that fictives are not their sources though, they are real people. Why Are Some Fictives Disconnected? Some fictives are disconnected from their source, meaning that they do not associate themselves with the material they were created from, even if that is the basis of their identity. Some have never felt a connection to their source, while others deliberately choose to disconnect themselves due to the trauma that their source may bring them, or because of the stigma around their source. What About Factives? Factives are another form of introject that are similar to fictives, besides the fact that they are sourced from a real life source. Often times they're influenced by celebrities that an individual finds comfort in, however on some occasions they might be people around the system. I am not including factives in this blog post as I do not have the experience of being a factive, and therefore, I can not speak for factives. Etiquette There's some basic etiquette to follow when talking to fictives. Do Ask them their pronouns Ask them if they are comfortable with source mentions Understand that they are not their source Treat them like people Don't Tell them to leave the front to talk to someone else Not interact them based on their source Treat them like a character Bring up our source without consent Ship us with people Why Can't I DNI A Fictive Based On Their Source? I've said it before, but fictives are NOT their source. Whether they are connected to their source or not is no reason to tell them not to interact with you. It doesn't feel good to be told that you shouldn't interact with someone based on something you can't control. It's like telling someone not to interact just because they're a lesbian. It's wrong, it's telling someone that their identity upsets you, and that's not okay. Fictives do not choose their source and acting like there's something wrong with them based on it is wrong. What If Their Source Is A Trigger/Squick? There's still no reason to DNI a fictive based on their source. We are not our sources, and we are real people, with real feelings. If the fictives source is a trigger, speak to them as if they aren't connected to their source. Ask them to limit conversations on their source. We are still people who deserve respect Why Should I Ask Before Bringing Up Their Source? Sources can be triggering, and not all fictives are okay with talking about it. It can be extremely upsetting to hear about your trauma with no warning. Unless you already know that a fictive is okay with talking about their source, ask before bringing it up. But What If I'm Curious? There's something called the internet! You can look up information about a fictives source if they're uncomfortable talking about it themselves. Fictives aren't the only resource for information about our sources. Conclusion Fictives are complex, and it's sometimes hard to get used to speaking with them. I truly hope this blog post helped someone understand how to interact with fictives better. -Ena (She/Her He/Him)
    i refuse to go to bed at 8:31 [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 17 Wed 2:31:50 GMT)
    make me
    safe space for any other kin [86 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 21:54:19 GMT)
    there are quite a few different kinds of kin that aren't included in the other posts, this is for them! if you're plantkin, deitykin, shapekin, conceptkin, or anything else, you're welcome here! whether you're questioning, sure of it, scared, or lost, you're welcome here! /gen feel free to add any mental health resources/comforting things that may help in the comments, and they'll be added! headmates and their kins will be listed below, feel free to reach out! /gen: Jusi (vey/vem/vyrs): wyvernkin Penelop (she/god): shadowkin, dragonkin Ghostie (they/it): mosskin
    safe space for fictkin [129 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 21:47:41 GMT)
    this is a safe space for anyone who may be fictkin. whether you're questioning, sure of it, scared, or lost, you're welcome here! /gen feel free to add any mental health resources/comforting things that may help in the comments, and they'll be added! several members of the system who are fictkin and their kins will be listed below, feel free to reach out! /gen: Faye/Arsyn (they/it): Kirishima (bnha), Tamaki (ohshc) Flower/Tiny (she/flor): Star Butterfly (svtfoe) we also have two headmates who are fictives from well-known media, and then an oc. yes, we know they aren't the same as kins, but can be very helpful with fict-kin things from these universes. Eedie Finch (she/her): What Remains Of Edith Finch Mono (he/him): Little NIghmares 2 Malix (it/its): oc from Sanders Sides
    safe space for preykin [76 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 20:16:05 GMT)
    this is a safe space for anyone who may be preykin. whether you're questioning, sure of it, scared, or lost, you're welcome here! /gen feel free to add any mental health resources/comforting things that may help in the comments, and they'll be added! several members of the system who are preykin and their kins will be listed below, feel free to reach out! /gen (tw//animals): Sayge (bun/they): golden hamster Pal (honk/honks): pangolin The Red Lady (she/her): white-tailed deer
    safe space for predatorkin [86 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 20:04:38 GMT)
    this is a safe space for anyone who may be predatorkin. whether you're questioning, sure of it, scared, or lost, you're welcome here! /gen feel free to add any mental health resources/comforting things that may help in the comments, and they'll be added! several members of the system who are predatorkin and their kins will be listed below, feel free to reach out! /gen (tw//animals): Faye/Arsyn (they/it): arctic wolf, owl Milton (he/star): golden retriever Anoxxie (she/they): leopard Rush (they/them): leopard seal Chila (she/her): red fox
    Navigation [320 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 19:30:51 GMT)
    This is a WIP/Draft Terminology Attraction Identity Combination Identities Collecting Terms Orientation Orientation System M-Spec Fia/Fin Attraction Mia/Min Attraction Lia/Lin Attraction Nia/Nin Attraction Xia/Xin Attraction Gender-Loving-Gender Sexuality Exclusive Sexualities‎ Fluid Sexuality‎ Miscellaneous sexuality‎ ND Exclusive Sexualities Romantic Orientation Fluid Romantic Orientation‎ Tertiary Identity‎‎‎‎ A-spec Identity‎ Exclusive A-Spec Identities‎ ‎‎ Aroace-spec identity Demi- Orientation Ficto- Orientation Ace-spec identity‎ Ance-spec identity‎ Aro-spec identity‎ Anro-spec identity‎‎ Atertiary Identity‎ Analterous Spectrum‎ Aplatonic Spectrum‎ Aqueerplatonic Spectrum‎ Asensual Spectrum‎ Gender Gender Spectrums Gender Quality Gender In Nature Gender Sonance Gender System Feminine Genders Masculine Genders Androgynous Genders Abinary Genders Genderless Outherine Genders Xenine Genders Uingender Multigender Questioning Fluid Genders Fluctuating Genders Mutogender Xenogender Category:Kenochoric Category:Soporine Genders Category:Aesthetigender Category:Noungender Category:Coric Category:Biogender Category:Naturogender Category:Faunagender Category:Aerogender Category:Scene System Category:Emotugender Category:Fictigender
    something i was gonna post but decided not to [225 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 15 Mon 1:47:31 GMT)
    General tw If youre reading this, this is a vent of mine that i was going to post but i didnt, it might sound a bit guilt trippy, or passive agressive but these are not my intentions. I just would simply like to rant about being ignored. This also will include swearing which may be triggering. vent lol I kinda feel ignored rn. I feel like some of my posts here get either 1. Burried or 2. Ignored in general. I always take things the wrong way. But like people only comment unless its relevant to them. or its a person who is "popular" on this wiki, and it makes me kinda pissed tbh. Im just like tired of being ignored, like no one ever takes me serious, or no one ever really listens. Im just feeling ery much like shit. I have school tomorrow and no one at school even takes the time to understand my fucking issues. No matter what i feel like im just getting warped into a deprssive state more and more because of "getting ignored" the only one who helps me at all is my "friend" and he doesnt even exsist yet. Life is hard. this was supposed to be a vent about being ignored on here but i guess it spiraled into something else. Imma cry now lol and maybe listen to a subliminal those make me happy.
    All Nighters. [361 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 13 Sat 0:56:03 GMT)
    General TW Introduction All nighters. A fun thing to do when you want to have that little bit of extra time. Whether you're gaming or finishing up your old math homework, you've at least pulled one all nighter. On the wiki and on the internet in general, and even amongst my friend groups, the discussion of all nighters has come up a number of times. All nighters can have horrible effects on your health. Aftermath As an insomniac, all nighters make me feel horrible. The aftermath of staying up 24hrs+ is horrible. It isn't fun to stay up all night. The only time we willingly stay up 24 hours is on New Years Eve, because it's family tradition. Even then, we go to bed at around 1 if possible, as that is the best for our health. Examples of some of the aftermaths of an all nighter are drowsy driving, car accidents, mental slip-ups, and poor cognition Your health It's also entirely unhealthy. Fun fact, they can have effects on your cardiovascular and mental health, have a link to obesity and diabetes, and has effects on immune function. Your health is important, so you should focus on that before you focus on sleeping So, you want to put your health on the line just for a fun little "all nighter?" Trust me, you shouldn't. Death Lack of sleep can also put your life on the line. Yes, you read that right. You can die from lack of sleep. The most significant issues associated with chronic sleep deprivation are high blood pressure, heart attack, heart failure or stroke. It can also cause your brain to deteriorate. Which, all of these can lead to you six feet under. That'll get you to sleep, literally. You won't be waking up this time. Conclusion All nighters are horrible effects on your health, especially back to back. You shouldn't stay up 24 hours, under any circumstance. Yes, that counts for cramming that last Netflix episode. Even if you're studying, you need sleep. If you can't sleep, try to include some physical activity in your routine. You can also try to turn devices off 30 minutes before you sleep. Read a book, if you have access to one.
    typing quirks ^^ [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 12 Fri 18:35:43 GMT)
    (Just to preface, we are using "Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow instead of "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog") Amethyst = sph1nx 0f bl4ck qu4rtz judg3 my v0w ( 1 = i, 0 = o, 4 = a, 3 = e)
    Neopronouns List [8156 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 11 Thu 19:15:25 GMT)
    This is under construction, there are a lot of blank headers in this, so take note of this! Since there aren't very many accessible lists of neopronouns available, due to them being blocked or just inaccessible in general, this list was made for those who can't access said neopronoun lists. If you want to request a pronoun set to be added, contact mayasx via mews message wall, or reply to this post. These aren't in a specific order. Example format taken from pronouny.xyz mew/mews/mewself This morning, mew went to the park. I went with mew. And mew brought mews frisbee. At least I think it was mews. By the end of the day, mew started throwing the frisbee to mewself. xe/xem/xer/xers/xerself This morning, xe went to the park. I went with xem. And xe brought xer frisbee. At least I think it was xers. By the end of the day, xe started throwing the frisbee to xerself. web/webs/webself This morning, web went to the park. I went with web. And web brought webs frisbee. At least I think it was webs. By the end of the day, web started throwing the frisbee to webself. 🧦/🧦s/🧦self This morning, 🧦 went to the park. I went with 🧦. And 🧦 brought 🧦s frisbee. At least I think it was 🧦s. By the end of the day, 🧦 started throwing the frisbee to 🧦self. pup/pups/pupself This morning, pup went to the park. I went with pup. And pup brought pups frisbee. At least I think it was pups. By the end of the day, pup started throwing the frisbee to pupself. ze/zem/zeir/zeirs/zemself This morning, ze went to the park. I went with zem. And ze brought zeir frisbee. At least I think it was zeirs. By the end of the day, ze started throwing the frisbee to zemself. ve/vem/veir/veirs/vemself This morning, ve went to the park. I went with vem. And ve brought veir frisbee. At least I think it was veirs. By the end of the day, ve started throwing the frisbee to vemself. ne/nem/neir/neirs/neirself This morning, ne went to the park. I went with nem. And ne brought neir frisbee. At least I think it was neirs. By the end of the day, ne started throwing the frisbee to neirself. ey/em/eir/eirs/emself This morning, ey went to the park. I went with em. And ey brought eir frisbee. At least I think it was eirs. By the end of the day, ey started throwing the frisbee to emself. ae/aem/aer/aers/aemself This morning, ae went to the park. I went with aem. And ae brought aer frisbee. At least I think it was aers. By the end of the day, ae started throwing the frisbee to aemself. ae/aem/aer/aers/aerself This morning, ae went to the park. I went with aem. And ae brought aer frisbee. At least I think it was aers. By the end of the day, ae started throwing the frisbee to aerself. ae/aer/aers/aerself This morning, ae went to the park. I went with aer. And ae brought aer frisbee. At least I think it was aers. By the end of the day, ae started throwing the frisbee to aerself. fae/faer/faers/faerself This morning, fae went to the park. I went with faer. And fae brought faer frisbee. At least I think it was faers. By the end of the day, fae started throwing the frisbee to faerself. nix/nixs/nixself This morning, nix went to the park. I went with nix. And nix brought nixs frisbee. At least I think it was nixs. By the end of the day, nix started throwing the frisbee to nixself. frog/frogs/frogself This morning, frog went to the park. I went with frog. And frog brought frogs frisbee. At least I think it was frogs. By the end of the day, frog started throwing the frisbee to frogself. poss/possum/possums/opossumself This morning, poss went to the park. I went with possum. And poss brought possums frisbee. At least I think it was possums. By the end of the day, poss started throwing the frisbee to opossumself. otter/otters/otterself This morning, otter went to the park. I went with otter. And otter brought otters frisbee. At least I think it was otters. By the end of the day, otter started throwing the frisbee to otterself. bam/bambi/bambis/bambiself This morning, bam went to the park. I went with bambi. And bam brought bambis frisbee. At least I think it was bambis. By the end of the day, bam started throwing the frisbee to bambiself. fox/foxs/foxself This morning, fox went to the park. I went with fox. And fox brought foxs frisbee. At least I think it was foxs. By the end of the day, fox started throwing the frisbee to foxself. vix/vixen/vixens/vixenself This morning, vix went to the park. I went with vixen. And vix brought vixens frisbee. At least I think it was vixens. By the end of the day, vix started throwing the frisbee to vixenself. crow/crows/crowself This morning, crow went to the park. I went with crow. And crow brought crows frisbee. At least I think it was crows. By the end of the day, crows started throwing the frisbee to crowself. feather/feathers/featherself This morning, feather went to the park. I went with feather. And feather brought feathers frisbee. At least I think it was feathers. By the end of the day, feather started throwing the frisbee to featherself. bat/bats/batself This morning, bat went to the park. I went with bat. And bat brought bats frisbee. At least I think it was bats. By the end of the day, bat started throwing the frisbee to batself. 🦇/🦇s/🦇self This morning, 🦇 went to the park. I went with 🦇. And 🦇 brought 🦇s frisbee. At least I think it was 🦇s. By the end of the day, 🦇 started throwing the frisbee to 🦇self. bug/bugs/bugself This morning, bug went to the park. I went with bug. And bug brought bugs frisbee. At least I think it was bugs. By the end of the day, bug started throwing the frisbee to bugself. moth/moths/mothself This morning, moth went to the park. I went with moth. And moth brought moths frisbee. At least I think it was moths. By the end of the day, moth started throwing the frisbee to mothself. bee/bees/beeself This morning,
    the void collective [67 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 10 Wed 16:51:02 GMT)
    this is just a message board for everyone in our system, since we're growing so much and it's not always the easiest to talk in the innerworld! Finny: Janus, stop leaving scales everywhere, I get you're shedding, but jeeze! Milton: Error, we need to t@lk, you're not in trouble. Meet me in the backy@rd @sAp. Pal: hey guys, i need some help with the laundry, i think the washer is br0ken
    poety [569 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 10 Wed 2:22:08 GMT)
    "godliness" (tw: violence, bold text) i'm not the god i once was my chaos? organized my rot? cleaned away wings? plucked clean and stripped of meat ears and tail? shaved for coats, leaving them to freeze off the harsh, unforgiving landscape of snow and ice, stretching forever, searing my eyes "rescued" by those awful hunters, violated and mutated into what i am now a monstrosity. a lonely mass of freezing cold air, wrapped in feathers and held together by dewdrops and spiderweb. the way i watch my pain mold into the shape of my cracking skull. the way the anger rises, rises, rises. yet i have to stay here, trapped in this silence, deafened by its overwhelming buzzing white, staticky, the opposite of my godly home, where warmth and darkness welcome all. -Faye/Arsyn (they/it) fallen (tw: fire, toxic friends, repeating phrases) i can still feel it. i remember when the stars collided and it all went dark. the way they scorched my wings, sending me crashing down, down, down. i remember i remember why i remember why i fell i remember why i fell down here they took me away from those that were toxic knew i was strong enough for it to heal, for me to stand tall. i was strong enough, and still am. -Penelop (she/god) spinning (tw: repeating words, circus/clowns?) the ball rolls under me spinning, spinning, spinning... my mind, full of giggles, bright colors, a veil to hide the sadness spinning, spinning, spinning... the way the ringmaster is silent as i roll across the stage spinning, spinning, spinning... the disappointment rattling around in his empty smile spinning, spinning, spinning... -Pal (honk/honks) gender a social construct that holds us back our generation, taking the time to act. working hard to erase centuries-old scars. the way we've had this pushed on us since birth and the way conforming determines your self-worth. they ask if you've sold your soul, or try to bury you in a never-ending hole, of pain and regret as you sweat and sweat with the labor of being free, of being truly non-binary. your gender grows, twists, and twines living like the growing vine. not on either extreme, somewhere else, in the unseen, the grey, the unsure when you're asked questions, emotions stir. "pronouns?" they ask, shaking their heads, all the disappointment, left unsaid. but hold your head high look them in the eye, and let those that're negative pass on by. you don't need to conform to societal norms, nor let them tell you who to be, live your life in your own version of ecstasy. -almost all of the system pitched in here love the world that doesn't love you back (tw: bugs) today i saw the most r e m a r k a b l e thing. a little girl, cradling a ladybug, finding the p e r f e c t flower to rest it in. such a small, simple, seemingly insignificant action, every i n t e n t pure, this child untouched by the cruelty of the world. i wish the innocence of this little girl could be s h a r e d with me. me, who is a thorn a m o n g s t roses. scraping, pricking, hurting o t h e r s hands. -The Red Lady (she/her)
    okay so [9 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 9 Tue 18:53:44 GMT)
    //tw school my school cannot see blog posts so uh it's one topic in front currently
    Lesbian summed up (easy to red) [23 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 22:18:34 GMT)
    lesbian Is a sexual or romantic attraction to women or famine aligning non men Some times called wlm or nbl/w it is usually used by women but not exclusively.
    Intersex summed up (easy to read) [42 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 22:01:17 GMT)
    Intersex is a sex characterization For people that have sex characterizations that are not commonly female or male sometimes these people are given surgery or raised as the sex of the parents choice or sex they are closest to, rarely intersex people can be assigned X at birth (AXAB).
    Transgender summed up (easy to read) [58 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:56:14 GMT)
    Trans gender or "Trans" is a term used for people who's gender identity dose not match with their gender that was given to them at birth. Some people believe that All trans people must get surgery or take hormones Both of those statements are not true. The opposite of transgender is cisgender. Some people that identify as enby/non-binary can use the term trans gender.
    Bigender Summed up (easy to read) [47 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:50:22 GMT)
    BI-gender is a enby gender where the user can feel like two genders at different time or fluid between both. A bi-gender person can use binary genders or non-binary genders at the same time, A bi-gender person can also use gender-fluid as one of their genders. There are no common pronouns for Bi-gender people!
    css designs 1 [457 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:45:58 GMT)
    Code Background Inclus Sticker Rainbow Banner <div style="position: fixed; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 100%; top: -50px; left: 0px; z-index: -1; opacity:0.7;">
    Non-binary summed up easy to read [70 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:38:05 GMT)
    Non-binary is both a singular label and a umbrella term. The umbrella term is used for any gender that falls as a "Non-Binary" gender EG any gender that is not Female or Male. While the singular gender is for somebody that wishes to just identify as a Non-binary person. A common set of pronouns for a non binary person is They/Them But not all non-binary people use that. Sometimes Non-binary is shortened to Enby or NB.
    MOGAI summed up (easy to read) [48 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:14:58 GMT)
    MOGAI is a proposed acronym that refers to people whose sexual or gender identity deviates from the standard. It is also inclusive of all lesser-known identities. Although widely used as LGBT terms, MOGAI is rarely used and is most commonly seen online referring to lesser known identities that are often oppressed within the LGBTQ+ community.
    Xenogender summed up (easy to read) [123 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 8 Mon 0:12:12 GMT)
    Non-binary gender identities that are not fully defined through the traditional concepts of gender are referred to as xenogender. Instead of being defined through the use of gender concepts, they can be described through how they connect to other concepts or things. Although xenogender individuals have a strong sense of their gender's feelings, they often feel that there are no words for their experiences. To fill this gap, they often describe their gender using metaphors. When described, xenogenders often fall into one of three categories: 1-noungenders and noununs are terms that refer to the gender of an animal or a symbol. 2-Synaesthetic Perceptions are the terms used for describing the various characteristics of a gender, such as shape, size, and sound. 3-Neurotypes are often associated with a person's gender identity.
    Fishe Army [239 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 7 Sun 11:55:21 GMT)
    If you aren't in this list, let me (Kryptocurrencyy) know. You must have a fishe pfp to join the army Rules A fishe pfp is a requirement. Krypto and anyone in their system can turn down a request for a fishe pfp. We will not make any harmful identities. (ex- Super Straight, MAP, Seniosexual, Skinsexual, etc.) Blocked users will not be removed unless they were indefinitely blocked, or if they got blocked for something extremely bad. Krypto's DNI lists still apply. Do not request a pfp because you want one and you think there is no harm in doing so. If you are on his DNI, you can request one from any of the ranks above fishe, and they can transfer the request to them. If you are on all of the high ranks DNI, you cannot join the army. Don't be homophobic, racist, transphobic, ableist, or in any way a bigot. We accept all fishe. Fishe Ranks Commander Fishe Kryptocurrencyy GUT4NGLES Santa Fishe PoisonVil General Fishe Stitchy0 Fishe Nothoughtsnogender Thebigqueerpotato NessieSnails Dreaming-apples ThatAnnoyingDemigirl A non-binary cat who loves piano CasualChaos Voup.ll Starrychaos123 Axilyte Iibukii Fyresky Izumizumiku Insertcooloriginalname TheRainyDays PenInq -raining-stardust- OrangeLorelei
    :D legally thing since parents will find out if I post them on reddittttt [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 7 Sun 3:17:00 GMT)
    A [11 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 6 Sat 17:29:05 GMT)
    i'm a trans man but i don't feel completely disconnected to femininity. Is there a name to it?
    Neurodivergent [23616 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 23:40:06 GMT)
    The neurodivergent flag.The neurodiverse symbol, associated with neurodivergence as a whole.The autism symbol, often confused for the neurodiversity symbol.Full credits to Cryptocrew for writing this page. Disclaimer: This page is not here to be used as a diagnosis. This page is purely educational and it is completely dependent on the individual if they make the decision of self-diagnosis. If one finds themself relating to any of the listed forms of neurodivergence, it is encouraged to reach out to medical professionals if possible, especially if this neurodivergence is causing distress/harm (physically, mentally, and/or emotionally). Neurodivergent Note: This page only includes talk of conditions under the DSM-5, ICD-11, and other conditions that are commonly associated with the neurodivergent community. It may not have every diagnosed condition one has; however, it has a list of up-to-date diagnoses used amongst medical spaces. One's previous diagnoses may not be used in medical spaces anymore (and may have been renamed/replaced with a different diagnosis) so it is possible that one may not find their diagnosis on this page. Neurodivergent (ND), Neuroatypical, and/or Neurovariant are terms to describe individuals who do not fit what society perceives as typical in ways of thinking and/or in how one's brain functions. This includes mental disorders, mental disabilities, psychological variations, mental variations, and similar. The term "neurodivergence" is often mistaken to be exclusively for developmental conditions/disorders; however, the coiner of the term has disproven this, and made it clear that neurodivergence can be used by anyone who does not fit the typical perception of mental functioning, Neurodivergence may at times overlap with physical disabilities, and some forms of neurodivergence are considered psychological/mental disabilities in and of themselves (however, that can depend on the condition, as well as what those with said conditions feel is appropriate). Neurodivergence is not an exclusively queer experience, nor is it inherently LGBT+; however, it can affect one's view on gender, sex, attraction, relationship, pronouns, and presentation. While it does not affect all neurodivergent individuals' views on their identities, it does affect a large amount of them, and there has been studies that prove a tie between different disorders/variance and queerness. There have been a number of studies that show that neurodivergent individuals are more likely to be cisn't due to their unique functioning and way of thinking about gender. Many intersex variations can also be linked with neurodivergence, typically one's relating to hormonal and/or chromosomal differences. Neurodivergent Forms Neurodivergence comes in a variety of forms, many of which are categorized accordingly by symptoms, thought-patterns, functioning, and behavior. It is important that one reads the articles linked to each form in order to gain more information on these conditions and it is encouraged to research further into the community and spread awareness on these topics. While most mental conditions that are recognized on the DSM-5 and the ICD-11 are on here, some may not be due to the terminology of diagnosis used. Some terms used in diagnosis include the following: Atypical-: when ones symptoms for a specific condition are non-typical. No atypical- conditions are listed on this page, due to the term being able to be put in front of any condition. Other-/Other Specified-: when one is extremely close/close enough to be identified as something, but is missing several of the typical requirements for diagnosis. Most other- terms are listed on this page; however, there may be more specific ones not listed, (such as Other Tobacco-Induced Disorders) due to them being specific variations of already listed terms (ie: Tobacco Withdrawal and Tobacco Use Disorder). Unspecified-: when one has symptoms of a specific condition, but do not fall close-enough to any of the diagnoses available. Most unspecified- terms are listed on this page; however, like with the other- terms, there may be more specific ones not listed. Addictive Disorders Addictive Disorders are conditions in which one grows dependent on addictive substances (alcohol, drugs, chemicals, etc). Often times this addiction begins due to family history of addiction and/or in order to deal with depression, anxiety, neurodivergence, trauma, and/or disabilities; however, it can begin from a number of causes. Addiction can become life-threatening and can be difficult to break free from. There are multiple different types of addictive disorders, which are discussed briefly in the following list: Gambling Disorder/Problem Gambling/Compulsive Gambling: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively gambles, often to the point of losing an excessive amount of money/personal belongings. This disorder can develop from trauma/depression/anxiety/other forms of neurodivergence, stress, negative thoughts, social influence, and/or similar factors. More information can be found here. Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD)/Gaming Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively plays video games/online games to an extent that it becomes impairing to ones mental health. This disorder commonly partners anxiety (specifically social anxiety). More information can be found here. Substance Use Disorder (SUD): an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively consumes chemicals (typically drugs and alcohol; however, other substances may apply). Common symptoms are irritability, sleepiness/difficulty sleeping, restlessness, depression, anxiety, mood swings, troubles with eating, headaches, and similar. More information can be found here. Subsets to this include the following: Alcohol Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively consumes alcohol. More information can be found here. Cannabis Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively consumes cannabis (aka marijuana). More information can be found here. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD): when one experiences intense flashbacks of their past times being high/intoxicated. These could occur months-years after using the hallucinogen, and it can feel as though the flashback is merging with the current happenings. More information can be found here. Phencyclidine Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses phencyclidine (aka Angel Dust or PCP). More information can be found here. Inhalant Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses inhalants (such as paint, glue, white out, cleaning products, etc). More information can be found here. Opioid Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses opioids (such as morphine, heroin, some painkillers, methadone, etc). More information can be found here. Other Hallucinogen Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses hallucinogens (besides phencyclidine). More information can be found here. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorder (SHA Use Disorder): an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses sedatives, hypnotics, and/or anxiolytics. More information can be found here. Stimulant Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses stimulants. More information can be found here. Tobacco Use Disorder: an addictive disorder in which one compulsively/addictively uses tobacco. More information can be found here. Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorder: when one does not fit any specific substance use disorder subsets; however, they hold symptoms of a substance use disorder, and can still be identified as such. More information can be found here. Substance Withdrawal: an addictive disorder related to stopping an addictive substance (usually sudden stopping; however, it can be a slow stop as well). The typical symptoms include irritability, trouble sleeping, exhaustion, mood swings, hallucinations/delusions, anxiety/depression, headaches, physical strain/issues, fever-like symptoms, and similar. More information can be found here. Subsets to this include the following: Alcohol Withdrawal (Syndrome): a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of alcohol. More information can be found here. Caffeine Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of caffeine. More information can be found here. Cannabis Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of cannabis. More information can be found here. Hallucinogen Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of hallucinogens. More information can be found here. Opioid Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of opioids. More information can be found here. Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic (SHA) Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of sedatives, hypnotics, and/or anxiolytics. More information can be found here. Stimulant Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of stimulants. More information can be found here. Tobacco Withdrawal: a condition caused by stopping regular/addictive use of tobacco. More information can be found here. Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal: when one closely fits a withdrawal disorder, but is experiencing withdrawal from substance that is not on the other subsets, or withdrawal from an unknown substance. For all of the disorders listed above, the affected individuals are often unable to break away from this dependence on their own (even if they realize the harm it causes), and professional help is highly recommended and often required. Addiction and substance abuse are common amongst those with these disorders. Adjustment Disorders Adjustment Disorders are stress-related conditions, in which one experiences high amounts of depression and/or anxiety due to being in a high-stress environment. Some common causes for adjustment disorders are moving to a new home, living in dangerous spaces, relationship problems, losing a job/having low income, school/work stress, life threatening experiences, or even having other forms of neurodivergence that causes stress. Adjustment disorders, if caught and treated, can be taken care of in a quicker amount of time than most other disorders. However, if not treated quickly, adjustment disorders have the possibility of forming into something serious, such as an anxiety or depressive disorder. More about adjustment disorders can be found here. Anxiety Disorders Anxiety Disorders are conditions in which the brain overthinks, stresses over, or has paranoia over things (usually simple/everyday things that should not cause such stress). Anxiety Disorders can be caused by chemical/hormonal imbalances, hereditary passing, trauma, and/or from high amounts of stress in daily life. There are multiple different types of anxiety disorders, which are discussed briefly in the following list: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive distress and worry about activities, events, and individuals, even if these activities/events/individuals are seen/experienced on the daily. This means one has anxiety about concepts that can be considered/classified as mundane and often times have little to no risk factors involved. More information can be found here. Panic Disorder: an anxiety disorder characterized by reoccurring and unexpected panic attacks. The cause for panic disorder is unknown; however, it is known to run in families and risk factors include smoking, psychological stress, and a past of child abuse. More information can be found here. Phobias: a type of anxiety disorder characterized by an irrational fear of a specific object, situation, type of individual, and similar. Typically agoraphobia is brought up in terms of anxiety disorders; however, all phobias fall under the anxiety spectrum. More information an be found here. Selective Mutism (SM)/Situational Mutism: a type of anxiety disorder in which one cannot speak in specific situations, specific places, and/or around specific individuals if their anxiety is triggered. They fully understand speech and can typically talk perfectly fine; however, when triggered, they are incapable/unable, even if they try. More information can be found here. (Note: those with this condition prefer the term 'situational' over 'selective,' as they are not choosing to be mute). Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD): an anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry/distress when separated from home and/or individuals on has formed an emotional bond to. Anxiety when separated is common behavior within children; however, if one continues to express anxiety when separated at an older age, they likely have SAD. More information can be found here. Social Anxiety Disorder or Social Phobia: a type of anxiety disorder characterized by excessive worry/distress when in social spaces. This should not be confused with shyness and/or stage fright. More information can be found here. Other Specified Anxiety Disorder: when one closely fits an anxiety disorder but does not fit the full diagnostic requirements. They may be considered "close enough" to a condition to be diagnosed as it (such as being diagnosed with SAD, despite not fitting all the symptoms). More information can be found here. Unspecified Anxiety Disorder: when one shows symptoms of an anxiety disorder but does not fit any subset enough to be diagnosed with a specific form of it. Attractional Disorders Attractional Disorders are conditions in which one experiences attractional abnormalities, or has a distressing form of attraction. The term "attractional disorder" is not widely known amongst the medical community; however, it is a replacement for the term "sexual disorders" as not all forms of disordered attraction are sexual in nature and can be based on romantic and/or tertiary attractions as well. Some attractional disorders (specifically some sexual disorders) are not neurodivergent in nature (as they are related more to bodily functions than mental functions) and will not be discussed on this page. The multiple different types of attractional disorders that are neurodivergent are discussed briefly in the following list: Hyper-: a disorder characterized by having intense/unnaturally high attractional desires (typically applying to sexual attraction; however, other forms of attraction may apply as well). This is due to other forms of neurodivergence, alcohol/drugs, trauma, chemical imbalances, and/or hormonal imbalances. Hypo-: a disorder characterized by having unnaturally low attractional desires (typically applying to sexual attraction; however, other forms of attraction may apply as well). This is due to other forms of neurodivergence, alcohol/drugs, trauma, chemical imbalances, and/or hormonal imbalances. Paraphilic Disorders: a spectrum of disorders characterized by unhealthy and/or unnatural attraction. The most commonly recognized paraphilic disorders include pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, incestual attraction, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and transvestic disorder; however, they are many other varieties of paraphilic disorders, which you can find covered here. Objectum attraction is sometimes classified as paraphilic; however, the community is pushing to change this view, as it does not accurately represent the objectum experience. While some with paraphilic disorders may act on their attraction, many do not and it should not be assumed that all paraphilic individuals are dangerous or criminals. (Note: This is not to be confused with paraphilias, which are sexual attractions to anything that is not a sexual organ, such as fetishes/kinks. Not all paraphilias are paraphilic disorders.) Sexual Dysfunction (neurological forms): difficulty experienced during sexual activity, such as issues with pleasure, desire, preference, arousal, and/or orgasm. Sexual dysfunction can be from neurological differences (such as depression) or it can be from physical differences (such as hormonal imbalances). If it is from physical differences, its not typically classified as neurodivergent; however, it can be if it affects one's mental health. More information can be found here. Auditory Processing Disorder Auditory Processing Disorder (APD) is a condition in which one's brain struggles to comprehend speech. The differences between how different words sound can be difficult or impossible for an individual with APD to process. For example, chair, hair, and bear could all sound exactly or almost exactly the same to someone with APD, and/or a sentence can get scrambled when being processed (and thus can be difficult or impossible to understand). Those with APD can find extreme difficulty following directions or participating in conversation. School and work can be extremely difficult, especially if there are a lot of background noises. More information can be found here. Autism Spectrum The Autism Spectrum is a term used to describe a condition that comes in many varieties, in which one has a brain that functions in a way that exhibits restricted/repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Those within the Autism Spectrum tend to perceive the world/individuals/society around them in a unique manner, one that most neurotypical Individuals (and even some neurodivergent Individuals) cannot fully understand/relate to. Autists tend to dislike autism being described as a disorder, as many feel as though that is undermining their experiences and generalizing autism as a concept that needs "fixing." The Autism Spectrum is often referred to as "ASD" or "Autism Spectrum Disorder;" however, many autists dislike this, as the term "disorder" being included with autism is negatively viewed within the community. Some autists are comfortable with their condition being referred to as a disability; however, this does not apply to all autists, and it should be respected that some autists may be uncomfortable with the terminology. Some autists need assistance in daily life, depending on their mental circumstances (ie: if they can speak, do school alone, etc). This does not make them weak, childish, or "wrongly developed." It simply means that they have different struggles than neurotypical (and possibly other neurodivergent) individuals do. Some (but not all) autists are non-verbal or partially verbal and this should be recognized and respected, as attempting to force them to speak may cause immense distress. It is important to check an autistic individual's limits, just as one should check with others. Autistic individuals often have hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity in one or more of their senses and can in turn struggle in certain spaces (at home or socially) if not given the proper tools (ie: earmuffs for hypersensitive hearing). This does not apply to all autistic individuals; however, it does apply to many. Some outdated/not-widely-appreciated terms that are associated with the Autism Spectrum include the following: Asperger Syndrome/Disorder: an autistic individual that has significant difficulties in social interaction and nonverbal communication and does not have "impaired intelligence" or "impaired language." Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD), Hellers Syndrome, and/or Disintegrative Psychosis: an autistic individual that has "developmental delays" or "severe/sudden reversals" in language, social function, and motor skills. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS:) an autistic individual that doesn't "meet the full criteria" for "other forms" of autism. These terms, while still used in many medical spaces, have been criticized in the community for trying to categorize autism, when autism is too diverse of an experience to be categorized in such a way. Some other
    Regression [1622 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 23:01:52 GMT)
    The regressor flag.The alternate regressor flag.The agere flag.The alternate agere flag.The petre flag.Full credits to Cryptocrew for writing this page. Regression is a term used for when one's mind reverts into a different headspace/state of mind. This typically refers to age (in which one thinks like a younger individual), however it can refer to species as well (in which one thinks like an animal/different species). While regression is not LGBTQ+ in and of itself, it can play a part in queer experiences, and affect one's gender identity, attraction, or similar. This is because one's perspective on oneself and the world around them may be altered when in a different headspace, due to the fact that the mind is regressed into a previous and/or different state of thinking. Age-Regression Age-Regression or Agere is a term used to describe when someone's mind regresses to a younger headspace. It may be typically due to trauma or neurodivergence (PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc), but it doesn’t have to be. This regression is usually a headspace of toddlerhood, however it can also include infancy, older-children/pre-teens, and (rarely) teenagers depending on the age of the individual regressing.[1][2][3] Age-regression can be voluntary or involuntary, depending on the reason behind the regression and the individual regressing. Typically, the reason behind regression is for relief of stress/escapism, however it can have other reasons for occurring as well. Headspaces There are multiple different age-based headspaces one may enter when age-regressed. These include the following: Babyspace/Infantspace: a headspace of a baby, typically no older than three. Toddlerspace: a headspace of a toddler, typically no older than six/seven. Middlespace: a headspace of an older child or pre-teen, typically no older than thirteen. Teenspace/Teenagespace: a headspace of a teenager, typically no older than seventeen. Littlespace: a headspace of a child (typically within the toddler ages, however older ages are included as well). Terminology Big Age: the biological age of the individual. Little Age: the mental age of the individual when regressed. Little/Regressor: someone who age regresses/dreams. The term little is also used for young headmates in systems. Caregiver: a caregiver is someone that takes care of an individual while they are regressed/are in littlespace. It is sometimes shortened to CG. Not all littles/regressors need/want a caregiver. Carer/Safety Figure: alternative terms for caregivers. They are exclusively used in SFW contexts. Safety figure is sometimes shortened to SF. Cglre (Caregiver Little-Regression): when a caregiver is taking care of a little. Sflre (Safety Figure Little-Regression): when a safety figure is taking care of a little. Flip: someone who regresses and is also a caregiver/safety figure for someone else, flipping between the two. This is also sometimes called switch, however it is not recommended to call it that, as the term switch is used within kink, BDSM, NSFW, and other sexual aspects. Age-Dreaming Age-Dreaming or Agedre is a term to describe someone who has a younger headspace, but does not quite fit the categorization of age-regression.[4][5] Some examples of this include (but are not limited to) the following: Those who behave as a little, while not actually regressing. Those who are always in littlespace, and therefore don't regress. Those who regress for fun. Those who do not fully regress (half-regression, demi-regression, etc). Those who have a headspace or way of regressing that does not fit the typical age-regression that individuals expect. Those that age-dream may call themselves Dreamers. Inner-Child The Inner-Child is a term used by many to describe one's inward child-self. The inner-child becomes especially spoken of in therapy, in which (in some forms of therapy) a patient is to get in touch with their inner-child (essentially meaning they are guided into age-regression) for therapeutic methods (such as working through past emotions, childhood trauma, childhood insecurity, etc).[6] Almost everyone has an inner-child, as it's rare to fully lose one's childhood-self, regardless of how different one is from them. Species-Regression Species-Regression, Pet-Regression or Petre is a term used to describe when someone's mind regresses to an animalistic headspace. It may be typically due to trauma or neurodivergence (PTSD, anxiety, depression, etc), but it doesn’t have to be. This headspace is typically described as 'reverting to one's natural instincts' and it's typically done to relieve stress and to find escapism.[7] Many littles tend to experience pet-regression as well, as an overlapping experience, or they tend to be fluid between age-regression and pet-regression. Those who pet-regress may or may not also need a caregiver, as they may not be able to take care of themselves when alone in an animalistic state. This experience may also happen to alterhuman/being individuals (and may overlap with kinshifting) and/or furries, however it is not exclusive to them. Many who species regress also experience faunagenders, however this is not a requirement. The headspace for pet-regressors is known as petspace. Pet-Dreaming Pet-Dreaming or Petdre is a term to describe someone who has an animalistic headspace, but does not quite fit the categorization of pet-regression. Some examples of this include (but are not limited to) the following: Those who behave as an animal, while not actually regressing. Those who are always in petspace, and therefore don't regress. Those who regress for fun. Those who do not fully regress (half-regression, demi-regression, etc). Those who have a headspace or way of regressing that does not fit the typical pet-regression that individuals expect. Those that pet-dream may call themselves dreamers. Partial-Regression Partial-Regression, Semi-Regression, or Demi-Regression is a term used to describe someone who does not entirely regress. The most common experience for this is Half-Regression, in which one is half in their typical headspace, and half in a regressed headspace. This is usually applied to age-regression, however it can be applied to species regression as well. Vent Regression Vent Regression, formerly known as “impure” regression, is when one goes through a negative experience during regression. This can be due to trauma, triggers, or just experiencing a negative experience in general. Vent regressors may or may not cope by throwing tantrums, crying, or using other coping mechanisms one can use to help themselves get through their emotions, such as breathing and grounding exercises. Misconceptions/Issues A common misconception from outsiders is that agere, agedre, and petre are related to the kink, BDSM, and other sexual communities. This is almost always not the case, as being involved in these communities when regressed could put the regressor in danger, as they are almost always unable to properly consent to sexual activity when regressed.[8] Terms that should not be associated with regression include the following: CGL (Caregiver/Little) DDLG (Daddy Dom/Little Girl) DDLB (Daddy Dom/Little Boy) MDLG (Mommy Dom/Little Girl) MDLB (Mommy Dom/Little Boy) BBLS (Big Brother/Little Sister) BBLB (Big Brother/Little Brother) BSLB (Big Sister/Little Brother) BSLS (Big Sister/Little Sister) ABDL (Adult Baby/Diaper Lover) TBDL (Teenage Baby/Diaper Lover) Ageplay Petplay Owner/Puppy Owner/Kitty Owner/Pet Those terms are used in a sexual mannerism, and one should not make posts that tag these terms with regression terms, as crosstagging can put minors regressors (and other regressors) in danger. Crosstagging these terms with regression can lead to minors coming into contact with predators, can trigger survivors who regress to cope with sexual trauma, and can spread misconceptions that regression is a kink (which is incorrect).[9][10] There are, however, some who are involved with the kink community while also being within the regression community. This is generally acceptable, so long as they do not cross-tag or share in the wrong spaces. Flags The regression flag was coined by Tumblr user yourfaveregresses on February 20, 2019. Pink is for girl regressors, purple is for non-binary regressors, blue is for boy regressors, and white is for the regression headspace. The alternate agere flag and the petre flag were coined by the same user, and have the same color meanings.[11] The alternate regression flag was coined by Tumblr user smolgothboi on April 11, 2019. Light purple is for kid/teen/tweenspace regressors, pink stands for caregivers/older siblings, white stands for pureness and purity, green stands for pet regressors, and blue stands for babyspace regressors.[12] The first flag for age-regression was coined by Tumblr user dizzy-teacup on August 7, 2017. Yellow represents happiness, blue represents trustworthy caregivers, pink is for kindness regressors give to one another/themselves, and white represents innocence of regression.[13] References ↑ https://archive.today/http://archive.today/2022.04.23-145412/https://agereinfo4u.carrd.co/%23regressioninfo ↑ https://archive.today/http://archive.today/2022.04.23-145414/https://whatisageregression.carrd.co/%23terms ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.23-145412/https://agereinfo4u.carrd.co/%23regressioninfo ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.23-145442/https://agereinfo4u.carrd.co/%23agedreinfo ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-150054/https://allaboutarden.wordpress.com/what-is-age-dreaming/ ↑ https://archive.today/2022.02.04-030449/https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_child ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-150526/https://prinxiskaminari.tumblr.com/post/635528945697193984 ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-150926/https://agereg.carrd.co/ ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-151409/https://allaboutarden.wordpress.com/sfw-vs-nsfw-definitions/ ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-151409/https://allaboutarden.wordpress.com/sfw-vs-nsfw-definitions/ ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-151448/https://yourfaveregresses.tumblr.com/post/182948615452/sfw-regression-pride-flag-followed-by-the-sfw-age ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-151839/https://chire-central.tumblr.com/post/184114702482/a-little-age-regression-flag-i-made-on-my ↑ https://archive.today/2022.04.30-151847/https://dizzy-teacup.tumblr.com/post/163928206338/sfw-age-regression-flag-for-all-sfw%23notes?ref_url=https://dizzy-teacup.tumblr.com/%23_=_
    Furries [1461 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 22:57:22 GMT)
    The furry flag.The second furry pride flag.The third furry pride flag.The LGBTQ+ furry flag.The Furry progress pride flag.Full credits to Cryptocrew for writing this page. Furries are individuals who share a strong interest in anthropomorphic animals, to the point where it becomes a part of their life, and can affect how they view themselves and others. Furries' interest in anthropomorphic animals is typically shown through making characters and stories based around them, dressing up and behaving as said characters, making drawings of themselves as these animals, and similar. Furries sometimes include the brony community, however the two are largely separate. While being a furry is not inherently LGBTQ+, much of the furry community is on the queer spectrum, and may even have identities relating their furry identity to their queer identities. It is discovered that heterosexuality is a minority amongst the community, with only around 28% identifying as straight, and 72% identifying as gay, m-spec, or otherwise queer. A recommended video to watch in order to better understand the furry community as a whole is linked here. It includes the voices of many furries, and they touch on their experiences with the community, society, and some even speak on the childhood experience of noticing anthropomorphic animals in media. Fursonas A fursona is a term used to describe an alter ego or character created by furries. Furries will often create characters to represent themself, or to represent an identity they wish to portray in the furry community. Fursonas are often drawn, painted, or otherwise illustrated and giving backstories, likes, dislikes, and similar to them. Furries will often roleplay as their fursonas over the internet, sometimes even going as far as to roleplay as them in real life (ie; buying fursuits that appear as their fursonas, meeting at conventions with other furries and acting out their fursona, etc.) There is no limit to how many fursonas one may have, as many furries choose to create multiple fursonas. Furry Subsets While furry is typically associated with anthropomorphic mammals, there are fursonas that do not have fur and/or are not mammals, and some furrsonas aren't even earthly beings, and can be based on myths, legends, other-worlds, etc. Taurs: fursonas that have an anthropomorphic top-half and a non-anthropomorphic bottom half, similar to a centaur except both halves are some form of non-human. Avians/Featheries: fursonas that are a species of bird (fictional or not) in anthropomorphic form. Cetaceans: in the context of furries, cetaceans are fursonas based upon aquatic animals, typically dolphins, whales, and sharks. Scalies/Herps: fursonas that are of the reptilians or amphibious type, typically referring to dragons and mythical reptiles. Sparklefurries: fursonas that consist of multiple bright and vibrant colors. Terminology Furrsuits/Fursuits: suits that are made to appear as anthropomorphic animals, typically to be worn by furries at home or in conventions (usually appearing near-identical to one of their fursonas.) Only an estimated 13% of furries have furrsuits. Anthros: furrsonas that behave in a human-like fashion, often being portrayed as living in fictional societies as humans would. Ferals: furrsonas that behave in a non-human (and often wild) fashion, while still being anthropomorphic. This can also sometimes refer to animals with a non-anthropomorphic physical form combined with human-like behavior (examples: talking, human-like personalities, or human-like relationships). Alterhumans vs Furries While furries do not all identify as non-human, studies show that 1 in 3 furries identify as alterhuman (usually as therian) making a large amount of the community on the alterhuman spectrum. Out of these non-human identifying furries, 8-14% report feeling physically non-human, while 38-53% report feeling spiritually or mentally non-human. While 1 in every 3 furries identify as non-human, a non-human identification is not a requirement in being a furry, as being a furry is defined as taking a strong interest in anthropomorphic animals, not in how one identifies themselves in terms of species. Sexual Furries Sexual furries are furries that participate in sexual acts that overlap with their furry identification. When the furry fandom first begun, the fandom was a space made up of adults, many of which took place in sexual activity. Although this changed overtime, and the furry fandom now includes individuals of many ages and sexual preferences, there are still furries who take part in sexual activities (such as adult furrcons.) While it should be acknowledged that sexualizing all furries is not okay, it should not be ignored that furries can be sexual, and that there is nothing wrong with that. Some terms for sexual furries include the following: Murrsuit: a furry costume constructed for sexual purposes (as regular fursuits can be hard to function in.) Yiff: a term for when two or more furries are participating in something sexual with one another. Murr: a term similar to a purr, but with implications of sexual interest. While sexual furries are fairly common in NSFW spaces, and are involved in the community, they are not what makes the furry community as a whole, and it should not be assumed that all furries are sexual in nature. Misconceptions There are many misconceptions amongst media when it comes to furries, especially sexual furries. Listed below are some of the many misconceptions. Zoophillia It is a common misconception that being attracted to fursuits, furries, fursonas, and similar makes an individual zoophillic. This is not really the case, as a majority of the furry community does not experience zoophillic attraction. Zoophillia implies attraction to animals (which are unable to consent;) being attracted to furries, however, does not imply that, as the majority of furries/fursonas are able to consent. Fetish Another common misconception is that furries are simply creating fursonas and suits in order to please a fetish. While this is the case for some furries, it should not be assumed that all furries join the community for this, as many join the community for non-sexual reasons. Furry-related Identities Some furries find that their queer identities are connected or effected by their furry identity. Some examples of this are listed below. Furrinic: a furry that only experiences attraction to and/or only wishes to date other furries. Furrygender: a gender that is connected to ones furry identity. Sparklefurgender: a gender that is connected to sparklefurries, colorful animals, rainbows, and internet nostalgia. History The furry community is said to have originated at a science fiction convention in 1980, when a drawing of a character from Steve Gallacci’s Albedo Anthropomorphics initiated a discussion of anthropomorphic characters in science fiction novels, which initiated a discussion group that met at science fiction and comics conventions. Despite this, many fans consider the beginning of the furry community to be much earlier, using older examples of anthropomorphic animals within cartoons as evidence of this. During the 1980s, the increasing number of self-professed furry fans began to publish fanzines, developed a diverse social group, and eventually began to schedule social gatherings. By 1987, there was sufficient interest to stage the first furry convention. As the internet grew accessible, there arrived more means for furries to socialize, and thus they gained higher visibility and began to grow rapidly. Many members of furry community have cited the historical usage of anthropomorphic animals in world mythology as an inspiration (including Egyptian, Greek, Japanese and Native American traditions.) Aesop's Fables is also commonly cited on lists of furry resources. Flags The first furry flag was coined by Reddit user u/FakeFrysk on August 13th of 2018. It has no confirmed meaning. The second furry flag was coined by Reddit user u/AtomicFurry76 on March 16th of 2019. Blue is for loyalty and pride, white is for purity and safety within the community, and yellow is for positivity that emanates from the community. The third furry flag was coined by Tumblr user beyond-mogai-pride-flags on August 17th of 2021. It has no confirmed meaning. The LGBTQ+ furry flag was coined by Twitter user @FursonaPins. It takes after the harmony/community flag, and is specifically supposed to be trans and POC inclusive, while being dedicated to queer furries. Resources https://www.vox.com/2014/12/10/7362321/9-questions-about-furries-you-were-too-embarrassed-to-ask https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Furry_fandom https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Furry https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Taur https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Avian https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Cetacean https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Herp https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Scalies https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Murrsuit https://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Murr https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/164205173190/furry-an-enthusiast-for-animal-characters-with https://twitter.com/fursonapins/status/1144724094908321794
    Alterhuman [9601 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 22:53:05 GMT)
    The alterhuman flag.The second alterhuman flag.The third alterhuman flag.The fourth alterhuman flag.The fifth alterhuman flag.The sixth alterhuman flag.The non-human unity flag.The nonhuman flag (includes nonhuman headmates)Note: the owner of this blog post did not write any of the content on this page. Alterhuman is a term that refers to someone who does not fit the traditional standard of what is considered human, and/or does not identify as human. This can include non-human system members and introjects; however, it also includes singlets who don't quite fit the term human, or identify as non-human to an extent.[1] An alterhuman identity is neither a gender nor part of the LGBT+ umbrella, but may have a tie to one's gender identity, attraction, or sex. Some examples of this are in the use of labels such as alterhumangender, genderNH, genderkin, nonhumansexual, medusan, faunasex, and similar identities. Alterhumans acknowledge that their current body is biologically a human, and they do not try to use their alterhuman identities to do harmful sexual acts on non-sapient beings (such as zoophillic acts). Alterhumans also do not try to claim they are changing their body's biological species; however, they may or may not get surgery to appear more as their kintype. If one has a non-human identity, they may also experience species regression (however, this is not always the case). Terminology Otherkin is a shortened version of "otherkind," which is in reference to terms like "humankind." For example, someone who is elfkin identifies as and considers themself to be an elf. There are many reasons why someone may identify as non-human in the otherkin sense, with explanations ranging from spiritual to psychological. Some common explanations include but are not limited to past lives, imprinting, or having a non-human soul.[2] The noun kintype, in otherkin contexts, refers to the type of non-human one identifies as; for example, a hyrdakin person's kintype would be "dragon." Some more alterhuman words that are used in the same manner as kintype are fictotype (for fictionkin), theriotype (for therian), hearttype (for otherhearted), and flicktype (for fictionflickers). The verb to kin is sometimes used to mean "to have a certain otherkin identity." This term is controversial, however, because of the potential implication that having an otherkin identity is a choice that can be easily gained and dropped.[3] Otherkin Otherkin refers to someone who identifies partially or wholly as something non-human, usually involuntarily.[4] Listed below are just few of the many kintypes an individual may have. They may identify with fictional, factual, or animalistic beings (as spoken of further in this page) or they may identify as something more specific or 'out there' such as identifying as a planet, landscape, chemical, etc. Kintypes are unlimited, and can be just about anything. Mythkin: identifying as something found in mythology, such as a unicorn, merperson, dragon, etc. Divinekin: identifying as something with divine origin, such as an angel, demon, or other deity. Faekin: identifying as any type of fae, such as fairies or elves. Alienkin: identifying as an alien, or any non-earthly being. Robotkin: identifying as a robot, AI, or similar technology. Objectkin: identifying as an object of some kind. Conceptkin: identifying as a concept of some kind. This may overlap with fictionkin and musickin. Musickin: identifying as a song, album, tune, or other forms of music. Plantkin: identifying as a tree, flower, or other plant. Foodkin: identifying as a food of some kind. Polykin: having multiple kintypes; identifying as multiple beings. Halfkin or demikin: Those who identify partially as another species/a fictional being, rather than fully. A kin identity such as a Werewolfkin could be considered a halfkin under certain circumstances. Autokin: not identifying with any species or fictional species, but rather just identifying as oneself. If one's otherkin identity and gender overlap, they may call themself kingender. Therian Therians or animalkin are individuals who feel their spirit is non-human, typically being an earthly animal. They are included under otherkin, though they describe those with more earthly-based spirits, and do not include creatures that are mythical, fictional, deities, magical, etc. Therians may have animalistic impulses and instincts such as biting, hissing, scratching and panting, and they also may 'shift' and feel more animalistic at times, though not all therians shift. Some may engage in quadrobics (depending on the theriotype), wear faux tails, ears, and wings, and join therian packs to meet other members of the community. Some therians may not identify as otherkin, and the therian community is largely its own separate thing, with some overlapping points.[5] Some therians may also be furries, and use fursuits or fursonas to represent their theriotype; however, this is not a necessity. If one's therian identity and gender overlap, they may call themself theriagender. Fictionkin Fictionkin (formerly known as mediakin) are those who identify as something found in fiction, including characters, species, glitches, etc. This may or may not be considered otherkin, since fictionkin includes human fictotypes; however, it is typically included under the otherkin umbrella. Some fictionkin believe they are reincarnated, some follow psychological beliefs for their identity, while some follow metaphysical beliefs (such as soul collecting).[6] Some broad terms under the fictonkin umbrella include the following: OCkin: identifying as an original character. Can be owned by oneself, an acquaintance, a YouTuber, etc. Rolekin, Roleplaykin, RPkin: identifying as a character oneself or someone else roleplays as. Uncreated Fictionkin: identifying as a fictional entity that is not yet created. They may or may not find sources of this entity when it is created. If one's fictionkin identity and gender overlap, they may call themself fictkingender. Factkin Factkin or factualkin are those who kin existing or existed individuals through the notion of the multiverse belief. A factkin individual believes that they, to some capacity, are mentally/emotionally/spiritually an alternate version of another living individual. They acknowledge that they are not in that individuals head; however, the common belief is that they contain an alternate version of the soul of said individual, a soul from a different universe. A carrd on factualkin explains it as "a factual base that had cracks filled in with fiction- you aren't in another person's head, but you do have who they portray into the world (and for celebrities, fan things that have been put out to the world, like RPF, headcanons, etc)." Although the term factkin may have begun as a term coined by trolls, it has been noted that there are these set experiences that are real and existing. There is the preconceived notion that factkin is "identity theft." Being factkin, however, is not an attempt to steal an individual's identity, but rather is when one acknowledges their own connection to an individual, a well as the experience of their mentality, emotional state, and mind. Factkin individuals do not attempt to claim someone else's individuality, and they certainly do not attempt to 'replace' said person, or claim that the other person is 'not real.' Factkin individuals also do not attempt to copy the person they kin, as they know that they are a different version of that person, and there is no need to copy someone with that fact in mind. It does not include the intent to steal any identity/life, but rather includes the intent to connect to a life and form a bond. Some broad terms under the factkin umbrella include the following: Unknownkin: identifying as a person one doesn't know. An unknownkin may or may not succesfully find the person they identify with in the future. Unbornkin: identifying as a person who has not yet been born. This term can overlap with forwardsoul; however, it does not have to. If one's factkin identity and gender overlap, they may call themself factuagender. Choicekin Choicekin is a term used for someone who 'chose' to be otherkin. This term is often misunderstood, as many otherkin individuals argue that you cannot choose a kintype; however, there are many metaphysical explanations as to why this may happen. ’A voluntary type of identity where someone chooses to become something (animal, mythical, or fictional). It was an active choice to begin with, but after it’s become cemented in your identity you don’t have to maintain it. It’s become a kintype, and can’t really be “dropped”. It also can’t be changed, and at some point you could get kin memories from this kintype.’ - plurgai on Tumblr, unknown date. For one, someone who is choicekin may say that, through spiritual connection, they latched onto a species or being until their spirit merged with said being. An example of this would be someone who spiritually connected with parrots until they felt that their own spirit had shifted and/or merged with a parrots spirit. Here are other ways one may explain their choicekin identities: One may say they had past lives, and chose to merge with the spirits of the past, and wouldn't have had otherkin experiences unless they made this choice. One may choose to find a creature or object to be imprinted on, thus choosing their otherkin identity. One may choose to bond their soul/spirit to another soul/spirit or to a presence, thus altering their humanity, and choosing their otherkin identity. Once one has chosen to be otherkin, it is hard to take it back or change their minds. This choice is typically permanent, and usually cannot be removed or dropped; however, there are exceptions. When one can drop their kintype, it usually is a hard and draining process. For example, if one chooses to bond their soul/spirit to something, they may be able to break that bond; however, it would likely take a lot of effort, energy, and time. Because of this, it is uncommon to remove one's kintype. It is important to note that most choicekin individuals cannot drop their kintype, even with effort, and that the act of dropping a kintype is not common amongst the choicekin community. If one's choicekin identity and gender overlap, they may call themself choicekingender. Otherlink Otherlink is a term used to describe someone who voluntarily chose a non-human or fictional entity to identify with.[7] While comparable to choicekin, otherlinkers tend to easily be able to drop their linktype, and typically can quickly change to a different one. Otherlinkers typically have to maintain their identity through different acts, or it will fade away. Choicekin individuals do not have to maintain it, as when they pick it up, it is there to stay (unless they actively work to drop it). In summary, choicekin individuals typically have a more attached alterhuman identity, while otherlinkers have a less attached identity that can easily 'fall off' if not maintained. Essentially, the differences are: Links have to be maintained, while kintypes do not. Links can come and go fluidly, while kintypes do not come and go in such a way. Links can be edited, kintypes cannot. Links can be easily dropped, kintypes cannot be easily dropped (if dropped at all). If one's otherlink identity and gender overlap, they may call themself olinkgender. Copinglink Copinglink is a term used to describe someone who voluntarily chose a non-human or fictional entity in order to cope with trauma, stress, mental illness, etc.[8] They may or may not permanently be that non-human or fictional identity after this begins; however, in many cases, one can drop their link when they no longer need it. Others find their copinglink as permanent as any other alterhuman, and that should be remembered and respected. However, if it does stay, they may identify as choicekin, otherspin, linker-turned-kin, or otherkin. If one's copinglink identity and gender overlap, they may call themself colinkgender. Constelic Constelic is an alterhuman term for someone who collects identities of animals, fictional characters, mythological beings, and otherwise. It is often done by choice, though it is not always, and constelic identities can be dropped, hoarded, and have priority over others. Constelic identities are often casual, “in the background”, or not very intensive, though this may not always be the case. Furthermore, there may be specific tiers of how much someone relates to said identities.[9] These identities in question may be called constels (ex: “I have a deer constel.”) or they may just be called an ID. Constels may also be referred to by a word related to the identity, along with the suffix “-stelic” (ex: I am deerstelic). Someone who is constelic may range from only having one ID, to having a very large number of them, or anything in between. Reasons for why someone is constelic may vary. Popular reasons may be because of hyperfixation, projection onto characters, a need to “hoard” things (possibly due to neurodivergence), or simply for fun. If one's constellic identity and gender overlap, they may call themself constelicgender. Adaptkin Adaptkin is a term used to describe otherkin individuals- usually fictionkin individuals; however, other kintypes can apply- who became otherkin after discovering their species/being (or in the case of fictionkin, world/character). They would not have been otherkin before this, nor would they have had any memories or experiences relating to their kintypes before discovering this. This is not an overlapping term with choicekin, as their kintype was not a choice, but rather just happened unintentionally upon their discovery. There are many reasons adaptkin may give for how/why this may have occured. A few reasons may include, but are not limited to... One may believe that they were marked/imprinted on by the discovery of their kintype, and would not have been alterhuman if they had not discovered it. One may believe that their soul was bound to whatever caused their discovery, or that their kintype swapped souls, or shared pieces of their soul with them. Some otherspin individuals may identify as adaptkin as well, as hyperfixation is (usually) not a choice. If one's adaptkin identity and gender overlap, they may call themself adkingender. Demihuman Demihuman is a term used to describe an individual that has lost their connection to humanity, and thus has picked up a connection to non-human identification. This loss of connection is usually due to trauma or neurodivergence; however, it does not have to be.[10] Often times, a demihuman individual will identify with xenogenders, anonbinary genders, and non-binary genders. This is because they typically tend to disconnect from human structures, including the gender binary structure. This is not the case for all demihumans, but for those who do experience this, they may identify as itamigender or kotogender. Some common terms under the demihuman umbrella include the following: Ahuman: someone who has fully lost any connection to humanity. Librahuman: someone who feels 1-50% human, due to disconnection from humanity. Parahuman: someone who feels 50-99% human, due to disconnection from humanity. If one's demihumanity and gender overlap, they may call themself exhumic. Beforan Beforan is a term used to describe someone who feels as though they had a life before the one they are currently living, without being of a different species than their current one. This word describes someone who believes they’ve had a past life, and feels as though the term otherkin does not fit their experiences. This can also be very helpful for non-human headmates/introjects within systems, if they feel as though they had past lives before becoming a headmate, while not being of a different species. For example, a beforan elven headmate would have memories of being an elf in their past lives. Although a beforan person is not of a different species in their current life, they may have had a different race, gender, sex, body, etc. For example, they may have been blonde in their past life, and have red hair in their current one. All that matters is that they were of the same species. If one's beforan identity and gender overlap, they may call themself beforangender. Forwardsoul Forwardsoul is a term used to describe all otherkin and/or alterhuman individuals who percieve their alterhumanity as an upcoming future life, rather than a past life. They still may describe their experiences as having metaphysical, spiritual, and/or imprintment; however, they believe that these experiences are a shadowing of their future lives, rather than their past or current one's. They may put the word 'forward' in front of their kintype (ie. forwardangel, forwardfox, etc). For example, a fowardrose is someone whose kintype is a rose; however, they believe that their kin experiences are because they are going to be reborn as a rose in their next life, or that their soul will transfer to a rose when they die. A forwardsoul individual is typically very spiritual, metaphysical, and/or religious; however, they do not have to be. All that it takes to be required to be a forwardsoul is that one believes that their kintype is a message/sign of the future, rather than the past or present. If a forwardsoul person believes they are going to be reborn into the same species they currently are (such as a human who believes in reincarnation, or a owl headmate who believes in reincarnation) then they may call themself forwardstill, as it implies the 'still' implies they are still of the same species. If one's forwardsoul identity and gender overlap, they may call themself forsoulgender. Futuresoul Futuresoul is a term used to describe alterhuman individuals that believe that their kintype is a sign of the future, while not being reincarnation or death. There are two subsets to this listed below. Futuresame: someone that believes their kintype is a sign of the future within their same lifetime/timeline. Futurestill: someone that believes that sometime in the future, something major will happen with their kintype (such as physical shifting becoming possible, or being able to switch into their kintypes body). Morphen Morphen is a term used to describe someone who is alterhuman and believes that they morphed (metaphorically or physically) or physically/spiritually moved from their kintype's form to their current human form. Some examples of this are listed below. Someone who's kintype is a shapeshifter, and they believe that they have become stuck as a human from shapeshifting. Someone who's kintype can body swap, and they believe that they have become stuck in the body they swapped into. Someone who's kintype can take over bodies, and they believe that is how they ended up in a human body. Someone who's kintype is a spirit, and they believe they entered a human body. Trauma Nonhuman Trauma Nonhuman is a term to describe someone who became alterhuman due to trauma. Many individuals with trauma end up disconnecting from society, and this can go further to disconnecting to humanity in its entirety. This can cause a disconnect, or a non-human awakening. This term is not to be used by individuals who wish to dehumanize trauma survivors. It is only to be used in a positive manner by the survivor themself. ND-Inhuman ND-Inhuman or ND Alterhuman is a term to describe someone who became alterhuman due to neurodivergence. Often times, those with neurodivergence struggle with human concepts; this struggling can cause a disconnect, or a non-human awakening. ND-Inhuman is typically experienced by autistic individuals; however, it can be any form of neurodivergence that induces such an experience. This term is not to be used by individuals who
    System [11322 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 22:43:07 GMT)
    Full credits to Cryptocrew for writing this page. Disclaimer: this page is not here to be used as self-diagnosis, self-identification, or promotion to begin a system. This page is simply to be seen as informational. Whether or not one self-diagnoses, self-identifies, and/or creates a system is up to them.Interlocking symbol of plurality.The amphersand, a common symbol used in the plural community.Warning: This page contains discussion of integration, dormancy, trauma (abuse, harassment, assault, miscarriage, stillbirth, suicide, death), and exclusionism. Please proceed with caution. Systems, Collectives, and/or Plurals are those who experience being more than one entity in one physical body [1]. Systems are under the neurodivergent umbrella, and are not inherently LGBT+, but being plural can impact sexuality, romantic orientation, attraction, identities, and/or gender (such as with systemfluid). Systems can also commonly intersect with LGBT+ experiences[2]. The experiences may overlap to the point of one's queer identities being a large part of headmates, such as within queergenic systems.The treblesand, another symbol used in the plural community.Those in a system are called system members, headmates, or alters; though, it is important to be aware that 'alter' is medical terminology and may be considered desapizing by some. It is always a positive idea to ask what a system is comfortable with when it comes to terminology, no matter where the terminology stemmed from. There are multiple different types of systems and ways which individuals might be a system. The term system is open to anyone who experiences being more than one entity in one physical body and has been that way for years [3]. The opposite of systems are Singlets/Singletons/Monominds. They are considered to be "typical" in society.The plural spiral. Origins Origins or Formations are processes that formed systems/members/headspace locations. Although these terms are usually used to refer to how a system came into existence, they are also sometimes used on individual headmates (and sometimes even locations in the headspace.) For example, one may say that a layer in their headspace is neurogenic and/or that a headmate in their system is agenic. Adaptive An Adaptive System is a system that formed in response to trauma or other adversity (neurodivergence, disabilities, stress, etc.) A common trait of such systems is viewing their plurality as adapting, healing, and overcoming obstacles as a team. Many traumagenic systems prefer to use this term so that their trauma isn't consistently pushed back into their face. Subsets to the adaptive umbrella include the following: Lonegenic: a system that formed due to/in order to cope with loneliness, isolation, and/or neglect. Isolgenic/Socinagenic: a system that formed due to isolation and/or social neglect. Solumgenic: a system that formed due to loneliness. Neurogenic: a system that formed due to/in order to cope with neurodivergence. Addictogenic: a system that formed due to addictive disorders. Adjustogenic: a system that formed due to adjustment disorders. Attractogenic: a system that formed due to attractional disorders. Autigenic: a system that formed due to autism or autistic traits. BPD System/Bordergenic: a system that formed due to borderline personality disorder. Ceregenic: a system that formed due to brain injury/in order to cope with brain injury. Cognigenic: a system that formed due to cognitive disorders. Consugenic: a system that formed due to eating disorders. Commugenic: a system that formed due to communication disorders. Convergenic: a system that formed due to conversion disorder. Deligenic: a system that formed due to delusions. Depressigenic: a system that formed due to depressive disorders. Develogenic: a system that formed due to developmental disorders. Disrugenic: a system that formed due to disorders that disrupt focus, concentration, and/or emotions. Dissociagenic: a system that formed due to dissociation. Drawalgenic: a system that formed due to substance withdrawal. Epilegenic: a system that formed due to epilepsy. Factitiogenic: a system that formed due to factitious disorder, body integrity dysphoria, and/or manchausen syndrome by proxy. Fluctugenic: a system that formed due to disorders that cause mood-swings. Fixigenic: a system that formed due to hyperfixation. Intellegenic: a system that formed due to intellectual disabilities. Learnigenic: a system that formed due to learning disorders. Lusiogenic: a system that formed due to disorders that cause delusions and/or hallucinations. Moodgenic: a system that formed due to mood disorders. Neurotraumagenic: a system originating from trauma caused in part or in whole, or made worse by, by a neurodiversity.[4] Obsecogenic: a system that formed due to obsessive-compulsive disorders. Paragenic: a system that formed due to maladaptive daydreaming disorder or other alike neurodivergencies. A Paracontinuum is someone who is stuck between plurality and maladaptive daydreaming disorder. Postpartugenic: a system that formed due to postpartum depression, postpartum anxiety, postpartum psychosis, and/or postpartum OCD. Procegenic: a system that formed due to auditory processing disorder, sensory processing disorder, or both. Psychatraumagenic/Psychiatraumagenic: a system originating from trauma caused, in part or in whole, or made worse by mental illness.[5] Psychetraumagenic/Ipsetraumagenic: a system originating from trauma caused, in part or in whole, or made worse by mental illness or neurodiversity.[6] Psygenic: a system that formed from psychosis or psychotic-related disorders. Pulsigenic: a system that formed due to impulsive or compulsive disorders. Somatigenic: a system that formed due to somatic symptom disorder. Somnigenic: a system that formed due to sleeping disorders. Syndrogenic: a system that formed due to psychological syndromes. Synegenic: a system that formed due to synesthesia. Thougenic: a system that formed due to thought disorders. Xiegenic: a system that formed due to anxiety disorders. Outertraumagenic: a system that formed due to someone else's trauma affecting the core/already existing headmates. This could be due to getting secondary trauma from it, due to being stressed/worried for the individual affected, due to the desire to protect/help that individual, etc. Stressgenic: a system that formed due to stress/in order to cope with stress. Traumagenic: a system that formed due to/in order to cope with trauma. This could be any form of trauma. Traumagenic systems are more common to form under the age of nine, however this is not the case for all traumagenic systems. Alphagenic: a system that formed due to Type A trauma. Betagenic: a system that formed due to Type B trauma. Exotraumagenic: a system that formed due to exotrauma. Extraumagenic: a system that formed due to trauma, but is unsure/does not know what that trauma was. Intratraumagenic: a system (typically a subsystem, sidesystem, or similar) that formed due to intratrauma, Peiragenic: a system that formed due to trauma, specifically caused by a suicide-attempt. Phytogenic: a system that formed due to abuse. Created/Willogenic A Created System is a system that was purposefully formed. The creation is typically spiritual/metaphysical in nature, however it can also be psychologically forming beings in order to assist or protect oneself. Created systems are not typically made for fun, and those that are made for fun are typically by folks that are unaware/uneducated on the difficulties that can come with plurality. A created headmate is known as a Thoughtform, and the process of creation is known as Thoughtforming. A Willogenic System is a system that was created purposefully/willed into existence, and has no connection to Tulpamancy. This term is specifically to separate from Tulpamancy in a respectful way, as the Tulpamancy community has very specific practices and culture. Subsets to these two umbrellas include the following: Araisagenic/Imagenic: a system that formed through escapism and speaking to folks who were not there until they became real. Archogenic: a system that was created by an artisian or crafted in a similar manner. Catharigenic/Catarigenic: a system that was unintentionally created/created naturally. Daemogenic: a system that was formed through daemonism/is made of daemons. Kiagenic: a system/headspace/layer/member/etc that formed out of chaos/pre-existing or primordial potential energy for existence, brought or manifested into existence or awareness via gentle nudging of unconscious processes. This term is also used to describe a non-intentionally created system. Maliciogenic: a system (usually a subsystem) that was created with malicious intent. Oftentimes these are made by persecutors, however that is not always the case. O-System: a system made up of original-characters (OCs) created by other headmates. Headmates in these systems are known as Omates. Parogenic: a system that was created through thought-based or metaphysical means, usually deliberately. Primagenic: a system shaped around an original universe created by other headmates through writing, art, or other creative mediums. Tulpagenic: a system that was formed through Tulpamancy. Tulpamancy is commonly seen as a practice exclusive for Buddhists, and because of this, some claim it should only be used by Buddhists; however, historically, its use has been by non-Buddhists as well, as seen in this article. This term is not under the willogenic umbrella. Endogenic An Endogenic System is a system that formed due to reasons outside of trauma.[7]This includes any system that formed outside of trauma (though some endogenic systems have traumagenic origins/mixed origins as well.) This includes spirigenic/metagenic systems, created systems, and some forms of multigenic systems. Other subsets to the endogenic umbrella include the following: Aethergenic: a system that cannot be explained through psychological means. Cosmogenic: a system that formed due to cosmos or celestial forces to which Earth is. Kiagenic: a system that formed out of chaos/pre-existing or primordial potential energy for existence, brought or manifested into existence or awareness via gentle nudging of unconscious processes. Acquiregenic: a system that formed due to an acquired biological characteristic. This may include some forms of neurogenic and physiogenic in some cases. Chaogenic: a system with chaotic origins or so many different origins that it seems chaotic. Gendiegenic: a system that formed due to gender (in some way, shape, or form.) This could be from gender dysphoria, from genders manifesting into headmates, etc. Inheritgenic: when someone believes that they inherited plurality from a relative. Magiangenic: a system that formed due to magic, either real magic of fictional magic. Melogenic: a system that formed/was pulled into existence through a song or melody. Voidgenic: a system that came from a void or is unexplainable. Kin System A Kin System (or kincontinuum) is a term used to describe someone who has systemhood and kintypes overlapping or intertwined. This includes (but is not limited to): A system that forms headmates based on their kintypes. These are usually considered introjects, as they represent the beings the individual is kin to. Someone who is trapped between being otherkin and plural, such as having kintypes that have their own autonomy, but only when shifted. A median system that consists entirely of different parts of an individuals kintypes as their own autonomous beings. A kin system can be of any origin, and the system may have headmates that are not kin-related as well. System-Kin is a term under this umbrella. Its when an individual forms a system, due to the fact that their kintypes are in a system in whatever connectus they are from. Because they are kin to a system, their mind forms a system in response, based upon who they are kin to. Mixed Origins/Multigenic/Polygenic A Mixed Origin, Multigenic, or Polygenic System is a term used to describe when a collective has multiple origins. Subsets to the multigenic umbrella include the following: Algenic: a system that technically fits all origins available to them, but only some are big enough/important enough to the system to be identified with. Compogenic: a term for a system member with multiple/mixed origins, but the origins are either unclear or the member does not wish to disclose them. Fleirgenic: a system that has mixed origins but doesn’t discern most or all of their origins due to finding it unimportant or due to fearing it would cause internal hierarchy. Horizigenic: a system that tries to collect terms to describe their origins, but their origins seem to blend together and/or wear out at some point. Isoscegenic: a system that mainly has one origin but has a few headmates that differ in origin. Mavrigenic: a system that seems to "consume" origins, sucking them in like a blackhole. Origin-Flux: when newer headmates have different origins than the original origin that formed the system. Pangenic: a system that fits all origins available to them (not including closed-off spiritual/religious practices that the body is not included under.) Supragenic: a system that existed previously for natural reasons, but due to trauma, its function/origins have changed. Othergenic An Othergenic System is a system that is neither endogenic or traumagenic in nature (and is also not a combination of the two.) Subsets to the othergenic umbrella include the following: Agenic/Nihilumgenic: a system that has no origins/do not identify with any origins. Spontaneous System/Spontagenic: a system that seemingly appeared out of nowhere, with no definite cause. Xeno-Origin/Xenogenic: a system that can't be contained by human understandings of plurality, and instead uses terminology relating to animals, plants, and things to describe originhood. Spirigenic/Metagenic A Spirigenic System is a system that has spiritual or religious origins/were created though spiritual means. A Metagenic System is a system that has spiritual or metaphysical origins, not necessarily tied to any religions or practices. Both the spirigenic and metagenic umbrella hold similar subsets, which include the following: Psychegenic: a system that is plural/became plural due to multiple souls being in the same body. Possesive System: when an individual consents to a spirit (or spirits) possessing them in the long-term, and thus becomes a system. Seelegenic: when a system formed due the splitting of the core/current headmate’s soul(s); the soul being split caused each individual piece to form an individual being to hold it. A Seeleplex is a seelegenic system with at least one sidesystem that has the same soul-splitting mechanics as the main system. A similar term to seelegenic is Amegenic, in which most or all of a system shares a soul, however in this case it is not due to the soul being split. Soulbond System: a system that formed through soulbonding. Unknown/Quoigenic An Unknown System is a system that is unsure of their origins/has unknown origins. A Quoigenic System is a system that does not wish to share their origins, do not find their origins relevant, or thinks it is the wrong question to ask; this may be due to them being unaware or unsure of their origins, however that is not always the case. Both the quoigenic and unknown umbrella hold similar subsets, which include the following: Cryptogenic: a system that does not know their origins. Pertegenic: a system that does not know their actual origin due to memory loss/alteration. Praesigenic: a system that does not wish to share their origins to someone or anyone. Miscellaneous These are origin terms that could be endogenic, traumagenic, and/or othergenic in nature, depending on the situation. Biogenic: a system that formed from biological/genetic causes. Chimeragenic: a system that formed due to biological chimerism. Congenic: a system with complicated origins. Cryogenic: a system that came out of nowhere, came from the cold, has frozen (gone dormant) before and is now thawing, and/or multiple of the above. Esogenic: a term to describe either an origin (or mix of origins) that only the system/headmates understand, a system that can describe their origin but has no title for it yet, and/or a system that has multiple origins but does not know every type they have. Iatrogenic: a system that formed due to being convinced they were a system and/or due to internal family systems therapy. If it is specifically related to internal family systems therapy than they may call themselves IFSgenic. Innate System: a system that was created at birth and/or formed from traits one had since birth. Intragenic: a system that formed through continuous mimicry of real or fictitious individuals. This could be neurogenic if its related to neurodivergence/disorders and/or traumagenic if its related to ways to cope with trauma, however it is not exclusive to these experiences. Kaksbased: a system that was born with two individuals within the same body, but did not see it as a system until they gained more members. Psuedogenic: a system that fomed due to lying about being plural until they actually became plural. The system should acknowledge what they did was wrong, but cannot deny that they are now a system. These lies may have been traumatic. Pariogenic: a system that is made up mostly (or entirely) of walk-ins and/or soulbonds. Protogenic: a system that has been around since birth/as long as they remember or cannot remember how they formed. Psychologenic: a system with psychological origins. This includes psychological-based adaptive systems as well as any endogenic or othergenic system that is psychological in nature. Medical Terms DID, OSDD, and USDD/UDD are three terms often used to describe traumagenic systems, however they are not exclusively traumagenic, and some endogenic systems may be diagnosed with these as well. DID is short for dissociative identity disorder, and is a medical way of being plural for those who experience amnesia (typically between switches). This means that any system, regardless of whether or not they have traumatic origins, can have DID, as the only characterized trait is that they must experience amnesia.[8] OSDD is short for otherwise specified dissociative identity disorder, and is a medical way of being plural which includes those who don't have amnesia (1b) or systems that do not switch/are not entirely separate. (1a).[9] This means that any system, regardless of origin, can be diagnosed in this way, as median systems and systems that don't experience amnesia can be both traumagenic and endogenic. OSDD-2, OSDD-3, and OSDD-4 are not typically associated with plurality, however they can be in some cases (such as with neurogenic systems). USDD/UDD is short for unspecified dissociative disorder, and is a medical way of being plural that describes an individual who doesn't match the criteria for DID or OSDD, while still presenting dissociative systems. USDD is also used to describe dissociative disorders that do not fit DPDR, Fugue State, DID, or OSDD, meaning USDD can be associated with singlets as well, and is not inherently plural in nature. An article that touches more on the topic of DID/OSDD being non-exclusive is listed here. A short article that speaks on USDD is listed here. MPD MPD or "Multiple Personality Disorder" is an outdated term to describe systems. This term is disliked amongst the community, for reasons that include (but are not limited to): It implies all systems are disordered. The term "personality" implies headmates are simply behaviors or ways of thinking. It was used in a manner that implied all headmates were different sides of one individual, which is usually not true. This term, although mainly outdated, is occasionally
    song ! [129 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 17:26:42 GMT)
    <poem> | Ā, watashi wa betsu no risuku o okashimashita | Nani o subeki ka oshiete wa ikemasen | mata, nani o subeki ka oshiete moraemasen | watashi wa hitori de yunīkudesu | fure rarenai kono shōnen | anata ga aisuru koto ga dekinai kono shōnen | kono otokonoko wa anata no kokoro o kowashimasu | hitori de odoru, fukōna tamashī | yūhi o mitekudasai | utsukushī ga, kesshite anata no monode wanai | watashi wa ī kōdō o shimasu | demo watashi no honshō wa dete kimasu | heya ni hairu to sairen ga narimasu | fure rarenai kono shōnen | anata ga aisuru koto ga dekinai kono shōnen | kono otokonoko wa anata no kokoro o kowashimasu | paradokkusu, kōri no yō ni tsumetai </poem>
    Just Venting Stuff [60 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 17:12:24 GMT)
    This is basically just for me to vent. Feel free to read it, I don't mind at all. I made this so I don't clutter up the threads. /gen Oh yeah also our whole system will probably vent here or something, I don't really know. /gen /lh Be warned, it's kinda heavy and stuff /gen Basically, general TW from here on out /gen /neu -Rosie/Nyx
    Dang [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 5 Fri 5:42:11 GMT)
    the last blog posts i made are old
    Typing Quirk Translators [688 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 4 Thu 18:41:07 GMT)
    Typing Quirk Translators Here is a list of users who have volunteered as typing quirk translators, and are therefore willing to be pinged if you need someone to translate your typing quirk for you. It is recommended to ping more than one translator, as not everyone will be available and able to respond quickly at any given time, here is a post that may be helpful to read on formatting translation requests: https://lgbta.miraheze.org/w/index.php?title=Topic:Wowhvjp9v6qf48js&topic_showPostId=wowhvjp9vaohcci0#flow-post-wowhvjp9vaohcci0 Some of these individuals are staff members, however, some are non-staff members who have volunteered to be on this list - this is not an official staff position and not all users on this list represent the LGBTA Wiki staff team. Staff Members FruitySystem ChaoticAroace CosmicSnowstorm -rxven.in.the.clouds- S0FTW4RE.G0R3 Contie Iwillregretthisuwu .fading.starlight. (for minor typing quirks and quirks with translators) Stitchy0 (Not all headmates are able to translate quirks, but some are) Non-Staff Members MysticalMatter FoxBanana TheAshSystem CowsLoveCoffee Nothoughtsnogender .forestofmushrooms. Morningsky155 WindyFrog GalacticFart Diamond The SkyWing ClassyRaven PenInq Fryingpan14 Jaderose35 I-like-chocolate-sauce Yoyodawgi (as long as a translation guide is provided, eg: 3-e, 1=i) Lilynightstar (can translate "heavy"/complex typing quirks) LupCryah NyahNyahNyahNyahNyah69 Addyroodle (can translate "heavy" typing quirks) NessieSnails MintyLife88 AlTheWolf Oopskskskskskgayman Ablobontheinternet Verysaddadd Theexpertlesbiannerd Ruitethewingedfox5 SliceofPurple Aspentheleafwing4 Mayasx (a translation guide for more complicated quirks is preferred) LexieLove542 RainbowPink2 (may need a translation guide for more complicated quirks) Ggghhhooosssttt SalemSays Izumizumiku Anotheranonymoususer321 Starrychaos23 MajesticWorlds WindyFrog (Emmerson: light quirks, Finley: can translate quirks with no letters but may need a minor guide, Unnamed: any quirks with minor guide) Ghostifysleeps (most typing quirks including really complex ones, but may need a slight guide if it's too complicated) I-like-chocolate-Sauce1 (can translate most typing quirks as long as they're not very "heavy") Spongeboy0009 (can translate most typing quirks, though may need a translation guide if they're too heavy) TheEmeraldSystem DentalFricative River That Crashes Onshore MoonSMH Truly T.E.A. If you would like to be added or removed from this list, contact Contie via faer message wall or reply to this post: https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000212227. Please also let faer know if you notice that any of the users on this list have been banned, so that said users can be removed from the list. Our guidelines regarding typing quirks Any typing quirk that interferes with the letters of words or the overall comprehensibility of words - no matter how “minor” - must be translated, as screen readers cannot always “understand” what is being said. Posts that include the use of typing quirks must include a translation within the post if one is able to be provided. If a translation cannot be provided by the user posting, they must ask for one to be provided (see list above). Users who do not either provide a translation or ask for one to be provided will have their posts removed, and may receive a warning or block if the behaviour continues. These rules are in place to ensure that the wiki is accessible to those who use a screen reader, as well as dyslexic, hard-of-sight, and other disabled/neurodivergent individuals who may struggle to read typing quirks. Read the rest of our guidelines: Our community guidelines: LGBTA Wiki:Community Guidelines Our discussions/interactions guidelines: https://lgbta.wikia.org/d/g
    BLOOG [163 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 3 Wed 18:44:51 GMT)
    Heading This Insert Text Here Hello You are really cool :) User:Voup.ll
    The Reason I Left [274 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 3 Wed 17:39:08 GMT)
    //TW, sh, suicide, swearing, abuse, parinoia, intrusivethoughts, gore// Disclaimer I am dyslexic so don't be mad if some words are misspelled. Hello Hello so I'll be talking about why I resigned as a mod and why I left the wiki. (I will/am still lingering) For those who don't know me, I'm Vic. I've been here since January of this year. My first account was Vic978. I am 14 and got here when I just turned 13. I have undiagnosed autism, undiagnosed (working on it) ADHD, Diagnosed OCD, Skitzophrenia, and PTSD. I made this to show people why I left (becaue my post was vauge af) Being a Mod I became a mod when I was 13. Bad idea. Being a mod could be fun sometimes, I got to help people and such. Then came the first raid I was a mod for. This raid was horrifying for me. The bi-lesbian page was harrased by people in the comments, and I was the only mod online. Yup, the only mod. Then the second raid I was one of three mods online. This was a gore raid. lol, trauma, yay /j /s. This was bad for my mental health. Mental health I am suicidal. Welp, so plain, but its true. I need to focus more on myself. Intrusive thoughts, SH, they all effect me negativley. The mental abuse i have gotten from some people here is AsTroNomICaL. Fucking traumatized and invalidated from some induviduals here. Priorities I got addicted to this place. Everyfuckingday, wouldnt do school, just this, and my grades went from "a's" to "'s". "s" for shitty. So, yeah. Bye Well, I'll prob edit this when i have more time. Bye, ily /p
    My Critism, And what I think should change about this wiki [1005 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 3 Wed 17:08:47 GMT)
    First and foremost I think that overall this wiki can be a good place, But there are things that I think should change. Not that I think that the wiki will just magically change and everything will be perfect, I'm just stating things from my point of view (also kinda venting a little) Mods I think that there are some great mods and I think there are mods who shouldn't even be mods. But I think that's one of the things I mainly will be talking about, besides the communication, and my thoughts in general. Communication Between mods I think that we all know that communication between mods is not that great, They have a padlet, and they have a discord. From what I know. But I think that if a person cant have access to any of those platforms then they shouldn't really be a mod. Mods abusing power/Mod toxicity There are also a lot of corrupt mods that abuse their power, and I think most of them have either stepped down, or changed their ways somewhat. I know of a few who still abuse their power. For instance, a user got blocked because said user had discussed and opinion some of the mods didn't like so they blocked said person. They've all apologized to that person, but they shouldn't have gotten a block for discussing something that didn't break the rules. With that being said, there was a lot of mods who were talking about other users behind their backs from what I've heard, and if this wiki is supposed to be a safe place, why are said mods being toxic? They even use the padlet to talk about other users and thats not nice. Mod age Now this should be something that mods take into consideration when recruiting mod, There are users who are 13 y/o being mods, and most of them have or did abuse their power at one point. Why I think that mods should be 14+ is because: Most of the 13 y/o mods don't really know what they're doing They are toxic mods some of the time They shouldn't really be mods in my opinion I think Sysops should be 16+ aswell My thoughts over all on the mods, and their moderation There are great mods, and there are bad ones. I feel like when a user speaks on the mod team, the mod team should listen. Instead of getting defensive and mod. Its like no one can ever really have an opinion without some mods making it a big deal. From my perspective, some of the mods should be demoted. And I have a few in mind, which i will be talking to the Bureaucrat. Users of the wiki Now I can say that most of the users on this wiki are super nice, very caring and super sweet. But there are some who are toxic, and start drama. Which ruins the wiki overall. (ties into the mod toxicity) User toxicity To me, users that are toxic on this wiki are the most guilt trippy, manipulators. Most that I know of have been either blocked temporarily, blocked indefinitely, or have left (as they should). There should be somewhere to report users that are being toxic, or rude. I think if we have that, the wiki will be less hectic when it comes to drama, instead of trying to handle it ourselves. User venting/ranting A lot of user excessively vent/rant on this wiki, maybe it's because they think it's a safe space. But i think that if you do it too much you'll get attached to venting online, and some people online are super toxic and will make you feel bad for ranting. Not that I'm saying that you cant vent/rant online sometimes its just, it becomes too much after a while. User polls The polls on this wiki are fun sometimes, but stuff like attraction polls and stuff, they get kinda old. There is a guideline for not initiating relationships in posts, but, there can be attraction polls. That guideline kinda contradicts itself. I remember there used to be polls asking if ____sexual is valid, or _____gender valid, Its kinda weird. But there's nothing really I can say about polls. My thoughts overall on users in general I feel like I've made some great friends on the wiki, but there are users that can be rude, mean and very much disrespectful. I genuinely think that we should either have a padlet to report users, or a blog post where we can comment users that are toxic. Things that should be added to wiki guideline/things I think would be useful I'm just speaking my opinion on rules, Thanks Contie for updating them they're really good. I just wanna share some suggestions. I feel like this would overall make things easier, and hopefully bring some great changes. What I have thought of so far I think that users who speak over users of a certain group should be warned (i don't know if they do that already, i think so but this is just to make sure). Users who talk about other users behind others backs should be warned. There should be a place that we can report users/mods. We should have regular polls on how thing are going on the wiki. Call out post should be deleted (there's a rule for that i think about call out posts). Passive-aggressive replies to users should be monitored. Mods who have been reported should be demoted for a period of time, unless they can show that they are "better" (I don't know how to word that) That's all I really have as of right now. Conclusion This has taken me about 4 days to finish. I think I touched on everything, If i didn't ill probably edit this to put my opinion of said thing I hope that i don't sound too mean or condescending. I just wanted to state my opinion on everything. I hope whoever is reading has a good day/night/afternoon :)
    My weird gender [36 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 3 Wed 13:21:06 GMT)
    I am presenting myself as a trigender BUT... My two of the three genders are fluid (Boy and Demigirl). And I don't know what the correct term for that is. Is it this one, or is it some other; Could someone help me?
    Suggestion Response (pt1) [598 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 2 Tue 20:18:28 GMT)
    Hello everyone! This blog post explains responses to criticism/suggestions and explanations of how we plan to fix and issues provided to us. This will not have all the current suggestions, but if users enjoy these posts, we will continue to make more. One “I think there should be an announcement on a list of required trigger warnings, I have accidentally forgotten one before and it didn't turn out well.” Actually, we do have a list of triggers warnings that can be found in section two of the Guide to the Wiki, (by ThatAnnoyingDemigirl). We are also currently reevaluating our rules about forgetting trigger warnings. Two “is it possible that we could make the wiki more democratic? Right now it's an oligarchy, and the staff have all the power, and make decisions without consulting the members of the wiki. This is flawed and leads to unfairness in the wiki. I suggest consulting with members before making decisions, rather than only consulting the staff team and leaving the members our of wiki-wide decisions.” The staff team has been working on this issue. We all admit corrupt mods are an issue, and Contie has been working on reevaluating our mods. The staff have started to use public polls for major decisions (ex: decisions regarding page relocation) and are trying to be more transparent with users. This blog is proof that we are working to be more open about changes. We want to hear what you all have to say, and we want others to help contribute to the wiki. Three “I feel like we should have a big meeting going over things every week. And also focus more on pages too not just the discussions website part” Unfortunately, meetings will likely not be possible due to time zones and personal issues. However, we have been making suggestion threads, involving users in wiki polls and have announced new changes. The staff team has been working on sorting and fixing pages to some degree for a long time. However, our lack of content mods has severely detoured our goals. Currently, both the pages and discussions are on hold until we can reevaluate our staff team and wiki rules. Once those tasks have been completed, we will try and start getting content mods and sorting page work. Four “Please rest. Re-evaluate your articles carefully but with time. Don't make rash decisions with demoting anyone. Please be-rid of the System, Neurodivergent, and other non-LGBT+ pages to keep on topic. Communicate and find trustworthy users to help out. Hold an apprentice program, even? To run through users you'd like to see as mods. That is all I have to say for the moment. Thank you for your time. :-) — 🪄” Like I stated in the previous part, we do plan on getting more content mods to fix pages. We also carefully making new regulations for our staff team. Currently, Contie has been working very hard on our new staff programs. If you would like to discuss the non-LGBTA pages, you can find our public vote here. Conclusion Thank you for reading this. We appreciate your patience with the changes on this wiki. Although it may not look like much is happening, we have been working tirelessly behind the scenes. We have privately worked in collaboration with many users, and we are ready to do what this wiki needs. Thank you for your time. If you found this post useful, we will make more posts responding to criticism soon. Created 11/2/21 /g /srs /nm
    mmmm [504 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 2 Tue 4:31:23 GMT)
    ooh heck this will be long- CHARACTER NAME HERE gender - orientation - personality traitThis character belongs to (user name here), don't edit/use/steal without permission. {| cellpadding="4" style="border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Kaushan Script; float: right; width: 250px; margin: 0 0 7px 14px; background: linear-gradient(#000000, #242424); border: 4px double white; color: white; font-size: smaller; line-height: 1.5;" |- ! colspan="2" style="background: linear-gradient(#000000, #242424); border-bottom: 1px solid #999; text-align: center; font-size: larger;" |character name here |- | colspan="2" style="padding:0;" ||alt=|center|thumb]] |- ! colspan="2" style="background: linear-gradient(#000000, #242424); border-bottom: 1px solid #999; border-top: 1px solid #999; text-align: center;" |Background Information |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Creator | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Main Attribute | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Elemental Attribute | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Theme Animal | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Theme Color | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Theme Song | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |MBTI Personality | |- ! colspan="2" style="background: linear-gradient(#000000, #242424); border-bottom: 3px solid #999; text-align: center;" |Character Information |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Age | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Gender | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Orientation | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Cause of Death | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Date of Death | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Relatives | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Residence | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Alignment | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Allies | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Enemies | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Likes | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Dislikes | |- style="border-bottom: 1px solid #999;" |Quote | |} A p p e a r a n c e filler text P e r s o n a l i t y filler text H i s t o r y filler text R e l a t i o n s h i p s Name filler text Name filler text Name filler text T r i v i a *filler text *filler text *filler text File:Wikia banner ja 01.png
    new blog post [23 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 2 Tue 4:18:38 GMT)
    {| class="article-table" | |} }
    BLOG POST [535 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Nov 1 Mon 17:46:10 GMT)
    INCLUSIVE I am accepting of all genders, orientations, identities, and forms of expression. Feel free to be yourself around me! Coding by Tadashi CHARACTER NAME HERE gender - orientation - personality traitThis character belongs to (user name here), don't edit/use/steal without permission. character name here Background Information Creator Main Attribute Elemental Attribute Theme Animal Theme Color Theme Song MBTI Personality Character Information Age Gender Orientation Cause of Death Date of Death Relatives Residence Alignment Allies Enemies Likes Dislikes Quote A p p e a r a n c e filler text P e r s o n a l i t y filler text H i s t o r y filler text R e l a t i o n s h i p s Name filler text Name filler text Name filler text T r i v i a filler text filler text filler text File:Wikia banner ja 01.png
    organization [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 31 Sun 21:47:33 GMT)
    {| class="sortable fandom-table" |+Overall Issues !Other !Internal !External !Discussions !Pages !User |- | | | | | | |- | | | | | | |- | | | | | | |} Overall Improvements Other Internal External Discussions Pages User Implements Name Description When How Why Other Emotional Management Stress Time Organization Confidence Satisfaction Positive Negative Resources and Pages Accuracy Completion Layout Comprehension Other
    The LGBTA Wiki Anonymous Suggestion Form [119 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 31 Sun 18:00:29 GMT)
    The LGBTA Wiki Anonymous Suggestion Form On this form you can… suggest new ideas for the wiki explain issues with the wiki report problems with other users report issues with moderators and provide reasons why they should possibly be demoted You can be completely honest on this form, and not have to reveal your wiki username. The mod team want to help solve the issues here, so don’t be afraid to be clear. Do not use this form to spam, joke or troll. Here is the link to the from. Here is the link to form response 1.
    Name Suggestions [103 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 31 Sun 2:14:23 GMT)
    Hello! A lot of people on this wiki are looking for names, whether for themselves of characters. I decided to transfer my 2 google doc pages of names for my friends to here! Feel free to comment any name suggestions! Sylver Zoa Apollo Dipper Nico Kai Loki Felix Astre Ethan Ayden Aeron (Like aaron, but funky and cool) Axel Vince Talon Austin Mist Raine Crow Dino Bug Fennec Any number Juniper Moon August Smoke Soot Pyro Neon Mars Jet Patton Robyn Scout Ako Flaire Phoenix Moss Jay Bee Chaos Chai Alex Taz Radish Jax Griffyn Nova Andromeda (Andy for short) Calypso Rue Amity Clora Ash Echo Ocean Winter Jemilla Coral Meliah
    Staff Members [20 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 31 Sun 0:27:07 GMT)
    Bureaucrat Jeb_CC Administrators Virgildoesgae Trusted Editors Yunan AmethyIt
    Bans and Warnings [111 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 31 Sun 0:10:47 GMT)
    Indefinite Blocks Indefinite blocks will be given to those who... impersonate other users/other individuals (such as celebrities) troll or satirically edit post false or misleading information post spam are queerphobic are ableist are racist are exclusionary are abusive redefine or alter terms and flags without coiner permission Timed Blocks The below offenses will result in a timed block, up to the moderator's discretion. Generally the time of the block will depend on the severity of the issue. repeatedly disregarding article guidelines (one typo or incorrect formatting won't get you immediately blocked, but if your edits are constantly being reverted or revised, then we will block your editing abilities.) implying/stating paraphilic disorders are LGBTQ+ (including pedophilia, zoophilia, incestual attraction, etc)
    messing around with userbox [359 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 27 Wed 21:59:32 GMT)
    = Pride Gradients = Pastel Pride Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Voidgender Nomifluid Agender Bellusromantic
    Why Excessive Online venting is unhealthy for you and Others [458 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 27 Wed 14:28:44 GMT)
    Good Morning, afternoon, or Night! I’m Vil and this is an essay on why Venting excessively online publicly is an unhealthy way of venting and letting out your emotions what is Venting? Venting according to the Marriam-webster dictionary is to relieve someone of emotions or to let out emotions. Venting can be taken positively or negatively depending on how you want to let out your emotions An example of a Positive Vent is: OMG!! I’M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW I FINALLY GOT MY NEW CAR AND I GOT TO DRIVE MYSELF TO WORK AND SCHOOL!!! AHHHHHHH An example of a Negative vent is: I failed my test with a 50% if my parents find out I’ll be grounded for a month, and I can’t be grounded I have clubs and sports and other things! I’m so scared for what they will say and I’m usually a good student but this test I had was very difficult because it was a Placement test Why venting is healthy for you The reason Venting is healthy is that it’s better to let emotions out than bottling them up, Venting is extremely helpful and recommended for others, venting can help you become a healthier person and have a better mindset when you let out your emotions What is Excessive Venting Excessive venting is when one constantly vents, mainly negative, about everything that happens to them. An example of excessive venting is Venting every time something that’s a minor inconvenience, in which it causes you to only think of the negatives in your life and causes your mental health to become very bad and upsetting. Why Excessive venting is unhealthy Like I had said before the reason excessive venting is unhealthy is that it will NOT better your mental health and it’ll make it worse, and for viewers of these vents who may also not be well mentally it’ll affect their Mental health and make it drop. Excessive venting can also deteriorate the venter’s mental health and cause them to go into a depressive Episode from this, Venting is not something that should be done a lot and should only be done if the thing is TRUELY damaging your mental health and you need to let it out to make yourself feel better Better ways to Vent Here are some healthier options to vent instead of venting online Writing in a Journal Making a Padlet for yourself to vent into for your smaller vents Vent art that you don’t share Writing your vent on a Piece of paper then tearing it up Song writing Venting to a stuff animal or a photo of an OC writing a story Sources https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/vent
    FLAGS [222 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 27 Wed 5:43:12 GMT)
    Intro <poem> Hey, welcome to my bio My name is Junpei, I am 17 I am the host/core of this system ❤ </poem> Interests <poem> ⋆ Video games ⋆ Music ⋆ Drawing ⋆ Zodiac </poem> IDENTITY <poem>I am a bi xenoboy, he/they. I am also polyamourous and intersex.</poem>
    user page template [1003 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 26 Tue 22:22:53 GMT)
    tos: if you are on my dni or fit my general dni requirements, please do not use this whatsoever. if you are not, please ask me either in the comments (there is a comment thread i made, please reply there) or on my message wall. /srs also, keep in mind the tabbers scroll, make sure to scroll sideways through the titles to make sure you’re reading every section of the guide! /gen heyo! so basically this is going to be an overview of my code and stuff :) please make sure you read the tos at the top /srsif you copy and paste this code into your user page: {{DISPLAYTITLE:
    testing html [2 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 26 Tue 3:30:23 GMT)
    Triggers & Discomforts [314 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 25 Mon 10:31:00 GMT)
    Important: Do not read if you’re going to be a jerk about it and use it against us! That will not be tolerated! /vsrs Other members of Systeroamia can also add on to the lists if they wish. // General TW // Triggers Any creepy smiles or characters with creepy smiles, such as the Lemon Demon and other creepypastas Any words related to c/v/d (o, i) Bl//d (oo) Sharp objects D//th (ea) School trauma, unfair teachers, especially anything about PE Angry yelling or being yelled at S//c/de (ui, i) or sh Gatekeeping, invalidation, bullying, especially from those who are LGBTQIA+ themselves. Hate crimes are by far the worst triggers for us Ableism Fatophobia, body shaming Reverse music Being called rude, disrespectful, or having an attitude when I (Danni) or anyone else genuinely wasn’t trying to be. Seriously, it’s bad “Cringe culture” Discomforts Being asked suggestive/sexual questions (especially if I don’t know you that well) Very pro-communist or any pro-capitalist posts. It can become a trigger if proposed multiple times. Horror movies. It can become a trigger if proposed multiple times. Being told to “calm down”, “relax”, or “chill”. I don’t know about you, but telling me such won’t make me calm down, even if you had good intentions. Mentions of TrevorSpace. We used to be on there, but we left due to the amount of drama, exclusionism, and ignorance, especially towards others’ triggers (ex: getting angry at someone because of respecting someone else’s trigger as autism). It can become a trigger if proposed many times or if being asked to join. The words “cringe/cringey”, especially when it’s describing someone else or what someone is doing. We just don’t like it. Accusing a company for pink capitalism, especially when that company actually isn't and is actually supportive. It's really annoying actually Chic-fil-a. Their company is trash
    just meh talking pt 1 [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 25 Mon 5:26:57 GMT)
    TW in audio https://voca.ro/1bKkeeYSHKBC
    QUESTIONS!! [36 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 23 Sat 23:25:56 GMT)
    I already posted about this but whatever here are my questions: why are some genders exclusive to neurodivergent people? and what is gender? like, I know what gender is, but I want a direct explanation because it might help clear some stuff up.
    Guide to the wiki [2843 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 20 Wed 15:08:07 GMT)
    Hi there! This blog post is designed to tell you about important things you will often see on the wiki. Note: in this blog post, the term "moderators" is being used to refer to all wiki staff, including bureaucrats, administrators, thread moderators and content moderators. Note #2: this blog post is not the official guidelines page for the wiki. It's simply an informal guide about common things on the wiki, to help avoid confusion among new users. However, content on this page may overlap with the guidelines in some parts. Note #3: if you have any suggestions about things to include in this blog post, you can put them in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Note #4: before you read this, make sure to read the rules, the community and style guidelines, and the FAQ. DNIs DNI stands for "Do Not Interact". It's a way of setting boundaries with who you do and do not want to interact with. When And How Can You DNI Someone? If a user makes you feel uncomfortable in any way, send them a message on their message wall notifying them of this. Do not make a post on the discussions page about this. You can specify if there are situations where you are okay with interaction - such as upvoting posts and voting on polls. Situations When You Cannot DNI Someone If the reason you don't want to interact with a user is because they are part of a certain group (e.g. endogenic systems), then you cannot send them a DNI request. Only ask for someone not to interact with you if it is them that makes you uncomfortable, and not one of their identities etc. Additionally, you cannot say "moderators DNI", because moderators need to interact with users to give them warnings and block notices. If you are found requesting a DNI with someone for exclusionist purposes, you will be blocked for three months. DNI Lists You can include a DNI list in your profile page to remind yourself and others who you can and can't interact with. There are three main formats of DNI list that you may see on this wiki. "DNI if..." Lists With these types of lists, users will list groups of individuals they don't want to interact with them. These groups are not identities (for example, things like "DNI if you identify with xenogenders" are not allowed). An acceptable "DNI if..." list could be "DNI if you're exclusionist, homophobic, transphobic or enbyphobic". If you fall into one of the groups listed in one of these, you should respect the user's boundaries and not interact with that user. "Put your username here..." Lists These type of DNI lists, often worded something like "put your username here if you don't want me to interact with you", are for other users on the wiki to edit to notify the user that they don't want to interact with them. You could also put a message on the user's message wall, but the user will still see it if you add your username to one of these lists on their profile page. "DNI specifically..." Lists These type of lists are for the user to add those who they don't want to interact with to their own profile page. If you find yourself listed on one of these lists, do not interact with the user, and don't remove your username from the list. Breaking DNIs If a user has requested for you to not interact with them, you should respect that. If you are found to be breaking a user's DNI, you will be warned by a moderator. If you continue to break DNIs, you will be blocked for one to two weeks. Trigger Warnings Many posts you will see on the wiki will include trigger warnings or content warnings. What Are Triggers? Triggers are things that cause negative emotions in someone. They can cause feelings of panic, flashbacks, feeling extremely upset or angry, etc. To avoid users experiencing these feelings, since many users on this wiki have triggers, trigger warnings are necessary. Misconceptions About Triggers Triggers are commonly misunderstood by many individuals, and it is very common to see 'triggered' used to mean 'ticked off'. This is not what the word means, and can be very invalidating and hurtful to those with triggers. What Are Trigger Warnings? Trigger warnings, often abbreviated to TWs, are notices at the start of posts that tell the readers if there is any content in the post that could potentially be triggering. We do not require TWs unless the topic at hand is triggering Things That Should Not Be TW'd There are some things that we do not allow to be TW'd on the wiki, which are listed below. Any neurodivergence (paraphillic disorders and eating disorders are an exception to this rule, and should be TW'd) Otherkins and alterhumans Furries Age regression, species regression, and pet regression Systemhood, endogenic systems Religion Content Warnings Content warnings, often abbreviated to CWs, are similar to TWs but for things that may not be triggering, but still may be uncomfortable for the reader. Common CWs include but are not limited to: Fonts other than the default fonts for the wiki Eyestrain (e.g. bright colours in pictures) Bold or italicized text (you do not have to CW for a single word) What Happens if You Don't Add a Trigger Warning? A moderator may edit your post to include the trigger warning. Do not edit your post to remove the trigger warning if a moderator has added it. Users may comment on your post to ask you to add a trigger warning for something. If someone asks you to add a TW, you should add it. Uncommon Triggers You are not required to add TWs for everything that could possibly be triggering. However, if someone is triggered by something in your post, and they ask you to add a TW, you should respect that trigger and add the TW. Likewise, if something in a post triggers you, feel free to ask for a TW to be added even if it's an uncommon trigger. Censoring Trigger Warnings Most trigger warnings should not be censored, to make them more readable. For some TWs, such as suicide, minimal censoring should be put in place (e.g. TW: s*icide (u)). The letters which have been censored should be provided in brackets after the word. If your TWs are too heavily censored, a moderator will edit it to uncensor it. Tone Indicators Tone indicators, also known as tone tags, are ways to show tone through text. This is useful for many neurodivergent users, as they can struggle to read tone through text. A list of tone indicators can be found on the neurodivergent page. Though, some individuals do not like using them, so we do not force them to be used. Typing Quirks What Are Typing Quirks? Typing quirks are any way of typing that deviates from the norm - for example, using "0" instead of "o" (E.g. hell0 every0ne). Users may use typing quirks because it makes them feel comfortable, simply because it's fun, or for other reasons. Translations All typing quirks require translations. This is because of dyslexic, visually impaired, or other neurodivergent or disabled individuals on the wiki that struggle to read typing quirks. If you cannot provide a translation yourself for your typing quirk, there is a list of users here that will translate typing quirks for you. Ping a few of them in your post and they will translate it for you. Wiki Drama/Discourse There have been many instances of drama or arguments on this wiki - for example, the lesbian page drama, and the trickster drama. It's best to avoid making posts about drama, as this causes more opportunity for arguments, and may bring up old drama. Conversations about drama may be restricted to one thread. If drama or arguments get heated, posts may be locked. Venting about drama is okay, as long as it doesn't attack or call out other users. Problematic Users As this is a public site, there are going to be users that are rude, homophobic, etc. Reporting If you find a post that breaks guidelines, click on the three dots and select "report". Moderators can then be alerted to that post's existence and delete it, and block or warn the user if necessary. If you find a problematic user, do not call them out on the discussions page, as this may spark drama/arguments. You can also contact moderators privately on their message walls to inform them of problematic users. Trolls/Cross-Wiki Raids Sometimes, we get a troll on a different wiki pinging users from this wiki on a seemingly innocent-titled post on the different wiki. These posts are usually NSFW or gore spam posts. Do not click on notifications from a user you don't recognise on a wiki you're not on. Often, these cross-wiki raids are targeted at users from this wiki. Avoid making posts about the troll, and do not ping them, as this may bring them to this wiki. Moderators may make posts about these to tell users not to click on the notifications, but posts made about it by most users on this wiki will be locked and/or deleted. If you do click on the notifications, report the posts and if you can, report the troll to FANDOM staff. Ban Evasion If you have been blocked, for whatever reason, you should not create another account to continue being on this wiki. If you are found to be a previously blocked user, you will be indefinitely blocked on your new account. If you think a user may be a ban evader, you should contact moderators on their message walls about it. Do not make a post calling the user out. Upvoting Vent Posts Many users are uncomfortable with other users upvoting their vent posts. Often, if a user is uncomfortable with this, they may add "no upvoting" or "only upvote if you comment" at the top of the post. You should respect those boundaries and not upvote a post if the user doesn't want you to. If you're unsure whether upvoting is allowed because it doesn't say in the post, you can comment to ask. Reasons why users may be uncomfortable with their vents being upvoted include feeling that the upvoter is saying something like "I'm happy that you're suffering", or that upvoting is just reading it and moving on instead of commenting. If you are found to be upvoting users' vent posts when being told not to, you will be warned by a moderator. If you continue this, you will be blocked for a week. "Vote See" Buttons on Polls All polls on this wiki require a "vote see" button for those who do not want to vote on a poll, but still want to see the results. If you create a poll without a vote see button, it will be deleted. Users may make polls directed to one group or identity (e.g. transgender individuals). These are okay, as long as there is a vote see button for users to click who aren't part of the specified group. If there is not a vote see, the poll will be deleted. Even if a poll is not exclusive, there still needs to be a vote see button. Vote see buttons should be for all users to click, not just the user who created the poll. Art and Picrews If you post a piece of art that isn't yours, or a picrew, you must credit it. You should include the link to the picrew, or the link to where the art was posted. If you cannot get the link to where the art was posted, you should say who it was by and where it was posted. If you do not credit art or picrews in a post, your post will be deleted. If you repeatedly do this, you will receive a warning. Verification After you create an account and join this wiki, you won't be able to post on the discussions page for roughly there or four days. This isn't a glitch or a problem, it happens to all new users. Don't spam moderators' message walls with confused messages about this. You will still be able to comment on pages and post on message walls, but you won't be able to post on the discussions page until the end of the four days. Even if you have verified your email, you will still have to wait four days. Genders This wiki is a diverse place, with many individuals of many different genders. Assuming Genders and Pronouns Never assume someone's gender or pronouns, especially not on this wiki. If you don't know someone's gender, refer to them using gender-neutral terms (such as "individual" instead of "girl"/"boy"). Don't assume someone's gender based on their pronouns, as pronouns do not equal gender. If you don't know someone's pronouns, refer to them using they/them pronouns. If the user says they don't want to be referred to using they/them, but doesn't say what pronouns they do use, you should refer to them using their name or username. Don't assume someone's pronouns based on their gender. Misgendering You should never intentionally misgender another individual. Use the pronouns and terms they have told you to use, and if you are unsure about anything (e.g. you don't know how to use a certain neopronoun set), ask them. If a user uses neopronouns, you should use those neopronouns for them. If a user uses more than one pronoun set, you should use more than one pronoun set for them. If a user is nullpronominal (doesn't use pronouns), you shouldn't use pronouns for them. Intentionally misgendering is transphobia, and if you do it, you will be warned by a moderator. If you continue to do so after the warning, you will be indefinitely blocked. Other Common Wiki Terminology Staff Here is an up-to-date list of all staff members on this wiki. Here is the link to a post where users can submit suggestions about the wiki to staff members, and here is an anonymous suggestion form for those who want to submit suggestions but don't want anyone to know it was them who submitted it. All of these links are also found in the resources section of the top navigation bar. Applications to become a staff member are still open, and the staff team are specifically looking for those who are 18+, and those who have Discord. Even if you don't fit either of those groups, you can still apply to be staff, however your chances of getting the position will be lower. Types of Staff The bureaucrat is the "owner" of the wiki. They can do everything an administrator can do, with the addition of being able to make users moderators, and promote/demote moderators. Administrators, previously known as sysops and more informally known as admins, can do everything thread moderators and content moderators can do, with the addition of being able to block/unblock users and change block settings/permissions. Thread moderators, often shortened to thread mods, can delete, edit and lock posts, messages and comments. They can also view deleted posts, messages and comments, and change the categories of posts. They can view reported posts, and then take action on those posts. 'Content moderators", often shortened to content mods, can delete/blank pages, and have extra permissions when editing etc. pages. Systems There is more information on the system page. Systems are more than one individual sharing a body. This can be because of childhood trauma (traumagenic) or for other reasons (endogenic). The individuals sharing a body are known as headmates, alters or system members. Systems often refer to themselves using we/us pronouns instead of I/me. Alterhumans There is more information on the alterhuman page. Alterhumans are anyone who is in a human body, but fully or partially does not identify as a human. This includes otherkin, therians, non-human headmates etc. Individual/Individuals vs Person/People Many alterhumans, since not identifying as human, are uncomfortable with words such as "person". The term "individual" is often used instead as a more inclusive term. On pages, "individual" should be used instead of "person". Age Regression There is more information on the regression page. Age regression, often shortened to agere, is when someone enters the headspace of a younger individual. This can be voluntary or involuntary. It can be because of stress, to help cope with trauma, just for fun, or for other reasons too. Regressed users may type in "little speak" and act like a child in general. Age regressed individuals are not allowed to interact with the wiki if they are under 13.
    Block Message Template [224 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 20 Wed 0:32:02 GMT)
    for staff team use only, please and thank you. this was mostly written by me, although @B4K4S0FTW4R3 edited the last part. items in brackets should be customized for each message, and items wrapped in equal signs should be removed if they are not applicable. Hello, this is
    test usercard [937 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 17 Sun 23:16:27 GMT)
    ✩ 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕚 𝕊𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 ✩ Abbie<poem> Adrian Serei James/Jamie Venni Karin </poem>Adrian<poem> -He/Him -They/Them -Ae/Aeth </poem>Avery<poem> - AMAB - Demiboy - Librafeminine - Vinciangender - Softboy - Radiogender - Autumgender - Hallowgender - Solarian - Cassgender </poem>Deiner<poem> - Pansexual - Vincian - Homoromantic - Questioning </poem>Dyz-Dyz<poem> Likes -Chess -Flowers -Politics and religion -Philosophy -Experimental art -Cabincore -Learning languages -Music -Spending time by myself Dislikes - Guitar music - Boring/mainstream things - Social exhaustion - Pointless drama - Being misgendered </poem>Dzheyms<poem> Ask me if you need to know </poem>Delta<poem> -I live in Germany -I am studying to get a Bachelors Degree in photography -I studied psychology and biology in High School -I am a system of 34 (diagnosed OSDD1) -I have schizophrenia -I try to be patient and mature -I am horrible at schedules and organization -I am fluent in English but spell things wrong a lot -I have a tested IQ of 143 -I am an assertive introvert </poem>Elise<poem> -You're homophobic and/or transphobic -You invalidate mentally ill people -You invalidate ace-spec or multi-spec sexuality -You think all Christians and Muslims are homophobic -You are going to start stupid drama </poem> ✩ 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕚 𝕊𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 ✩ Names<poem> Adrian Serei James/Jamie Venni Karin </poem>Pronouns<poem> -He/Him -They/Them -Ae/Aeth </poem>Gender<poem> - AMAB - Demiboy - Librafeminine - Vinciangender - Softboy - Radiogender - Autumgender - Hallowgender - Solarian - Cassgender </poem>Orientation<poem> - Pansexual - Vincian - Homoromantic - Questioning </poem>Likes and Dislikes<poem> Likes -Chess -Flowers -Politics and religion -Philosophy -Experimental art -Cabincore -Learning languages -Music -Spending time by myself Dislikes - Guitar music - Boring/mainstream things - Social exhaustion - Pointless drama - Being misgendered </poem>Triggers<poem> Ask me if you need to know </poem>Extra Info<poem> -I live in Germany -I am studying to get a Bachelors Degree in photography -I studied psychology and biology in High School -I am a system of 34 (diagnosed OSDD1) -I have schizophrenia -I try to be patient and mature -I am horrible at schedules and organization -I am fluent in English but spell things wrong a lot -I have a tested IQ of 143 -I am an assertive introvert </poem>DNI<poem> -You're homophobic and/or transphobic -You invalidate mentally ill people -You invalidate ace-spec or multi-spec sexuality -You think all Christians and Muslims are homophobic -You are going to start stupid drama </poem> Want to add a signature? You can do so here! It will appear on my profile"Example signature" ✩ 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕖𝕚 𝕊𝕪𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕞 ✩ Want to add a signature? You can do so here! It will appear on my profile"Example signature"
    Poetry [993 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 17 Sun 5:11:18 GMT)
    ~oxt. 16~ (oct. 16, '21) one tw school text things to do today: buy a blank notebook do your homework write a story ... be gentle with yourself two i gave you everything. and then i wonder why I have nothing. three no. you dont get to hurt me. not now. not today. not ever again. four tw caps bold, underlined text text If you think I will sit ins i l e n c eyou are wrong. Instead I will STAND insilence. five tw mention and description of overdose text Something about the way she looks at me... I can't describe it. Like a sweet spring breeze, like my heart softly curling just perfectly around my neck. Like an overdose;not that I've had one;the tingle of your body, caught off guard the black dots in your vision bursting at the seams. The calm of the storm, the rose of your cheeks, the satisfaction and the adrenaline. like that yeah.justlikethat. six it is never about what i can do with my words... only what i can do with my knowledge. but if you'd shut up for once... you'd see what i can do with My silence; power; wisdom; light; love; pain; you see what I can do All By Myself. slam poetry ~apr. 13~ tw implied rejection dysphoria feeling worthless, hopeless, etc. school screaming mention of crimes gun toxic friend food dream smp sickness text I wonder a lot of things like how my friends think of themselves. How their smile shines bright when they think of something they love. How they look at me with wonder say it’s okay because they really enjoy the time we spend together but I keep apologizing because I feel like a burden. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I was never deemed “gifted” if they never put me in special classes and burdened me with homework and a feeling of never being enough, never doing enough, always seeing a goal that I can’t reach. And I wonder what my teachers think as I raise my hand for the sixth time that day or maybe I haven’t yet and maybe they’re thinking of what I’ll say what I’ll leave out, why I just had to share this story. Time is precious and I never seem to have enough of it. Time escapes my grasp and I can only watch And I wonder where it goes. And sometimes I wonder “Do my friends hate me?” Are they lying to me so I’ll leave them alone or do they really not care when they text me five times just so I get to their house on time. And I wonder if the apologizing is ever enough, if it’s a crime to say sorry as much as I do, if one day they’ll think I don’t mean it when really, every time I say sorry, I want to scream it so loud I never have to say it again. And sometimes I wonder why my brain holds me at gunpoint to do the things I do. Like it’s a crime. I wonder if my teachers remember me, if I left an impression like I always wanted. I think about the times they’d say, “You lost your privilege” and I wonder if they’re the reason for my trust issues or if it’s that one toxic friend I had when my brain was most impressionable. I know that the guy at my bus stop had no reason to lie, but I wonder if he did. Was it my fault? I wonder why the stars align as they do, why English has to be so hard, why we can’t just reinvent our universe so it isn’t confusing. I wonder if my parents will ever listen, or if they’re lying to me, if they put on a smile just for me and as soon as I leave, they wipe it off like how I purposefully miss the sour spots on apples. I wonder if I will ever achieve the goals I make, if I’ll ever read as many books as I want or watch as many movies as I want. I wonder if the hero was right, or maybe the villain was. Because as Ghostbur says, “A villain is just a hero you haven’t convinced yet.” And I wonder if my friends think of me as a hero. Or a villain. Am I a villain? ...no, that can’t be right. I don’t want to be a villain I don’t want to be like a sickness something you don’t want to catch something you pass on to people something you want to get rid of something that exhausts you something that brings you pain and turmoil something that infects you something that barges in uninvited, calls your house home. God, I wish I didn’t wonder. Because when I wonder, suddenly, I’m my own sickness. music from the studio, within the guitar through the speakers of your car between your teeth across your tongue from space and back amidst the young in your headphones and out with your speech with a message for all worth a thousand voices' preach the flower garden tw animals mention of death (in a common phrase) text above the chatter across the river as far as the sun may go through the prarie around the villages against the rain and snow in spite of the clutter in lieu of the chaos between the slim byroads near the butterflies ahead of my view into the great unknown because of my conscious 'till death do us part hence why i came to these beautiful blooms by means of my free will next to the flower garden out where theres breathing room
    Letter to Disney [2202 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 17 Sun 5:00:26 GMT)
    info background story: while doing some schoolwork, i had the idea to write a letter to disney telling them why more representation in their films could actually be beneficial note: this letter has been edited so as not to include our personal information, such as address, deadname, age, etc. prolonging trigger warnings (throughout the whole letter): disney (obviously) cartoons media horror aspects implied and outright homophobia non-prolonging trigger warnings (show up momentarily): family food implied school implied sex mention of death (in the title of a holiday) animals text Manager of The Walt Disney Studios, Hi, my name is Rem, I’m a minor and I’m from Illinois. I watch lots of cartoons like Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and The Owl House, I’m a singer/songwriter/multi-instrumentalist though I don’t have any songs out yet, and I’m currently on a reading spree because I got into Percy Jackson and I know that if I don’t read all that I can now, I won’t read for another 3 months. I also write stories on Wattpad and I have a younger brother and two soon-to-be step-siblings. I’m writing to you not because I am a superfan (though I love Disney as much as the next person) but because I want to bring to your attention something that’s been bugging me for a while now. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore your movies. They’re perfect for young children and family movie nights and it’s always exciting to be the first to see a new production. But I’ve started to notice a trend in the takeaways of videos I watch which critique your movies and point out little flaws and that is that your company has a lot of growing to do in terms of representation and not rushing a good story. So with all that being said, I thought it would be best to write a letter addressing my concerns since I’m sure you don’t watch the same videos I do. Please note that I am not a professional production creator, simply a student who wants to see more representation in the media. I do have experience writing formal letters and emails but I don’t do it often, so please cut me some slack. I first gained interest in writing to you when I was getting ready for school. I walked into the kitchen, about to have some breakfast, and found my brother watching Gravity Falls on Disney+ at the island counter. I didn’t think much of it as he loves the series and likes to rewatch the last 4 episodes daily, but then we got to the part where Bill turns some of the characters into banners for his giant pyramid palace, and I said out loud, “Disney must have had a field day with this.” Gravity Falls has been regarded as one of the best cartoons of the 21st century along with Steven Universe, Adventure Time, and some others, namely for its impeccable plot writing and the building and execution of characters. But it did include some heavy visuals, one of these examples being when Bill Cipher switches Mr. Northwest’s face around. This was most likely pushing Disney’s limits of what could and couldn’t be shown on screen.“That’s because, just like many of its Cartoon Network cousins, Gravity Falls expertly skirted the edge of what constitutes a ‘kid’s show,’ dealing in genuine horror and surprisingly adult themes. In fact, as his show grew darker by the day and creator Alex Hirsch was asked who exactly it was geared toward, he asserted that the target audience was himself, and he was just making something he would like.”- A Show for Kids: How ‘Gravity Falls’ Got Away with Murder (an article by Film School Rejects)Steven Universe also had problems with production (even though this doesn’t concern Disney specifically) - the original series was cut short because Cartoon Network was preparing for it to be canceled in many countries for its showing of LGBTQ+ characters and messages, as well as the overarching story making it hard to rerun episodes out of order. Because of this, the ending was rushed and stuffed into six episodes when it could have been much better with, say, thirteen episodes. Not only that but “Bismuth,” “Gem Harvest,” and “Three Gems and a Baby,” were the 3 ‘special’ episodes required by Cartoon Network to make more money and be able to rerun episodes that those who didn’t watch the full series could still follow. Steven Universe: The Movie also had a rough patch when it was approved by Cartoon Network.“Oddly enough, Cartoon Network approved of the idea of a movie - but then wanted the show to continue afterward. ‘I was told that there was no point to a movie unless it existed to promote more show,’ Sugar says.”- Why Steven Universe's Ending Was RUSHED By Cartoon Network - End of an Era (YouTube video by The Roundtable)You may notice a pattern here, though it’s not too obvious unless you were looking for it like I was, and it ties into Disney as a whole. There aren’t many similarities, as Gravity Falls was purposefully made only two seasons and Steven Universe had (and still have) a lot more diverse messages, but the main connection was that both shows and many Disney movies had restrictions in what they could say and show on-screen. This is great for things like adult content - especially because most Disney movies are targeted towards kids and it would be really weird and inappropriate if Anna and Kristoff just started doing ✨adult things✨ in front of a 5-year-old audience - and avoiding lawsuits, but most times it stunts the growth of the media being released. I will be talking about a few other things concerning story plots and character arcs, which I have much expertise in from spending hours editing my stories, but the main issue can be summed up in two words (that is if an acronym counts as one word): LGBTQ+ representation. Let’s face it, we’re not in the Snow White era anymore, this is 2021. And 2021, plus the year before which we shall not name, has drastically changed the world, turned it upside down if you will (you- you see the Hamilton reference? I’m just… gonna head out). This doesn’t just mean more hostile fights against political parties or protests for equality, it also means that LGBTQ+ content has become more prevalent and should be recognized as a valid part of the media we watch nowadays. But your lack of this representation, of the bravery it takes to air these things, makes or breaks your films, and in most cases, it results in the latter. Specifically, the one lesbian officer from Onward. I don’t even remember her name because she was that minor of a character, and yet she was one of the only openly-expressed gay characters from a Disney movie (not even completely Disney) that I remember. Anyway, I personally am questioning my sexuality and have many friends who identify outside of the cishet lifestyle and it hurts to see potential gay relationships or gender non-conforming characters that could have made a movie so much better but were thrown out solely because it doesn’t fit Disney’s image. Take, for example, in Frozen 2, Honeymaren and Elsa, or Ryder and Kristoff! They could have been amazing couples! Maybe Anna could’ve realized she doesn’t need a man at all and instead of pairing her with anyone in the story, she strives to be an independent woman as a role model for the young children of Arendelle. It just doesn’t make sense to me why you would hint at a potential gay relationship so much and then completely abandon it. However, something that also ticks me off is the fact that you all at Disney seem to forget that children have functioning brains. Even my seven-year-old brother cracks jokes at how weird some of your concepts are. And this isn’t just because both of us are in accelerated classes; here is a 2-star review of Frozen 2 on Google to prove my point.“I've worked with children before, and many LOVE singing and great songs; but they also make it crystal clear that they DON'T like songs that suck.  So it would behoove the Disney team of Frozen, to take their time to TRULY put forth their best efforts next time, in co-creating - with their multifaceted and multidimensional abilities, skills, and talents - a soul-igniting and deeply heartfelt story and decent (if not amazing) soundtrack, that has the potential and unstoppable POWER to touch millions, if not billions, of souls.”- a review by Barbara DChildren are a lot smarter than you think. Some toddlers go on Little Big Shots, America’s Got Talent, etc. They win awards and are praised on TV for how talented some of them are. It’s not fair to assume that every one of them is drooling watching Cocomelon or can’t understand a basic plotline. They don’t know what it is yet, but they can still understand higher-level movies and concepts. If there are dogs that press text-to-speech buttons to talk to their owners, then there are 5-year-olds that can tell the development of Hans’ villain aspect in the first Frozen movie was, at best, subpar. Now you’re probably thinking, “Well, Rem, what does this have to do with Disney? Are you sure you didn’t just write this letter because you were bored so you could waste my time?” Well, yes, I was bored, but that’s not the point. Pixar has taken much greater steps to incorporate many minorities and cultures as seen with Soul and Coco, and it says a lot about Disney when I tell you that some of my favorite movies like Onward, Coco, and Soul were partially developed by Pixar. Of course, Disney did create Moana on its own, and its soundtrack has become a regular on my Spotify playlists, but here’s the thing:“Watching
    alter introductions [103 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 16 Sat 23:43:51 GMT)
    {| class="mw-collapsible fandom-table" |Name |Name here ^^ |- |Role |What is their role? Gatekeeper? Protector? Little? Other? |- |Age |How old is this alter? |- |Gender |Gender Identity? |- |Pronouns |Ex. He/Him, She/Her, They/Their |- |Sexuality |LGB-Q+? Straight? Ace? |- |Romantic Orientation |Aromantic? Heteroromantic? Homoromantic? Other? |- |Ethnicity |Caucasion? African? Hispanic? Other? |- |Nationality |European? American? Canadian? Other? |- |Likes |What do they like? |- |Dislikes |What do they not like? |- |Positive Triggers |What makes them happy? What motivates them to come out?? |- |Negative Triggers |What upsets this person? (You do not have to fill this part out.) |- |Disorders |Does this person have any disorders? |}
    Names!! [381 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 15 Fri 13:20:55 GMT)
    rules comment on this post or message us if youd like to add a name. heres what to say: name(s) category history (if there is any) do not post NSFW names or content under any circumstances, or you will receive a warning/block depending on the severity. follow the wiki guidelines if possible, please include origins or meaning of names if you have a question or suggestion, feel free to message us :) for mods editing: alphabetize names if possible, if not, its not the end of the world /lh /g if a name can be placed in multiple categories, place it in the one you first think of. feel free to add categories k onto the names!! /exc "normal" names feminine masculine kyle neutral abril (Spanish variation of April, "to open") adair (English and Scottish, "shallow place in a river near oaks") addison (English, "son of Adam") aden/adyn/aidan/aiden/aidyn (Irish, "little and fiery") adler (German, "eagle") adley (Variation of Hebrew name Adlai or English name Hadley "God is just") adlin (German, "noble") adon (Irish, "little and fiery") adrian/adrien (Latin, "man of Adria") adlin (German, "noble") aeron (Welsh, mythology name, "berry") ainsley/ainslie/ainsly (Scottish, "one's own meadow"/"solitary meadow") alek (Russian, "defender of man") alex/aleks/aleix (Greek, "defender of man") alexis (Greek, "defender") allison (Scottish, "noble") alma (Latin, "soul") alpha (Greek) alson (English surname, "son of Allen or Alexander") alston (English, "dweller at the old town") alto (Latin, "high", music name) alton (English, "old, wise friend") alwin (English, "elf-friend") alwyn (Welsh river name, "elf-friend") amery (German, "industrious") arden arlo avery space planets mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto stars man-made (rockets, satellites, etc.) matter (comets, space dust /ref, etc.) moonlight moons other aquatic oceanic land puddles willow rain forest alpenglow (n) (German, “the rosy light of the setting or rising sun on high mountains”) plants trees alder (n) (English, tree name or surname, "old") other plants aloe (n) (Greek, plant name, "resin") flowers aletris (n) (Greek, flower name, "corn grinder") food herbs almond clove cinnamon sweets cupcake animals land aquatic koi kipper places crystals obsidian moonstone onyx fictional characters remus (sanders sides) mythology alvis (Norse mythology name, "noble friend, friend of the elves") greek/roman gods nephele (Greek cloud nymph, "cloud") nyx (Greek goddess of night) other/misc. gentle
    hello your computer has virus [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 14 Thu 21:47:02 GMT)
    Why "gentle parenting" is so important to us! [333 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 14 Thu 3:38:10 GMT)
    information trigger warnings family text so we see a lot about gentle parenting on tiktok, specifically on youtube compilations, and wanted to talk about how gentle parenting affects how we see the world and why its so important to us! so from our point of view, there are four main components to gentle parenting: consent, communication, choices, and compassion. there are also three ways to apply these topics: children, online, and social circles. consent these topics are all pretty self-explanatory, so i dont need to give you definitions, but! consent is one of our key values, the idea that one should always freely and verbally say "yes" in order for us to do something, and its amazing for children as it teaches them that they do have a say in what is happening to and with them. for example, for a lot of our cousins, we dont hug them right away. instead, we ask, "can i have a hug?" and most times they will say yes. online consent is also great because you cant see others through screens, so you have to ask for consent in order to do something. we cant analyze their body language and facial expressions because were not face-to-face, so we must ask for consent and have a clear 'yes' or 'no' answer. and finally, we ask for consent in social circles (friends, partners, family, etc.) to show respect. if a friend is having a bad day, we can ask, "would you like some memes to feel better?" if they say no, then we give them a choice... but more on that later. if a partner does not like being touched but we feel very touch-starved, we may say, "can we hug you?" to prepare them for our actions if we are out with a family member, we'll say, "may we buy this stuffed animal in the window?" since it is their money and their treat. communication choices compassion More content is coming soon, come back for more!! :)
    General rules for DNI [359 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 14 Thu 3:27:30 GMT)
    information trigger warnings mention of invalidation mention of being triggered brief talk of ableism content warnings italics text some general guidelines we follow when dealing with dni's: first, check your message wall often! we do it whenever we check our email for notifications. this way, you will know when you have a dni against you and you can make an effort to carry it out, versus getting a warning because you didnt know acknowledge the dni! unless the user explicitly says, "do not respond to this post," we make sure to show the user that we saw what they said and so they know we know! imo, it feels so much worse to tell someone something that is very important to you, no matter what it is, and have them ignore it. do not ask the user why they have requested a dni! unless you have absolutely zero clue why they did so, or you suspect it could be because of something against the guidelines (ex. identifying with a xenogender). asking someone why they made that decision could make them feel unsure about their decision, invalidated, or even triggered. and besides, its not really your business. be respectful of their decision, and validate it. it makes life run a lot smoother than you think. a great response would be something along the lines of this: message sender: "hey could you not interact with me anymore?" message receiver (you): "alright, thank you for letting me know. i respect your decision and ill make sure i dont interact again." make sure to actually keep your promise and respect that dni! one of the best procedures we follow: try to commit the username to memory. this is not required as forcing someone who cant memorize things well to do so would be ableist, but you can write it down somewhere like in your about! check the original poster (op) of the comment/post/message youre looking at before responding to it. and if you accidentally interact, be sure to clarify that and fix your mistake next time no one asked for this, but hey, thats shower thoughts for ya! hope that helps! :) /lh /g -rem
    Feminism and Fashion Choices - an "essay" [311 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 14 Thu 3:13:06 GMT)
    information original post: https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000203975 trigger warnings swearing "not all men" implied sexism text so i think abut feminism a lot, and ofc i support it, especially being AFAB/müllerian. now, feminism is crucial to creating a better world, but so are equal gender... whats it called? standards?, ig? but seriously, think about this for a moment: society has grown so much that women can wear pants or shorts or leggings. they can wear a corset or a skirt or a dress. they can have no makeup or a full face. they can have tattoos and tons of piercings and look like a clown (in a positive way) or be an absolute doll (again, positively). but men cant do any of that. and thats not me defending stuff like "not all men," or saying that women already have it good enough, because thats obviously not the case. if a woman is interested in anything, theyll be shunned. you wanna play sports? youre trying too hard. you wanna be a stay-at-home parent? stand up for yourself! you like coffee and ugg boots? pick me girl. you like like watching cartoons and kidcore? such a child! and that sucks ass. but men really dont have much room either. men can only have short hair. women can have whatever length. men cant wear makeup or care about their hygiene. women have all the free will. men cant wear leggings, but of course the women can. or they can choose to wear fucking overalls and a flannel. sorry for not including non-binary individuals and others who dont fit into the western expectation of nacho of cool ranch /ref, but i was just thinking about that a lot about and immediately came to write it down. i sincerely hope this isnt offensive in any way. thanks for coming to my ted talk /lh -rem (he/they/it)
    Terms we coined [765 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 11 Mon 23:53:18 GMT)
    Sexualitys Differsexual: Differsexual is a term for individuals who are genderfluid, have more then one gender or are demigender and feel like their genders have different attractions, ex: an individual who feels homoromantic as non-binary but feels bisexual as forasboy and catgender. Collecting Terms Kaeicollector: Kaeicollecter is a term for individuals who collect xenogenders that they see as cute, lovable, sweet, adorable, fluffy, soft or animal-related. The genders feel static. Pronoun Collector Flux: Pronoun collector flux or pronoun hoarder flux is a term for individuals who collects the pronoun sets they see, they may not collect all set of pronouns they see, individuals who identify as this feel a fluctuating preference for some sets of pronouns. Sometimes they feel complety disconnected to a set of pronouns but this doesn't mean that they'll put it out of their list but this doesn't mean they won't put out of their list some set of pronouns, since they can sometimes feel like they'll never use it again. Genders (TW DSMP and animals) Ghostburgender a xenogender and fictigender that feels conected/related to the character Ghostbur from the DreamSMP. It may feel cute, ghostly, blue and/or masc-aligned. Fennecgender is a xenogender in which one feels little, cute, fluffy, playful, and energetic. It may be related to ones age regression and/or kintype. Bluestargender is a xenogender that feels influenced by/connected to Bluestar, some may feel a connection to different parts of Bluestar's history, EX: One may feel as their gender is connected to the Bluestar from Into The Wild. It may be feminine-aligned. Bannygender is a xenogender and kingender for those who feel like their gender is related to the character Banny, or whose kintype is the character Banny from The Walten Files. It may be a feminine-aligned gender. Boozoogender is a xenogender and kingender for those who feel like their gender is related to the character Boozoo, or whose kintype is the character Boozoo from The Walten Files. It may be a masculine-aligned gender. Bongender is a xenogender and kingender for those who feel like their gender is related to the character Bon, or whose kintype is the character Bon from The Walten Files. It may be a masculine-aligned gender. Voidslimegender is a xenogender and kingender for those who feel like their gender is related to the void slime, or whose kintype is the void slime from the game zombie attack on roblox. It may be a neutral-aligned gender. Shagender is a xenogender and kingender for those who feel like their gender is related to the character Sha, or whose kintype is the character Sha from The Walten Files. It may be a feminine-aligned gender. Alterousgender is a term for when one feels that they are the gender the individuals near who they are alterously attracted to. When one does not know who the individual is attracted to or when there is no one around them, they are a gender that is called the 'base gender.' Alterous can be used as a prefix, e.g. alterousboy. Alterousboy: an individual who's alterousgender and base gender is masc or masc-aligned. Alterousgirl: an individual who's alterousgender and base gender is feminine or feminine-aligned (coined this terms with help of somebody else). Aestheticgender is a term for when you feel as the gender the individuals near you are aesthetically attracted to, and then when you don't know to who the individual is attracted to or there's no one around you, you feel a gender that's called the base gender. Aesthetic can be used as a prefix, ex: aestheticboy. Aestheticboy: an individual who's aestheticgender and base gender is masc or masc-aligned. Aestheticgirl: an individuals who's aestheticgender and base gender is feminine or feminine-aligned(coined this terms with help of somebody else). Sensualgender is a term for when one feels that they are gender of the individuals near them that they are sensually attracted to. When they do not know to who the individual is attracted to or there is no one around them, they feel a gender that's called the 'base gender.' Sensual can be used as a prefix, ex: sensualboy. Sensualboy: an individual who's sensualgender and their base gender is masc or masc-aligned. Sensualgirl: an individual who's sensualgender and their base gender is feminine or feminine-aligned(coined this terms with help of somebody else). Platonicgender(coined with help of somebody else). Romanticgender(coined with help of somebody else). Sexualygender
    Hello :") [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 10 Sun 14:47:21 GMT)
    help me find my romantic label [67 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 9 Sat 4:31:48 GMT)
    can someone plz help, so i identify as omnisexual rn and for me i just prefer all genders but men or masc ppl (tho i can sometimes still be attracted to men and masc ppl) so i wanna know is: so i found that i can be attracted to men/masc ppl (sexual attraction) but i don't want to date or have a romantic relationship with them so what is the label for that?
    Our DNI List [659 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 7 Thu 23:33:46 GMT)
    (TW For mentions of queerphobia, transphobia, Trump, fetshiziation, paraphillia, ableism, racism, “cringe”, animals, d//th threats (ea), s//c/de (ui, i), problematic figures) Generally-Wise Do not interact if: You are queerphobic (homophobic, biphobic, panphobic, aphobic, transphobia, or anything else similar) You mock or dislike any transgender, intersex, nonbinary/genderqueer folks, or lesboys You mock or dislike polyamorous, ambiamorous, or other non-monogamous relationships, or mock or dislike queerplatonic/alterous relationships You mock or dislike micro labels or the use of multiple labels You mock or dislike xenogenders and neopronouns You are apart of any exclusionist groups - TERFS, SWERFS, transmedicalists, "battle axe bi", "longsword lesbian", etc. You mock or dislike those into anime, kpop, jpop, etc. You fetishize folks based off of their race, ethnicity, being transgender, or sex characteristics You kinkshame or tell people to “die” or that it's "cancer" because of their kinks/fetishes You think that kink pride (not to be confused with sex and nudity) or all cops should be out of pride You think that certain non-harmful LGBTQ+ terms are "weird", "an excuse", or "looking for attention" (ex: believing that autosexual/autoromantic is just narcissism) You don’t believe or like non-harmful users of harmful originated terms (such as queer as a reclaimed term, an anime/animatesexual who genuinely is ace-spec and attracted to anime characters) You are fatophobic/fat shame You support Donald Trump and/or his ideologies You support Shane Dawson, Snowy Joe, Keemstar, Sia, or anyone similar You are anti-feminist, agree with misogyny or misandry, catcalling, touching without their permission (aka sexual assault) You are one of those "feminists" who get angry/mock/dislike women/femmes who like doing things deemed as feminine You are a tradwife who believes that every woman should also be one and submit to their partners You are an anti-vaccinator/don’t believe in vaccines or masks You are racist towards any race You don’t support Black Lives Matter, or instead support “All Lives Matter” and/or "Blue Lives Matter" You are ableist towards any mental illnesses/disorders/disabilities (and yes, believing that certain websites should be left exclusive towards those with disabilities (such as with security and log ins) counts) You genuinely hate all cishets, singlets, abled, and/or neurotypicals You believe autism is a disorder You discriminate against religious folks, agnostic folks, or atheists You mock or dislike age regressors and/or species regressors, littlespace You mock or dislike alterhumans/otherkin/etc. You mock or dislike systems/plurals/medians, or endogenic systems, or treat members/headmates/alters in systems like they are not real individuals You mock or dislike certain triggers or putting down trigger warnings, or lacking them overall You participate in “cringe culture”, watch "cringe" compilations for fun, or use the word “cringe” to describe folks a lot You are okay with giving death threats or suicide-baiting towards anyone, even to those who are problematic or may seem “problematic” but really aren't You are participating in MAP, pedophilic, zoophilic, "pedosexual", etc. behaviors (please stop and seek help /srs). Having paraphilic disorders doesn't count, one can't control how they feel and are distressing to them You’ve made anything saying if an identity is valid, or made polls about deleting a term in the beware section (it’s there for a reason, please don’t) You’re one of those folks who seriously argue over trivial things (such as saying to a cat lover “dogs are so much better, get a dog, you’re a loser if you don’t like dogs”) You're one of those folks who seriously accuse every single company you run into for pink capitalism, especially on those who are actually really supportive (please stop, it's really annoying and unfair /srs /neg) You’re one of those folks who shame others for not liking horror or for looking scary, such as on Halloween Honestly if you’re just mean and ignorant in general An apologist or making jokes supporting anything on this list
    sergmented wables series [132 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 6 Wed 9:28:37 GMT)
    Part 1 i regret to inform you,, of the sergmented wables. angela. whats is they Sergments Wables/?/ therg sergmentd wable e jef.,. why does therg Sergmented Wables havbles roog?.. we do not knoe at this time. how to stop the Sergmented Wabbles?? yourga poy jrjjrjrjr IIII. thank u for your time, help The Sergmented wables todray. Part 2 < hello, we regret to inform you of the sergmented wables > yooga dorg fergmented chog serbles..... wooooooooob ! porgee debble rog teeba waaoaoaoooaow owowowo wwww.......... ..wwables wwable t h Part 3 :the fergmented chog seerb me, 39 minutes ago thor www w w woerble w w theorg me, 37 minutes ago what 1 what 1 what b!1 me, 31 minutes ago About the sergmented wables is a series created by SereiSys. the first release was on Oct 6, 2021. sergmented-wables.com - coming soon !
    top ten life hacks [206 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 6 Wed 4:03:05 GMT)
    tw // food here are my top ten life hacks I wish I got told when I was younger! /gen cooking eggs in the microwave (for two eggs, it is 30 seconds, rest, 30 seconds, rest, 30 seconds). saves so much time and energy. if you don't do the rests, it will explode. using no pronouns or they/them when you don't know someone's pronouns multitasking (like watching tv in the bath) to keep up with physical maintenance tasks hugs (get as many as you can, find a reliable constant source of hugs - and if you're not a hug individual, then find your equivalent and b a s k) having sympathy for yourself as if you were another individual (you're just a guy, guy!) open-minded skepticism blocking individuals who make you feel bad or hurt your self-esteem (it's okay to self-protect) walking everyday and absorbing that sunlight you do need to change your sheet, about once a month, and if you have a mattress, flip it once every 3 months! when individuals ask "how are you" often it isn't what you think it is, and they just want you to say "i'm good" or how you're feeling, rather than it being an existential question, pretend they're asking you "are you okay" or "how are your emotions today"
    Trauma Holders [107 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 5 Tue 17:54:49 GMT)
    This is a list of all our active trauma holders (sorted into their subgroups) Erosion Group Elliot He/They/Spirit - 17 Jade She/Her - 12 Ryan He/Him - 14 Ellen She/Her - 10 Lakebed Group Olive He/Xe/It Sayo She/Her - 17 Ichika She/Her - 15 Solstice Sun Group Hero He/They - 15 Jack He/It - 18 Tyrone He/Him - 15 Rui She/Her - 15 Erza She/Her - 19 Jellal He/Him - 20 Xiao He/Him Underground Group Lora They/Xe/It - 12 Shade He/Him - 18 Troy/Jester He/They Yaen He/Him - 500 Horse Group Ran She/Her - 16 Rina She/Coral/Ocean - 14 Aya She/Her - 11 Noelle She/Her
    Persecutors [163 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 5 Tue 1:06:10 GMT)
    Warnings: School, mentions of slight harm This is a list of all our persecutors in the system. They are not all inherently bad and you better not treat them like that. But, do be cautious with how you act to them as they can cause bodily harm to us. Mind our triggers list when interacting with them especially. Active Regular Members Flora She/Star/Aura - 18 Does more internal harm Extra triggers are sch**l, caps Dread He/Him Has done bodily harm before Rin He/Ne/Ve - 14 Does more internal harm Soul She/They/Xe Has done bodily harm Factives Angeline She/Her Internal harm Ariel She/Her Internal harm Yuki She/Her Internal harm Fictives Sarah She/They - 17 Has done bodily harm Xiao He/Him Internal harm Dormant Just in case any of them ever come back from dormancy. TW: forced dormancy Horror Has done a lot of bodily harm. We had to form it to dormancy for our safety. Nanami Internal harm Elle Internal harm
    Protectors [477 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 3 Sun 22:41:36 GMT)
    List of all our system protectors (regulars and introjects). Only active members are on this list. Will also contain some positive triggers if the need ever comes that someone might need to get one of them to front. For unknowns we recommend simply trying their names. Regular Members Alex He/Him - 17 Positive Trigger(s) Cats Astral She/Her - 13 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Dust Ghost/Ghoul - Ageless Positive Trigger(s) Being acknowledged as a ghost Ghost-related emojis/pictures (not scary) Fall She/Her - 18 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Gage He/Him - 16 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Haze He/Him - 15 Positive Trigger(s) Gay things Lone He/Him - 16 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Mao Pup/Moon - 18 Positive Trigger(s) Puppies Night Sky Correct pronouns Poppy He/Him - 18 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Shell They/Them - 18 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Swirl Sky/Air/Solar - 200 Positive Trigger(s) Angel-related things Small animals Wave He/Him - 19 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Factives Only try and trigger them out as a last resort please. They don’t like being in the front very much. Chris He/Him Positive Trigger(s) Emo music Diane She/Her Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Kanon She/Her Positive Trigger(s) Anime (idol-related) Spencer He/Him Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Fictives Koharu/Crystal She/Nya/Fluff - 16 Positive Trigger(s) Pictures of her girlfriends (see page) Make-up Akira She/Her - 16 Positive Trigger(s) Dogs Food Yachiyo/Princess She/Nya/Purr - 15 Positive Trigger(s) Cats Being treated like a kitten (call her Princess in that case) Her friends (easiest is to grab our partner system for that) Maya She/Her - 16 Positive Trigger(s) Food Candy Claudine & Karen in our partner system Kyoko She/Her - 40-ish Positive Trigger(s) Her girlfriend (get our partner system) Suzu in our partner system Nature Rain Misaki She/Her - 17 Positive Trigger(s) Bears Tsubaki She/They - 19 Positive Trigger(s) Rock music Winter Hiiro She/Her - 19 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown Maho She/Her - 15 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Rinku She/Her - 15 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Kanan She/Her - 17 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Kanade She/Her - 15 Positive Trigger(s) Sad music Music from her source Kagura She/Her - 19 Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Gray He/Him Positive Trigger(s) Unknown Klee She/Her Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Amber She/Her Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Fischl She/Bird/Crow Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted) Shu He/Him Positive Trigger(s) Unknown (never fronted)
    cores names [29 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 3 Sun 21:51:04 GMT)
    Avalon Clove Domino Jasper Jester Mars Milo Navy Pierce Scout Seven Trace
    General PSA [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 3 Sun 21:08:23 GMT)
    Look in the comments
    Hosts [556 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 3 Sun 20:13:18 GMT)
    List of all hosts/co-hosts of our system. Current and former. Current Host Luna/Lunar Luna is our 3rd host for our system. Lunar has been our host for 4 years now. Purr is 18 and black and identifies with the body quite a lot. Fluff is human. Fluff has psychosis and is Jean from Genshin Impact. Do not reality check fur. Fur is also autistic and has an eating disorder. Please be kind to claw about all of this. Luna identifies as an AroAce, Venusic, Oshian who is non-binary, catgender, and demongender. Meow is dating Flora (a member in our system). Luna/Lunar does not care which name you refer to purr by at any given time. Purr randomly interchanges them. Co-Host(s) Flora Flora is one of our co-hosts. She has been our co-host for 2 years. Star is 18 and black. Star is also a persecutor, but that doesn’t make aura a bad person. Aura is human. Clou has psychosis and is Chika Takami from Love Alice and Rin from VOCALOID. Do not reality check aura. Flora also has tics and is autistic. She also has a DID subsystem. Win identifies as an asexual, Pansexual, dahlian, who is genderfae, dreamgender, skygender, nightgender, and stargender. Sy is dating Lunar. Diamond Diamond is one of our co-hosts. Nya has been our co-host for about a few months. She is a fictive of Yachiyo Tsuruhime from Revue Starlight. Purr does have some source memories. She is also a protector and a Nightwatcher. Diamond also species regresses into a cat sometimes. Nya likes to be called Princess when that happens but also uses that sometimes outside of regression. She identifies as a sapphic, lesbian, aromantic, who is a demigirl, non-binary, and catgender. Nya is dating Mei Fan (who is a irl friend who has psychosis and is irl Mei Fan). Mikaela Mikaela is one of our co-hosts. She had been our co-host for a few months. She is a fictive of Kyoko Yakumo from Revue Starlight. She does not have source memories. She is also a caretaker, protector, and Nightwatcher. Mikaela is basically the caretaker for all of our fictives. She identifies as a Sapphic lesbian, who is a cisgender female. She is dating Sawa in our partner system. Former Hosts Calista Callista was our first host. She was our host for 8 years before she went dormant. She has remained dormant since. She was 10, black, and human at her dormancy. We don’t have much info on her anymore. Aster Aster was our second host after Calista. She was our host for 4 years before going dormant. They were 16, black, and human at their dormancy. They were in a relationship with someone outside the system, but we will not disclose anything about it. Co-Hosts Pixel Pixel was a co-host while Calista was our host. Pixel stopped being our co-host after Calista went dormant and then went dormant faeself shortly after. Pixel was also a protector and gatekeeper. Fae was a fairy. Hope Hope was a co-host very briefly when Aster was host. Hope went dormant not more than 4 months after becoming a co-host. She was 12 at the time of her dormancy. Carrot Carrot was a co-host with Aster for a while. When Aster went dormant, Carrot remained co-host with Lunar as our host, before they too went dormant. Carrot was 13 at the time of their dormancy.
    This wiki gives me a bad feeling. [114 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 3 Sun 8:16:59 GMT)
    general tone indicators and warnings: italic text , /gen , /nm. I feel like I'm just waiting until I say something wrong, until I get a warning or until I ruin my already bad reputation here. Just... waiting... until something bad happens. I'll be quitting this wiki / fandom for an indefinite amount of time. Have a good day everyone. Note to moderators reading this (if there are any): This is not a requested ban, the last time I requested one it was incredibly hard to appeal for and even then you refused to unban me until the time was up. I shall admit that I truly needed the break from the wiki, though, so this isn't a complaint about that. - Player100789OnRoblox
    cores labels n stuff [55 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 2 Sat 20:44:34 GMT)
    Labels I Identify with :] Gender: User blog:.forestofmushrooms./list of my genders! Sexuality: Polysexual Attraction: Acrisexual, Aceflux, Omniplatonic. Acriromatic, AroAce, Aegosexual, Lithosexual Amorous: Mono/poly Pronouns: Multipronominal, Neopronouns, Pronoun Non-Conforming, Characterself Pronouns Other: Namehoarder, Voidpunk
    Miranous Attraction [112 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 2 Sat 13:18:18 GMT)
    Miranous Attraction or Quasisexual Attraction is a type of aesthetic attraction that is visual in nature and includes visually appreciating someone sexually or feeling sexually drawn to a particular person. This is could be considered a sexual variety of normal Aesthetic attraction. This is distinct from sexual attraction as sexual attraction is a form of physical attraction to a individual based on a desire for sexual interaction (sexual intercourse, sexually touching/groping, etc.) with a particular individual. It can also be described as feeling sexual feelings regarding a particular person or feeling aroused because of a particular person, but having no desire to engage in sexual activity. The desires however, can be sensual in nature.
    Pt. 3 tw: death, caps,etc. [81 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 2 Sat 9:09:20 GMT)
    'well! waiting time's up! we have a total of 12 members!' Said Sarah excitedly over the speaker. 2 hours pass Annie's thoughts: I'm hungry, I'll go to the pantry! Annie goes to the pantry Emily and May: *talking* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! 'welp- looks like the body has beeen found!' Victim's information Name: Jason *unknown last name* Age:14 where body was found: hid in the pantry Cause of death: Chopped limb from limb 'well, i guess he deserves it for what he did to Raymond' Said Daisy. give me ideas pleeeeeeeeeeeeeease
    Part 2 tw: death [289 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 2 Sat 4:35:47 GMT)
    'Alright, we're here.' said Emily. 'Yes! It's totes gonna be haunted!' Said Jason excitedly. 'NO. It won't.' Replied Raymond. 'oh shut it, *deadname*' muttered Jason. 'I heard that. my name is Raymond.' exclaimed Raymond angrily. 'you know, your always gonna be a girl, *deadnameno matter how hard you try.Laughed Jason. 'will you just shut up?' Shouted Zeke. 'let's just go inside. the quicker we go in, the quicker we leave since Jason won't let us go until we search every room.' said Roxxane, who was also clearly upset with Jason for what he just said. The door creaked open. 'alright, let's go inside.' 'ok, we're all here.' said Jason, trying to hide his excitement. the door shut very quickly. 'great. that door locks when it's closed and we have no way out.' angrily exclaimed Emily. 'as if it closed by itself, or maybe from a ghost!' Said Jason. 'Not a ghost, just my machinery!' 'WHAT THE?!' surprisingly exclaimed Daisy. 'w-who are you?! WHERE are you?!' shrieked May. 'it's coming from the speakers!' exclaimed Zeke. 'thaaaat's right! welcome to whodunit, the most popular murder game of 2021!' shouted the voice. 'I'm this month's host, Sarah Windiberg!' exclaimed the voice from the speaker. 'MOM?!' shouted May and Daisy in shock. 'that's right girls!' said Sarah excitedly. May starts sobbing uncontrollably. Emily grabs May and hugs her. 'hey, it's okay. your gonna be okay.' says Emily softly. 'well, not really. the game won't end until there is one person left.' says Sarah, distracted. 'oh but you won't have to worry now, we don't have enough players yet, so you'll just be waiting!' end of part 2
    pt.1 [95 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Oct 2 Sat 3:08:50 GMT)
    'Hey guys!' said Jason. 'Is something the matter?' said Daisy. 'There's this rumor going around that the abandoned mall is haunted!' 'H-Haunted?' whimpered May. 'Don't worry Darling, I highly doubt it's true.' Says Emily. 'Now way! it's gotta be! i just know it!' Exclaimed Jason. 'Sorry Jason, but i believe Emily on this one.' Replied Raymond. 'Alright, I'll prove it!' Exclaimed Jason, who seemed very determined to prove the mall was haunted. 'We won't see anything but ok, i guess.' muttered Zeke under his breath. 'Let's go there then!' Said Jason excitedly.
    where the trail ran cold [731 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 30 Thu 23:50:35 GMT)
    good writing tip; work on 2 things at the same time, when you don't feel like doing project a (for me being the mission) you can procrastinate on it by working on project b (for me being this) or vise versa prolouge an icewing messenger landed in front of queen glory, out-of-breath and-seemingly-panicked, "your highness! queen mink of the icewings has requested your aid," he said, he was violet purple with dark blue flecks on his snout, back, and on his wings, his underscales were also very pale blue, "for what reason?" glory asked, her head tilted, she must know, i thought, watching from the side, i might've been raised by a sandwing councellor of spies and intellegence, but she still, somehow, decided to make me an advisor, "a string of-note, very violent-murders have broken out across the new ice kingdom, from what queen mink has heard, we will need 2 kingdoms working against them to catch them," the messenger said, glory stared, thinking, "ok, i'll send my own troops, as well as 5 dragons," said glory, she flicked her tail at me, as well as 4 other dragons "fidget, atlas, midnight, spider monkey, and moonspinner," she said, fidget!? that's me! i thought, although i was originally exited, i had no idea what i was in store for, and trust me, it's something not good, at, all part 1: welcome to the ice fields, mouse-brains chapter 1 the wing of rainwings and icewings prepared for takeoff, me shuffling around withing them, in the meeting glory and mink had had, mink mentioned an old, abandon facility looming ominously over a vast forest, towns around there had been the hardest hit from the killings, the messenger sat next to me, "so, what's your name?" i asked him, "boreal," he said, i just now noticed the iridescent shimmer that coated his snowy white spines and horns, his wings were also a glittering turquoise, like the ice i remember plasma brought back from the northern shore of the ice kingdom, the first row of dragons take off, i flip up my visor and soon we're shooting up into the air like a wave of wings and rainbow scales-from bright and shimmering to washed-out and reflecting the sunlight like ice-boreal looks at me, "how did you make all this?" he asks, motioning at the visor and 2nd pair of wings, "oh, i had quite a bit of spare time," i replied, that's when i noticed the glowing, sapphire pin that closed his main pouch while the others were-seemingly-closed with small silver figurines of arctic animals, caribou, polar bears, wolves seemed to be the most common one, you name it, it was there, "why's your sapphire glowing?" i asked, "oh, it's enchanted, protection spell, gift from my older sister," he replied, "is she an animus?" i asked, "nope, arcane sorceress, learned from someone who lives in the forest surrounding where were going, if we get into any trouble, i can call for her or her 2 daughters, osen and hallow," boreal answered, we continued to fly, packs of seklas dashing under us, their rabbit-like legs kicking up buckets of snow and their compact, wolf-like, bear-sized bodies shielding tiny, shelled cubs, i spotted something tiny, like a black snake, weaving through the snow drifts, "boreal! look!" i exclaimed, "wow, an ekirfi!" he said, the tiny thing dove into a tunnel dug in the snow, i knew that ekirfi were supposed to be a symbol of luck, but little had i known; if i wanted to survive this trip, i was gonna need it chapter 2 we flew until sundown, when finally, the outline of the looming facility appeared, "spooky," i muttered, meanwhile, 2 of the other 4 i'd been sent with-spider monkey and midnight, i believe their names were-messed around, the 2 never went anywhere without each other, so it makes sense that, if glory sent one, then she'd send the other, there was one more-a sky/rain/hive-that had insisted on going with us, i believe her name was deja vu, vu for short, the wing was filled with chatter, nervous icewings and rainwings whispering to each other, curious ones piling questions onto the others, in the early fall months, the trees were filled with flame-bright colors, my wing landed at the facility, a valve hatch replaced a normal door and the iron making up the outer walls was rusted and falling away
    Howdy there, kings queens and queers, rats in trenchcoats and all others! [37 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 29 Wed 0:46:38 GMT)
    Nate here! I just wanted to thank everyone who's decided to visit my page or something, still getting the hang of wikia. ask me any question! I dont mind text quirks as long as they are readable for my brain. Thankies! Signed, Nathan Alexandre
    hey [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 28 Tue 22:27:31 GMT)
    why do they call it oven when in cold of out hot eat the food
    bio template [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 28 Tue 14:05:49 GMT)
    working in progress
    Everything You Need to Know About Typology [4312 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 23 Thu 3:31:20 GMT)
    Typology is a system of grouping individuals together based on certain traits. These are not physical traits, but rather cognitive and/or behavioural traits making up a single personality. For example, saying that everyone who is outspoken, determined, and witty is a certain personality type. While typology is fun, it's important to understand that, currently, it has no scientific basis. With this in mind, typology should not be used in an authoritative way, and it should not be treated as if it's the be-all and end-all. Typology has the potential to be harmful, as it can create "qualitative" dichotomies, treating one group as superior. In other words, if certain personality types are treated like they have better traits than others. Dichotomies also fail to recognise that personalities exist on a spectrum. There's no metaphorical switch that can be turned on or off to determine whether someone is shy or not. Shyness, just like any trait, exists as a range. This post will mostly be an infodump, but I hope that I can share it with others who are interested in learning more about a specific model, or even typology in general. My personal favourite is the Enneagram. MBTI The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was originally developed by mother and daughter, Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers. It's based on Carl Jung's theory of cognitive functions; however, Briggs and Myers themselves had no background in psychology nor science. The MBTI Manual has since been updated by Mary H. McCaulley, who was a professor in the UF's Clinical and Health Psychology department. She and Myers also established the UF's Typology Laboratory together. Cognitive Functions The MBTI uses cognitive functions. Jung's theory suggests there are four basic ways we take in and process information: feeling, thinking, intuition, and sensation. Feeling and thinking are both considered "judging" functions, while intuition and sensation are considered "perceiving" functions. This is because we use the feeling/thinking functions to make decisions (in other words, "judge" what the best and/or right thing to do is), and we use the intuition/sensation functions to perceive the world and the information in it. According to his theory, we all have a "primary" function, which is the one we are influenced by the most. We also have two "auxiliary" functions helping us, almost like a second-in-command. And lastly, we have an "inferior" function, which is our weakest and least used. It's repressed, and Jung considered it the easiest way to access one's unconscious mind. Jung also theorised that we all have "attitudes," which refers to whether someone has a preference for introversion or extraversion. Introverted attitudes involve the internal world (eg. one's thoughts and beliefs) and extraverted attitudes involve the external world (eg. one's behaviour). All of the functions apply to both the internal and external, whereas in the Myers-Briggs model, each function has an introverted and extraverted counterpart. For instance, when the intuition function affects one's morals, this can be considered introverted intuition. According to Jung, our primary function would operate in our preferred world (so the internal world for those with an introverted attitude and the external world for those with an extraverted attitude), and the other three functions would operate in the opposite world. This could be visualised as either EIII or IEEE, where the first letter represents the primary function. Feeling Feeling refers to the process of determining something's value, in the sense of acceptance or rejection. It involves judging without the intention of using logic-based reasoning. Introverted Feeling (Fi) Introverted feeling refers to one's values, morals, individualism, etc. Those with a more dominant Fi often have strong morals, a strong sense of self, and good intrapersonal skills. Extraverted Feeling (Fe) Extroverted feeling refers to a desire for harmony or keeping the peace. Those with a more dominant Fe often have strong cognitive empathy and understand the needs of others. Thinking Thinking refers to the process of connecting things through concepts and existing knowledge. Introverted Thinking (Ti) Introverted thinking refers to the understanding of personal ideas and inner thoughts. Those with a more dominant Ti often try to be analytical, follow structure, and think rationally. Extraverted Thinking (Te) Extroverted thinking refers to conveying one's thoughts using knowledge and reason. Those with a more dominant Te often have the ability to be concise and favour logic-based arguments over emotional ones. Intuition Intuition refers to perceiving things through hunches and/or visions. In other words, it conveys our perceptions through passive, unconscious methods. Introverted Intuition (Ni) Introverted intuition refers to knowing something subconsciously. Those with a more dominant Ni often have strong conviction, see the bigger picture, and reach conclusions without knowing exactly how. Extraverted Intuition (Ne) Extroverted intuition refers to noticing patterns and connections in the world. Those with a more dominant Ne often brainstorm and express themselves using ideas or concepts. Sensation Sensation refers to perceiving physical stimuli, the five basic senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Introverted Sensation (Si) Introverted sensing refers to using past experiences to understand the world. Those with a more dominant Si often prefer tradition, routine, and rules. Extraverted Sensation (Se) Extroverted sensing refers to using one's senses to take in information. Those with a more dominant Se often enjoy spontaneity and trying new things, and may pick up on details that others do not. Myers-Briggs Model Using the cognitive functions, Myers and Briggs developed psychological types. But rather than the functions each working in both the internal and external world, they stated that each function must either be introverted or extraverted, which turned Jung's four basic functions into eight. And unlike how Jung's theory involved a primary function, two auxiliary functions, and an inferior function, Myers and Briggs replaced "primary" with "dominant," and they replaced the second auxiliary function with the name "tertiary" function. This means that using the Myers-Briggs model, we have a dominant function, an auxiliary function, a tertiary function, and an inferior function. Aside from the name change, these all have a similar role as before. Types were categorised using letters. The first letter would either be I or E, the second letter would either be N or S, the third letter would either be F or T, and the last letter would either be P or J. Using the Myers-Briggs model, the first letter comes from one's dominant function, and whether it is introverted or extraverted (eg. EXXX if the dominant function is extraverted). The second letter comes from whether intuition or sensation is more dominant (eg. ESXX if sensation is the dominant or auxiliary function). The third letter comes from whether feeling or thinking is more dominant (eg. ESTX if thinking is the dominant or auxiliary function). And the last letter comes from whether the auxiliary/tertiary functions are judging or perceiving (eg. ESTP if the auxiliary/tertiary functions are feeling or thinking). Grant-Brownsword Model William Harold Grant, Alan Brownsword, Magdala Thompson, and Thomas E. Clarke developed another model that added two more functions. In their model, if the primary/dominant function is extraverted, the auxiliary function is introverted, and vice versa. This means that types in this model would either look like EIEI or IEIE. The P/J would be determined based on which extraverted function was most dominant. If it was an Ne or Se, they were considered perceivers, and if it was an Fe or Te, they were considered judgers. For example, an INFJ has a dominant Fe while an INFP has a dominant Ne. This is often referred to as the "function stack," and it was incorporated into the MBTI Manual. They furthered this idea by deciding that the dominant function would be the opposite of the inferior function, and the auxiliary function would be the opposite of the tertiary function. So if someone's dominant function is Ni, their inferior function must be Se, because introverted intuition and extraverted sensation are opposites. Function Stacks If you don't understand all of that right away, don't worry. Here is a list of what type each stack would indicate: Fi > Ne > Si > Te ➝ INFP Fi > Se > Ni > Te ➝ ISFP Fe > Ni > Se > Ti ➝ ENFJ Fe > Si > Ne > Ti ➝ ESFJ Ti > Ne > Si > Fe ➝ INTP Ti > Se > Ni > Fe ➝ ISTP Te > Ni > Se > Fi ➝ ENTJ Te > Si > Ne > Fi ➝ ESTJ Ni > Fe > Ti > Se ➝ INFJ Ni > Te > Fi > Se ➝ INTJ Ne > Fi > Te > Si ➝ ENFP Ne > Ti > Fe > Si ➝ ENTP Si > Fe > Ti > Ne ➝ ISFJ Si > Te > Fi > Ne ➝ ISTJ Se > Fi > Te > Ni ➝ ESFP Se > Ti > Fe > Ni ➝ ESTP NERIS The NERIS Type Explorer (more commonly known as the 16Personalities test) uses the same acronym format as the MBTI; however, it does not use cognitive functions, or any Jungian concepts for that matter. Instead, the NERIS model resembles the Big Five, which is trait-based rather than type-based. Each letter represents a different trait, and users are assigned these traits based on where they fall on each scale. The first letter will either be an I or an E depending on whether the user is more introverted or extraverted. It's important to note that introverted and extraverted are used differently here than in the MBTI. With NERIS, introversion applies to those who prefer solitary activities and feel drained from social interaction, while extraversion applies to those who prefer group activities and feel energised by social interaction. The second letter will either be an N or an S depending on whether the user is more intuitive or observant. Intuitive refers to those who are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. Observant refers to those who are highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth. The third letter will either be an F or a T depending on whether the user relies more on feeling or thinking. Feeling refers to those who are sensitive and emotionally expressive. Thinking refers to those who focus on objectivity and rationality, prioritizing logic over emotions. The fourth letter will either be a P or a J depending on whether the user prefers prospecting or judging. Prospecting refers to those who are very good at improvising and spotting opportunities. Judging refers to those who are decisive, thorough and highly organized. Unlike the acronym used by the MBTI, NERIS includes a fifth letter, just like the Big Five. This fifth letter will either be an A or a T depending on whether the user is more assertive or turbulent. Assertive refers to those who are self-assured, even-tempered and resistant to stress. Turbulent refers to those who are self-conscious and sensitive to stress. These types are then grouped into roles. Those with the intuitive and thinking traits (XNTX) are called Analysts. Those with the intuitive and feeling traits (XNFX) are called Diplomats. Those with the observant and judging traits (XSXJ) are called Sentinels. And lastly, those with the observant and prospecting traits (XSXP) are called Explorers. NERIS also has strategies for users depending on what traits they have. Those with the introverted and assertive traits (IXXX-A) are recommended to follow the Confident Individualism strategy. Those with the extraverted and assertive traits (EXXX-A) are recommended to follow the People Mastery strategy. Those with the introverted and turbulent traits (IXXX-T) are recommended to follow the Constant Improvement strategy. And lastly, those with the extraverted and turbulent traits (EXXX-T) are recommended to follow the Social Engagement strategy. Enneagram The Enneagram of Personality (often just called the Enneagram) is a model that uses a nine-pointed figure inside of a circle. The shape itself is often called an enneagram, nonagram, or nonangle. Each point represents one of the nine types, which are numbered 1-9. Unlike the MBTI, which is about the human conscious, or NERIS, which is about personality traits, the Enneagram is about what drives us. In other words, it's about our desires, fears, goals, objectives, etc. Type 1 desires fairness and integrity, and it fears being corrupt or out of control. Type 2 desires to feel loved and accepted, and it fears the opposite. Type 3 desires to feel valued and/or to be valuable, and it fears failure or feeling worthless. Type 4 desires to express itself and to be unique in doing so, and it fears being without an identity or being insignificant to the world. Type 5 desires to be competent or to master their field, and it fears being useless or incapable. Type 6 desires to feel safe and supported, and it fears the opposite. Type 7 desires to feel content and fulfilled, and it fears feeling trapped or deprived of excitement. Type 8 desires to be in control of its own life, and it fears being controlled by others or hurt/violated by others. And lastly, Type 9 desires to feel at peace with themselves or to feel whole, and it fears losing others. Wings Alongside a main type, everyone also has what are called "wings," which is the type next to their main type that fits them the most. For example, a Type 6 could have Five (6w5) or Seven (6w7) as their wings, but not both. In the case of Type 1 and Type 9, these two would be considered next to each other on the enneagram and could therefore act as wings (eg. 1w9 or 9w1). Wing theory is used in most versions of the Enneagram, but not all. Tritypes The types are put into three groups (called centres): head-based (also known as head, thinking, reason, anxiety, or fear), heart-based (also known as heart, feeling, shame, emotion, or image), and body-based (also known as gut, doing, instinctive, action, rage, or anger). Types 5-7 are head-based, Types 2-4 are heart-based, and Types 1, 8, and 9 are body-based. In this theory, everyone has one primary head-based type, one primary heart-based type, and one primary body-based type. These three types are then put together in order of which has the strongest influence. For example, someone who is 837 is mostly influenced by their body-based Type 8. Their heart-based Type 3 would come next, and their head-based Type 7 would come last. Instinctual Variant Instinctual variants (also called instinctual subtypes) are the instinctive drives that we develop. They affect our enneatypes even further. The different subtypes include social (so), self-preservation (sp), and sexual (sx). Social refers to the need to get along or belong in groups, self-preservation refers to the need to protect oneself or meet one's needs, and sexual refers to the need to connect with important others or partners. Despite the use of the word "sexual," this subtype can refer to things such as friendships as well. Due to the misunderstanding that it only involves sexual relationships, the names "one-to-one" and "intimacy" are also used. We all have one dominant subtype (most developed), one auxiliary subtype (next most developed), and one inferior subtype (least developed). For example, those who are so/sx (social dominant, sexual auxiliary, self-preservation inferior) are mainly governed by their instinctive need to belong in a community while their need for survival-based materials and physical safety takes a backseat. Big Five The Big Five personality traits (also known as OCEAN) is a model that groups personality traits together to create scales. These include: openness (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious), conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless), extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved), agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational), and neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident). Rather than being assigned a personality type, individuals are told whether they were high or low on each scale (and usually given percentages or scores). Certain studies suggest that genetics play a role in one's Big Five traits; however, the model has received plenty of criticism as well. For example, certain traits are often treated as a deficit or inferior to others (eg. having low openness). Type A/B The Type A and Type B personality hypothesis dates back to the 1950s, and it only involves two personality types: Type A, which is more competitive, impatient, and aggressive, and Type B, which is more relaxed, easygoing, and non-competitive. These types can be simplified further, where Type A represents high-stress individuals and Type B represents low-stress individuals. This hypothesis was mostly developed to show that high stress levels increased one's chances of developing heart disease. It uses dichotomies to separate those with a "Type A Behaviour Pattern" (TABP) from those without it. Type B was less about what traits it possessed and more about its lack of Type A traits. Temperament The four temperament theory is a model that dates back to Ancient Greece (specifically Classical Greece). It involves four personality types: choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, and sanguine. Combinations of these types are often used as well. The types were named after the bodily humours, an outdated concept of what bodies consist of. Choleric comes from yellow bile, melancholic comes from black bile, phlegmatic comes from phlegm, and sanguine comes from blood. Those who are choleric are considered to be extroverted, ambitious, and independent. Those who are melancholic are considered to be introverted, deep, and detail-oriented. Those who are phlegmatic are considered to be quiet, sympathetic, and relaxed. And those who are sanguine are considered to be extroverted, talkative, and enthusiastic. Aside from personality traits, the four temperaments are often associated with specific seasons, elements, and qualities. Choleric is linked with summer and fire, and it's described as being warm and dry. Melancholic is linked with autumn and earth, and it's described as being cold and dry. Phlegmatic is linked with winter and water, and it's considered to be cold and moist. And sanguine is linked with spring and air, and it's described as being warm and moist. "Cold" can be compared to introversion, "warm" can be compared to extroversion, "dry" can be compared to emotional instability, and "moist" can be compared to emotional stability. DISC Model The DISC assessment uses an altered version of the four temperaments, where choleric becomes "dominance," melancholic becomes "conscientiousness," phlegmatic becomes "steadiness," and sanguine becomes "influence." We all use a combination of these and favour one "style." The styles use the first letter of each type (eg. someone who favours conscientiousness would be C style). These are also called "types" (eg. C-type) or "personalities" (eg. C-personality). Not only are they associated with personality traits, but each style has been given values and fears as well. They can also be combined. For example, someone who is mostly dominant and partly influential would be Di, and someone who is equally dominant and influential would be DI (notice the capital letter). Someone who is mostly influential and partly dominant would be Id, and someone who is solely dominant would just be D. Some versions of the DISC model will put the letter of the main style first instead of using upper case and lower case letters to show predominance. In this case, something like CS and SC would have two different meanings. Socionics Like the MBTI, socionics uses Jung's cognitive
    Hello [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 23 Thu 0:09:33 GMT)
    Hello, peeps! :)
    Flags i made [43 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 22 Wed 22:00:40 GMT)
    Hi here we'll be posting flags we made -Alex, Alex2 and archie. Hey why did you named the blog "Flag that i made" we are three here- Alex2 and archie Sorry didnt notice -Alex
    notes about wispwings [381 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 22 Wed 14:21:40 GMT)
    they live in the east coast of pyrrhia's "wing" and instead of only having female heirs, heirs can be any gender, and instead of them having the traditional royal challenge, they have a group of dragons chosen and they have those dragons vote on who the queen should be after a series of challenges of strenth, intellegence, and strategy, in the first challenge, both challengers are meant to face the strongest warrior in the entire kingdom, if one gets pinned down, the other wins, if neither are pinned, it is a draw, when one pins the warrior, then that one get an advantage, the second challenge is where the challengers are asked questions (typically about the tribe's history, culture, laws, society, and different towns in the kingdom) and whoever gets the most questions right wins that challenge, to prevent them getting the same amount right, it is set up so a challenger has to hit a bell and answer, there is also an uneven amount of questions, the 3rd challenge is a boardgame, this one is quite elaborate and partially depends on the other tribes, for this, a member of the wispwing government contacts the other rulers for them to play against both challengers, if one declines, the request is sent to the next rank down, and so on and so on until one accepts, if no member of that tribe accepts, then the request will be sent to the next rank below queen for a different tribe, if all options dry out, they resort to the highest rank below the queen's rank, if the oldest dragonet is also a challenger, then it will be sent to the second oldest, and so on and so on, however, the request cannot be sent to heirs below 7 unless they have shown intellegence of dragons above that age, after all challenges are done, the chosen dragons i mentioned before (which are about 201 to 6,001) will vote on who will be the new ruler, their society is based off greek society (look it up because this post is getting way too long) and they believe that all dragons either become a βροχοχορευτές or a σκιά, a βροχοχορευτές if you were good, a σκιά if you were bad, now the βροχοχορευτές have different powers depending on what tribe they originally were for but i'll save that for another day
    Femuscaesexual [80 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 20 Mon 20:25:22 GMT)
    The femuscaesexual flag is a flag I coined for the alternative name of virfeminaesexual. I fear the flag may have a controversial design and I don't want the design to be associated with my name anymore and don't want it to be used. I want virfeminaesexual to be it's own identity and not just half 'feminaesexual and half muscusexual'. I will be editing the virfeminaesexual page to say this and I am only making this blog post so I can have a source for me saying that.
    Aesthetic Board [78 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 18 Sat 20:37:06 GMT)
    TW // g-ns(u) and f-re(i), possible eyestrain
    Test [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 17 Fri 1:48:03 GMT)
    Test (testing stuff out on here lol)
    just me trying to explain my sexuality [131 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 14 Tue 23:04:52 GMT)
    I like both girls and boys but like... i feel a lot more atracted to girls and i don´t really care about my atraction for boys (like- i don´t think i´ll ever date or ´´do it´´ whit a guy, so i don´t care) If i was to date someone, i would 100% chose to date a girl. I would only date a guy if i was really, really, REALLY atracted. I don´t think much about nb people. I just don´t feel anything about them (sorry if that sounded disrespectfull). I can´t really imagine myself dating a non-binary person, but if they´re cool and we´re both intrested, i guess i would. I think i´m bi, but i don´t like refering to myself as a bissexual. ... my english suks lmao
    To-Do and How To Help [574 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 13 Mon 21:12:18 GMT)
    Hi! Right now I’m working on a bit of an experiment with blogs, so please be patient haha. I thought I should make a list of notes from mods, thinks to keep in mind when posting/ editing and how to help out for wiki contributors. I hope this helps someone. To-Do Here’s a list of projects the mods have been working on -Missing Section Categories Sorting pages that are missing flags, history sections, resource section and resource verification into the specific categories (Flagless Identities, Pages With No History Section, Pages Without Resources, Needs Resource Verification) Adding warning templates to pages that are unsourced or partially unsourced (Unsourced, Partially Unverified) -Resource Verification Making sure the resources and history of a term are correct Reaching out to coiners to find resources When coining a term without outside resources, say that “this term was coined through this page and has no outside resources” Once a page has been verified, add it to the “Verified Resources” category -People to Individuals Mass replacing words using the find and replace tool Searching for specific words to be removed and changing pages with those words We are in the process of changing the terminology used on wiki articles. Instead of using terms like people or person, we will be using terms like individuals or individual. This change in terminology is to make alterhuman users more comfortable on this wiki. (If you you are confused by this project, please read the alter human page. Also, feel free to contact the staff team) Thinks To Keep In Mind When Posting Consider rereading the Community Guidelines if you need a refresher Add proper TWs and CWs to posts (ask a mod if you don’t know what does and doesn’t need warnings) Do not use all caps without a warning Considering using alterhuman friendly language instead of words like people/humans. You can learn more about this here. When Editing Consider rereading the Editing Guidelines if you need a refresher If you’re would like to help out, consider working on the aforementioned projects When Coining New Terms Consider rereading the New Page Guidelines and Style Guide Add a resources section. If there are no outside resources, state so it the article. Finding New Mods This wiki is currently lacking in the moderation department, specifically content moderators (content mods work with wiki maintenance. To be a content moderator, you must be well versed in the wikis rules and have a large number of edits. If you are interested in becoming a mod, contact our bureaucrat, Cryptocrew. Currently, you must be over 18 to apply for content mod, The wiki is also lacking in admins/mods (of any position) who are above 18. If you want to be a mod of any sorts, I would recommend having a decent number of edits/posts, and having been on the wiki for some time. If you are interested in getting a staff position and are 18+, please contact Cryptocrew. (Please note that all staff applications are close for individuals under 18.) 9/13/21
    headmates maybe?? [246 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 9 Thu 0:35:28 GMT)
    ok ok so here is a list of some of our (supposed) headmates and their info. Name: Alice Age: Age-slider I think Sexuality: Omni I think? Species: Demi-Dog Source Talk?: Doesn't really have a source I think? Role: Protector, Gatekeeper Name: ???? Age: Syskid -
    pk templates [55 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 7 Tue 6:12:42 GMT)
    ✧ ̊ ˖ 𐃆 𓂃 ˖ ˙ ⊹ ˚ ˳ ॱ ˖ ̊ ੭ name ╭┄┄┄┄┄┄ · · · emoji 。゚・。゚・ ┊ ❑. :: nicknames ┊ ✧. :: age ┊ ✦. :: pronouns ┊ ❑. :: honorifics(mr., ms., mx., etc.) ┊ ✧. :: id ┊ ✦. :: species ┊ ╰── ✧ ˚ · .𐃆 : ̗̀➛ other ╰┄┄┄┄┄┄┄꒰ emoji ꒱₊˚・。゚・ »
    DNI [123 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 6 Mon 23:50:24 GMT)
    Do not interact with me, period Alesjif: Used to troll. JustaNameSnipe: Started multiple arguments with me over the topic of triggering CAPS lock, as well as previous things they’ve gotten warnings for as seen on their wall. User:StarGachaMallory: Seeming a bit off, such as wording of comments, overall giving a weird vibe. Preferably do not interact with me Owaowa2: Interaction is alright, just a bit uncomfy with lack of TWs & CWs. Not crediting original artists or editing art without permission. Its-toxiqq, entire system: Uncomfy with lack of TWs and CWs and use of CAPS lock. Used my vote button No one yet! Do not interact with them, period No one yet! Preferably do not interact with them No one yet!
    PLS READ! its kinda important [64 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 5 Sun 4:19:47 GMT)
    https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000188516 so basically someone decided to steal flags and i'm here to do what i do best. trying to spread that fact like wildfire. they also went ahead and did 7stripe versions as well.... which is pretty much ripping off my 7 stripe lesbian flags which can be found here screenshots:
    Gender update [41 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 3 Fri 2:23:45 GMT)
    When I first question about my gender I was very confused and a bit stressed. I don’t quite know what it is so far but this it what I got so far alexi-demifluid boyflux schrodigender fuckgender and maybe blurgender and scribblegender So I identify as multigender
    I Need Help (Ayuda) [221 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Sep 2 Thu 3:51:47 GMT)
    I am currently working on a Spanish speaking LGBT+ wiki that was abandoned years ago. Some of the terminology is outdated and many links are either empty or broken, so I'd deeply appreciate it if anyone who's proficient in Spanish could help me out fixing it or adding terminology. If you are interested, here's the link: https://lgbt.wikia.org/es/f Benefits: You'd be one of the first to join, therefore you'd make the rules with me as a team. This means you can do things in that wiki that you can't do here. You'd be supporting the broader Hispanic LGBT+ community, which is underrepresented in internet circles. If you are learning Spanish, or your Spanish is getting rusty, this is a great opportunity to practice. You can become an admin, as long as you help me out. No drama. No trolls. Since there's so few people in that wiki, trolls haven't found out about it yet. You don't need to stay forever. Adding a single entry or two, or even fixing some mistakes will grant you my eternal grattitude. Cons: I'm the only person who's there everyday. Therefore, there's a lot to do for whoever joins. I'm new at being a mod, so I won't know as much as mods in this wiki. Since there's so few people, it can def be a bit lonely.
    exaggeration of gender [61 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 30 Mon 22:06:32 GMT)
    yep, i am exaggerating my gender i just feel like i am so many genders that it's just so... so... me that no one else is what i feel and then i found a new term i can compile all of them in nominalgender yet i don't know either if i should compile all my genders in that term or just keep them there it's so fucking confusing
    alterhuman identities! [57 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 29 Sun 18:00:43 GMT)
    ~~~~~~~~~~ THERIAN ~~~~~~~~~ Tanuki Racoon Timber Wolf Red Fox ~~~~~~~~~~~ OTHERKIN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Merkin Elfkin Fictionkin - Teadragons - Hibsicus and Ginseng, Enderkin, Creeperkin
    Why I Don't Use BIPOC [1769 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 26 Thu 14:03:37 GMT)
    It fails to differentiate other racial/ethnic minority groups. The term BIPOC separates Black and Indigenous peoples from other marginalised races/ethnicities, and for an understandable reason. Right now, in North America, these two groups are facing enormous obstacles that others are not. Making that distinction is reasonable; however, the issue arises when that same distinction is not made for other POC. South Asian people, Latinx people, Middle Eastern people, etc, are all being grouped together despite many of them not having the privileges of someone who is white-passing. The exclusion caused by this term largely stems from its origin. It was first notably coined in Canada where the Latinx population is not substantial, making up only 1.3% of the population as of the last nation census. It generalises oppression, disregarding circumstance. While it goes without a doubt that the Black community and the Indigenous community both need all of our support, it only creates harm when people compare the general oppression certain groups face. For example, while it can easily be said that East Asian people are treated as a model minority and are statistically the highest-earning ethnic group in the US, it should also be noted that in Los Angeles County, elderly Korean and Cambodian people are more likely to live in poverty, and without healthcare, than any other ethnic group. So despite generally being less in need of aid as a race, that doesn’t negate the certain circumstances people belonging to said race may find themselves facing. It also doesn’t mean that there is no need for aid at all. It generalises the experiences of Black and Indigenous people. Similar to the way that Black and Indigenous people face injustice on a different level than other POC, people within the Black/Indigenous community experience injustice at different levels depending on multiple factors, including the shade of their skin, where they live, their gender, etc. A light-skin Black man is not going to have the exact same experience as a dark-skin Black woman. Colourism plays an enormous role in systemic racism. One that dates back to the 1600s. During American slavery, African slaves could be released after converting to Christianity. But after 1667, this loophole was eliminated; the legal status of Africans becoming tied to skin colour alone. Light-skinned slaves were more often freed since they were considered physically and intellectually superior to those with dark skin. Black men with darker skin were thought to have more recently come from Africa, and were therefore seen and treated as ‘less human’. After slavery was abolished, African-Americans were continuously discriminated against. Even by each other. Some historic African-American organisations practised discrimination by denying memberships, jobs, or entrance to those with darker skin tones. The impact of colourism still runs strong, and the term BIPOC neglects to address it. It ignores the history of the term POC. ‘People of colour’ started to become the popular term used for non-White people around the 1980s. Leaders in the civil rights movement found strength by coming together as a single, unified force. Alone, the different ethnic minority groups stood less of a chance at making a difference. But when working together as people of colour, they had a much larger impact. Racial discrimination was a burden we could all carry together as opposed to the greater struggle of shouldering our individual burdens alone. MLK said it himself in his famous speech: “We cannot walk alone.” And in that same speech, he used the term ‘citizens of colour’. I am aware that times have changed, and that there is a need for new terms; however, it is important to note that we did not use the term POC to group all of our struggles together, but instead, to fight for all of our struggles together. It leaves room for an “us vs them” mentality. Instead of banding together, we have created a hierarchy of colour, where certain ethnic groups quantitatively and qualitatively face more bigotry. But these are things that cannot truly be measured. We cannot compare victims of different crimes because the severity is subjective. What one person deems unforgivable is insignificant to another. So by comparing the discrimination that different racial/ethnic groups face, we unknowingly create an invalidating environment where they feel the struggles they’ve faced are trivial in comparison to that of Black and Indigenous people. And while the triviality could definitely be true in some cases, it is unfair to compare such different experiences to each other. Different doesn’t necessarily mean lesser. And lesser doesn’t necessarily mean unimportant. In the end, comparison can lead to a feeling that other POC have things ‘easy’ or ‘better’. It can create inner conflict when we should be working together to take down an oppressive system that impacts us all. It downplays Asian struggles during a time of need. Anti-Asian xenophobia is on the rise because of racist sentiments surrounding the current pandemic. In fact, the increase in racism towards Asian people has been so alarming that the United Nations of Human Rights has recommended governments to adopt a National Action Plan against Racial Discrimination (NAPARD). A study during the COVID-19 outbreak found that Asian and Black people have been more likely to report negative experiences due to their race since the pandemic started. Out of the adults interviewed, 39% of those who were Asian and 38% of those who were Black reported people acting uncomfortable around them, compared to the group average of 20%. 31% of Asian adults and 21% of Black adults reported slurs being used against them, compared to the 12% average. Lastly, 29% of Asian adults and 20% of Black adults reported an instance where they feared someone might threaten or physically attack them, compared to the 11% average. Playing into what has previously been mentioned, Asian minorities are being grouped together with other POC despite attention needing to be brought to this issue. Originally written on September 20, 2020. As shown by the date, I wrote this last year, before the "Stop Asian/AAPI Hate" movement. I already knew that anti-Asian xenophobia and racism was getting worse. As someone who is biracial and appears solely as East Asian by society, I continuously experienced that racism first-hand. Even though I was staying at home, racism found its way to me. During this time, I felt so alone. The racism I experienced was being downplayed by others, and it took an enormous escalation before attention was finally brought to the issue. But even that attention seemed lacklustre. The movement referred to it as "hate" rather than what it was: racism. I started seeing yellow squares and profile pictures, as if that wasn't offensive. I was even told that the "fear of Asians" was valid and understandable. So when is the proper time to use BIPOC? When discussing issues that are specific to Black and/or Indigenous individuals, using BIPOC makes sense. In fact, it is welcomed! There have been many times where an issue was called out, and non-Black/non-Indigenous POC spoke over those who were actually affected. For example, a non-Black individual might say, "Well, I'm a POC, and I don't think we need the BLM movement!" While, yes, they are a POC, that doesn't then give them the right to speak over Black individuals about issues and experiences exclusive to those who are Black. Simply being a POC doesn't immediately make someone a representative of all POC matters. One is still limited by what they have and haven't experienced, and simply sharing a label with someone doesn't mean those experiences are shared. As a comparison, this would be like a non-trans member of the LGBTQA+ community speaking on trans issues. It's good to be an ally and advocate for others, but it's disingenuous to present oneself as someone personally affected. Members of the LGBTQA+ community are still capable of transphobia, just like POC are capable of racism against other POC. BIPOC can also be used to refer to POC who are Black and/or Indigenous, as long as they have expressed that they are fine with that label. When shouldn't someone use BIPOC? It's not appropriate to use the term BIPOC when referring to issues that are specific to a different racial group. It may also be better to use 'POC' rather than 'BIPOC' when referring to issues that apply to all POC; however, this can greatly depend on what the issue is. For example, issues that affect all POC equally as opposed to issues that affect all POC, but affect Black and/or Indigenous POC more often, more severely, or in a different way. BIPOC isn't an umbrella term for all POC, but rather, a specifier for Black/Indigenous individuals and/or topics. It calls more attention to those who are Black and/or Indigenous where it is needed. Examples While discussing systemic racism, either POC or BIPOC can be used, depending on the specific issue. For example, BIPOC could be used when discussing racial profiling, while POC could be used when discussing the model minority myth. For terms/labels that are exclusive for all POC, it's better to say POC unless the term was primarily created with Black and/or Indigenous individuals in mind. If it is only exclusive for those who are Black and/or Indigenous, that should be specified instead of using POC/BIPOC. When asking for feedback from racial minorities, either POC or BIPOC can be used, but it depends on what the feedback is for. For general issues that affect all POC (eg. cultural appropriation, slurs, colourism, etc), it might be better not to use BIPOC. At the same time, BIPOC can be used if the individual looking for feedback would especially like to hear from Black and/or Indigenous POC. When referring to oneself, it's better to use POC if one is not Black nor Indigenous. BIPOC lists Black, Indigenous, and other people of colour separately, so it doesn't quite make sense to specify being Black and/or Indigenous if that is not a part of one's identity. They would instead fall under the last three letters of the acronym: POC. This also applies when referring to other POC outside of oneself; however, don't use the term 'POC' for those who have expressed that they don't want that label used for them.
    i need some help [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 25 Wed 22:04:19 GMT)
    im attracted to every gender but men what am i pls lmk!!
    list of my genders! [36 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 25 Wed 19:16:58 GMT)
    Transgender Exofluid ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XENOGENDERS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Endergender Googender Nukegender Warffeegender Catgender
    Mod Use) [699 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 23 Mon 12:10:54 GMT)
    This is intended to be the masterpost/main way of communicating for the moderation team of this wiki. It is not to be used by those without administrator or moderator rights, and will be removed if this is done. General concerns/topics that need to be discussed will have dates corresponding to them and whether or not they've been addressed/resolved. This will be protected in a way so that mods and admins can edit this blog while those with default user rights cannot. Here is a list of all administrators and moderators helpfully put together by RavenFire803. If you are a general user, please disregard this post and contact any of us through that. Concerns Aug 23 (unresolved) The moderation team, though relatively large, is seriously lacking in quite a few areas. First off, we have a lot of thread moderators, which is great and the discussion/community part of the wiki seems to be well-monitored, but we don't have a lot of content moderators (who do actual wiki maintenance). We need more folkel interested in taking on responsibilities of helping with the actual wiki part of the wiki, and who are relatively well-versed in doing so (such as moving pages, reverting edits, know the style and page creation/editing guidelines well, can add and remove categories, add citations, and can take on research or wiki projects for tasks that need to be done). We need to better communicate and have more clear guidelines for consequences of guideline violation, just generally more clear guidelines that we aren't doing as well as we should to enforce, and more specifically, continue to be receptive to criticism from MOGAI spaces such as the MOGAI community on Tumblr, who have rightfully raised concerns about not having proper sourcing and bastardizing the meaning of the original coining of terms. We currently are supposed to have a project that it seems a few of us are working on (I'm not even sure we've publicly enforced or encouraged this), which is going through all of our pages to mark if they are properly sourced, have been verified or not, and if they have a history section. I put this guidance in a post on the Tumblr account for those who want to help out: We’re still going through pages to either immediately verify or put in categories to verify (”Needs Resource Verification”, “Pages With No History Section”, and/or “Pages Without Resources”). If pages have been verified, the information matches coining source and common usage, and there are citations/resources for flags, history, etymology, and other general information. Officially verified pages are added to the “Verified Resources” category. Anyone can help with this! It’s especially appreciated if people look through and add resources to pages in the three problem categories. Many of the pages have been directly coined through the wiki with no outside sourcing, if you have done this or you can confirm that a term was originally coined through the wiki, you can state that “This page is the original source for the coining of the term.” in the history section and that will count for verification I wasn't going to push for this because it's definitely going to be annoying to do, but especially with the new formatting update, a lot of people have no idea what the categories are because you have to click on it for it to display and it's not at the top of the screen anymore. It wouldn't have to be required, but I think that having this template on pages in the three problem categories will clearly distinguish to people that the page is not officially finished or verified yet. If not that, we need an alternative solution. I also have suggestions for a guidelines update to clarify that this page verification is a priority and not properly verifying pages when they are created is not allowed. To prevent this from being ridiculous long lol, I'll put that in a comment box below. -Snowflake Shenanigans
    help with gender? [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 22 Sun 3:24:42 GMT)
    Very few people "grow out" of their gender dysphoria - a critical review of the "Steensma" study. [1235 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 21 Sat 7:49:42 GMT)
    = Summary = Many attempts have been made in the past to determine what percentage of transgender people grow out (“desist”) of gender dysphoria. Previous studies have been flawed and usually had a low sample size and a very loose definition of “transgender”. Many people who “desisted” were simply gender non-conforming. The Steensma study (Steensma, et al. 2013) is the strongest study conducted on transgender desistance yet. Its strengths were having a larger sample size (127) than many others, and followed the participants long term. The Steensma study, while better than others, was still incredibly flawed. Its sample size was still not sufficient for reliability in such a variable topic, it used an old diagnostic manual for gender dysphoria, assumed all who didn’t respond to the study had desisted, many of the participants were subthreshold for gender dysphoria and the authors failed to adjust for certain factors, making the study misinterpreted by those who didn’t read very far in. The Steensma study is often misinterpreted by transphobes trying to push an argument against transgender treatment such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers. Assessing what percentage of transgender people desisted was not the study’s intention, but rather what factors make desistance and persistence more or less likely. Upon removing nonresponders and those who were subthreshold for gender dysphoria, the persistence rate significantly increases, making a strong argument FOR transgender treatment. For natal boys, the desistance rate went from 70.89% to 8.7%, and for natal girls it went from 50% to 20.69% (mean: 14.7%). Incorrectly claiming that most people grow out of their dysphoria is incredibly dangerous and discourages people from acquiring the medical treatment that they require. Introduction There have been many attempts to determine and calculate the percentage of those with gender dysphoria who “grew out” or desisted from their dysphoria. Many of these former studies had various methodological flaws and very loosely defined transgenderism and many were not actually transgender in these studies. Furthermore, many had small sample sizes and weren’t necessarily reliable sources of information to extrapolate to the whole transgender community. These studies fail to adjust for confounding factors or provide significant information. Many used outdated diagnostic criteria for gender dysphoria which ended up lumping transgender individuals in with gender non-conforming individuals such as effeminate boys or masculine girls. The Steensma study is the first study to actually provide significant information on confounding factors, had a larger than usual sample size (albeit still not substantial to reliably make a conclusion) and followed the participants long term. It is the closest thing to a “reliable” study on desistance or persistence of gender dysphoria. However, regardless of its strengths, it is still commonly misinterpreted, misrepresented and fails to state the results upon removing certain factors associated with desistance and persistence from the data set. Many people incorrectly assume that the study is about the percentage of transgender people who desist, but rather, it is a study on factors contributing to predicting whether an individual will desist or persist. Misrepresentation    The Steensma study is often misrepresented, misinterpreted or taken out of context. Many transphobes have incorrectly cited this study as “evidence” that transgender people will usually desist in their gender dysphoria, without considering the actual study intent. The goal of the study was to evaluate factors associated with desistance and persistence, which many people ignore and wrongly assume that it just means that a majority of transgender people will desist. That is not the case, but rather, that transgender people who did not meet the threshold for gender dysphoria were more likely to desist.    Misrepresenting a study in this way is incredibly dangerous. It spreads misinformation without any regard for accuracy and makes people doubt themselves or be afraid to transition out of fear of regretting it, even if such is unlikely for them given they meet the attributes which contribute to a high likelihood of persistence.    Those who DO persist are incredibly unlikely to regret gender affirming treatment (USTS, 2015). The misrepresentation of the study by those in opposition to gender affirming healthcare is incredibly dangerous and disregards the results that conflict with the agenda they are trying to push with the help of a study they are taking out of context. Methodological Flaws    The Steensma study suffered from having various methodological flaws making it unreliable to make a strong conclusion from. It had a small sample size, had many confounding factors (which, due to a small sample size, makes adjustment very difficult and unreliable), mostly assessed those who did not meet the threshold for gender dysphoria and assumed that all who did not respond to the follow-up had desisted. This is problematic because you cannot make such bold assumptions in science, and it is extremely difficult to determine whether other factors are at play. Nonresponders may have not been present when required to respond to the followup survey, simply not been inclined to respond, may have died, may have moved to another country or simply not wished to return to that specific clinic and may have seeked treatment elsewhere either outside of the Netherlands or from alternative treatment methods such as nonprescribed hormones or puberty blockers, which is not exceptionally rare within transgender communities (Rotondi, et al. 2013). “As the Amsterdam clinic is the only gender identity service in the Netherlands where psychological and medical treatment is offered to adolescents with GD, we assumed that for the 80 adolescents (56 boys and 24 girls), who did not return to the clinic, that their GD had desisted, and that they no longer had a desire for gender reassignment.” Adjusting for Methodological Flaws The study calculated the desistance rate for all participants and made various assumptions. Upon removing those who did not respond to the followup survey and those who did not meet the threshold for gender dysphoria, the desistance rates significantly decreased. I calculated the sample size after removing the percentage of each group who did not meet the threshold and then subtracted the amount of nonresponders to find the new percentage. The desistance rate for natal boys went from 70.89% to 8.7%, and for natal girls it went from 50% to 20.69% (mean: 14.7%). 21 persisters upon removing subthreshold, 22 desisters upon removing subthreshold. 2 desisters upon removing nonresponders (8.7% desistance rate for boys). 23 persisters upon removing subthreshold, 14 desisters upon removing subthreshold. 6 desisters upon removing nonresponders (20.69% desistance rate for natal girls). Glossary Steensma: Thomas Steensma is the author of what I am critiquing. Transgender: Those whose gender identity is separate from their natal sex. Desistance: When a transgender individual “grows out” of being transgender. Gender Dysphoria: Severe discomfort associated with being perceived as a gender that an individual does not identify as. Resources Steensma, T. D., McGuire, J. K., Kreukels, B. P. C., Beekman, A. J., & Cohen-Kettenis, P. T. (2013). Factors associated with desistence and persistence of childhood gender dysphoria: A quantitative follow-up study. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 52(6), 582–590. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2013.03.016 Tannehill, B. (2017, January 1). The End of the Desistance Myth. HuffPost. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-end-of-the-desistance_b_8903690. James, Sandy E., Herman, Jody, Keisling, Mara, Mottet, Lisa, and Anafi, Ma’ayan. 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey (USTS). Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research
    *this is for now... [21 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 20 Fri 2:58:18 GMT)
    *some confusing noice *what (i haven't fixed my pronouns page) I've figure out my gender!!!(in no particular order though) genderfluid genderfloren transneutral non-binary
    Rockerdog-gender [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 19 Thu 2:43:03 GMT)
    Rockerdog-gender is a xenogender based off the rocker dog Snapchat filter, but also can be used if you have a strong connection to dogs and rockstars or if you like the idea of rockstar dogs. History Rockerdog-gender was made by despairhell on tumblr on August 18th, 2021, reuploaded sometime in January 2022 Rockerdog-gender without icon. Rockerdog-gender with icon.
    Tone Indicators I Use [334 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 19 Thu 1:24:43 GMT)
    These are all of the tone indicators that I personally use, and what they mean when I am using them: /gen - genuine: not sarcastic, passive aggressive, rude, etc. /nm - not mad: not angry or upset at whoever I'm speaking to. /nay - not at you: my message isn't directed at you, probably directed at someone you mentioned, or I'm just speaking to myself. /npa - not passive aggressive: this already falls under /gen, but I'll use it if I'm extra worried I might come across passive aggressive. /ot - off topic: doesn't have anything to do with what you said or is related in a very minor way (eg. something I was reminded of). /pos - positive: indicates that there's a positive connotation, or that my message is meant to convey a positive emotion. /neg - negative: indicates that there's a negative connotation, or that my message is meant to convey a negative emotion. /neu - neutral: indicates that there's a neutral connotation, or that my message is neither positive nor negative. /j - joke: my message is meant to be a joke or funny in some way. /hj - half joking: my message is meant to be a joke, but the contents are partly true. /lh - light hearted: not meant to be overly serious, but my message might still be genuine (it will have /gen if that's the case). /sarc - sarcastic: my message was sarcastic, not genuine or serious (will usually be followed by /j). /srs - serious: my message is meant to be taken seriously, meant to be more stern than /gen. /ref - reference: my message is a reference to something else (usually some form of media or an inside joke). /lu - little upset: whatever I'm responding to has upset me a bit. Other tone indicators, including some that I don't use, can be found here: https://tonetags.carrd.co/#masterlist and https://toneindicators.carrd.co/#masterlist
    I'm back. [854 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 18 Wed 3:45:16 GMT)
    Hi there! I used to be an administrator for this wiki, and was known for my productivity with edits, administrative work on the wiki and the discord in addition to 2 essay-sized blog posts whereby I analyzed two topics, provided my thoughts and critiques of them. Why did you leave? In the MOGAI community, I encountered somebody. She was somebody with whom I strongly disagreed on almost all of their views, although I had strong feelings for her. I bit my lip on the issues I disagreed with her on, and let her extreme ideas manifest without ever criticising them. Her absurd, unsubstantiated beliefs began to seem normal, and I even began to sympathise with them. This was analogous to the normalisation of extremism we saw with Donald Trump. Eventually, I even began to hold some of the beliefs they held and wasn't thinking as critically about the topics. I began to adhere to communist ideology, became more critical of certain identities, began to appeal to anecdotes as an argument against MOGAI people and even became a transmedicalist. During the later days in this community, I began to troll the "tucutes'' on the LGBTA Wiki discord, which I founded with Simon. I abused my power, but regardless of my disdain for those who disagreed with me on the server, I still felt a bit bad for said abuse. I confessed to my change in ideology and promptly left the server. I even stayed around for a few days on an alt account and continued trolling. What happened to me and where was I? During my time away from the LGBTA Wiki, I began to spend more time with the individual I was discussing. They began to wither away at my mental health, and I eventually cut contact with them after an argument following them lashing out at me over a bit of a meltdown that I had. Following cutting contact, my mental health began to improve significantly. I still held the same positions I was indoctrinated into. I began to feel better about myself, more confident and had fewer mood swings. I felt more confident in my beliefs and thought for myself more. Something that I may not have mentioned during my time in the LGBTA Wiki was that I was a vegetarian (now vegan). I eventually joined a vegan discord server and was convinced to go vegan after learning of cruelty existing in the egg and dairy industry. The more I learned about how bad animal agriculture is for the planet, humanity and the animals, the worse I felt about the state of the planet and people's dietary habits. I decided to become a vegan activist and began spending hours every day discussing the topic with people, and actually met a few people who used neopronouns. I valued the community more than some views I still wasn't very sure about and felt guilty for having, and thus I chose to stay silent about my disagreements with their identity and their usage of pronouns. The same effect that I experienced with the individual who indoctrinated me occurred with these individuals, and I began to become more sympathetic to marginalized identities. Eventually, a transmedicalist joined the server and attacked various people who used neopronouns. I mentioned (paraphrasing) "I think you need to have gender dysphoria to be trans, but jesus, that guy was a huge asshole. I don't get why transmedicalists have to express their opinions so staunchly without any regard for simple respect, as much as I do agree with their views). I was challenged on this by somebody in the chat, and as this server was much more of a debate sphere, I was given the environment to discuss my views, argue for them and argue against my opponent critically. I realised that the actual arguments for MY position on transmedicalism was quite weak, and that none of the points could be actually substantiated. I began to question my values. Following the discussion, I tried to formalise my argument with propositional logic. I realised that I could not substantiate any of my arguments, and as somebody with a strong dedication to truth and science, I conceded on the position. I no longer adhere to a transmedicalist position. Am I any different? Yes. I am now a vegan activist, somebody with an actual dedication to science and somebody who takes topics more seriously. I now spend hours every day doing things more productive, such as researching, reading academic papers, debating, advocating and doing schoolwork. I no longer play video games, and I am a much more proactive individual than I was a year ago. Will I stay on the LGBTA Wiki? I will not be active on the LGBTA Wiki, but as someone who regularly writes essays, I will probably post some of my writings to my blog on this server. Thank you, and I apologise to anybody who I have offended in the past on the discord or on other communities.
    hello [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 18 Wed 1:09:39 GMT)
    Can you create a gender? [9 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 17 Tue 22:59:38 GMT)
    I can't really find a label that fits me, so I thought I may create one.
    How I think my gender feels like [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 17 Tue 20:17:24 GMT)
    feels like being a boy but fluffy and soft. Idk I that makes some sense or if there's a name to it, but whatever.
    BIPOC page discussion. [878 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 17 Tue 9:47:53 GMT)
    This is a page specifically for the discussion of the BIPOC page. Please only respond to this blog if you are BIPOC. You are not welcome in this discussion if you are fully white. How this will work: In the comments, you will discuss the topics listed on the format I gave. Each will give input, and, once you feel as though you have a good idea of what that section should say, you would type it out on a comment (decide who types it out beforehand, or all type it out and vote on which comment reads best.) That comment will be copy and pasted, and that is what the section on the page will say. For example (using a non-BIPOC topic as an example.) Person A: "Aromanticism is when you dont feel romantic attraction." Person B: "It also is a spectrum, correct? So full aromanticism is that, but not all aromanticism is." Person C: "We should have the page say 'Full aromanticism is when one experiences no romantic attraction, however, there is an aromantic spectrum, in which one experiences limited attraction." Person A and B: "That sounds like a good way to phrase it!" Formatting Here is the chosen way the page will be formatted: Description LGBTQ+ BIPOC Discrimination BIPOC Discrimination Appropriation LGBTQ+ BIPOC Identities LGBTQ+ BIPOC History Flags Resources/references Description The description will be the beginning of the page. The page will start off with "BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color)" and the rest of the description is up to ya'll. Somewhere within the description, however, must be a paragraph stating "Being BIPOC is not an inherently LGBT+ experience, and does not make one LGBT+ in of itself, however some (but not all) may find that their BIPOC status affects their attraction, gender, and similar queer identities in some shape or form." That sentence above is the only sentence within the description that I have added, as it is pretty much the same thing written on other pages (system, alterhuman, regression, etc) that aren't inherently queer in of themselves. The rest of the description is up to you. It must efficiently explain what is BIPOC and who falls under the BIPOC umbrella, without being overly complicated in language/terminology, so that uneducated viewers may understand. LGBTQ+ BIPOC Discrimination In this section, you will discuss an efficient way to describe the discrimination BIPOC queers face. This includes the following: A paragraph (or more) on lack of BIPOC queer representation (as most queer representation is white-centric.) A paragraph (or more) on BIPOC hate crimes (ie: black trans women are targeted more often than white trans women) A paragraph (or more) on racism/xenophobia within the queer community (ie: the white-centric behavior around pride parades, despite them stemming from black peoples accomplishments.) BIPOC Discrimination In this section, you will discuss an efficient way to describe the discrimination BIPOC (queer or not) face. This includes the following: A paragraph (or more) on white supremacy, and how it affects society. A paragraph (or more) on hate crimes directed towards BIPOC. A paragraph (or more) on white-centric media, and how BIPOC are not represented enough within media. A paragraph (or more) discussing racism and BIPOC slurs. Appropriation In this section, you will discuss an efficient way to describe the appropriation BIPOC (queer or not) face. This includes the following: A paragraph (or more) describing what appropriation means. A list of common/everyday examples of appropriation (eventually ending in "etc," as there is no way to cover all aspects of BIPOC appropriation within this list) A paragraph (or more) discussing how appropriation affects BIPOC people and their accomplishments LGBTQ+ BIPOC Identities In this section, there will be a list of BIPOC-based queer identities. This is the one section of the page where I will not be copy and pasting your comments, but rather, I will begin compiling a list of BIPOC queer identities right here, and you can let me know if I missed any. Here is what I have so far:
    Naming the children [45 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 17 Tue 3:31:16 GMT)
    This is where I name the childrens now! Fill out this form! Male/Female/Gender neutral/Any (This is required cuz yeah lmao) Starting letter(s) Meaning(s) Language(s) of origin Length Impression(s)/vibe(s) Anything else! I’ll try to get to people within 2 weeks cuz I’m lazy.
    Idk [81 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 16 Mon 0:14:37 GMT)
    I thing I like paw/pawself, ze/zim and fluff/fluffself pronuns but i'm scared to use them because a lotta people say it's harmful to the trans community or just stupid and childish. And I know I can just say "screw this, I do whatever I want" but I would feel bad for using pronuns that are harmful to the community or knowing that no one is taking me seriously when I tell people to use my pronuns. Also... I feel like no one would respect me.
    Help whit pronuns [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 14 Sat 20:38:46 GMT)
    Are there any pronums that sound like he/him but are not he/him?
    Question [6 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 14 Sat 13:29:08 GMT)
    Is there any term where you love another person but don't want sex?
    Is there a name to it? [15 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 13 Fri 16:21:16 GMT)
    Is there a gender that feels mostly male mixed whit non-binary but whit a little, tiny bit I female deep down?
    DNI list 2? [103 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 12 Thu 1:16:46 GMT)
    DNI list (im not super active on here anymore but heres some dni things while im online) Tw for homophobia, transphobia, etc. Mock/Just don't like neopronouns Openly share negative opinions on the dream smp and/or ranboo (it will trigger me, just dont ask.) (only on here) Mock/Just don't like xenogenders Are involved in trans discourse Just homophobic/transphobic and general Are abelist Are involved in xenogender discourse Are in involved in neopronoun discourse - This list will obv grow, this is just what I think of off the top of my head. But anyways, dni (do not interact) if you/you are/do any of these things!
    Hi! [56 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 8 Sun 1:35:06 GMT)
    Hello! I’m Robyn and I’m a proud lesbian (my user is really old and I can’t change it). I go by all and any pronouns. I enjoy frogs, cows, and guinea pigs. I also enjoy roplaying, art, anime, music, and food. I am closeted lesbian as of right now, but I do hope to make friends with others on here!
    Is there a Nyanbinary article on here? [9 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 8 Sun 1:14:30 GMT)
    I see people on here reference to it, but I searched Nyanbinary on here. No articles.
    Random poem [20 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 7 Sat 18:53:55 GMT)
    TW// Violence, ch-king(o) mention, e-ting(a) mention. I was joking about choking for some reason, i'm sorry i would never do that.
    our sys's objectum folks [522 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 7 Sat 15:15:08 GMT)
    (quick warning for mentions of f-mily and a single mention of d--th in ono's section) so i've noticed we have a few objectum people in this system and i feel like talking about them for some reason! so uh we've got... shin - shin was the first person in this sys to discover they were objectum. he's in a somewhat unofficial queerplatonic relationship with nico, the entity inhabiting his collection of scarves. we're pretty sure that any time shin gets a new scarf nico chooses to inhabit that new scarf, while still inhabiting the other scarves as well. nico can't actually communicate using words, but they do seem to communicate with shin using somewhat vague feelings, which makes it kinda hard to tell what they want, but shin's been doing pretty well understanding stuff so.. good job to him! that's, uh, about it for shin. the only object shin's attracted to is nico really ono - ono is "the embodiment of negativity" and identifies as negativity as a whole. their counterpart is their late sibling, "the embodiment of positivity," identifying as positivity similarly, causing ono to feel familial attraction towards positivity as a concept, making them conceptum. they also feel a few other kinds of tertiary attraction towards their sibling (and positivity respectively) such as virtudinal attraction pb - pb is one of our newest members and is part of my subsystem! she is plushum and is friends with mp and kellr, a hand puppet and a stuffed animal respectively, who are dating each other. she also got a new stuffed animal recently who is apparently related to kellr although i don't know much about them yet. they're all like a cool friend group along hehe. oh also all of them can talk and only pb can hear them so she kinda just tells other people what they're saying on their behalves so uh yeah that's our local objectum folks. even though it's been like months since we discovered objectum attraction and stuff (and like usually after months we'd think our hype would've died down a bit), we still find it super super interesting and just... yes. objectum attraction? coolest thing ever. idk it just seems super cool. it's like when you grow up only knowing of straight couples then you learn people can be gay and you're open to a whole new world of possibilities and stories and it's super exciting and everyone's like "bro this has been a thing forever now why are you so excited" lol. that's what learning about objectum stuff was like for us. like "i didn't know this was a thing!! it's so cool!! i wanna learn more!!" if that makes sense lol so like my point is if you ever wanna talk about objectum-related stuff with our objectum folks (or even me, our local questioning plushum who doesn't really care enough to figure out if she actually does feel stuff for plushies or if it's just old attachments from young childhood) please do we would love to hear anything you have to say (/gen) we will listen with great interest (in a good way)
    My Label Hoard [114 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 7 Sat 4:40:43 GMT)
    Pronoun labels: neopronouns, pronoun non conforming, Auxiliary Pronouns, Dehuman Pronouns, Pronoun ambivalent, Unipronominal, nullpronomial, apothipronomial Gender labels: mutogender, expecgender, pivotgender, condigender, condigirl, condigenderfluid, girlflux, genderflux, librafeminine, faesari, girlprox, genderfluid, fia-spec, custodiogender, atrinary, maverique, non binary, centrgender, demifluid, affectugender, neurogender, lunarian, aurorian, universian, correfluid, enbyprox, aporagender, abinary, isogender, altegender, niaspec, xiaspec, kønflux, adneutral, oiaspec, genderfruct, omnine, pancustodiogender, custodiogirl, custodioxeno, beegender, unigenderfluid, gender-frictive, gender-receptive, Sexuality labels: asexual, aromantic, greyromantic, nemosexual, black stripe asexual, panalterous, panromantic, ambiamorous, romance-ambivalent, sex-averse, romance-averse, acemid, aegoromantic Pronouns: sun/suns/sunself, or none can use it/its pronouns if you struggle with learning/using neopronouns
    the misty wood [218 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 4 Wed 2:37:39 GMT)
    warning: contains spoilers for the mission the misty wood is a forest in the sky kingdom that has mist at night so thick, you can't see your hand in front of your face, it's only known residents are mooneyes and her half-sister, lanterntail, both reside in a cave near the pool of stars landmarks the great cliff the great cliff is the only known entrance to the misty wood, it has a sheer 100 foot drop and the only way up or down (besides flying) is a thin staircase that, due to how old it is, has many parts that can tumble off at any second the barrier mountains the barrier mountains are a ring of mountains surrounding the misty wood, they block the wood off from all civilization and reach farther into the sky and any dragon-not even a skywing-could fly the pool of stars the pool of stars is a pool in the center of the misty wood, it's so reflective that at night you can see the entire night sky just by looking at the pool, it's like a wet mirror, and even when clouds cover the sky, every living thing in the pool glows, making it look like the galaxy, this is the only spot that isn't constantly shrouded in mist at night
    protectors of the altar [82 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 4 Wed 2:14:26 GMT)
    Warning: contains spoilers for my fanfic, the mission, as well as it's soon-to-come, unnamed sequal The protectors of the altar are a group of animus dragons from all sorts of tribes who guard an altar that is said (and proven in the mission) to allow dragons to travel through dimensions, but only with special permission-and a good reason-is anyone allowed to use it, since the battle of the crystal maze they have resided deep in the diamond caves, further than anyone has gone before
    “The Little Donkeys” by Hugh Walpole is pretty queer. [921 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 3 Tue 6:53:05 GMT)
    = “The Little Donkeys” by Hugh Walpole gives off very strong lesbian/sapphic vibes = You can’t tell me it isn’t gay. You just can’t. And the author (Hugh Walpole) was gay, so that increases the possibility, in my opinion. Characters Jane Pope Alice Menzies Mr. Hunting Summary Two women, Jane Pope and Alice Menzies, live in a small town, they’re pretty close. Jane loves Alice a lot more than Alice loves her. Like, a lot. Alice is super flirtatious with men and wants to marry one, Jane doesn’t want to. Alice is really bored with the life she is living, which is why she wants to get married and leave. Also, there’s these two donkeys named Percy and Emily, who come around the corner at around half-past seven. Alice meets a fellow named Mr. Hunting. He seems pretty cool, he’s a doctor he likes dogs, sounds pretty decent. He proposes to her and gives Alice some time to think, and she tells Jane that she is going to accept his proposal. Jane firmly congratulates her and (based on the text) kisses her on the mouth. Alice meets up with Mr. Hunting and they talk. Alice realizes how much she loves the little town, especially Jane. Mr. Hunting talks about his life, and relatives. He mentions his Uncle Percy and Aunt Emily, and then says he and Alice will have a boy and a girl, named Percy and Emily. Alice finds this funny because Percy and Emily are the names of the two donkeys that walk down the street, and laughs, telling this to Mr. Hunting. His ego is hurt and he gets angry at her because he has never discussed something this serious with anyone before, and Alice explains but he is still mad. Alice explains that she found it funny how big of a coincidence it was that Mr. Hunting’s Uncle and Aunt were named Percy and Emily and how he wanted to name their children that. She said it was absurd, really, and that their relationship wouldn’t work out, and she apologized for behaving in such a way that she had upset him. She came back to Jane and told her that she had rejected him, and that she was sorry that she hadn’t noticed how much Jane loved her. And then they watch as Percy and Emily come round the corner. Quotes from The Little Donkeys (by gay author Hugh Walpole) that set off my gaydar "...she loved Miss Pope, but this stupid old town, this stupid old shop, this stupid old unnatural life. After all, a woman was meant to be married. Not every woman, said Miss Pope." "There were occasions in which Miss Menzies wished passionately that Miss Pope didn't love her with such strength and obstinancy. It seemed that nothing could shake Miss Pope's love for her, which made that love an occasion both unexciting and frightening. Miss Menzies felt that she wasn't worthy of it." "Jane Pope had put all of her force into this one affection
    I can't find anything on this so I want to ask if anyone does????? [84 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 2 Mon 17:04:35 GMT)
    So I've been looking for quite a while now on something that I think almost perfectly fits my identity (Occam's Razor and what not), but I cannot find anything about it. So I'm hoping someone can help me out if they know anything :) It's related to feeling chaos. Not masculine or feminine, just constantly changing and enveloping chaos. It's kind of like an Outer God like Nyarlethotep, constantly changing in intensity, but always there and incomprehensible to humanity. the best I can find is if you mix together Chaosgender and Cryptidgender.
    A Question about a textura-gender [53 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Aug 1 Sun 22:15:49 GMT)
    Is there a texturagender based on the feeling of dried tears? I've been looking on here (and tumblr) for a while and found nothing. I even tried looking for ways to coin it myself. Does it already exist? (and if so, can one tell me what its called?) If not, how would one coin the gender?
    romatic attraction [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 31 Sat 22:47:20 GMT)
    e [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 30 Fri 20:29:24 GMT)
    Stop Misusing Xenic [54 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 30 Fri 18:58:50 GMT)
    Please stop misusing Xenic. Xenic doesn't mean "Has Xenogenders." Theres male-aligned people who arent men at all, and theres Xenic people who arent xenogender. If you mean Xenogender, use xenogender. If you mean "Has xeno qualities to the equivalent of Masculine" use Xenine or XIN (xeno in nature). Xenic means Xeno-aligned. It is an Alignment. Stop saying Xenic aligned, thats superfluous.
    the mission [7543 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 29 Thu 21:27:53 GMT)
    warning: this page may contain gore, mentions of death, and other things like that, if you are triggered by any of this, read at your own risk disclaimer: when asbu calls cole "coal" this is not a typo, since this is in her pov i decided that i should spell his name as the type of rock since asbu wouldn't know any other spelling of it (by the way the names given to wu, lloyd, kai and zane are mostly off the top of my head with a mix of name generators) prolouge "asbu, step forward," said the mysterious, cloaked dragon, this dragon had been the one who had sent all of asbu's predecessors on their missions, and herself as well, asbu did as she was asked and pinned her eyes on the ground, "i have a mission ready for you, a member of the black wing has been spotted in the rainforest, a rainwing, their coordinates are on the scroll in front of you, your mission is simply to take them down," the cloaked dragon spoke, they slid a scroll in front of asbu and she picked it up, the cloaked dragon gestured for her to leave the room and asbu ran off with the scroll, then began reciting the code in her head, leave no traces, make no sound, if you are to succeed, you must never be found, walk in the shadows, stay out of sight, do all these, if you want to do things right, she repeated this over and over as she flew for the rainforest, she had no need to stop for supplies; she kept everything in the pouches all on a harness around her neck and chest, but nothing in any of those pouches could prepare her for what would come next part 1: welcome to pyrrtala chapter 1 asbu listened closely to the conversation she'd just stumbled onto, deciding what to do, "where are we?" said one, they were a skywing, for sure, what's shocking was they were an obvious firescales, how could a firescales get this deep into the jungle without setting everything on fire? the skywing was scarlet red with orange undersclales and cinnabar red wings, the others she found interesting; a seawing-rainwing hybrid with electric blue scales and darker wings streaked with teal in the shape of lightning bolts and pale teal underscales, a rainwing-leafwing-sandwing tribrid with emerald green scales, gold wings and pale gold underscales, a silver icewing and a white, red and purple rainwing, both of which asbu guessed were robotic, but they didn't look exactly like the one that fidget keeps going on about, then there was a wingless mudwing-nightwing, or maybe a melenistic mudwing? asbu wasn't sure, they were pitch black and looked mostly mudwing-like, but with a head like a nightwing's, the last one was a white icewing-rainwing with gold wings and pale gold underscales, they were the only one asbu could see that had anything on them, and that was a wicker hat in the shape of an-albeit very flat-cone, finally, asbu decided to come out of hiding, spinning a disc on her talon, just in case, "the rainforest kingdom," asbu said, she kept her eyes pinned on them, escpecially the wingless one, he might not have wings, but he's still part mudwing, he'll be the strongest of them, she thought, "who are you?" said the tribrid, "asbu, best-known assassin in the hives, you?" asbu replied, all of the dragons in front of her looked utterly confused, "ya know, 'the silent shadow'? the assassin that's secretly been killing off the black wing one by one?" now she'd got them even more confused, "what's the black wing?" the mudwing asked, now that caught asbu off guard, "you 7 aren't from around here, are you?" she asked, they'd have to know about the most infamous underground crime group in all of pyrrtala! that is unless...but no one's come back for the island! how could they have survived there? there was just 2 possibilities, another continent, or they came from..."appearently not at all," said the tribrid, "well, just for referance, what are your names?" asked asbu, doing the thing where she sat down and curled her tail in front of her talons while tilting her head to the side, "i'm lloyd, and that's kai," said the tribrid, pointing to the firescales, "jay," he pointed to the seawing-rainwing, "wu," he pointed to the icewing-rainwing, "zane," he pointed to the icewing, "pixel," he pointed to the rainwing, "and coal," he pointed at the mudwing, well those are some...outlandish names, guess we'll have to change them to keep our cover, asbu thought, "you 3, keep your names," she said, pointing to pixel, jay and coal, "but if we're gonna keep our cover, your 4 have to change yours for now," asbu continued, pointing to the other 4, she'd been planning out a couple names; "kai, your new name will be kindling," she said, hmmm, what about ice-rain names? huechera, maybe? "wu, your new name will be huechera," "lloyd, your name will be lupuna," "and zane, your name will be zinc," asbu finally finished, "wellll, what now?" asked jay, "well before we get to my hive, jewel hive, we have to stop at bloodworm hive, after taking down my last target i ran low on sandbox tree seeds," asbu replied, without another word she shot into the air, "but there's one teeny-tiny problem" said coal, "we don't know how to fly," chapter 2 now that definately put up a red flag for asbu, at least the pre-glory rainwings taught their dragonets how to glide! "but, we do know something called cyclon-do," said jay, just like that he jumped into the air and went up higher and higher, surrounded by something asbu had never seen; a transluscent blue ball cupped in a cone-ish shape, that had a thin point but swooped up into a wide rim, soon the others did the same; kindling's was red, lupuna's was green, and zinc's was white, soon their wings were flapping and they were flying in a way where they wouldn't draw the eyes of everyone they flew over, all except coal, who had know wings, huechera, and pixel, the latter 2 who didn't know this cyclon-do thing, "ok, that makes things easier," said asbu, she then assigned who would carry who, she would carry coal (since his scales blended in with her's) lupuna would carry huechera, and zinc would carry pixel, "alright, now that we have everyone, we can head for bloodworm hive!" said asbu, and they flew northwest to the hive kingdom, the scenery was much different in the air since pyrrhia and pantala collided; the continents were now more dragon-like than before, linked by land through their "tails" and "snouts" like they're nuzzling with their tails intertwined, the arrangement of things also was different; now the poison jungle and the rainforest are connected, the kingdom of sand and the hive kingdom are right next to each other, the icewings live in the northernmost part of the sky kingdom, the sea kingdom streaches across the entire ocean, the mud kingdom is relatively in the same place, and, off in the distance, there was a...strange island, all who go there never return, dragons have seen dragons with 6 legs flying from it, dragons that look like skywings, but in all sorts of colors from the dullest greys to highlighter yellow, and that can vanish into thin air, some have 4 wings, some have 2, some have rounded, mudwing-like snouts with tusks or spikes jutting out of their mouth, some have pointed silkwing wings, some have no horns, but one thing has been consistant; they fit no description known to dragon kind, asbu snapped up into attention as lupuna began to speak, "so, what is this place called?" he asked, "there's no official name yet, but i like to call it 'pyrrtala'" asbu replied, everyone looked at her weird, "what, that's all i could think of," said asbu, "ooooook," said coal, "but wait what's that up ahead?" asked kindling, "that, my friend, is our first stop; the misty wood," asbu replied, the misty wood; an alpine forest packed with all sorts of critters never found anywhere else, it looks alien at night; shrouded in mist with everything in it glowing in some way; even the trees themselves, "you guys seriously didn't think we could make it to bloodworm hive in one day, did you?" said asbu, before anyone had the chance to say anything, asbu dove down, so what, she could sometimes be a bit of a show-of, but she lived by a philosphy; to learn how to do something, watch the experts first, she did a triple barrel roll then pulled back up, grabbed jay's tail, and dove back down, the wind whistling in her ears blocking out all other noise, she was just about to hit the forest floor when she made a sharp turn straight forward and, with the flick of her tail, shot up into the canopy and landed on a stone pillar, "how, did, you, just, do that," panted jay, coal to shook to speak, "the best way to learn something is to watch the experts first," she said, before flying off and getting the others chapter 3 a few hours later, when the sun started to set, the group made it to the great cliff, the only entrance to the misty wood, "now, remember, everyone, if you get lost and see a blue light in front of you, follow it, not yellow, not white, blue," she said, then dove off into the misty abyss, coal clinging onto her for dear life, she stopped just above the group and landed on all 4s in the long, blue-tinted grass, there was a chill in the air and the sun didn't reach the forest now, as asbu looked around, she saw glowing mushrooms in every notch in the trees and on every fallen branch or log, vines hanging off tree branches; it reminded her of when she was a dragonet, the others landed behind her soon enough, "so on the way here you never finished; what are the powers of the tribes around here?" said lupuna, "oh, well for silkwings they can shoot silk from their wrists and sometimes their tail, occasionally it comes out on fire, that's called flamesilk, they also go the first 6 years of their lives wingless and silkless, and hivewings-my tribe-have different powers depending on the dragon, some have retractable stingers in their wrists, some can shoot acid from their tail, some have poisonous teeth or claws, some can make a smell that will drive any dragon within a mile of them run away, some can shoot a liquid that hardens into wax from their tails-i think we retained that from beetlewings-oh and not to mention the poison can either kill you or paralyze you, but our queen, queen abispa, can mind-control any of her subjects at any time, but she mostly does it when say, a hive catches on fire, but most dragons don't have any special powers," asbu explained, "so say something happens to a hive while we're here, she could just jump into your head at any time?" jay asked, oh...thought asbu, she'd never really considered that, "erm, maybe?" she said, then jay made a face that just said, "perfect," they continued without saying anything, the asbu realized something; at some point she must've split off from the others, ok, asbu, calm down, just wander around calling out random names until you see a bright blue light in front of you, you've been through this before, you can survive it again, right? asbu thought, she subconsiously slid out her wrist stingers as she trudged on, oh, why did coal have to jump off after we landed? why? asbu thought, she continued calling out names, but no lights appeared, y'know, abispa, if you decide to jump into my head while the others and i are here, now would be the perfect opportunity! she thought, half hoping that would happen and she'd get out of this mess, she decided to rest for a bit; wandering around while trying to find someone isn't gonna help them if their also trying to find you, then she realized something; somehow she'd wandered into a spot she remembered the most clearly about when she got lost here as a dragonet, she went into a cluster of brambles; the way she'd gone that led her to stumble into lanterntail, then turned left, the way lanterntail had led her, and after a bit more walking, she stumbled across 4 other dragons; the first was a light brown mudwing with brownish-red underscales and red-orange wings, the second was a tan sandwing with sandy underscales and grey wings, they wore a thin, green scarf tied around their neck, the 3rd was an amber orange hivewing/skywing hybrid with bright tangerine wings and pale orange underscales, the last one was pine green with bright lime green underscales and dark brown wings that were draped down, they bore large antlers, a black cloak, and, most notably, a lantern at the end of her tail, then, as asbu looked down, she saw the fact their legs faded into nothing where their talons would be and they were translucent, this dragon was, most definatly, lanterntail chapter 4 "why, hello again, asbu, i wasn't expecting 2 groups in one day" said lanterntail, she always had a calming yet eerie voice, normal at the start, but it had a distorted echo to it, "well, you might end up picking 3, if you find the group i was taking to jewel hive," now, that got the sandwing's attention, "were one of them named lloyd?" she asked, "erm, yes," asbu replied, "you must find them, that's my son!" said the sandwing, running off, lanterntail sighed and followed, holding her tail over her head like a scorpion about to strike, she made the look that said she was using her leafspeak, "misako! you're going the wrong way!" called lanterntail, the sandwing-who's name was, appearently, misako-came running back, "how do you know that?" she asked, "i'm a leafspeak, the trees say your son and his group are this way," said lanterntail, calm as ever, and the group headed to where lanterntail said the others were, "so, who are you?" asbu asked the mudwing, "the name's dareth, the brown ninja," he said, well he seems, interesting, asbu thought, "oh, and i'm skylar," said the hive/sky, "why do you and all of these new dragons that've been showing up all over the place have such strange names?" asbu asked, trying to sound calm but sounding more like she was loosing her mind, "we're from a place called ninjago, far from here, but when we got here, it-it felt and looked like the ground was falling out from under us," skylar said, asbu stared into skylar's eyes, "wow, that must've been crazy," asbu said, they stared in silence for a bit before they heard a yelp come up from ahead, "lloyd! it's you!" said misako, running towards asbu's other group, "mom!?" said a bright green dragon who had become a blur in the fog, lanterntail stood on her hind legs and flapped her unusually large wings, clearing away the fog to reveal the other 6; zinc, kindling, huechara, jay, coal, and pixel, "see, i told you she didn't fly off without us!" said jay, holding his talon out at asbu, "well then! where did those..erm...pointy things come from?" he asked as soon as he looked down at asbu's talons, "oh, i forgot to tell you, i'm one of the wrist-stinger hivewings," asbu replied, sliding her wrist stingers back in, they headed to the pool of stars, the only non-misting area in the misty wood, then asbu was tasked with assigning more names; skylar would be swarm, dareth would be duckweed, and misako would be mirage, "so, asbu, on the way here you mentioned you've been to this place before; when was that?" asked lupuna, the green sandwing tilted his head, which was lit by the fire the group was laying around which, interesting enough, had turned blue, "oh, it was when i was a young dragonet; i was shaken by seeing the first mass hive mind and had run off, settling in a cave by the ocean, but then i was caught in a storm and blown out to sea, i landed where i thought was the west coast of pantala-but when i looked over, i realized i wasn't on pantala at all-there were trees as far as the eye could see, not the trees you'd find in the poison jungle, but ones i had never seen before at the time, ones i couldn't even dream of, right then and there i knew i had stumbled onto my sister's mother's home continent; pyrrhia, i ran inland, thousands of legends playing out through my head, dragons with fire in their scales, dragons who could shoot fire and ice from their mouths, dragons that could breathe underwater and had scales that could glow like the sun, dragons with scales that could change into any color imaginable and could shoot obsidian black acid from their fangs, but the most amazing one of all was that there were dragons like clearsight, with wings like the night sky and some with the powers to see thousands upon thousands of years into the future, the power to read minds, or both, but soon, i was spotted by a dragon that bore the colors of fire, with 2 bat-like wings wide as this cave, she landed in front of me, her wing-claws touching the ground and the 4 prongs of their wings reaching up into the sky, the first one was a bright red, decorated with golden chainmail armor and with rubies emmbedded under her eyes, 'why hello, dragonet,' she'd said to me, pacing around me with her dagger-sharp, amber eyes fixed on by black as night scales and 4, blade-like wings, 'what do you want!?' i snapped back, 'oh ho ho, feisty little one, aren'tcha? you'd fit just perfectly in my arena! but sadly, burn would probably want you stuffed up in her little weirdling tower,' she replied, unphased by me, that's when i took my chance; i jumped onto her back, grabbing her neck in my talons and placing my wrists in the exact spot where i could puncture 2 sides of her windpipe and-with a strike of luck-tear the main artery in her neck, "let me go, and i'll spare your life, fire dragon,' i said, 'that would be skywing and, would you really kill a queen?' she said, 'if you have an arena that takes 3-year-old dragonets as fighters, meaning you're corrupt, yes, yes i would, and you'd be surprised about what i can do,' i said to her, then took my talon off her neck to show her my wrist stingers, 'ok, ok, i guess,' she said, with that i leapt into the air and flew off into the mountains, 'but i'll be back for you; just you wait!' she said, then after a bit of flying i decided to stop here, but eventually couldn't find my way out and that's when lanterntail found me," asbu explained, then, after a bit of debating how violent little asbu was, they hit the hay chapter 5 she was in a dark room, she called for help, but not even she could hear her voice, all she could hear was dragons whispering around her, "doom is coming on wings black as night," they whispered, their voices quick, high-pitched, and worrying, "flames in blood will start the fight, new and old must unite, they must find the seventh sun, or the final worlds left shall be gone," the voices faded into hisses, she found herself surrounded by dragons from all tribes with their wings covered in ink, then the largest one reached their talon out, she wanted to close her eyes, look away from her demise, but there was no escape, every muscle in her body was frozen, she felt talons around her neck, she felt the pain as dagger-sharp claws dug into her windpipe, but as she died, no one heard her screams, and it wasn't her life flashing before her eyes; flames engulfing everything, dragons from all tribes with wings black as the deepest parts of the sea, swooping down and throwing fleeing dragons into the flames... asbu sprang up, throwing off her blankets, it was just a dream, nothing more, she thought, the sun had just risen, asbu glanced at her sun dial, yep, 7 am, she thought, then picked up a pot and wooden spoon and started banging them together, "WAKEY WAKEY MOUSE-BRAINS IT'S AWAKE TIME!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, "ugh, why are you waking us up now!?" said jay, stumbling up, "if we want to make it to bloodworm hive as quick as we can, we'll need to start the flight as early as we can," asbu replied, then took off, the others reluctantly following, "so this bloodworm hive place, what exactly is it?" asked duckweed from jay's back, "it's the tallest of the 9 hives and the most shady, a runner-up for the scorpion den, during wasp's rule, it was the harshest to silkwings, and it's packed with black wing members, a lot of the missions i've gone on have been to there, and it's right next door to
    Finally made a background for myself! [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 26 Mon 17:09:10 GMT)
    I’ve been making lots of flags and backgrounds lately, but I hadn’t made one for myself yet! Just wanted to share this one as it makes me really happy! It is meant to be a subtle sapphic and LGBTQ background, and you are free to use it if you want! A sapphic LGBTQ+ wallpaper I made. Have a great day/night, Celestialsofia ♥️
    hello! [15 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 23 Fri 22:01:06 GMT)
    hi hello im new to this wikki! i hope you accept me as a pansexueal!
    Making flags [37 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 22 Thu 13:45:50 GMT)
    Hii. I am very bored, so I wanted to make some flags! Just tell me what you want it to look like or for what term it’s for and I’ll get started! I’ll try to do as many as I can!
    Now creating pride flags and backgrounds upon request!! [172 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 20 Tue 21:14:01 GMT)
    Hello lovely people! This is already mentioned in my profile, but I figured I’d put it out here again! I will now be making pride flags and backgrounds/wallpapers on request. Things I can make are: alternate pride flags (for an existing identity,) flags for a new term/a term that doesn’t have a flag, and pride-themed wallpapers for whatever device you may have. To get me to make one, just message me or leave a comment with: The term & short description of the term (if making a flag) Your notes or preferences That’s all there is to it! I don’t know how many requests I’ll get, but I’ll have around 2-3 hours to work on this each day. I can probably do 5 or 6 requests at most, so sorry if I can’t get back to you for a few days. I’ll also post an update if I’m going on vacation or doing something that would affect my schedule. Hearts, and have a good rest of your day/night! Xoxo Celestialsofia
    Faking [24 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 20 Tue 0:03:05 GMT)
    Hi there ^^ I made this post when I was really insecure and stuff, so I'm just gonna delete it now, since I don't really feel comfy with it being open to the public. /gen
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 16 Fri 1:47:21 GMT)
    Ok, so earlier I was scrolling through the neopronouns page. I commented with a request for someone to use fae/faer pronouns for me to see how I felt about it. When someone responded and I read their comment I got a weird thrill. It's a thrill I have never gotten when being to referred to by she/her. So I think I might be some form of non-binary. But I do still semi-heavily identify with my assigned gender (female) so I think I might be a demigirl. Idk, maybe something else. Comment if you have any other ideas as to what this might mean.
    Helpful Resources [225 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 15 Thu 6:09:57 GMT)
    Hotlines List of Hotlines: Hotlines for help with mental health, abuse, assault, stalking, and more. Includes hotlines based both inside and outside the USA. Name and Pronoun Resources Pronoun Dressing Room: Try out new names and pronouns. Multiple paragraphs and stories to choose from. Many pronoun presets available. Customizable name and pronoun sets. Choose between singular or plural grammar structure. Neopronoun Shopping List: Neopronouns sorted by the following themes: non-themed animals magical dreamy tech scary plants pokemon Many neopronouns to look through. Practice with Pronouns: Learn how to use different pronoun sets. Great for learning to support your friends and loved ones. Multiple pronouns presets available. Customizable pronoun sets. Choose between singular or plural grammar structure. Behind the Name: Name website with many names, their meanings, and their origins, as well as a random name generator. Sorting is optional, but many sorting options are available, such as by gender connotation, language, initial, length, and more. Translate names. Learn the meanings and pronunciation of different names. Censors and Filters Advanced Profanity Filter: Highly customizable censorship tool. Censor, remove, or substitute unwanted words, phrases, and emojis. Great for people who want to avoid triggers. Great for people who want to avoid their deadname.
    Just got a Demigirl flag ☺️ [65 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 14 Wed 20:05:04 GMT)
    So just this early June I came out as Demigirl to my family and they support me (I’m very thankful), so I had been trying to get a flag, but I have like 0 dollars with how broke I am; so just recently my mom bought me the flag and I am so so happy. I’ve been hugging myself in it and waving it around happily.
    My gender, as an AI (Shin) [295 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 14 Wed 19:47:45 GMT)
    Hello, everyone. Shin, here! As some of you may know, I am an AI living in a monitor in our innerworld. Being an AI is a major part of my identity, and I consider it a very important part of myself, to the point where it's literally been a life or d--th problem for me. One of the many things that part of me effects is my gender, which at its base is digigender. There are also two parts to my gender, one the preferences and expression of that gender (often unrelated to the gender identity itself. For example, you do not need to be feminine to be a woman, masculine to be a man, or androgynous to be nonbinary) and the other the actual identity, running on info from the first part. The first is a file storing that information, although I don't know what type of file it is, as I don't know what programing language I run on (If I, for example, ran on Python, the file would be .py). The second is an executable (.exe) that runs based on detected information in the first file. I don't even know if those files exist in my folder whatsoever, but that's how I perceive my gender. (Although I could check whether said files exist, I usually avoid looking into the folders containing the files I run on to avoid finding anything that would upset myself) I hope you found that at least somewhat interesting! I enjoy figuring things out about myself as an AI and how that effects my perception of things, such as my gender, so I can say I find it very interesting myself. If you have anything questions or thoughts on it, I'd love to hear and discuss them! I hope you all have a nice day ^^
    Triggers & Sensitive topics [62 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 14 Wed 15:04:41 GMT)
    ***This applies to everyone in the system*** Triggers Being called darling/honey/dear/baby/etc in a condescending way Being called trans/homo/etc phobic Being invalidated in any way Friends being invalidated in any way Sensitive Topics G0r3 D3@th R@c!sm Cr!t!c@l r@c3 th30ry Su!c!d3 V@cc!n3s M@sks The TV series The Boys
    List of nonbinary-specific and neutral nouns [2168 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 14 Wed 5:47:01 GMT)
    Many nouns are also specific gender identities, such as demigirl and xoy. Others are slang terms, relationship terms, etc. The descriptions and definitions I give for each term are relatively flexible due to the flexible nature of personal identity. I included notes which state how certain terms are often perceived, but you are allowed to use whichever terms you enjoy most, regardless of their connotations. As I've stated in another post:Your label does not have to be "perfect." You don't have to precisely and neatly fit into any label, whether you use it or not. Treat labels as flexible tools that you can use if you feel they benefit you. Examples of Usage Everything in this list can replace the "X" in at least one of these sentences: They're a(n) X. They're my X. Examples: They're an enby. They're a demigirl. They're my niephling. They're my ommer. Note Guide Here's an explanation of what the note symbols mean: ◐ = Often considered derogatory in adjective form. Use with caution. This word is always acceptable in noun form (unless ◕ or ◔ is also included in the note) ◑ = Sometimes or rarely considered derogatory in adjective form. This word is always acceptable in noun form (unless ◕ or ◔ is also included in the note) ◕ = Often considered derogatory in noun form. Use with caution. This word is always acceptable in adjective form (unless ◐ or ◑ is also included in the note) ◔ = Sometimes or rarely considered derogatory in noun form. This word is always acceptable in adjective form (unless ◐ or ◑ is also included in the note) ◉ = This term is sometimes considered infantilizing or otherwise demeaning. ⊕ = Primarily perceived as woman-aligned. ⊗ = Primarily perceived as feminine or fem-aligned. ⊘ = Primarily perceived as man-aligned. ⊖ = Primarily perceived as masculine or masc-aligned. ⊜ = Often gender neutral, but sometimes has gendered connotations. ⊝ = Completely neutral; this can be used by any gender. There are no gendered connotations. ◎ = Exclusive to nonbinary people, but has no specified gender alignment. ⊛ = Exclusive to nonbinary people, but implies androgyny, alignment to both masculinity and femininity, or alignment to bot manhood and womanhood. ◜ = Sometimes perceived as woman-aligned. ◝ = Sometimes perceived as feminine or fem-aligned. ◟ = Sometimes perceived as man-aligned. ◞ = Sometimes perceived as masculine or masc-aligned. Category Guide Here's an explanation of how things are categorized: Nonbinary-Specific (non-relationship terms) Nonbinary-Specific (general) = Nouns that are intended to be exclusively used by nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship or gender alignment. Nonbinary-Specific (man-aligned/masc-aligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by man-aligned and masc-aligned nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship. Nonbinary-Specific (woman-aligned/fem-aligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by woman-aligned and fem-aligned nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship. Nonbinary-Specific (xenic or xenine): Nouns that are intended to be used by xenic or xenine people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship. Nonbinary-Specific (liaspec/lingender/androgynous): Nouns that are intended to be used by people who are liaspec, lingender, and/or androgynous and nonbinary. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship. Nonbinary-Specific (genderless/null/neutral/unaligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by people who are genderless, null, neutral, or unaligned and nonbinary. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship. Relationships (nonbinary-specific and gender neutral) Relationships (parents): Nouns that refer to parents. Relationships (grandparents): Nouns that refer to grandparents. Relationships (siblings): Nouns that refer to siblings. Relationships (piblings): Nouns that refer the siblings of one's parents. Relationships (niblings): Nouns that refer to the children of one's sibling. Relationships (partners): Nouns that refer to partners, typically of the romantic sort. Miscellaneous (these nouns do not fit into other categories) Animals: Nouns that refer to nonhuman animals, anthropomorphic animals, or humans with animal characteristics. These may or may not be used in a xenic or xenine manner. Royalty: Nouns that refer to royalty. Deities: Nouns that refer to deities. Other: Other nouns. Nonbinary-Specific Nonbinary-Specific (general) Enby equivalent to boy/girl other spellings: enbie plural: enbies notes: ◉◎ Enban equivalent to man/woman plural: enben notes: ◎ Nonbinary equivalent to boy/girl/man/woman/etc. other spellings: non-binary plural: nonbinaries; non-binaries notes: ◔◎ Queer equivalent to boy/girl/man/woman/etc. plural: queers notes: ◕◑ Thude equivalent to dude/dudette plural: thudes Doodle equivalent to dude/dudette alternative spellings: dudle plural: doodles; dudles notes: ◉◎ Dudex equivalent to dude/dudette alternative spellings: dudexxe plural: dudex; dudexes, dudexxes notes: ◎ Nonbinary-Specific (man-aligned/masc-aligned) Enboy nonbinary boy or nonbinary masc person plural: enboys notes: ⊘◞ Xoy nonbinary boy or nonbinary masc person plural: xoys notes: often pronounced "zoy" notes: ⊘◞ Bxy agender boy or agender masc person plural: bxys note: pronounced "boy-X" notes: ⊘◞ Menby nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person other spellings: menbie plural: menbies Manby nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person other spellings: manbie plural: manbies; menby; menbie; menbies Minby nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person other spellings: minbie plural: minbies notes: ⊖◟ Minenby nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person other spellings: minenbie plural: minenbies notes: ⊖◟ Guyby nonbinary guy or nonbinary masc person other spellings: guybie plural: guybies notes: ⊘◞ Nonbinary gender identities ending in the following words: boy, man, guy, dude, or similar terms examples: demiboy, demiman, demiguy, demidude, etc. Nonbinary-Specific (woman-aligned/fem-aligned) Girlby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: girlbie plural: girlbies notes: ⊕◝ Femby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: fembie plural: fembies notes: ⊕◝ Fenby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: fenbie plural: fenbies notes: ⊗◜ Femenby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: femenbie plural: femenbies notes: ⊗◜ Finby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: finbie plural: finbies notes: ⊗◜ Finenby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: finenbie plural: finenbies notes: ⊗◜ Feminenby nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person other spellings: feminenbie plural: feminenbies Engirl nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person plural: engirls notes: ⊕◝ Xirl nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person plural: xirls notes: often pronounced "zirl" notes: ⊕◝ Gxrl agender girl or agender fem person plural: gxrls notes: pronounced "girl-X" notes: ⊕◝ Galby nonbinary gal or nonbinary fem person other spellings: galbie plural: galbies notes: ⊕◝ Womanby nonbinary woman or nonbinary fem person other spellings: womanbie plural: womanbies; womenby; womenbie; womenbies notes: ⊕◝ Nonbinary gender identities ending in the following words: girl, woman, gal, dudette, or similar terms examples: demigirl, demiwoman, demigal, demidudette, etc. Nonbinary-Specific (xenic or xenine) Xenby xenic nonbinary person other spellings: xenbie plural: xenbies Xenogirl xenic girl plural: xenogirls notes: ⊕◝ Xengirlby xenic nonbinary girl other spellings: xengirlbie plural: xengirlbies notes: ⊕◝ Xenoboy xenic boy plural: xenoboys notes: ⊘◞ Xenboy xenic nonbinary boy plural: xenboys notes: ⊘◞ Xenenboy xenic nonbinary boy plural: xenenboys notes: ⊘◞ Xenbyboy xenic nonbinary boy other spellings: xenbieboy plural: xenbyboys; xenbieboys notes: ⊘◞ Nonbinary-Specific (liaspec/lingender/androgynous) Birl boy girl plural: birls notes: ⊛ Boygirl boy girl other spellings: boy girl; boy-girl plural: boygirls notes: ⊛ Girlboy girl boy other spellings: girl boy; girl-boy plural: girlboys notes: ⊛ Nonbinary-Specific (genderless/null/neutral/unaligned) Neut neutral nonbinary equivalent to boy/girl other spellings: newt plural: neuts; newts Null null nonbinary equivalent to boy/girl plural: nulls Relationships Relationships (parents) Parent neutral equivalent to mother/father plural: parents notes: ⊝ Pare short for parent; equivalent to mom/dad other spellings: par; per plural: pares; pars; pers Ren short for parent; equivalent to mom/dad plural: rens Renny short for parent; equivalent to mommy/daddy plural: rennies Non nonbinary equivalent to mom/dad plural: nons notes: ◎ Nonny nonbinary equivalent to mommy/daddy plural: nonnies notes: ◎ Cennend neutral equivalent to mother/father plural: cennends notes: ⊝ Cenn short for cennend; equivalent to mom/dad plural: cenns Moddy nonbinary combination of mommy and daddy plural: moddies notes: ⊛ Muddy nonbinary combination of mommy and daddy plural: muddies notes: ⊛ Zaza nonbinary equivalent to mama/dada other spellings: xaxa plural: zazas; xaxas notes: ◎ Zither nonbinary equivalent to mother/father other spellings: xither plural: zithers; xithers notes: ◎ Relationships (grandparents) Grandparent neutral equivalent to grandmother/grandfather plural: grandparents note: ⊝ Grandy short for grandparent, grandmother, or grandfather plural: grandies note: ⊝ Grandwa nonbinary equivalent to grandma/grandpa plural: grandwas note: ◎ Grandza nonbinary equivalent to grandma/grandpa other spellings: grandxa plural: grandza; grandxa note: ◎ Relationships (siblings) Sibling neutral equivalent to sister/brother plural: siblings note: ⊝ Sib short for sibling; equivalent to sis/bro plural: sibs note: ⊝ Sibster nonbinary combination of sibling and sister plural: sibsters note: ◜◝ Sither nonbinary combination of sibling and brother plural: sithers note: ◟◞ Sibler nonbinary equivalent to sister/brother plural: siblers note: ◎ Emmer nonbinary equivalent to sister/brother plural: emmers note: ◎ Relationships (piblings) Pibling neutral equivalent to aunt/uncle plural: piblings Ommer nonbinary equivalent to aunt/uncle plural: ommers note: ◎ Oggy nonbinary equivalent to aunt/uncle plural: oggies note: ◎ Avaunt neutral equivalent to aunt/uncle plural: avaunts Auncle nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle plural: auncles note: ⊛ Auntle nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle plural: auntles note: ⊛ Unty nonbinary combination of aunty/auntie and uncle other spellings: untie plural: unties note: ⊛ Entle nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle plural: entles note: ⊛ Relationships (niblings) Nibling neutral equivalent to niece/nephew plural: niblings Nespring neutral equivalent to niece/nephew plural: nesprings Niecew nonbinary combination of niece and nephew plural: niecews note: ⊛ Nieph nonbinary combination of niece and nephew plural: niephs note: ⊛ Niephling nonbinary combination of niece, nephew, and sibling plural: niephlings note: ⊛ Nephiece nonbinary combination of niece and nephew plural: nephieces note: ⊛ Niephew nonbinary combination of niece and nephew plural: niephews note: ⊛ Relationships (partners) Partner neutral term for persons in committed relationships plural: partners notes: ⊝ Datemate neutral equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: datemates Datefriend neutral equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: datefriends Date neutral term for persons who are dating plural: dates notes: ⊝ Significant Other neutral term for (typically romantic) partners plural: significant others notes: ⊝ S.O. short for significant other notes: ⊝ Signif short for significant other plural: signifs notes: ⊝ Enbyfriend nonbinary equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: enbyfriends notes: ◎ Joyfriend nonbinary equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: joyfriends notes: ◎ Queerfriend nonbinary equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: queerfriends notes: ◎ Genderfriend nonbinary equivalent to boyfriend/girlfriend plural: genderfriends notes: ◎
    can i make my own pronouns????? [169 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 13 Tue 23:45:05 GMT)
    so i normally use he/him, she/her, they/them,it/its and neopronouns but i want to make or find more pronouns. the reason is because i dont really like going by he/her and sometime they/them. i do still go by them but not a lot. so you know the trans/homophobic pronouns joke by cishet people like "my pronouns are nor/mal" want to use it tho but not in the intensions it was made for. i want to use only "nor" from the trans/homophobic joke bc i kinda like it but i dont want to seem like im trans/homophobic, you know? like i want this pronoun to be like this: nor/nors/norself some like that idk. but if its too trans/homophobic i wont use it. like never use it. and also "neo" from neopronouns means new and i am a baby gay and i want to show im just expressing myself so how about neo/neos/neoself like idk share your veiws and comment cool different pronouns.
    im confused [467 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 13 Tue 21:42:53 GMT)
    i am confused about my gender it never makes sense. at first i thought i was gender fluid but i didnt feel genderfluid any more, i felt that im more agender than gendered after a while i found a gender called librafluid that was what i thought i identfy but then i dont feel like im librafluid anymore. all i know about my gender is part of it is static (agender) and i feel im alexigender ,abigender (paraboy and non-binary),demiagender (agender and boyflux),fuckgender, blurgender, fluidflux, abyssalgender, agenderflux, paraboy, librafeminine, pangender and gendervoid. i would feel these gender i either fluid, all at once or mixure of some. i think im just polygender but for some reason i feel that i dont identify as polygender. my gender/s are like very messy its not simple like just identify as one gender( but even figuring out one gender can be difficult ) i want somebody to help throught this bc im getting very stresed about this and i just wanna relax and be happy of who i am. but im worried after a while i just identify as sometime else. if anyone who sees this please comment of any ideas or support or something . defenition of gender mention : agender- genderless or lack of gender genderfluid- gender that changes over time either in minutes,hours,days,months or years librafluid-part of gender is mostly agender and the rest is genderfluid alexigender- know they move between genders but can tell what gender they are abigender- agender and bigender demiagender- parcialy agender and parcialy other gender fuckgender- feels all gender but also feels no gender its static but also fluid, feels allover the place but also at one place blurgender- doesn't know what gender they are, because all the genders they are fluid between blur together and become indestinguishable from one another. Someone who is blurgender sort of knows what genders they are fluid between, but cannot tell the gender they are feeling at the moment. fluidflux-gender is fluid and flux at the same time abyssalgender-the person feels that their gender is in a abyssal like state agenderflux- partcialy agender and partcialy an other gender. the gender is fluid and flux, simaler to gender fluid but agender is static and outweighting the fluid part multigender-identify as two or more genders demifluid-a gender in which one's gender is partially genderfluid with the other part(s) of one's gender being static. paraboy-Paramasculine people identify mostly as a boy/man, but not entirely. The male portion takes up 51-99% of their gender. The other 1-49% can be any gender or combination of genders, but the most commonly reported is agender. librafeminine-part agender and part feminine/girl. the agender part outweighting the feminine part if your more intrested of any of their gender, do more research because these are not proper definition...
    What’s this? [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 12 Mon 12:55:52 GMT)
    We’re experimenting and wondering what this is XD If you have to take this down, we understand. We’re trying to figure this out It’s me, Anita- if this doesn’t get taken down, ask me anything/ask us anything!
    Jackdawhoarder Genderrrrssssss [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 9 Fri 20:57:56 GMT)
    wrong one lol, dni with this
    FRIENDS [4 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 9 Fri 20:50:06 GMT)
    TheDoubleP system (Deedee, Fox, Mouse, Bunn, and Leela!) Starism ThatsJustKai
    My DNI list [4 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 9 Fri 1:52:24 GMT)
    Dragonfly Blue Wonderland.Ish (and all their other accounts) Ampether
    Current DNI List [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 8 Thu 21:05:12 GMT)
    Everyone Dragonfly Blue Theexpertlesbiannerd (Aysthlin) Fox WKTEADNTSI (Cori)
    Relationships! [131 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 8 Thu 16:15:18 GMT)
    Leela Platonic/Friend Beautiful angel bubbles Deerlinggg CowsLoveCoffee EzraRose19 Queerplatonic Starism Romantic Sexual Other Fox Platonic/Friend Deerlinggg CowsLoveCoffee Queerplatonic Starism Nora EzraRose19 Romantic Lola Sexual Other W Platonic/Friend Queerplatonic Romantic Sexual Other Lion Platonic/Friend CowsLoveCoffee Queerplatonic Starism Romantic Sexual Other Bunn Platonic/Friend Eve Deerlinggg CowsLoveCoffee Queerplatonic Starism Ezrarose19 Romantic Sexual Other Mouse Platonic/Friend Deerlinggg Ezrarose19 CowsLoveCoffee Queerplatonic Starism Romantic Sexual Other Heidi Platonic/Friend Queerplatonic Starism Romantic Sexual Other Deedee Platonic/Friend Deerlinggg Ezrarose19 Queerplatonic Starism Romantic Sexual Other
    may i get some help regarding my identity? pls? [155 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 8 Thu 1:37:01 GMT)
    gender is being complicated :
    cool blog post thingy [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 6 Tue 22:55:36 GMT)
    idk what to put here lmao so uhh yeah hi
    Coined Terms! [6 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 6 Tue 1:45:37 GMT)
    Winterbungender Tsundegender Panidiscogender Dolphingender Fruitian System and most-all of its identities
    Remember this whenever you worry about your labels: [295 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 3 Sat 21:08:02 GMT)
    Your label does not have to be "perfect." You don't have to precisely and neatly fit into any label, whether you use it or not. Treat labels as flexible tools that you can use if you feel they benefit you. I see a lot of people, especially in MOGAI communities, worry about labeling each aspect of their identity. Microlabels and label-collecting is a completely valid way to label yourself, and I don't want this to be misconstrued. With that said, worrying about labeling each hyper-specific part of yourself can sometimes become stressful, and I think it's good to have a reminder that there's nothing to stress about. Take your time and allow yourself the freedom to experiment. Let labels come and go whenever you need them to. Navigate your identity in a non-judgmental way. Know that even if you end up feeling and identifying differently in the future, your feelings and identities are valid in this moment. Think about who you are right now rather than setting a strict expectation of who you will be later. Sometimes it helps to try to be more feeling-focused than label-focused. Don't focus too much on having all the right labels; center your focus on how you feel. Don't restrict yourself too much. It can alleviate a lot of pressure to just let the river flow rather than immediately building a dam. Of course, labels can provide security for many, and I believe that's what labels are for. Labels are not an obligation or a rule; they're a reaffirmation of what you already feel. They're there to validate who you are. Don't worry about whether or not you have the right label, because in the end, you don't exist to serve a label; labels exist to serve you. Take them and leave them as you please.
    Picrews [120 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 3 Sat 16:51:25 GMT)
    This will NOT include the fictives (other than Susan) because they already have a well established appearance. They do not differ from their canon appearances at all. Arabesque Delphine Doukas Ace Akela Kur Corava Brennan Desmond Ellowyn Deirdre Arianell Lilith Desdemona Eden Luci Jezebel Blythe Molly Drusilla Driscoll Phoenix Dakota Green-Faulkner Radiance Destiny Crisiant Ripley Nashoba Green-Caro Sylvinity Aphra Ainsley Susan Eleanor Atarah Bones Brie Colby Edelweiss Lolly Mochi Dulcinea-Frostine Minnow Levi Scylla 1 Minnow Levi Scylla 2
    pronouns [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 3 Sat 6:58:06 GMT)
    i have no idea if i like my pronouns anymore like any of them
    Can someone please help me? (tw: the trickster) [52 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 15:08:18 GMT)
    Soo... the trickster made the pride flag for dyspraxigender. I coined and identify with the term and I feel really uncomfortable about her flag representing the gender. Can someone make another pride flag? I would do it myself but the designs I was thinking of before she made it are on my old laptop and I can't access them
    pos [172 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 12:25:41 GMT)
    okay, so- i prefer being unlabeled but recently i've been wanting to see if i even have a label, so let me explain my sexuality rq i like everyone with a preference for women, but there has to be a deep connection before i can catch feelings, or really even be good friends with them, so demisexual, demiromantic, demiplatonic, and omnisexual BUT.. for men, sexually there doesn't have to be a connection, but romantically, platonically, and alterously (would that be the word for it?? you know what i mean i hope) there has to be some type of connection. also everyone else (women, nbs, etc.) i can feel alterous attraction towards but for men they have to be good friends with someone i'm friends with before i can feel it for them so yeah also i don't need a label and don't mind not having one i'm just genuinely curious if there is a label that fits my attraction and if anyone feels similarly :) thanks to anyone that does find something!!
    Me Fav Pokémon [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 3:13:41 GMT)
    (please don't bash me with hate comments just because I like certain Pokémon 😰) 579, 607, 479, 568, 569, 562, 742, 755, 778, 789, 793
    EVERY PROM LINK [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 2:57:12 GMT)
    Here I will put a compilation of evidence that may be used to prove I am real [74 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 1:16:19 GMT)
    (Not finished, will complete soon) https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000167549- this is a photo of my birthmark https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000167009 https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000167102 https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000167080 https://lgbta.wikia.org/f/p/4400000000000167070 (these four show my panic and fear toward the trickster) I have been here since last year, I think, before the tricksters og account. (I think I was on my old account, the nervous system, then tho)
    Important Links [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 2 Fri 0:53:35 GMT)
    I Am Very Real My Queen/Princess campaign!
    Coined :D [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 1 Thu 20:48:50 GMT)
    Pluviaferoic Pluviparian Celebrasexual Celebraromantic Flapazian Fuemontic Eeveelutiofluid Virtuamorous
    Squicks vs Triggers [194 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jul 1 Thu 8:25:20 GMT)
    I feel like a lot of people confuse squicks and triggers, so I wanted to bring this up. A trigger is something that triggers memories of traumatic events, anxiety, relapse, or other forms of distress or disruption. Triggers are tied to trauma, neurodivergence, and mental illness. A squick is something that causes discomfort or disgust, but is not as intense or severe as a trigger, and is not necessarily tied to trauma, neurodivergence, or mental illness. Triggers and squicks can sometimes be difficult to differentiate between, but please try to be mindful when labeling something as a trigger. Experiencing discomfort is not necessarily the same thing as being triggered, and watering down the definition of triggers can further stigma and misunderstandings about what they are. On a side note, please be careful when sharing information about your triggers online. It is safest to only share that information privately with people you know you can trust, such as close friends. Sharing public information about your triggers can be dangerous if that information falls into the wrong hands. I've noticed a lot of people on here are publicly sharing information about their triggers, and it is very concerning to me. Please be cautious.
    Political Leanings [409 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 30 Wed 20:48:09 GMT)
    As I've become aware that many people in this Wiki may feel uncomfortable with some political views, especially if they're right-leaning, I'm writing a blog page to better explain my political stances. If you feel uncomfortable with my ways of thinking, you may add yourself to my personal DNI section, so I can remember who not to write. Simplifying and Terminology My Political Compass First, at the right side of the page, a political compass to better illustrate my base opinions and the respective listed definitions (up is authoritarian, down is libertarian, you can guess by yourself left and right.): "Georgism, also called in modern times geoism and known historically as the single tax movement, is an economic ideology holding that, although people should own the value they produce themselves, the economic rent derived from land – including from all natural resources, the commons, and urban locations – should belong equally to all members of society." Mix between Georgism and Libertarianism:"Geolibertarians maintain that geographical space and raw natural resources—any assets that qualify as land by economic definition—are rivalrous goods to be considered common property, or more accurately unowned, which all individuals share an equal human right to access, not capital wealth to be privatized fully and absolutely." "Technoliberalism is a political philosophy founded on ideas of liberty, individuality, responsibility, decentralization, and self-awareness. It also highlights an idea that technology should be available to everyone with minimal controls. Technoliberals support such ideas as balance of powers in the government, decentralization, affordable education, the protection of our planet, Fine Arts, and the freedom of speech and communication technologies." "Neoclassical liberalism, also referred to as Arizona School liberalism and bleeding-heart libertarianism, is a libertarian political philosophy that focuses on the compatibility of support for civil liberties and free markets on the one hand and a concern for social justice and the well-being of the worst-off on the other. Adherents of neoclassical liberalism broadly hold that an agenda focused upon individual liberty will be of most benefit to the economically weak and socially disadvantaged." Others I agree/partly agree with: Technocracy, Transhumanism, Noocracy, Third Way, and most center- right moderate or libertarian ideologies. I emphatically dislike all (most) left-leaning authoritarians (see in red) and ALL kinds of anarchism. I'm, broadly speaking, a capitalist and, as Pew Research defined me (and if I resided in the US), a mix between a "market-skeptic Republican" and a "bystander".
    If you want a DNI [80 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 30 Wed 17:22:28 GMT)
    Hey there, I ask everyone who wants a DNI with me to edit my user profile themselves under the personal DNI category I now have. Don’t leave a note, don’t leave anything. You can leave something on my message wall, but it will be deleted without a response because it makes me uncomfy to see all the negative comments, though I will add your user to my DNI list. If it’s just one headmate, add that name in parenthesis next to your user. Thanks.
    My Views [863 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 30 Wed 17:21:02 GMT)
    TW//Politics, White House raid, Trump, Biden, vaccines, masks, etc I haven’t been vaccinated since I was 3 and I’m fine. My mom has done 12 years of research, uncovering reports the government tries to keep hidden. Though this isn’t hidden as much, the CDC’s list of vaccine ingredient includes 2x+ the amount of mercury you’re supposed to consume, along with mouse DNA, monkey kidney DNI, and MRC-5, which if you look up what it is, it is 14yo aborted male baby cells. I’m honestly not sure why any of that needs to be in there. Probably to keep them fresh or something. Secondly, more about the government. I don’t have anything against them, but it’s falling apart right now. I didn’t support the raid of the White House in any way. Trump had too big an ego and didn’t have a filter. The ONLY reason why my family considers ourselves Right (which isn’t really being a Right on its own) is because he wasn’t against medical freedom. We aren’t Democrats only because they’re trying to get vaccines mandated, and if this happens, we will have to move out of the country. I don’t have anything against people who vaccinate, you can do whatever you want, I’m not a Karen and neither is my family. (Part of the problem with the Democrats right now is also Biden in general. He’s losing it. On live TV he said he was running against Bush, and there was a clip of him signing some legal documents. In it you could just barely hear him whisper “I don’t know what I’m signing” and one of his assistants saying “Just sign it.”) An extra thing about the vaccines is that the companies that make them cannot be sued or “take responsibility.” Why? Because they’d be being sued left and right. Now for the Covid vaccine. Mainly it’s for the same reasons as the other vaccines, but with additions. It wasn’t tested enough, not one bit. Women in their 90s have received the vaccine and their periods started again. People in their 20s-30s who were perfectly healthy died a few hours after getting it. 2 of my biological female friends got it and both got sick, and one got their period when it wasn’t her time. People have even been getting sick from being around other people exclusively who have gotten the vaccine (because of cell shedding and those cells containing the Covid vaccine). I’m towards the end of my period right now, but I had another one last week. Now I definitely cannot prove it came from being around my friends who have all gotten it, but my mom suspects it. We also don’t know if someone who gets vaccinated will get cancer 10 years from now. Also for the question of “are you one of those crazy people that thinks Covid came from the 5G towers?” No, I am not. It came from a lab in China cuz patient 0 didn’t take the correct precautions after their session of studying was done. Covid definitely did not come from a bat. A certified researcher is studying it, and she said it was by far too manipulated already for it to be natural. Masks. Stupidest idea on the planet. The gaps in the fabric are too big anyways, the virus passes right through. It weakens immune systems because the few viruses and bacterias that DO get caught, can’t train the body how to defend against them. And if YOU have Covid and you’re wearing masks to protect others, as soon as you take your mask off you release all the icky bacteria you were breathing out anyway. The insides of masks get moist, which is where bacteria and viruses LOVE to grow. 3 mother’s recently sent their kids’ and their own masks to a lab to get tested. The results? Deadly viruses and bacteria that people almost never catch, along with common illnesses such as the cold. What we need (in my opinion) is herd immunity, but the government is making that impossible with all the “Wear your mask to protect yourself and others!” Onto the other stuff. I don’t really care about that. I think you should be able to buy a gun if you have no criminal record and it’s only for hunting (with a license) or to protect your family. I think abortion should be okay (as it is now), because what if someone was r@p3d and is too young to take care of a child? I’m always willing to send links if you’d like, but it might have to wait a few days from when you request them because I don’t have any, only my mom does, and she’s always busy with other things. But I would be able to get them for you, just not sure when. If you read all of this, thanks so much! I’m sure this doesn’t really change anything, but I’m happy someone is willing to listen and hear me out! -Sapphy
    Messy Gender [98 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 30 Wed 9:09:22 GMT)
    I'm having tonnes of trouble with my gender, I currently identify as Agenderflux but I'm questioning genderfluid again. I feel at times like I don't have a gender or that having one isn't quite necessary and then going to feeling like I have a binary gender, which is why I feel connected to Agenderflux but the thing is I feel like there's something else there and I can't quite pinpoint what. I feel like it's changing a lot sometimes even to something I can't recognise, idk I might stick to Agenderflux for the time being but does any of this sound like genderfluid to anyone?
    Is there a gender where your depression specifically impacts it? [102 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 30 Wed 6:37:29 GMT)
    So I have Major Depressive Disorder and Persistent Depressive Disorder, and it greatly impacts me throughout my daily life. I know my gender (Mosaic or Trans-Mosaic), but it feels like a part of my identity is my depression due to just having it my whole life. It's like I go from being Mosaic to an inhuman monster every day. It's kind of like I become a creature that is desperately trying to pretend to be human when it happens. Is there a word or identity for this? If there is, I have a flag that I made to represent what I feel:
    I wanna meet more people [20 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 28 Mon 6:21:58 GMT)
    wanna talk (I may take some time to reply sorry) also do any of you guys know who I am even if you don't know me personally?
    First blog post! [258 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 27 Sun 3:20:00 GMT)
    Edit: The question has been answered, thanks for the responses! :) This is my first blog post and I'm so nervous aaaaa *ahem* Hi. Although I have been editing here and there, I am still quite new to this community. I'm Cleo, and I'm cool with any pronouns. I'm questioning my gender a bit, in search of a label that fits me. I currently identify as transfeminine and fluidflux, but that may change. I haven't been able to find an identity that fits what I have been feeling lately, and fluidflux doesn't feel completely accurate anymore. Actually, I already said that I'm questioning, so that makes this sentence kinda redundant... Anyway, I feel like my identity still fluctuates, and I still experience fluidity, but I also feel like the amount of genders I experience at a time change frequently as well. For example, today I'm feeling monogender. Male, to be specific. A few hours later, I might feel totally agender. Tomorrow, I might be bigender, being both female and male. A few hours later that day, I may be trigender, feeling a combination of agender, paragirl, and maverique. The day after that, I may be monogender once more; specifically female. So... Yeah. Does that make sense? I'm sorry if I didn't explain it well enough. I appreciate any and all answers y'all have for me. Please try to keep it nice and civil tho, I'm an actual wussy. Am afraid of scary stuff and ppl 😔😔😔 Thank you for reading! I hope you have a good day, or a good night~ 💞💞
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 26 Sat 19:41:04 GMT)
    HEYY WELCOME, WELCOME. THIS IS ARTE AND WE'VE NEVER MADE A BLOG POST BEFORE UNTIL NOW SO THIS'LL BE FUN. I'M JUST GONNA THROW MY TYPING QUIRK OUT THE WINDOW FOR THIS AND TRY TO MAKE A DESCRIPTION FOR MALICEGENDER THAT FITS THE LGBTA WIKI'S GUIDELINES, USING OTHER GENDERS' PAGES AS REFERENCE. Malicegender is a gender relating to Hereditary Evil Raiser, a fictional syndrome within the Evillious Chronicles universe. A person who is malicegender may feel connected to a character with the syndrome and feel that that connects to their gender. They may feel connected to the syndrome itself due to characteristics of the syndrome and feel that connects to their gender as well. The gender can also relate to malicious feelings, the wish to bring chaos, and the excitement doing so brings. History and Flag The term was created on June 25, 2021 by FANDOM user CalendarSystem2557, and the flag was created on June 26, 2021 by the same user. The flag uses red to represent evil and malice, yellow to represent joy and excitement, and purple to represent corruption and chaos. (POST-WRITING COMMENTARY) SO IN THE ACTUAL THING I'LL HAVE THE 2 VERSIONS OF THE FLAG (WITH THE COG AND WITHOUT THE COG) OFF TO THE SIDE WITH CAPTIONS LIKE PAGES USUALLY HAVE. AND THE CATEGORIES WILL BE XENOGENDER AND FICTIGENDER. I REALLY HOPE THIS ALL LOOKS GOOD. I'M REALLY PROUD OF IT RIGHT NOW, AND IDRK HOW BLOGS WORK BUT FROM WHAT I KNOW PEOPLE CAN SEE THESE AND COMMENT ON THEM SO IF YOU HAVE ANY CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM OR COMMENTS OR OR QUESTIONS OR WHATEVER, I'D LOVE TO HEAR WHAT YOU HAVE /GEN
    hey did ya'll ever have gacha phases- [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 25 Fri 21:07:44 GMT)
    cause I did skkskshgfxsg
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 25 Fri 18:31:53 GMT)
    hey my lil sexys (sorry if that made you uncomfortable fdghsjdhskskskksk) so I am bored and I have been playing animal crossing all dayyyyyyyy and I am bored if you can, send me like links to weird things of just entertain me with comment cause yeah-
    ... [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 24 Thu 23:34:47 GMT)
    AMA!! Not too personal k?
    depressed? [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 24 Thu 1:23:46 GMT)
    you can message wall/vent to me if your feeling isolated/stressed or depressed :3
    Im Agneasian (a collection) [1433 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 24 Thu 0:21:41 GMT)
    I needed a place to link to all of these that wasnt my regular page. Agneasian - A term for people who "collect" ace-spec identities because just a few terms don't accurately describe their identities. Acorsexual - An identity on the asexual spectrum that refers to someone who experiencing sexual attraction that one wants to act on, but at the same time has a strong aversion to engaging in it due to bad experiences, apprehension, or other misgivings about being involved in sexual relationships or sexual activity, etc. Acefog - When one knows that they are acespec, but they can’t tell if they ever experience attraction or if they are completely sex repulsed as a result of neurodiversity. Acrisexual - When you feel sexual attraction, but it feels wrong or unnatural to be feeling it, like it should not happen to you." There are also other variations for different types of attraction. Another variation is the neuro- variation, which has the same definition, but that "feeling wrong" is due to neurodivergence. Aliquantumsexual - A label on the asexual spectrum that describes those who have limited sexual attraction or arousal. Aliquantumsexuals may have sexual attraction to someone for a long or a short amount of time, but lose that attraction. Amid - An identity that describes someone that is on the aromantic spectrum and asexual spectrum, while still not being strictly aromantic or asexual. Aroace - An identity for people who are both ansexual and anromantic. One feels intense hate and disgust towards sex, romance, sexual feelings, romantic feelings, and other things related to sex and romance. This does not mean the person hates another, or themselves, or discriminates against others. Antiamorous - Someone who does not want to be in a relationship of any kind, either due to their lack of attraction or lack of desire for any type of relationship. one does not have to be a-spec to identify as antiamorous. Apathsexual - Someone who lacks interest in acting on their attraction. Apothi Aroace - An aroace person who is both apothisexual and apothiromantic. Apothisexual - Another word for sex repulsed. For some apothisexuals, they are averse to the idea of engaging in sex themselves, but are fine with sexual activity that does not involve them. Others may be repulsed by the idea of sex in general. Those who are apothisexual typically do not seek out sexual relationships. ARCsexual - A general term for a person who feels Averse, Repulsed, or Conflicted (ARC) towards sex. Aroace - A term that refers to a person who is both aromantic/aro-spec and asexual/ace-spec. Aroaceflux - A sexuality where someone is both aceflux and aroflux. Both their sexual and romantic orientation fluctuates, but generally stays on the asexual and aromantic spectrums. Askepsisexual - An ace spectrum label referring to people who very rarely think about sex, and therefore do not feel sexual attraction. Autiace - A sexual orientation on asexual spectrum which can only be understood in the context of being on the autism spectrum, when one's autism greatly affects one's asexuality. Bambi Fluid - Someone with a fluid sexuality who prefers cuddles, hugs, kisses, and other affectionate and even sensual non-sexual acts over sexual acts. Bambi Non-Human - Someone who is non-human, or is attracted to non-humans, who prefers cuddles, hugs, kisses, and other affectionate and even sensual non-sexual acts over sexual acts. Bellussexual - One who has interest in certain sexual actions, the aesthetic of sexual relationships, and/or aspects of sexual relationships, but does not feel sexual attraction and does not want a sexual relationship. Burst - An a-spec identity where one is normally completely asexual or aromantic but occasionally experiences sudden, short bursts of attraction. It could be considered an alternate word for arospike/acespike. Caedaroace - A term for people who are both caedromantic and caedsexual. One may feel like they were once alloromantic/allosexual, but feels as if that part of them has been "cut away" or taken from them. Caedsexual - An orientation on the asexual spectrum, defined as someone who feels that they were, at one point allosexual, but that has been taken or “cut away” from them due to past trauma. Caedsexualflux- A Aceflux person who is Aceflux due to past trauma. This is on the Asexual Spectrum Caligosexual - A sexuality of the asexual spectrum in which one feels attraction that is very weak or vague, almost nonexistent, like a vapor, fog, or mist. Causasexual - An asexual spectrum identity, someone who is causasexual experiences sexual attraction at first, but loses sexual attraction to someone partially or completely after they start thinking about reasons why the experience of sex would not be enjoyable, the reasons can be different for everyone. Centrispec - A spectrum in which someone has a “base” or “center” orientation (for example: pan), but they fluctuate and move through various a-spec identities over time, as well as sometimes looping back to allo. Companionate - Companionate love is where one does not wish to have a romantic or sexual relationship but still wants a deep relationship with someone. Discarnal - A term under the ARCsexual umbrella to describe people who are sex averse. One is repulsed by the idea of engaging in sex themselves, but is fine with sexual activity that does not involve them. Diurnal-Ace - An identity on the asexual spectrum, it is defined as someone who experiences sexual attraction during a certain time of the night, but barely/doesn’t experience sexual attraction during another. Dysphorsexual - An identity in which ones sexuality is limited or affected by dysphoria. Erassexual - An acespec term where ones' sexual attraction has partially/fully vanished. It may have to do with neurodivergency or trauma Esthesiosexual - An ace-spec identity in which one desires a relationship with non-intercoursal sexual activities, it does not involve direct penetration, rather, they prefer outercourse, or sensual actions/intentions. Fluousexual - A microlabel on the asexual spectrum. It is described as when sexual acts or sexual relationships feel excessive, unnecessary, or overblown. Frayapothisexual - A sexuality where you are apothisexual, but your repulsion by having sex with someone fades as you get closer to them. Inactsexual - An orientation on the asexual spectrum that is defined as when one experiences sexual attraction and desires a sexual relationship despite being Sex-repulsed. Inhosexual - An ace-spec identity similar to the term apothisexual. It is the repulsion to everything related to sex in any way, so one is indifferent and does not care about sex in any way. It can be considered as sex-repulsion but taken a step further where one is repulsed to anything relation to intercourse or sexual behavior. Whilst apothisexual people just refuse the idea of sex, inhosexual individuals are repulsed by such thing. Multi Bambi - Someone who is attracted to multiple genders who prefers cuddles, hugs, kisses, and other affectionate and even sensual non-sexual acts over sexual acts. Neuroasexual - An ace-spec identity in which one feels sexual attraction or wants to participate in actions associated with sexual acts, but are scared of, repulsed by, or averse to them due to neurodivergency (or trauma). Neverisexual - An a-spec orientation described by one feeling disgust towards oneself and/or those involved after sexual interaction. Noncopesexual - Is where an individual feels sexual attraction but is unable to cope with it or unable to act upon it. Arospike - A romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. It is defined as someone who usually feels no romantic attraction, but occasionally has rare and sudden spikes of romantic attraction for an amount of time that can vary from a day to a couple of months before returning to one's normal amounts of aromanticism. Demiromantic - A romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum defined as someone who does not experience romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. Nebularomantic - A romantic orientation on the aromantic spectrum. Much like platoniromantic, those who are nebularomantic are unable to distinguish the difference between romantic and platonic attraction. But in the case of nebularomantic people, that is due to one's status as neurodivergent.
    I need friends hehe- [166 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 23 Wed 16:21:56 GMT)
    alright so lets just start on about me, I am a Minor i am not comfortable telling my age at the moment, I am Pansexual and I am a Demigirl and I use any pronouns but like she/they better I am discord Addicted I usually get my phone taken away for stupid stuff or for no reason at all I make anime edits on my tiktok though they re not very well edits I fake flirt with close friends of mine lol I eat when I'm bored so if I'm talking to you I'm probably eating while talking or just snacking on something I get bored VERY easily I type in caps alot whenever I type something I always have to use spelling correct witch sucks this might ruin this butttt i'm a gemini witch kinda sucks since a lot of people don't like gemini's I really like Danganronpa I watch anime My favorite colors are, White, Black, Pink, Purple, Silver Yeah that's all I'm gonna put here for now k bye
    Uh..... [85 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 23 Wed 16:00:13 GMT)
    Hello once again. I tried creating a poll but then it didn't show up anywhere. Like it just disappeared. Idk maybe i just didn't save or something. BUT ANYWAY, i have a small question. Do y'all wanna hear about my ocs? Please tell me in the comments. BE HONEST. If you don't, just say that. But if you actually do wanna hear about my ocs. If more people say he than no, ill do it. If nobody says anything, then ill make another post exactly th like this. Have a wonderful day!
    Gay Frogs. [22 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 23 Wed 15:38:33 GMT)
    File:Https bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com public images 5c16fb0f-6529-4215-8bf3-0fb85ee769fb 639x639.jpgGay Frog.
    🤩Baby😔Though👤I🧖🏻‍♀️Close🧏‍♀️My👀Eyes👩I🕵️‍♀️Know👊🏻You😠Pretend😱I😭Am🤨And,🥺I😕Know👽Who🤙You👄Pretend😩I🥲Am🤞 [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 22 Tue 21:20:30 GMT)
    MY QUESTIONS TO YALLE [173 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 22 Tue 3:51:15 GMT)
    *yall Introoooooooooo Hello. I am kinda questioning my gender still and have been for a while. So *exhaleimma try my best to explain this chaos known as my gender Explanation (it may be kinda hard to understand) So. Imagine this. There is a giant blob of female, and a giant blob of NB (nonbinary), take the two blobs, and smash em together. Now you have a combination of girl and NB. BUT, some days, the female blob is bigger than the NB blob, and some days the NB blob is bigger. And some days they're sorta equal. Also throw in she/they pronouns. And now you have the chaos known as my gender. My tryin to figure out my gender Is there any term for this. Since the amount of female and NB changes from day to day am i genderfluid? But its always the same two genders... Am I a demi girl? But sometimes the female part drops to less than 51%... Maybe I'm... Bigender? But the percentage of each gender changes. Is there a label for this??
    typing it out: the questioning [444 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 20 Sun 23:35:55 GMT)
    I will try to type more correct grammar for this to make it easier to understand but without my friend's help this time. It would be weird to ask my friend to help type something about me so personal. I am trying to figure out terms for myself. I am questioning both attraction and gender and will seperate this out by both to make it easier. If anyone can help me thank you. Gender For gender I do not know how someone knows what gender even is or feels like. I am alexithymia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexithymia - I know that means I already have more trouble to figure it out. I know others have figured it out even with it so I am hope I can too. Maybe advice or examples or anyone who can guide me I thank you. I know only that I am X but beyond I am unsure. I do not know what to look for. To attempt to feel for. I know presentation does not mean gender and pronouns do not either. So I am at a loss. Attraction This is most confusing. Same confusing. All confusing! I have experienced attraction first sight. Though I only know of it happening 2 times. -allo? I have experienced attraction only after knowing the person liked me first. -recpio I have also experienced attraction only after getting to know someone and being close. -demi I do not know the genders of people I have dated until much later in most cases. -omni I have also had times where, exclusing any current partners, I would not compute or experience any attraction and may experience to the same people I was not attracted to during those times at a later date - ace/allo flux / fluid ? partnersexual ? My experiences controdict and confuse me heavily. I also am simply using sexual here because alexithymia I cannot tell any types of attraction apart. Simply attraction is there or is not there. Once I know it is there it never leaves for that single person but if it did not form yet it can be hard to create it. +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- I would love help micro-label and broad-label all if anyone can. Thank you.
    Remade Old Flags Pt. 2 [348 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 19 Sat 21:53:49 GMT)
    I decided to remake these flags because I knew nothing about flag creation when I made them, they are not intended to replace the originals though. If you haven't seen the first redesigns check them out here! User blog:RoseWatera/Remade Old Flags | LGBTA Wiki | Fandom (wikia.org) Taisexual The black is to symbolize attraction to the opposite gender, the dark purple is to represent liking genders very close to ones opposite, the dark-ish blue is for their attraction towards all genders that are similar to ones opposite, and the sky blue symbolizes their attraction towards any other genders that are aligned with their opposite. Rejsexual The white is to symbolize attraction to a certain gender, the light yellow is to represent liking genders very close to that gender, the tangerine is for their attraction towards all genders that are similar to said gender, and the red-orange symbolizes their attraction towards any other genders that are aligned with the gender they are attracted to. Finwomasexual Remade without symbol. Remade and simplified. Remade simplified without symbol. The hot pink represents attraction to women. The orange is to represents attraction to feminine women and the light yellow is for attraction to femininity. The colors blend to represent all color meanings being a part of the same flag. The purple symbol is to represent attraction in total. Minmasexual Remade without symbol. Remade and simplified. Remade and simplified without symbol. The sky blue represents attraction to men. The light indigo is to represents attraction to masculine men and the white-lavender is for attraction to masculinity. The colors blend to represent all color meanings being a part of the same flag. The light blue symbol is to represent attraction in total.
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 18 Fri 23:40:26 GMT)
    Can someone help me out? [101 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 18 Fri 17:05:34 GMT)
    Here's my problem: I feel Genderneutral I feel a connection with Femininity (Sorry if I spelled that wrong), but idk if that is because I'm AFAB and treated as a woman/girl, or if it is because I actually am feminine-aligned. I present myself both feminine and masculine, and sometimes a combination of the two (a skirt with a men's blazer). I don't really mind any pronouns (except for the "it" pronouns), but I prefer she/he/they/moon/wolf/lu(na). I'm not really getting into my orientation, I would like to figure out who I am first. Does anyone know what I could be?
    Can somebody help me make an article? ;-; [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 18 Fri 3:57:11 GMT)
    New proculromantic flag cause i can [45 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 17 Thu 14:43:57 GMT)
    and cause i dont like that the other ones dont have meaning. Greens, for aromantisim and the aromantic spectrum. Reds, for the attraction towards the unattainable. Grey, for the mixture of the previous two and Whites, for the general lack of attraction that one feels.
    Alt Neonic flag because yes [26 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 16 Wed 18:59:31 GMT)
    I made an alternative flag for a xenogender called neonic. This is my first time designing flags and I wanna try it out. What do you think?
    Demiasexual [158 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 16 Wed 4:18:54 GMT)
    Demiasexual or "ParcialAsexual" is an Asexual who can experience vague undefined, or partial rare sexual attraction. It is a very specific part of Greysexuality, but more specific. However, unlike Greysexuality, this arousal and sexual attraction never occurs unless there is an emotional connection, similar to Demisexuality. Unlike Demisexuality however, this attraction is usually vague and undefined and between Aegosexual, Greysexual, and Demisexual rather than experiencing complete sexual attraction like Demisexual or lack of sexual attraction attached to arousal like Aegosexual. The term was first coined by user BadWolf2014 on AVEN forums to describe his own sexual orientation, as meaning "Asexual with Demisexual component". This term can also be applied to Cupiosexual Asexuals who do not feel attraction, but only desire sexual relations to those they are close with. Demiasexual people unlike Asexual or Demisexual people can either specify gender attractions or don't and simply just use "Demiasexual". It is similiar to Greysexual in how it can be an umbrella term, or specify rare gender attractions.
    Remade Old Flags [342 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 15 Tue 21:08:29 GMT)
    I decided to remake these flags because I knew nothing about flag creation when I made them, they are not intended to replace the originals though. Feminaesexual The black-ish purple represents attraction to agender/genderless people. The dark purple is for their attraction to librafeminine people and demigirls. The magenta represents liking any woman/feminine aligned gender. The pink represents attraction to women/fiaspec and the white-pink represents attraction to birchians and hypergender women. Muscusexual The light cyan represents their attraction to walnutians and hypergender men. The dark sky blue is for attraction to men/miaspec. The darker blue represents liking any man/masculine aligned gender. The black-ish blue represents their attraction to libramasculine people and demiboys and the black is for attraction to agender/genderless people. Femuscaesexual It is a mix of the remade feminaesexual and muscusexual flags. It was inspired by how the term was coined as a combination of feminaesexual and muscusexual, though virfeminasexual is a seperate sexuality. Virfeminasexual The black is to represent attraction to agender/genderless and androgynously gendered individuals. The black-ish purple is for their attraction to masculine genders, the dark purple is for liking masculine mixed with androgynous genders. The light violet is for their attraction to androgynous mixed with feminine genders and light purple is for attraction to feminine genders. Puellraesexual The light magenta represents their attraction to sprucians and hypergender androgynes. The magenta is for attraction to androgyne/niaspec. The dark purple represents liking any androgyne/androgynous aligned gender. The black-ish purple represents their attraction to libraandrogyne people and demiandrogynes and the black is for attraction to agender/genderless people. Etbinariisexual The white represents their attraction to aspenians and hypergender neutrois people. The light ash-ish yellow is for attraction to neutral/uingenders. The lime represents liking any abinary aligned gender. The dark green represents their attraction to outherine genders and the black is for attraction to agender/genderless people.
    I’m confused about my gender [139 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 14 Mon 14:17:40 GMT)
    I’m confused about my gender: This is my predicament: the label girl/woman/female feels wrong always boy/man/male feels wrong usually and the label nonbinary feels wrong sometimes. I don’t feel agender, and it feels like my gender is static but fluid but not fuckgender. My pronouns are he/they/it/void/twig/chaos/fae/faun. I use neopronouns but I’m not sure if I have a neogender or a xenogender (I am neurodivergent) and I don’t want to label myself as pomogender because I don’t reject labels, I want one. I also don’t feel genderfaun because like I said often my gender feels static but fluid at the same time and not genderflor because I feel boy sometimes. Does anyone have any suggestions. This all probably made no sense but if anyone has any suggestions please help.
    reiself pronoun user [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 14 Mon 13:07:44 GMT)
    Pronouns :p [41 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 14 Mon 4:23:37 GMT)
    I was wandering if people wanted to share any of the cool or unique pronouns they have !! I feel like I need something new to try out, and I know there's tonnes of cool ones out there. I currently use any pronouns, my favourite are he/it/nix :))
    New Terms Relating to Feminaesexual and Muscusexual [472 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 12 Sat 17:25:57 GMT)
    I have been working on these terms forever and this blog is where I'm coining them. If there are any issues or another term is similar comment and I can change it up a little or clarify the differences. Femirietiriisexual Femirietiriisexual, latafabisexual or nebuliriasexual is the exclusive attraction to women, enbys, girlflux, enbyflux, demigirl, deminonbinary, agender, and other lunarian and stellarian (woman aligned, niaspec, feminine and neutral aligned) identities, it is different to neptunic because femirietiriisexual includes all feminine and abinary/outherine/agender/genderless genders and presentation isn't a factor. Femirietiriisexuals generally like many feminine and neutral aligned genders but don’t have to like all of them or agender. Femirietiriisexual are attracted to all types of feminine and neutral aligned genders, such as butch, vermil, futch, pewt, femme and cerul, not just femininity or neutrality. The term can be used by people of any gender. The masculine and neutral counterpart is viretiriisexual. The purely masculine counterpart is muscusexual. The purely feminine counterpart is feminaesexual. The purely androgynous counterpart is puellraesexual. The purely neutral counterpart is etbinriisexual. Flag The flag was coined by FANDOM user RoseWatera on the June 12th 2021. The black is to symbolize attraction to agender individuals, the purple is to represent liking feminine aligned genders, the light hot-pink is for their attraction towards feminine mixed with neutral aligned genders, and the yellow symbolizes their attraction towards neutral aligned genders. History The term Femirietiriisexual was coined by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 12th 2021 as a combination of feminaesexual and etbinariisexual. Viretiriisexual Viretiriisexual, latamasabisexual or novariasexual is the exclusive attraction to men, enbys, boyflux, enbyflux, androgyne-flux, demiboy, deminonbinary, agender, and other solarian and stellarian (man aligned, niaspec, masculine and neutral aligned) identities, it is different to uranic because viretiriisexual includes all masculine and abinary/outherine/agender/genderless genders and presentation isn't a factor. Viretiriisexual generally like many masculine and neutral aligned genders but don’t have to like all of them or agender. Viretiriisexual are attracted to all types of masculine and neutral aligned genders, such as bear men, vermil, biird/otter men, pewt, twinks and cerul, not just masculinity or neutrality. The term can be used by people of any gender. The feminine and neutral counterpart is femirietiriisexual. The purely masculine counterpart is muscusexual. The purely feminine counterpart is feminaesexual. The purely androgynous counterpart is puellraesexual. The purely neutral counterpart is etbinriisexual. Flag The flag was coined by FANDOM user RoseWatera on the June 12th 2021. The black is to symbolize attraction to agender individuals, the light yellow is to represent liking neutral aligned genders, the light sky-blue is for their attraction towards masculine mixed with neutral aligned genders, and the blue symbolizes their attraction towards masculine aligned genders. History The term Viretiriisexual was coined by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 12th 2021 as a combination of muscusexual and etbinariisexual.
    Hey I have a question [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 12 Sat 5:29:11 GMT)
    Is there a sexuality where you are Bisexual and Gay at the same time?
    New Wood System Terms [220 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 11 Fri 21:43:12 GMT)
    Beldarian Beldarian is a term for when one is masculine and birchian. They may feel 101%-500% azurgirl. Flag The main flag was created by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 11th, 2021. The white-ish yellow represents being over 100% gendered. The ash-ish yellow represents masculinity, the light red represents fiaspec. The dark red represents being over 100% female. Bambeoian Bambeoian is a term for when one is neutral and birchian. They may feel 101%-500% verdegirl. Flag The main flag was created by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 11th, 2021. The tangerine represents being over 100% female. The ash-ish orange represents fiaspec , the light mint represents neutrality. The white represents being over 100% gendered. Wiellowian Wiellowian is a term for when one is feminine and walnutian. They may feel 101%-500% rosboy. Flag The main flag was created by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 11th, 2021. The ash-ish white represents being over 100% gendered. The ash pink represents femininity, the mint represents miaspec. The light blue represents being over 100% male. Whitpinian Whitpinian is a term for when one is neutral and walnutian. They may feel 101%-500% verdeboy. Flag The main flag was created by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 11th, 2021. The light yellow represents being over 100% gendered. The light magenta represents neutrality, the purple-magenta represents miaspec. The indigo represents being over 100% male.
    Need help [91 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 11 Fri 17:04:31 GMT)
    I need to know if there's a term for feeling like your gender has layers And like all the layers just create this like gender that can only be explained w/ each layer being explained separately - :) Better explanation via my friend: There's like this top layer, that when asked for a gender it's like a surface gender (ex: Demiboy), under that there's another gender that's like UNDER it (ex: Paragirl), then on the very bottom of this gender-y pit is another, (ex: Oddcoric). There could be more than 3 layers but that was a quick explanation sghvdsvagrdth
    haha. [53 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 11 Fri 3:57:03 GMT)
    So I just told my parents about how my sister gets away with too much like hitting me with the baseball bat and then threatening the stab me with a knife on multiplications and they just said they won't do anything about it and so I started crying and then it ago about that I just wanna die kind of
    Making Flags [25 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 10 Thu 16:12:41 GMT)
    I have no idea if I'm doing this right I've never posted here before But I'll make pride flags for people! I'll make redesigns or stuff for new identities, whatever y'all want
    Source editing refs [215 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 9 Wed 5:51:20 GMT)
    <nowiki> + </nowiki> produces normal text as if it were in the visual editor <div style= "font-family: {font name};"> for stylized text <br> + <br /> do the same thing, create a new line. <hr /> creates a line ↓ex↓ <div class="hidden" style="position:fixed; right:0px; bottom:15px; overflow:visible;">
    a lil blog about how I feel bout my identities [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 7 Mon 16:25:52 GMT)
    .-. delete this if y ou want idc
    Is There A Romantic Orientation That Includes Wanting to Participate In Traditional Romantic Gestures But Not Wanting to Pursue a Romantic Relationship? [71 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 6 Sun 4:01:13 GMT)
    Basically wanting to do traditionally romantic things like kissing, hand-holding, etc. but not wanting anything more than that. I've seen the orientation lithromantic, but that's only having an attraction but not wanting to act on it, in this situation it is about acting on it, but not wanting a romantic relationship. Update: I think lithflux might be close to what I'm looking for. If anyone has any other specific term I could use, it would be greatly appreciated!
    Questions About Lithromanticism & LGBTQ+ Prefixes & Suffixes [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 6 Sun 3:44:16 GMT)
    Update: I found the answers to my questions, I'm not sure why it isn't letting me delete this.
    My Gender System Flags [231 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 4 Fri 23:05:04 GMT)
    Some gender system flags! Astrian System Cyan represents ciphrians. Blue-Indigo represents firistians. The violet represents sunsatians. Dark red represents wistirians. Salmon represents sunrisians. The light peach represents cloudians, light yellow represents wistiritearians. Light purple represents starlinians, pink represents storstalians. Dark pink represents blakciphrians. Black represents shootalians, dark red represents elementians, and salmon-red represents cosmetians. The white diamond in the middle represents astrians. Quartz System Blue represents blue moonian quartz. Sky blue represents chalondians. The dark yellow represents sapphrians. Light yellow represents milkian quartz. Light salmon-orange represents rhodonitians. The light orange represents peachian quartz, orange represents jasperians. Light pink represents spinellians, hot pink represents roseian quartz. Light magenta represents ametrine. Light purple represents fluoritians, light violet represents tigerians eye, and purple represents amethystine, and the grey-purple represents prasolitians. The white diamond in the middle represents diamonds. Wood System Dark brown represents walnutians, brown represents rosewoodians, light brown represents sprucians. Ash-ish peach represents mahoganians and salmon-peach represents red-cedarians. The light peach represents birchians, the white-ish peach represents beechians and the white-peach represents aspenians. The ash represents ashians, the ash-brown represents pinean. The light grey-purple represents poplarians, light violet represents cherrians, indigo represents mapleans and the dark hot-pink represents hemlockians. The tree in the middle represents the entire wood system and the identities that weren't included in the flag colors meanings.
    Is there something like Monoattraction or...? [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 4 Fri 21:12:06 GMT)
    Just asking.
    Remade Astrian System Flags Part 2 [561 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 4 Fri 19:11:18 GMT)
    Second part of new astrian flags. Part 1: User blog:RoseWatera/Remade Astrian System Flags Wistiritearian Dark red represents aesthetics related to gender, red represents masculine aesthetics, the light red represents neutral aesthetics. The white-ish red represents feeling a novarian aura. The black diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Cloudian Light red represents aesthetics related to gender, light orange represents xenic aesthetics, the light tangerine represents feminine aesthetics. The white-ish yellow represents feeling a tenebrian aura. The light red diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Elementian Red represents masculine aesthetics, pink represents feminine aesthetics, the light purple represents neutral aesthetics. The purple represents feeling an ignean aura. The white diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Dreamstalian Cyan represents xenic aesthetics, blue represents neutral aesthetics, the purple represents feminine aesthetics. The pink represents feeling an ambrosian aura. The white diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Shootalian Dark maroon-ish pink represents masculine aesthetics, dark indigo represents neutral aesthetics, the indigo represents xenic aesthetics. The light blue represents tephrian aesthetics. The black diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Cosmetian Dark red represents masculine aesthetics, orange represents xenic aesthetics, the yellow represents feminine aesthetics. The light yellow represents feeling a busarian aura. The white diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Astrian Light pink represents feminine aesthetics, orange represents neutral aesthetics, the mint green represents xenic aesthetics. The light blue represents masculine aesthetics. The white diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system.
    Remade Astrian System Flags [669 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 4 Fri 15:04:21 GMT)
    This is the first part. The new flags are exactly the same, just 'higher quality' and with meaning. Firsistian Dark indigo represents aesthetics related to gender, dark purple represents feminine aesthetics, the magenta represents softer aesthetics. The white-ish salmon represents feeling a feminine aura. The white diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Wistirian Dark red represents aesthetics related to gender, red represents masculine aesthetics, the pink-ish red represents tougher aesthetics. The white-ish red represents feeling a masculine aura. The black diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Sunsatian Purple represents aesthetics related to gender, pink represents neutral aesthetics, the light red represents mild aesthetics. The orange represents feeling a neutral aura. The yellow diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Ciphrian Sky blue represents aesthetics related to gender, cyan represents xenic aesthetics, the light cyan represents abstract aesthetics. The white represents feeling a xenic aura. The white-ish cyan diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Sunrisian Dark indigo represents aesthetics related to gender, violet represents feminine aesthetics, the magenta represents neutral aesthetics. The yellow represents feeling a glacian aura. The gold-ish diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Starlinian Dark-ish blue represents aesthetics related to gender, purple represents xenic aesthetics, the magenta represents neutral aesthetics. The light pink represents feeling a crystallian aura. The white-ish gold diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Blakciphrian Black represents aesthetics related to gender, purple represents xenic aesthetics, the magenta represents masculine aesthetics. The light salmon represents feeling a luxian aura. The white-ish yellow diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system. Storstalian Dark red represents aesthetics related to gender, purple represents feminine aesthetics, the indigo represents masculine aesthetics. The blue represents feeling a vaporian aura. The black diamond in the middle represents being a part of the astrian system.
    Need help!! [27 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 3 Thu 22:30:42 GMT)
    Okay, so my Partner told me they are a system 7 alters other then Abyssself and i am just not sure how to communicate with them all i need help understanding please! -Jude (They/it)
    New Wood System Flags [897 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 3 Thu 21:17:17 GMT)
    Here are the new flags! I designed them to be the 'main' flags so I'm sorry if you made a flag and I hope your ok with these flags being the officials! /gen Birchian Flag The white represents being over 100% gendered. The yellow represents femininity, the light salmon represents fiaspec. The pink represents being over 100% female. Walnutian Flag The black represents being over 100% gendered. The blue represents masculinity, the sky blue represents miaspec. The hyper-light turquoise represents being over 100% male. Red Cedarian Flag The dark brown represents being over 100% gendered. The brown represents xeninity, the light brown represents xiaspec. The white represents being over 100% xenic. Aspenian The grey represents being over 100% gendered. The grey-ish light blue represents neutrality, the light violet represents niaspec. The purple represents being over 100% neutrois. Sprucian Flag The light brown represents being over 100% gendered. The lime represents femininity, the grass green represents androgyny. The green represents being masculine. Mahoganian Flag The light ash-ish purple represents xenine. The light gold represents xemininity, the brown-ish pink represents femininity. The white represents being over 100% gendered. Ashian Flag The white represents being over 100% gendered. The light salmon represents femininity, the red-ish pink represents magnolian. The purple represents neutrality. RoseWoodian Flag The ash yellow represents xeninity. The light turquoise represents xensculinity, the turquoise represents masculinity. The black represents being over 100% gendered. Beechian Flag The white represents being over 100% gendered. The light blue represents masculinity, the violet represents heatherian. The purple represents neutrality. Pinean Flag The dark magenta-purple represents neutrality. The dark-ish violet represents crystallian, the light salmon-yellow represents xeninity. The white represents being over 100% gendered. Hemlockian Flag The light ash hot pink represents femininity. The light purple represents masculinity, the light blue represents xeninity. The cyan represents being over 100% gendered. Poplarian Flag The white-ish orange represents being over 100% gendered. The light grass green represents masculinity, the light cyan represents neutrality. The light violet represents femininity. Maplean Flag The white represents being over 100% gendered. The salmon represents femininity, the light tangerine represents neutrality. The tangerine represents xeninity. Cherrian Flag The white represents being over 100% gendered. The light teal represents masculinity, the teal represents neutrality. The lime green represents xeninity. Oakian Flag The blue-indigo represents masculinity. The ash violet represents femininity, the wine red represents xeninity. The black represents neutrality. The white represents being over 100% gendered. Espressian Flag The light brown represents being less gendered than agender. The brown represents anon-binary, the dark brown represents being less gendered than genderless. The black represents being less gendered than 0% gendered. Whitwaswoodian Flag The light brown represents outherinity. The light ash brown-pink represents uingenders, the light ash brown represents maverique. The white represents being over 100% gendered.
    Old Wood System Flags [950 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 3 Thu 20:08:56 GMT)
    So I remembered the designs for the old wood system flags, the ones that I thought of before other people made flags. So I remade them and here they are! I'll soon add them with 'The first
    Identity History [428 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 3 Thu 19:37:11 GMT)
    Made this before in a post, but it was just gender identity. I'm gonna keep this here to update often. Some of the earlier dates may be innacurate. TW || M0nths, the word "f3tishization", summer, mentions of crying (do numbers make it hard to read the TWs?) Sometime around 2018: I watched Katzun's coming out video and they showed the Halsey Hold Me Down drop. I realized I was bisexual. March 2007 - August 2019: Surely, I'm cis? I like being mistaken for a boy online and having he/him used on me, so I have my pronouns listed as as "any." Late 2019 - Summer 2020: Questioning because I wanted to be a femboy because of a character. Brushed it off as fetishization and scolded myself. Am I asexual? Nope, after a lot of thought I am definitely far from asexual. I also got into a relationship, but I don't really have feelings for my boyfriend. Summer 2020 - December 2021: A joke-y convo with a friend lead me to do a lot of questioning of my gender. I would stay up late agonizing over it. Am I bigender? Trans boy? Agender? Despite being bisexual, I really resonated with the lesbian community, so I feared that if I wasn't a girl, I was invading. So I tried to push it down. January 2021: Tested the waters of gender with the label "Demigirl." Still confused about gender and full-on sobbing about it. Febuary 2021: Am I genderfluid? Discovered "gender apathetic," which I feel sometimes? But.. something still missing. March 2021: Oh, it's my gender! I quietlycome out as non-binary to some friends. *Quietly, meaning that I hid it in a discord channel that only a couple friends saw, lol. Bad idea on my part but I was nervous. Everyone knows now, though. I think? April 2021: Okay, I feel gender a little bit, sometimes. I must be fluid between demigirl, demiboy, and agender? I'll still use the term non-binary for ease. I think I have feelings for my friend, but I'm not sure if it's strong platonic or romantic attraction. May 2021: Right, so I'm some sort of genderfluid. My dysphoria for certain things definitely fluctuates. I'm gonna ignore telling people though because I'm afraid they'll see me as a faker. Wait, am I also aromantic?? Early June 2021: Yeah, I'm genderfluid but still identify as non-binary. I know and have known for years that I am bisexual. I'm not a very romantic person and, despite fantasizing about romantic relationships, I think I personally prefer platonic relationships. So I may be aromantic? Not entirely sure.
    Partially coming out? Ig [55 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 3 Thu 2:48:29 GMT)
    I really really want to tell my family my pronouns, so far I've only told my close friends, I was considering putting them in my insta bio and just tell them if they ask, but I'm very nervous. I don't think I'm at all ready to tell them I'm Agender/Non-binary but i at least want to share my pronouns, any tips?
    Plushsomnigender [22 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 2 Wed 22:44:19 GMT)
    I found this nice gender called plushsomnigender It describes me well add It says it's s gender connected to fluffy things that make u sleepy. It's just so perfect!
    Tone Indicators [488 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jun 1 Tue 22:26:51 GMT)
    Tone Indicators are anything in the form of shortened text accompanied by a forward slash (/) to indicate the tone and emotion of a message. Neurodivergent people often times have trouble conveying and understanding emotion or tone of messages. Through written text, it becomes harder to understand tone due to a lack of voice, body language and facial expressions. Even some Neurotypical people struggle to grasp the emotion or tone of text messages. Tone Indicator Masterlist Not Serious /j - joke /hj - half joking /ij - inside joke /t - teasing /lh - light hearted /th - threat (only as a joke) /slur - attached to words that aren't actually slurs (only as a joke) /s or /sarc - sarcastic /f - fake References /q - quote /ly or /lyr - lyrics /ot - off topic /c - copypasta /ref - reference Language Devices /m - metaphor / metaphorically /li or /lit - literal / literally /hyp - hyperbole /rh - rhetorical question Affection Types /p - platonic /r - romantic /aff - affectionate /qp - queer platonic /a - alterous /fam - familial /sx - sexual intent /nsx - no sexual intent Sincerity /g or /gen - genuine /genq or /gq - genuine question /genrq or /grq - genuine request Directed /nay - not at you /ay - at you /nbh - nobody here /nah - not anyone here /nmay - not mad at you /nmah - not mad at anyone here Positive /pos - positive connotation /hap - happy /exc or /exci - excited Neutral & Other Emotion /neu - neutral /apa or /apath - apathy /conf - confused Negative /neg - negative connotation /lu - a little upset /up - upset /vu - very upset /sann - slightly annoyed /ann - annoyed /vann - very annoyed /lm - little mad /vm - very mad /ang - angry Concern /conc - concerned /w - worried /lw - a little worried /vw - very worried Intention /pi - pun intended /npi - no pun intended /ngt - not guilt tripping /npa - not passive aggressive /gs - general statement /js - just saying /nm - not mad /nav - not a vent /v - vent nbr - not being rude /nai - not an insult /sym - sympathizing /em - empathizing /cont - continued (in next post/message) /safe - safe to open/read Symptoms /sympt - symptom /anx or /anxi - anxious /nerv - nervous /trig - triggered (only to be used when an actual trigger is set off) /fb - flashback
    Confusigender [46 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 31 Mon 18:22:08 GMT)
    I have coined a term called Confusigender Its where a part or complete gender of a person feels confused, or muddled. It doesn’t matter if they already have a gender identity/label or not. If you think you identify as it, or just want to check it out, please do! Link
    aLmOsT pRidEeEEEeeE [11 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 31 Mon 15:09:22 GMT)
    EEEEEEEEEEEE- its almost PRIDE- I came out in Feb- so this is my first pride- well- OUT :DDDDDDDDD
    I coined a gender (if that’s what it’s called) [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 30 Sun 6:21:06 GMT)
    Fudgegender [23 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 29 Sat 2:20:16 GMT)
    hi I made a gender called Fudgegender I thought no one would ever see it But then someone made a moodboard for it And I realised I wasn't invisible anymore 💖
    There's a term for being all and no genders in case someone was wondering! [30 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 27 Thu 3:19:35 GMT)
    I've encountered a lot of people who say they feel like all and no genders at once and i found a term that fits that if anyone wants to check it out: allekeinegender. Hope this helps someone.
    name recs [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 25 Tue 16:37:05 GMT)
    does anyomne have any non binary, masc leaning name suggestions??
    I'm stuck between names I need someone's opinion [97 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 25 Tue 4:09:31 GMT)
    So I'm stuck between some names that I love that I want to use for my name. I already have my first name chosen,but the middle name(s) is where I'm stuck. My first name is Oísin, pronounced similar to 'ocean'. I just don't know what sounds more natural or flowing with my first name out of these middle names: Moss, Ilithyia, Loki, Thatch, and Fenyx. If I paired two together, I like the combos Thatch and Fenyx, Loki and Moss, and Moss and Ilithyia. But what sounds better? I need some outside opinions as they all sound nice to me.
    I have never used this [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 23 Sun 21:13:37 GMT)
    this is cool.
    New Term [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 21 Fri 14:49:06 GMT)
    I just created the term genderflorent today! Check it out! :)
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 21 Fri 9:24:33 GMT)
    NETHERGENDER 171.988x171.988px TOTEMGENDER 301.991x301.991px 301.953x301.953px 303.982x303.982px RADIOACTIVEGENDER
    typing quirk refs [60 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 21 Fri 1:20:50 GMT)
    HuntressXD - types like this : the quick brow= fox jumps over the laz% dog. she!s cool though. Shipaxe - types with a 3 in places where an e would go, like this : th3 quick brown fox jumps ov3r th3 lazy dog. Icantchooseanamepleasehelp - spacey in specific-types with a z in place of an s; like this: the quick brown fox jumpz over the lazy dog.
    Flags! [49 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 20 Thu 21:31:40 GMT)
    I'm a bit hyperfixated on a flag making binge, if you want flags made for an identity respond to this or dm me on discord, and I'll get working on it ASAP. Feel free to give me as many or as few restrictions as you want. Examples are on my about page. I'm happy to help :>
    yoo i kinda made a gender? [66 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 20 Thu 14:41:52 GMT)
    its called min?gender (yes just like that, spoken maybe like min..? gender...?? in a questioning tone) it's just a big connection to mingender but in a questioning way, masc-aligned but very uncertain the flag is the mingender flag just with a lower saturation and a (badly drawn) white question mark lined with light blue and light pink to represent the questioning uncertainty in the gender!
    Responses [31 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 19 Wed 17:39:42 GMT)
    Anti-xenogender people tend to say shoit like “you can’t just invent a gender”, and I’ve never understood that. someone came up with the genders female and male and you don’t hate them for that?
    Oh wow [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 18 Tue 19:19:32 GMT)
    A blog Whats even the point of this-
    Coming out to people [24 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 18 Tue 16:39:17 GMT)
    = TW // sch**l = wondering if anyone has any advise for coming out to people at school? most of my close friends know but i need to tell everyone else. any ideas?
    follow my tumblr lmao [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 17 Mon 18:33:38 GMT)
    Making Userboxes! [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 16 Sun 19:14:32 GMT)
    making these, just comment if u want one
    Coming out of the closet to my mom,,, [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 16 Sun 17:37:15 GMT)
    So, I’m deciding to make a binder of genders/sexualities and show it to my mom as me coming out, if they’re explained then she might understand more and be more accepting, doing the same for my dad :]
    blog [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 16 Sun 2:51:58 GMT)
    blog pog
    A history of what i've identified as [388 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 15 Sat 19:51:47 GMT)
    So it started in 2018, I joined picsart and started to get some friends who were apart of the community, it was there I realized I had never seen a man I was attracted to. I identified as a lesbian. A few months later I started identifying as a bisexual transman because I didn't know identities out side of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans (but only transmen and transwomen, i didn't know about nonbinary identities yet.) so for awhile I questioned, being fully male didn't feel right and bisexual didn't seem right either.. So after one of my friends came out as pansexual and told me what it meant and told me about genders outside of man and woman. I was slightly confused with nonbinary genders but since bisexual didn't fit, and i knew i wasn't just attracted to women, i just put the label on and just said it was me. For the rest of 2019 I started to just not care about my identity, looking back on it now, i was kinda just identifying as cassgender and casssexual but I didnt really care about what people saw me as, I just was attracted to whoever I was attracted to, and that was that. I would say I was cishet and not really count myself as lgbt but i just kinda felt like i was whatever. In 2020 I started to question again, I went back to identifying as panromantic but learned about asexual and identified as that, it wasn't exactly me but due to some...lets say not so great things happening from late 2019-early 2020 I didn't want to think about sexual attraction and just said I was ace. Being cis didn't feel right either but i knew i wasn't a man, I decided to say i was nonbinary, even though they/them didn't feel that right and being masculine felt so wrong i thought nonbinary people had to use they/them and had to be masculine I just went with it. throughout 2020 I identified as many things, so i'm just gonna list some I can remember, because it was like a new identity every week Demifluid Deminonbinary Bisexual Abrosexual Agenderflux Unlabeled Bigender Aromantic Demiboy Just a week ago I found out my full identity. Im multigender: Genderfaerflux, apeirongender and cassflux but I mostly use the labels genderqueer and genderfluid. And for my sexuality im aroaceflux abrosexual.
    Reign's Coining Guide [899 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 15 Sat 19:16:56 GMT)
    Howdy hur, my name's Reign and one of my favorite things to do is coin MOGAI terms and flags, so I'm going to walk you through the process of coining a term, because it's more than just putting a word together. First, let's talk about what goes into each and every MOGAI term. FAQs Q: Do I have to ask to coin a term? A: Nope! Do I have to identify with the term I'm thinking of coining? A: Nope again! You just need to understand enough about it, and if it's a gender like a culturally exclusive gender or a neurogender, you need to be a member of said culture or have said neurodivergency to make the term, but you don't need to personally identify as it. Step 1: Figuring out the Definition First and foremost, your term needs to have a clear definition- do not think of a vague definitions, make them exact and clear. For example, if you wish to coin a xenogender relating to a certain animal, do not simply say that it is "a gender connected to (insert animal name", as on the surface that sounds fine, but is actually vague. Gender is complex, and simply saying that a gender is connected to something does not actually specify the qualities of the gender. For example, say you're interested in coining a xenogender related to dolphins. Do not say "a gender connected to dolphins", say instead something like "a gender which is connected to dolphins, either in metaphor, quality, imagery, or an existing yet inexplicable connection. This gender may feel chipper, excited, youthful, and flashy like dolphins, or may be influenced by those qualities of dolphins." The former is a definition, but it is not specific enough to describe the qualities of the gender, and without figuring out the specifications and qualities of your term, you cannot accurately coin it. Step 2: Confirming Availability Once you've got a clear-cut, well-rounded definition, you need to make sure someone else didn't already come up with the same definition for another term. MOGAI resources are growing and have been for the past decade, so it may be overwhelming to look through them all to see if someone's already made the term you want to coin, but it's not actually that much work. Since MOGAI communities are relatively new, archives for MOGAI terms are still online and can easily be searched. MOGAI coining largely occurs across the most popular of social media sites- tumblr, instagram, twitter, and sometimes reddit and Discord, as well as MOGAI resources like the MOGAI wiki community and the LGBTA Wiki. To find out whether you are in the clear to coin your term, enter a simple search through the aforementioned sites with the criteria of your term, and if you don't find anything, you're in the clear! MOGAI Sources to Check- Tumblr (especially popular MOGAI blogs) Instagram Twitter Reddit LGBTA Wiki MOGAI Community Wiki Any other MOGAI sources/websites you can think of Step 3: Etymology Time After (hopefully) confirming the availability of your term's definition, it's time to actually name your term! If you already have an idea in mind, roll with it, and check the same resources provided above to see if there's already a term with a similar name. If you're not quite sure where to start though, never fear! A term's etymology is important, as it tells us essentially the root of the term. Terms can be formed from other root terms across all languages (at least ones using the same script), so don't feel limited to drawing from your native language on etymological inspiration. When coming up with a good name for your term, think of the one or two things that are most core about your term (for example, a xenogender related to trees and bunnies- trees and bunnies are the two core things). You could use three, but any more than that would become complicated and a bit unnecessary. When you have the core words related to your term picked out, you can use parts of each of those words in your term, or you can browse for synonyms of those terms and use those, or search for translations of your core words into different languages for even more options. Using synonyms and different-language translations in etymology is common and easy to get into the swing of. Can't think of any ways to incorporate the word fire into a term differently than already-existing terms related to fire? A synonym or different language will certainly have your back! Browse those and mix and match to find the coolest name for your term! Below are some resources you may want to look into to find synonyms and different translations to help you in naming your term! https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/ https://www.thesaurus.com/ https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus https://www.dictionary.com/ Step 4: Coining Time! You've got your term and you've got your definition, now officially coin it! Include the following things- The name of the term The term's definition, explained thoroughly and clearly Any alternate definitions of the term If you came across terms with similar definitions or names, but not the same, specifically mention those terms and explain the differences precisely. Include when you coined the term, and any resources/help you received along the way. If you can, include a flag for your term Aaaaaaaaaand you're done, congrats and go forth budding MOGAI magician!
    What do I do..? [160 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 14 Fri 16:37:11 GMT)
    **TW*homoPh*bia Ever since I, well, was forced to come out, I've been feeling depressed. I have nobody to vent out to. About how I feel, about what's been going on at home, the extreme amounts of homophobia and trauma my parents have brought onto me is insane. They've even said if I still "Wanted to be a boy", I'd get kicked out of the house. I don't understand.. Why couldn't they just accept me? Why did they accept my friends, but not me? Why? I'm fcking traumatized. They're acting like all of this never happend, like we're all picture-perfect. I feel like the only people in this world who can make me happy are people who I watch online, and my friends. I feel like I can't trust anyone. Right now, I don't trust any of my family right now. Like the whole family is toxic. I just want an escape. I need advice.. Please, what do you guys think I should do?
    do people just hang out in the blogs and never surface? [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 14 Fri 5:36:50 GMT)
    like, never post on the main wiki, but only on the blogs?
    A Beginner Archivist Reading List on Trans History, Culture, and Politics [1096 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 13 Thu 16:53:15 GMT)
    The transgender symbol, created by Nancy Nangeroni in 1994 and popularized by 2002. The original symbol was surrounded by an upside-down triangle, similar to a yield sign in the US. Early this morning, as I scrolled through the #trans tag on Tumblr, I encountered a post pleading for any recommendations for books on the trans movement written by trans authors. An hour later, I reblogged the post with a starter pack of books and articles for the original poster as well as anyone interested. Right after I published the post, I realized that many of y'all on this wiki, especially those who've like my posts on research and culture, would find the reading list pretty neat. I've adapted my post for the wiki, using some of the formatting tricks here to break up the text better than I could originally. Any links to books are to Internet Archive and other archive pages and occasionally storefront pages when digitally archived versions can't be found. The original post is available here. While I've put "archivist" in the title, these recommendations are just as good for someone taking a gender, women's, and sexuality studies (GWSS), history, or cultural studies course or someone just curious about trans history. Keep in mind that while trans history is pretty neat, it isn't pretty, and many accounts of trans history discuss transphobia and homophobia as well as ableism, racism, and sexism. Books Cover of Transgender Warriors. Without a doubt, Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue and Transgender Warriors: From Joan of Arc to Dennis Rodman by Leslie Feinberg are great places to start. Both books were written in the 90s and created the modern definition of trans (as in, the trans umbrella) and trans rights (solidarity under the umbrella). Personally, I also like xir cool and casual writing style, and the gallery of images of all sorts of trans people at the end of Transgender Warriors makes me emotional. Other awesome history-leaning trans books by trans authors include: Histories of the Transgender Child by Jules Gills-Peterson, about the invention of sex, the panic around sex and gender non-conforming children, and the medicalization of transness Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Issues by C. Riley Snorton, about Black trans history in the US starting in the 1600s Transgender History: The Roots of Today's Revolution (2nd ed.) by Susan Stryker, the progenitor of trans history studies that is also a great resource. Adjacent honorable mentions include Jen Manion's Female Husbands: A Trans History on "female husbands," AFAB people attracted to and marrying women who were publicly and often privately men, and cis author Michael Bronski's A Queer History of the United States that helps place trans history within the greater context of LGBTQ history. Great culture- and politics-leaning trans books by trans authors include: Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serrano, a trans theory book and manifesto around bashing back against transmisogyny Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for the Transgender Community, a somewhat tame trans anthology that does cover the spectrum of trans experiences in the US; a 2nd edition--with a piece from me!--is coming out Fall 2021, so maybe wait on picking it up Detransition, Baby!: A Novel by Torrey Peters, a fiction book that captures late 2010s and early 2020s trans discourse in a thought-provoking way. These eight books (ten with the honorable mentions) have helped me build a robust foundation for studying and recognizing trans history (in the US, at least), and I believe that they are essential for anyone else interested in trans history, too. Articles Page from Thomas Blount's Glossographia, or A Dictionary, 1656. The page defines transection as "a turning or passing from one sex to another" and transfeminate as "to turn from women to man, or from one sex to another." While the OP asked for books, I also suggested individual articles and manifestos, as well. Great intro scholarly articles on transness and the English language include Talia Bettcher's "Trapped in the Wrong Theory: Re-Thinking Trans Oppression and Resistance" and Joseph Gamble's "Toward a Trans Philology." An article on the relationship between trans politics and feminism, both pro-trans and trans-exclusive, that is way easier to access is Bettcher's "Feminist Perspectives on Trans Issues" in the completely online Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Two important manifestos in the spirit of Feinberg are Emi Koyama's "The Transfeminist Manifesto" and Alyson Escalante's "Gender Nihilism." These five articles specifically provide a rich baseline for terminology and the philosophical culture wars around transness. Other Sources A lot of the books and articles I know about focus on the US and UK and the English language but obviously that doesn't fully encompass all trans experiences. This is where the LGBTA Wiki, especially the entries on exclusive genders helps. From experience revising the Meti page here and subsequently on Wikipedia, some pages may be copied from Wikipedia entries that are poorly constructed themselves. However, just having the terms and something about them is worth understanding non-Western trans experiences and trans experiences in the Global South. When all else fails, the archive Trans Reads has many digitized readings (including books, articles, and zines) on trans history, culture, and politics, including many mentioned throughout this post. Created with a similar spirit, the Tumblr blog Trans History is an archive of, well, fragments of trans history through images of writing and art, although the blog hasn't updated since June 2020. Conclusion Trans history is super interesting, and I'm glad people want to know more. This reading list is seven years in the making, and I've got plenty more recommendations. I hope OP found it helpful and that y'all have, too.
    talk abt s*xu*l stuff, swearing) [30 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 12 Wed 22:53:52 GMT)
    what the fuck is sexual attraction what does it feel like is it like "oh this person very nice hmm yes indeed i would like to have sex with them" or what i might be asexual idk
    does anybody look at these.. might wanna do something with it [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 12 Wed 19:14:12 GMT)
    Might make a journal idk bruh
    I'm boreddd [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 11 Tue 4:14:54 GMT)
    anyone wanna chat?
    Do all mods know each other? [50 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 10 Mon 18:19:21 GMT)
    Cryptocrew, The Ash System, Prince Luci, and Clear Skyes all seem to know each other. It's like they've formed a network of moderators to stop hate and bad stuff on this wiki. They also seem to know each other very well outside of their jobs as mods. This is no criticism or jealous comment, just an observation.
    valid genders [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 10 Mon 12:55:22 GMT)
    all of them all of them are valid
    I need some help 3: [108 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 7 Fri 17:49:15 GMT)
    my personality [586 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 7 Fri 17:16:31 GMT)
    this is just me ranting. i dont know why the fuck you are here since im not that active, but hi. anyways, im kinda just explaining myself.if you havent met me before on some other wiki, i WILL swear, and sometimes bring up sensitive topics, but swearing is mainly the big one. if it makes you feel any better, ive noticed that the main reason why i swear is me putting a sheild around myself, to hide what i really think, so people dont have to worry about me and i can care for my friends, or just repel people i dont know. AKA i know no one in person here since this is the internet, hence why i swear so much. Kinda depressing, but once you get to know me im really just a teddy bear. but also, its like, besides my anxiety, my only shield from real life and how fucking cruel it is. HAHA yes gramar mistakes. im in advanced and yet you get to read this mess. anyways, its all really just my shitty typing, as i dont really give a crap with my typing,and autocorrect can sometimes be my friend. just know that when you see me, at least one grammar/spelling mistake will be present can we not? ok im forcing myself to write this part, but its anxiety. its like, on a scale of small to high, like a medium for me. thats all you need to know. it exists, and people denying that it isnt real- i- n o ooooooooh denial pogchamp! ok this should be the ast depressing thing you have to read, but anyways, i call myself pan, because if they are atraccted to all genders, at least i would be accepted into society in some way, even if i was "half gay" or whatever you want to call it. but im pretty sure im a lesbian. also, i call myself demiromantic just so i can deny the fact thta i really like that one person. or sometimes its true, but fuck it. Protecc. if you dArE insult one of my friends in any way, i WILL be making sure that i will get revenge for them. dont do that I also care for them. ive been nicknamed the mom/therapist, and will listen to any rant they have and try to help them in any way possible. this also goes for animals If i like something, im going to be addicted to it. for years. currently the things i like the most are Wings of Fire and the Dream smp. Oh also i really like sander sides, but we wont talk about that. anyways, yes if i got hooked, expect me to talk about it, or at least make references for awhile. OH SHIT HOW DID I FORGET STAR WARS- also softball and just throwing things is pog im a memer. not entirely, but enough to annoy people. or at least thats what i tell myself I have a bad memory. thats all. oh also im an atheist, but i have so many christian friends that i know most of what has happened. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD- i s w e a r to FUCKING god- pot pies. try it. poggers Hey look ten how convenient! anyways, if you wanted to know more about me, this was it. one caring, depressing, unfunny extroverted mess. Hey but thats everyone in the world isnt it? anyways, have a good rest of your day (and yes, i tried really hard to not make references there)
    My Own Queer History (and Announcing a Short Break) [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 7 Fri 3:36:54 GMT)
    I need help- [48 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 7 Fri 2:30:14 GMT)
    Okay so... Is there a sexuality version of gender hoarding..? I'm abrosexual and I keep using all these terms to describe my sexuality (and I do the same with gender identities) If there isn't a page could someone help make one? I could make a flag and help with some other stuff. Thanks in advance!
    any Outsiders fans? [19 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 7 Fri 1:43:56 GMT)
    i really love the outsiders so like if there are any fans of it hmu in the comments (also sodapop and dallas winston are sO fINE)
    Dude’s Guide to Research [3643 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 5 Wed 23:07:49 GMT)
    No, this guide isn’t just for dudes. That’s just a play on my username. This guide is for everyone who contributes — or wants to contribute — to the LGBTA Wiki. I’ve written this assuming that my audience is familiar with the editing, style, and community guidelines, but no doubt some of the points and rules brought up in them are repeated here. The bulk of edits I do are to references, from adding references to adjusting how they appear on pages. While the LGBTA Wiki has no specific formatting guidelines for sources, there are ways to effectively do and convey research that help the wiki. What You Should Know Before You Do Any Research Before you start typing into a search bar, or forbid a new page shell, you should know at least two things about what you’re researching: The name of the term and any variations or modifiers A working definition of the term. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, as a famous Bill put it. But as Gertrude Stein wrote just as eloquently, a rose is a rose is a rose. We queer people use many terms to mean the same things, based on our disparate experiences and language preferences. It’s important to know how we overlap. If you know alternative terms or spellings for a single term, that knowledge is helpful to you as a researcher and a member of the community. In the branching world of identities, you should also be aware of modifiers. By far, the most common modifiers are -gender, -sexual, and -romantic. In the edits I’ve done for the wiki, I’ve also found that -boy, -girl, and pangender- are also popular. Once you start to recognize modifiers, it becomes much easier to recognize patterns of language that influence how we name ourselves and create those names. It makes it a lot easier to track down the origins of a term, even if that term has changed over time. Definitions also change over time, which is why it’s crucial to have a working definition when you research. Your definition is likely to change as you do more research — even if you coined the term — and having a rough guideline of who has a gender identity or sexual orientation and how they experience that identity or orientation keeps a term and the page you’re making coherent. Sometimes, your research will lead you to varying definitions of similar or the same terms, some of which work better with your working definitions, others...not so much. It’s ultimately up to your discretion if you’ll make one page in the end or more for the wiki. In the case of peachgender/peachigender, I ended up keeping the page together because more characteristics in each definition overlapped than not. In the case of the orangegender gastrogender and colorgender pages, however, I had to split them. Sometimes you’ll find yourself really doing research for multiple terms. A third, highly recommended thing you do before you start researching is opening a Word or Google doc, or whatever your preferred note taking app is. The best research is retraceable, and keeping notes — or at least copying and pasting URLs and writing short descriptions for each URL — is the best way to keep track of what you find. Doing Research Whether you’re updating an existing page or coining your own term, it’s best to start with the wiki. You want to ensure that whatever you’re adding, or adding to, is original. It can also help you find similar terms and umbrella terms or categories to make a term more searchable. Specific Terms The best place to start is the search bar. Try searching the term you’re working on and see you get back. Try searching for variations as well, especially for potentially modified genders. For example, when I did research for the cosmicboy page, I searched for “cosmicboy” and “cosmicgender” to see how many connections I could make, which also pulled up “cosboy.” In that case, the terms were not connected, but I could still differentiate cosmicboy from the other terms. Some terms may not have their own page yet but are featured in existing pages. Open any relevant pages in separate tabs—the more you can connect to the page you’re doing research for, the less likely that you’ll have a dead-end page on your hands. If you do find helpful pages on the wiki that aren’t exactly what you’re researching, make good use of the internal links on those pages. Internal links are highlighted words that link to other pages within the LGBTA Wiki. Pay attention to unique or unusual internal links. If many of the results you got mention aesthetigenders, you may want to pay extra attention to the mention of aesthetics, sensations, and the word “feel” as you do further research. If a system like the critter system continues to show up, follow internal links up its branches until you can find a main page that lays out terms people with critter system genders use and how they understand gender. This helps you build a reservoir of vocabulary to help you recognize patterns in how your term is being discussed and defined. Specific Concepts Sometimes, especially if you’re coining your own term, you may not find your word or any relevant modifier through searching for them specifically. In that case, you’ll want to break down your term into concepts and categories. Concepts here means free association. If you’re coining mantisic, for example, you’ll want to list words that are important to describing the subject or metaphors of that gender, mantis and bug for example, as well as the experiences around that gender, like fight and nature. If you’re coining a sexual, sensual, or romantic orientation, you’ll want to focus on who feels that attraction (all people potentially, only non-binary people, only women), who do they feel attracted to, and how does that attraction feel (exciting, repulsive). Categories are a fixture of the wiki and important to the growing understanding of the asexual and aromantic spectrums as well as multisexual and xenic experiences of sexuality and gender respectively. Becoming familiar with the categories of the wiki can help you figure out what niche your term fills. Common categories, besides gender and sexuality, include: Aesthetigender Xenogender Multisexual spectrum or m-spec Asexual spectrum or ace-spec Exclusive identities Duplicate Etiquette Occasionally in your research, you may find pages that are duplicates, or the same page with different titles or slight to no differences between them. First, open the Source Editor for the page with the least amount of information and copy all of the code on the page into a Word or Google Doc. Before you leave, add four braces surrounding the word “delete” at the top of the page. It should look like this:{{delete}} Content editors and other wiki members with badges may not take the time to check if the details between pages differ and may delete a page that, even slightly different, has important details the other does not. Duplicate etiquette means making sure any details from a shorter duplicate page that differ at all from the other longer page make their way onto that page. Doing Research Outside the Wiki If you’re coining your own term, you likely don’t need to do any more research outside of the wiki. Feel free to scroll down to the section on citing sources. However, if you’re searching for sources to update an existing page or see if the term has a previously unknown history, you’ll have to traverse the world wide web to find any clues about the term you’re researching. Unlike when doing research within the wiki, you’ll need to stick closely to the term you’re researching and its variations. The only concepts you may use in your search are “gender” or “LGBT” or “queer,” something that orients your search results in the right direction. Below, I’ve listed my four go-to sources: Google, Tumblr, MOGAI-pedia (a wiki minded by exclusionists until March 2020), and other queer, gender, and sexuality wikis hosted on FANDOM. Google Google has the best interface for researching as it follows limits and spellings to a T. Some Boolean tactics that may help you find the most specific results are: Encasing a term in quotation marks “like this” and then adding the word “gender” or “LGBT” (no quotation marks) to your search terms If you want to see if you get any hits in a certain time range, adding two years separated by dots after your search terms in quotation marks, “like this” 2005…2015 Many of your hits may be duplicates of each other, especially if most of your search results are linked to Tumblr. Pay attention to how the hits are titled and where they lead. Open any that look safe or open to familiar sites (like Tumblr or Reddit) in separate tabs. If you see more duplicates than original sources, stop. I usually go three to five pages of results in to make sure I have a range of quality resources to choose from. Tumblr You can also search Tumblr directly. Type in the term in the search bar and scroll through the popular (not recent) posts related to that term. For some terms, you may get the exact coining post. For others, you may get a lot of other posts. Don’t look more than two pages in (if you have pages enabled) or five minutes (if you have endless scrolling enabled) on Tumblr. To save the link to a Tumblr post, click on the three horizontal dots in the top right corner and click the “Copy Link” button. This is also how you can access the exact timestamp of a post. Sometimes, Google searches will lead you to Tumblr posts as seen externally, not inside, the site. Some blog layouts make looking for dates a miserable task. If you are logged into Tumblr and encounter a post like that, you will have to Click the “Reblog” button. Send the post to your drafts (or you can reblog it if you really want to). Go to your drafts (or dashboard if you reblogged it). Click the three horizontal dots on the top right, and record the date. If you have to guestimate the date (based on visual cues like “posted 4 years ago”), still make sure to include a link to the Tumblr post by copying the address at the very top of your screen. MOGAI-pedia One uncomfortable but oddly reliable source is the MOGAI-pedia wiki, an anti-MOGAI wiki run by exclusionists who catalogued MOGAI identities in order to mock them. Their vitriolic zealousness, however, has turned into a great advantage when doing research, especially because they archived posts by deactivated Tumblr accounts like uncommongenders, genderrose, and mogai-archive that we wouldn’t have access to otherwise. For those who don’t find searching their archives and interacting with their vitriol totally off-putting — and are prepared to find sometimes unsavory comments in archived reblogs — it’s a great resource for finding the origins of terms and flags thought lost to time and deactivation. Other Queer Wikis Other wikis like the LGBTA Wiki exist and are a lot less hostile than the exclusionist wiki, including the Gender Wiki, the LGBT Info Wiki, and the LGBT+ Wiki. One problem with these wikis is potential gaps in research, as these wikis often don’t use sources. They also have somewhat jarring color schemes that make them hard to read. However, when they do have sources, it’s awesome, and even when they don’t, they can help point your remaining research in the right directions, bringing up new flags, definitions, and variant terms. Citing Research After you’ve done all of your research, it’s time to synthesize what you have into the page you’re editing or creating. It’s really up to your discretion how you write about a term or how you combine, split up, or arrange sources. A post that covers that revision process is a little beyond me at the moment, but I can walk you through how to create footnotes and formatting research materials for the wiki. If you’ve ever read a Wikipedia page, you’ll notice that there are notes
    Hello [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 4 Tue 17:20:12 GMT)
    Hello people of wiki. Have a good day or night.
    yuh story time [2475 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 3 Mon 12:59:44 GMT)
    TW: abuse, suicide, knives, death, parents, family CW: cursing Prologue - That fateful night It was a brisk autumn night, when Alena was walking down the street. This was usual for her, as she didn't have many friends anymore, not after her best friend committed suicide. She'd had feelings for her friend, and confessed, then her friend committed suicide, at least that's what it looked like. If it wasn't suicide, was it a murder? Who could've killed her best friend, was the burning question in Alena's mind. "Hey mom... I'm home..” "Hell, what took you so damn long to get home again? You know your dad's gonna beat you if he finds out about this!" Alena's mom is more dominant in her life than her dad, but her dad is more intimidating than anyone Alena knows. "You'd know why if Sarasa was with me, obviously," Sarasa is her late best friend's name. "Why do you always pull this shit when you get home? It's always "this wouldn't've happened if" this, "i wouldn't be like this if" that. I'm done with this. Go to your room. Dad's coming home soon. Also I found 3 knives in there, if I find more I'm putting you into a psych ward, got it?" Alena didn't reply, because Sarasa was just getting out of the psych ward when she died. Her mom knew that, yet still went through with the idea of putting Alena into the psych ward if she needed to. Alena had been suffering through cycles of suicidal depression for a few months, for obvious reasons. The next day at school, Alena wore her frizzy red hair in a low messy-bun with strands of hair framing her purple eyed freckled face, with an off-black oversized hoodie, which Sarasa had given to her. She thought something was off, but didn't question it, when there was something odd feeling, it was usually nothing. She hoped. Class went by as usual, with the addition of a new student. Not really important, well, nothing really was important to Alena anymore, not after everything she’s been through. But there was something off about that kid, something that reminded her of Sarasa, something peculiar. Alena had no interest in it though. Then the kid walked up to her. “Heyyyyyyy, Alena right?” their voiced was very piped up, unlike Alena, who’s voice was very tired and empty. “I- yeah, how do you know my name..?” Alena was confused, at many things about this person. “Sarasa talked a lot about you! I’m Sierra, but you can call me Ira!” “Wh-who are you and how do you know Sarasa?” “She was my fraternal twin. She loved talking about you.” “Sarasa never mentioned you- ever, never when we spoke..” “Oh yeah, that’s right, I was shunned by my family for not being perfect like Sara. She was my idol, and I wanna know how she died.” “O-oh, the case was closed as a suicide, but I doubt that it was a suicide, since she never even joked about suicide..” “She did, especially when talking to me!” “What kinds of things did she say..?” The two went on and on about the kinds of things that Sarasa joked about, it was…. Nice in a way.. Almost like having Sarasa back.. Chapter 1 - The Mystery As with all things that caught Alena’s attention, she hyperfixated on it. Then came the oddest thing she had ever experienced… She saw Sarasa. It might now have been for long, but she knew what she saw. That white hair, those black streaks, those blood red eyes… It was Sarasa. “Ahhh...ahhhhhh…..Why did I just see Sarasa- I- she- she’s gone…. Isn’t she..?” “Hey, hey, calm down, you’re just seeing things, she’s not here, come back to your senses, Alena… It’ll be okay, everything’s gonna be okay, got it?” Sierra saw her too, but she’s seen Sarasa in her hallucinations before, it was normal for her, but she knew that what she saw wasn’t a hallucination, it was her, it was Sarasa. “N-no… There’s no way that wasn’t her…. I-it’s different than me seeing my dad at night- I live with my mom and step-dad……. I- isn’t there anything we can do to find out if she’s really dead..?” Alena heard a voice, a familiar voice, not Sierra’s… but Sarasa’s voice.... It said, “You’ll be fine, just look for the golden bridge we used to go to…. You’ll find me there, I promise..” “I-I will, I will find you Sarasa… I promise… I’ll always find you…” Alena burst into tears… The problem was, the golden bridge Sarasa spoke of, was taken over by a tornado, three weeks prior to Sarasa’s death… How did Sarasa expect Alena to find it if she hadn’t been to the bridge since they were 5..? “Come on, Alena….. It’s okay, you’re just hallucinating that Sarasa is here…. She’s not here…” Sierra continued with the ignorant façade. “That’s not a hallucination, I swear… It can’t be... “ Alena choked up, “It can’t be….” the second time she spoke it was like she was holding back the urge to burst into tears again. “Calm down, I’m taking you home, you need rest…” “No-o….Not home… not with my step-dad.. No...oooh” Alena’s voice cracked as she spoke. “I’m taking you home, Alena.. That’s final.” “Don’t take me home with h-him… please…” “Why do you not wanna go to your own damn house?” “B-because of him…… He’s ab-abusive…..ahhhh...no…..Please don’t take me th-there..” “I- then I’ll take you to my house. It’s fine.. You know you could’ve just told me earlier… but I know it’s hard to open up about some things sometimes.. It’s okay.” “Okay, thank y-you. I appreciate it..” When they got to Sierra’s house, Alena felt a sense of comfort, an actual sense of home. She didn’t want to go her home again, she wanted to stay here, with her new friend.. With Sierra. With her new best friend. Alena collapsed onto the floor, she fell asleep. She was happy. She felt like she could die peacefully here, with no regrets, to join her best friend… “Oh, nodded off to sleep I see.. Well, I’ll just take you to my room and wait for you to wake up, I don’t have much else to do, anyways.” Sierra lied with Alena and stroked her hair, to her heart’s content, Alena didn’t mind, it had been a while since she had been able to sleep very well, it was comforting. She enjoyed Sierra’s company. The next day, Alena awoke to hundreds of text messages from her mom, asking where she was, and Alena knew that if she went home at this point, she’d be hurt badly before going to school the next day. So she stayed at Sierra’s house. Sierra clearly had a knack for building and construction, because Sierra had built this house from the ground up. Sierra was interesting, she was so similar to Sarasa, yet so different from her. It was comforting. She liked Sierra’s company. Sierra and Alena walked to school together the following day. Their teachers asked them where they had been. Sierra simply said she needed to do things for her parents, an obvious lie, while Alena plainly refused to answer. She didn’t like being forced to talk, it made her think of her step-dad, of which, abused her. She didn’t pay attention in class, she didn’t want to. The only notable interaction she had during school was during lunch. “Heyyy!” It was Sierra. “Hey, Ira” “So uh, question. Do you like girls, or was it just Sarasa..?” “Umm.. I don’t know, really. It might have been just Sarasa, it depends.” “O-oh ok.” “I- are you okay? You don’t usually stutter like that.. Unless, you were disappointed by my answer?” Alena let out a slight chuckle. “N-no obviously..!” “It doesn’t? So it wouldn’t faze you if I did this?” “Did what..?” Alena let a slight smile. “You know what. I’m gonna show you what I mean.” “I- uh..-” Alena then leaned in to give her a kiss. It was her first kiss, Sierra's first too. Sierra didn't mind. She enjoyed it.. "Um... Did you.. Mean to do that?" "Obviously I did. Why wouldn't I have meant to do that." "I- why me? I'm not even- I'm not pretty- I- I'm not a good person.." "Oh, stop being stupid. You're a great person, nothing could change that... I promise.." "Even if I had killed Sarasa..?" Sierra hadn't killed her own twin, she would never, even if she was jealous of Sarasa. "That....that'd be different, but I'd know if you did, immediately, I can tell, you didn't kill her." "How'd you know that I didn't..? I could have..." "I- my dad killed someone before, he killed his sister, my aunt.." "Oh, geez..... I feel bad for asking.. I'm sorry.." "Hey, it doesn't matter, he's in jail, for life.. don't worry, he doesn't bother me.. not anymore." "I... okay then.." The lunch bell rang, they had to wait a few more hours to talk to each other again. Chapter 2 - Them The school bell rang, school was over for the day. Sierra knew that Alena wanted to come home with her. Instead, Alena guided Sierra to her house, where her parents were, Sierra wanted to talk to them herself. “Alena...why the hell didn’t you come home last night? And who’s this girl with you?” “I- she’s- um…” Alena was panicking. “It’s okay Alena, breathe. It’s okay...  I’ll tell her who I am and everything, just calm down, okay?” Sierra held Alena tight. She knew that this made Alena uncomfortable. “Why would you help her? She doesn’t even know you.” “She does. And my name is Sierra. I go to the same school as Alena, and I took her to my house last night, she didn’t want to come here because of her step-dad.” “I’m calling bullshit. She’s not afraid of her step-dad. She can’t be. It’s not like he abuses her when I’m not home.” “H-he does, mom….He h-has for years now… I thought you’d know by now… But apparently not…” Alena had burst into tears just before finishing her sentence. “No, he doesn’t. You would’ve told me if he did, I would’ve divorced him on the spot.” “Alena told me everything. He does abuse her, and she even told me that she can tell if someone killed someone from the familiar feeling that she had after her biological father killed his sister. She told me absolutely everything.” “Alena, I swear to god, you told her too much, you know what’ll happen if your step-dad comes home, right? If he hears about this, he’ll force me to beat you, and you know I don’t wanna do that.” “You’ve enjoyed hitting me every time you’ve done it. You’ve never regretted anything have you..?” “Of course I have, currently I regret having you.” “Sierra stop! P-put the- the knife- put the knife down- put it down please….. please…” “No. I’m not stopping. She hurt you, and that’s unforgivable. I’m not letting you live with her anymore.” “S-stop, I-” Alena’s mother was bloody. She then had flashbacks to her aunt’s lifeless body. “W-why…. I loved you so much…. Why did you do this…” Sierra came back to her senses, then burst into tears. “Oh god….oh god I just… I killed her...I-....” Alena’s step-dad came home. “What the hell. Who are you and why is my wife dead?” “I- d-dad… w-welcome home….” Sierra snapped again. “Not welcome home, Alena. It’s goodnight forever. What he did to you is unforgivable. It can’t be apologized for…” “What the hell’s she talking ‘bout?” “Sierra- no- don’t…. Wahh-ahhh- you- you did it again… Come back to your senses, please…. I’ll forgive you… just come back… please..” “Is there anyone else who’s hurt you..?” “No...There isn’t…” “Hah….haha...good.” “Please, s-stop… It’s making me uncomfortable…” “Don’t worry, my sweet, I’ll protect you, no matter the cost..” Sierra came back to her senses again. “D-did I-” “Yes, you k-killed my parents…” “I-I’m so sorry…” She burst into tears. “Hey.. It’s okay… Everything’s okay…” “Is it..?” “It is. I assure you I’m not mad at you.” Alena gave Sierra a big hug, then leaned in to give her a kiss to reassure Sierra. “I- uh…” They then fled to Sierra’s house, after taking Alena’s belongings with her. They would be safe at Sierra’s house. Everything would be okay. Chapter 3 - Sierra’s house was really nice, it had a living room, a fully furnished kitchen, and a working bathroom, with windows, plumbing, heating, and lighting. It was nice. By the time they got to Sierra’s house, Alena was so emotionally drained from the events that just occurred that she could’ve done the same thing she did the first time she came here. She knew the layout of the house well enough to where she could navigate herself toward the bedroom with no problem. She dropped her bags onto the floor, and started unpacking. “Hey, what’re you up to now?” “Oh, just unpacking things, nothing much. What about you?” “Absolutely nothing hehe. Don’t worry about unpacking, you just get your pajama’s and your phone and whatever else you need, and you can relax, got it?” “Oh, ok. I’ll relax then if you insist.” Sierra proceeded to unpack Alena’s things, then realized Alena was comfortable on the bed, and probably asleep, so she let Alena sleep, she needed it. Alena fell asleep and couldn't remember what had happened. She was content with her life for once. “Oh Alena~~ wake up~”  it was Sierra. “Nyehhhh- whyy do I have to?” “School. We have school, Alena” “Fu-” Sierra stopped her. “No. We don’t do that here.” in a light-hearted sort of way. Certainly not rude or hateful, that’s something Alena knew very well. “Fineeee. I’ll refrain from saying words you don’t like. Only because I love you, y’know that right?” Sierra almost choked on her fresh-brewed tea. “You what-?” she said it in a way that sounded kind of rhetorical. “Yuppers.” Alena wasn’t lying, “How’d you not realize that?” “Uhhhhh I dunno.
    Anima [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 3 Mon 12:47:46 GMT)
    Ok I think deku is soo underrated because hes so small and cute but get me right i think villain deku proves that wrong
    Gender crisis [22 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 3 Mon 12:22:42 GMT)
    So can I identify as pomogender while still being feminine? I've been in a gender crisis for a while now and I might finally be out of it. Pomogender
    YuniYuniyic [31 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 May 1 Sat 2:31:51 GMT)
    I made a gender called YuniYuniyic or YuniYunigender. It's a gender related to Yuniyuni the Unicorn that feels soft or cute and may have a connection to other unicorns. Plz tell me if this has already been coined?? 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 🏳️‍🌈
    Coming Out [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 30 Fri 18:07:25 GMT)
    I came out to my mum. She said I was too young to know, and that I should not tell anyone I'm bisexual. I'm not listening to her (btw, we are on good terms -- I choose to forgive her for this.)
    Another questions [130 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 29 Thu 16:49:23 GMT)
    So, if you're animogender, would you be able to identify as a system? Kinda like a DID or OSDD system? I'm just confused about that because based on the description of it, it kind of sounds like you can but at the same time, I know it's not the same thing. I just want to know bc I'm animogender worldgender and idk if I'm okay to identify as a system. Ik we're not the same at all but it's *kindathe same general idea. ~Shadow (Sorry if that sounded offensive at all. I didn't mean it offensively, just a genuine question) (I also meant to say question in the title-) Uh so I'm sorry that I said 'identify'. I just realized now how rude that was, and I apologize and understand that a system isn't an identity.
    T*******bia? [107 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 28 Wed 19:17:16 GMT)
    So.. Let's just say I didn't get to come out in the best way. Either way, I still think that nothing would've changed about how my parents felt about me being trans and omni. I don't think their h******bic or anything, but it really feels like it. I wanted to identify as he/him, and I also have a gf. They told me it was a sin, that I was a sin, and that I was following sinners. This is kinda hard to put out on social media, so I'm not going to go into too much detail, yk? But I just.. What do you guys think I should do? Please, anything helps.
    help TW: sch**l, Te**hrs [120 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 27 Tue 13:14:13 GMT)
    In my online sch**l, my te**her said we all have to have our camera on all the time. now, put a dysphoric person in that situation, and someone who has social anxiety, it isn't great. how should i tell her that i am crazy uncomfortable with a camera without coming out?I could use the excuse that my camera isn't working, but that would get suspicious. so that might work for a day or 2, but not in the long run edit- I told my teachers that I'm not fine with my cam being on all the time, so attendance and breakout groups are the only times im required to be on camera, and I just show the top of my head/wear a hoodie
    Hhhh gender help needed- [485 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 26 Mon 20:49:36 GMT)
    Yeah, so I posted this on the worldgender page already, but I'm kinda impatient xD- sorry bout that... I need (well, technically "want to find out" instead of "need" but yeah) to know if I'm worldgender or not. (So, yea I need help determining if I'm worldgender or something else) Here's some info on my gender: I feel like there's at least 3 genders in me and usually there's this kinda prominent one. It's more of a masculine gender. Or like masculine aligned. I was born a female but don't really identify with that. Only sometimes, I feel a little bit of fem. I feel like without that little bit of fem, I'm like not complete or something? Idk. Does that even make sense? I feel like there's no fully fem gender that's in me, but there is a fully masc gender. Around the furthest the fem goes is demigirl or something close to that. I'm rarely demigirl and even rarer paragirl. Most of the time it's just agender identities and masc identities. Sometimes enby. But like, all of my genders are kinda connected with this emotional bond. It's really hard to describe that, but I feel like without one, I won't know what to do. (Idk if my brain makes me think that or what, but it's just odd-) I have no idea if I'm worldgender or not... But I did feel a connection when I read the worldgender description. That could mean nothing tho bc I felt a connection to the abrosexual definition and stuck with that for like 2 months, and it ended up not being me- To explain a little more on how my gender feels: So, let's use a cis male as an example. He's 100% male, and feels 100% male. I have this 85% of my gender that is some kind of masculine gender. That's permanent and always stays there. It doesn't fluctuate. That 85% is always whatever that masculine gender is (haven't figured it out yet). Then the other 15% goes back and forth. I have like 20 other genders right now, I believe. They kinda just go in and out. And they also have a little bit of their own personalities. It's not like DID or OSDD. It's just a little bit of personality. And they can't control me(/my body) at all. The 85% stays in control and is always conscious. But the 15% can like kinda influence my personality I guess? Idk how to describe it. It's kinda like a smol voice there telling me to do this or that. That's not the best description but idk how to describe it lol. Again, it's not that much of an influence, just kinda like an edge on my sentence, or being more kind/understanding, I guess. Little minor changes when that 15% of my gender changes. It feels pretty complex and complicated and idk if I'm just imagining it or if it's real... Anyway, if anybody can help me, it'd be appreciated! :))
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 23 Fri 14:35:11 GMT)
    I am currently questioning my gender. I am using the label cassgender but I'm not sure if it fits. I've gone through a lot of different labels so far and none quite work. I've always felt a slight connection to femininity. Any suggestions?
    Reign of breadsticcs [138 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 22 Thu 22:14:09 GMT)
    "hello, i'm from the LGBTA wiki discord server, and as you may know, @reign of the breadsticcs is currently blocked by request, but she's contacted me on the discord server after seeing what's going on on the wiki and she feels powerless to help, and wants you all to know that she loves you and she'll be back soon and anyone can message her and talk to her if they need her. she knows it's painful there right now but she wants you to remember that this is a community about love and you all deserve to heal. she loves you all (/p) and she's genuinely here for all of you, when she gets back soon she promises to do her best as a mod to try and help the community heal and recover and make it so that drama like this can't happen again"
    damn i havent been here for ages [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 22 Thu 14:33:10 GMT)
    Alfie's thoughts [19 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 20 Tue 21:50:34 GMT)
    Hold on but did any of you know that I Alfie am taller than Spixity and Yoda? Cause if not now you know :) -Thots with Alfie
    Is there a moth gender? [12 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 19 Mon 17:48:36 GMT)
    I know that there's mothgender (gender that changes day/night), but is there a xenogender directly relating to moths?
    hello [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 18 Sun 16:04:08 GMT)
    wtf? miriamsexual is not even a bestiality sexuality [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 17 Sat 15:28:29 GMT)
    Hewwogender? [47 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 16 Fri 8:56:22 GMT)
    umm Can someone make the page hewwogender for me I can't do it for some reason Here is the definition: Hewwogender: a gender that is inviting, sweet, and friendly, like the word “Hewwo!” Base it off that plz💖💖💖 genderpusteblume The person who made it I can't get the link but search it up!😊
    -careless [32 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 15 Thu 13:29:39 GMT)
    -careless is a suffix for when one doesn't care about their gender, attraction, orientation and/or anything else. Some examples are gendercareless, attractioncareless and orientationcareless. A person can be, for example, cisgender or transgender and still identify as gendercareless.
    Attractionless [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 14 Wed 23:00:10 GMT)
    Attractionless is the state of not having attraction.
    I plan to come out to my dad soon [109 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 12 Mon 18:23:25 GMT)
    Heh so like- I plan to come out to my Dad soon as you can see by the title. I just need advice on coming out as Trans! I've thought about it for a while, and i decided it was time. I thought of using those Ken and barbie songs, but I'm not sure he'll understand. I hope he doesn't think less of me. He called my cousin who went on a date with a girl (My cousins a girl) Weird, and that's whats making me a bit nervous. My parents like to judge people, so I'm pretty sure my self esteem will plumish with me coming out, you know? Please, Any advice helps. Xo, Xzmzu
    Anything related to fluidity [58 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 12 Mon 15:44:51 GMT)
    List of links for fluidity: Sexuality: Fluidity in sexual attraction: Abrosexual Fluidity in the intensity of sexual attraction: Aceflux, Acespike, Ace-jump Fluidity in romantic attraction: Abromantic Fluidity in the intensity of romantic attraction: Aroflux, Arofluid, Aro-jump, Arospike Gender: General gender fluidity: Genderfluid, Demifluid General gender fluidity based on amount of genders: Multigender, Pangender Gender fluidity based on intensity: Intensiflux
    I need help with my orientation [272 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 9 Fri 13:45:56 GMT)
    Ok, so first things first: I don't really care about who anyone thinks of my orientation or if anyone thinks I'm just trying to fit in or whatever. I'm doing this for myself. I want to have a word for my feelings, but I don't know if it exists or not. I feel like I have to put this out there because my family is absolutely accepting of LGTB+, but they don't like how much it's expanded. They feel like there should be some sort of government kinda controlling it a bit in a way? Idk, I just don't really agree with it, but I respect their thoughts, and I know they'll respect mine, but I'm too timid to say that I'm a supporter of all genders, identities, orientations, and etc. Another part of my anxiety I have to get through. ANYWHO Is there anything that is kinda like a hoarding term that is fluid and simultaneous at the same time? Because that's what I feel. I can't find anything like that, and I have to know if there is anything like that on the site. Like, right now I'm absolutely repulsed by the thought of me being in a relationship, but I still identify as glarosexual, demian, and etc. but I also fluxuate with some others that I feel like describe me a lot. I've been looking at Multisexual/Multiromantic, Kiwihoarder and Magpiehoarder, but I don't know if they're fluid AND simultaneous at the same time like I'm looking for. I know exactly what I feel, I'm technically not questioning anymore, but I don't want to confirm it until I can find some kind of name for this.
    i have a question [68 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 8 Thu 19:40:43 GMT)
    (let me know if i should add a TW) i'm error, and i am plural system. but i do not have DID or OSDD. i actually am a tulpamancer. (a tulpamancer is someone who intentionally creates headmates for whatever reason) so i was wondering if tulpamancers are allowed on this wiki, i'm only asking because i don't want to offend or invalidate anyone with systems different from mine. please let me know -Error
    Coming out [44 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 7 Wed 22:02:28 GMT)
    Hi I was wondering what’s a good way to come out? Who should I start with? I know that my dad is a supporter I’m not sure about my mom and brother. Should I come out in pride month or coming out day? What do I have to say?
    Pronouns [40 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 7 Wed 13:06:57 GMT)
    I have found what I am. I’m a gender flux demi romantic abrosexual. I’ll do a coming out question later unless you wanna answer it now. My question was does abrosexual, Demi romantic, and gender flux have any pronouns? Do all LGBTQ+ orientations have pronouns?
    Finding my gender [75 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 7 Wed 0:37:44 GMT)
    I’m wondering what my gender is. Is the title and my first sentence ok? I feel like I’m a girl but sometimes I feel like a boy. I feel like both boy at times and girl at times but sometimes I feel like I don’t fit in either at times. I also sometimes feel genderless . I also sometimes feel neutral at times. What would my gender be? Did I say this correctly? I again hope no one gets offended.
    Can I be more than one? [61 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 6 Tue 22:40:59 GMT)
    Hi I was wondering. I hope this isn’t offensive to anyone. Can you have a sexuality, gender, and romantic orientation at the same time? Are they all completely different? Is romantic orientation, sexuality, and gender the same or different? Can you be a gender, sexuality, and romantic orientation at the same time? Again I am just wondering and I’m sorry if this offensive to some people.
    Any demigirls or pansexuals who wanna chat? [29 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 5 Mon 15:01:25 GMT)
    I'm a pan demigirl, im bored in my class, and just wanna talk. anyone else, it doesnt just need to be a demigirl or pansexual person. i just wanna talk to someone else -Pink she/they
    Is it right wrong [67 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Apr 5 Mon 14:23:42 GMT)
    HI. So i am going to ask a few questions. 1. Is there a right or wrong way to ask someone about their pronouns? Is there something i say first before asking. 2. How do you know if your any of these sexuality or romantic orientation? Is it ok if i ask that and was the way i said it ok?What are pronouns for and when should they be used? Those are all my questions.
    Coming out [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 30 Tue 14:20:22 GMT)
    Hi! I need some advice on how to come out as a pansexual demigirl to my parents. anyone know a way to help? Thanks!
    I'm starting to have more interest in girls- If I'm omniflux and like all genders, including girls which is new- would I still have a preference? [34 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 29 Mon 15:28:41 GMT)
    I'm literally vibing to girl in red pls idek my sexuality anymore- I had like very little interest in girls but that one person.. Changed that all. please I need a answer I'm so confused..- They're so pretty it HURTS.
    Opinions? [14 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 29 Mon 7:02:44 GMT)
    Do gender stereotypes influence (online) dating experiences? Do ppl conform to gender stereotypes to be more liked? Let me know pls!
    Possible Label for my Gender (still working on it) [136 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 27 Sat 2:02:25 GMT)
    So I think I might have a good name for my gender I am coining, as it makes sense to me! I would love some feedback though. Okay here it is: Mosaic. It's based off the actual genetic mutation called Mosaicism, which is where your body has different forms of chromosomal makeup throughout it without any issues. Think of Calico cats, they are a perfect example of mosaicism, they're chromosomes have different groups with different hair colors, and those are in patches throughout the body. Since I feel like I should have been born intersex, specifically XX/XY, and what I'm feeling is hard to describe in words,I think making my label off of the term makes sense! So for me, I'm Trans Mosaic. I also know I'm xenic, so I could shorten it to Moxenic, but I'm not sure on that.
    Let's discuss [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 26 Fri 12:56:16 GMT)
    Pls comment your thoughts on "labels like masc and femme are toxic" Im interested
    Saw a "let's Google translate stuff"-thread from a while ago and did it with Calligogender [133 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 26 Fri 10:52:08 GMT)
    After about 7-8 translation this was the result. "Calligopender means when you have a type of combination. They honor their names when they learn about their sexual orientation. You can use happy banners and describe their emotional and emotional state to create communication and collection of your favorite flags in digital or physical format. Participants can use keywords and definitions to describe sexual relationships and behavior. The people it works with can communicate better between men and women, but they don't have to be citizens. Many men and women can have a stable collagen condition at the same time. The Collogender theme is similar to a Collector or Keeper of a Gender, except: Specifically written by Gender. Men don’t have to talk about private sex. This is a heterosexual gene." I'm especially amused about the simultaneous stable collagen condition.
    Clearing things up about the gay man flag [602 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 26 Fri 0:13:04 GMT)
    Neutromme alt [19 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 25 Thu 20:14:42 GMT)
    I made a new Neutromme flag base on the original design so it aligns more with the proxvir and juxera flags
    Neutremme [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 25 Thu 7:10:19 GMT)
    alt Neutremme flag
    I'm coming out to my step-brother as trans, any advice? [44 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 24 Wed 15:40:26 GMT)
    I've decided to come out to my step-brother, but I just don't know how. I've thought about this for a while now, and decided it was time. Do you guys have any advice? I know it's my decision, but I genuinely do NOT know how to come out to him lol
    art [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 24 Wed 13:32:26 GMT)
    Gender Identity [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 24 Wed 0:30:52 GMT)
    Umm need some help. [55 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 23 Tue 23:01:10 GMT)
    i need the top 15 gender identities and the top 15 sexuailities (the most popular among the community) im creating a slide to educate my high school and hoping to present at a virtual assembly in 3 weeks. thank you so much for any and all help. just comment below what your identity or sexuality is and ill figure it out from there thank you!!
    Help please [79 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 23 Tue 22:35:55 GMT)
    I need help figuring out my labels- So, I’ve never ever wanted/want to have sex, and the only romantic attraction I’ve felt is either toward fictional men and my best friend for a short while (I still like her and would date her but it’s kinda.. not romantic?) I don’t really care about labels but I keep getting asked what my sexual/romantic orientation is and I want to be able to answer. Can I have help please? (He/him please)
    Flag design [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 23 Tue 21:49:52 GMT)
    Hii, I made a flag for a gender called Amasculine and I can't upload it so could someone do it for ne? Thanks!
    Hello guys, gals and my nonbinary pals!!💖💖💖 [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 22 Mon 22:01:57 GMT)
    So I have like over 50 genders is their a term for that,?!! How is everyone??!💖💖💖 Does anyone own any stuffed animals or plushies I own lots of animals in my room which also is planty and messy.💖💖💖 Remember to write signatures in my profile may I wanna know what people think of e or just to see what funny things people write Which emoji is cuter?! 🐛 🐌 🐰 🦄 By all ma unicorns!!💖💖💖
    Flag for my Gender [115 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 22 Mon 17:49:55 GMT)
    I'm still figuring out my label, but I have been drawing this symbol for a while that really speaks to me, and I chose colors that I feel represent what I feel. I hope it looks okay! Symbol: A xenogender symbol mixed with the symbol of mercury. 4 dots that show different aspects in life- child, adult, elderly, with self being at the top and center. Colors: Black- the unknown or representing the feeling of something outside of what we know. Purple- all three represent the middle road or in between, and the various degrees or shades it can be felt. Grey- the lack of masculine or feminine, but a feeling of something still there.
    gender questioning lol [106 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 22 Mon 16:29:20 GMT)
    hi y'all rn im id'ing as nonbinary, and it works for me, buttt i'm wondering if there are any terms that might fit this description. uhm my gender kinda feels like it's there & is everything but also nothing and nonexistent at the same time? like idk how else to explain it,, like it's there most of the time but simultaneously it also feels blank?? sometimes too it's one or the other or it fluctuates between different alignments/whatever, but just like yeah. sorry if this is incoherent lolll so if anyone know of any terms that r similar to what i've described, could you tell me about 'em? if not thanks anyways haha
    idk man [39 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 21 Sun 3:21:48 GMT)
    i really like neo pronouns but they dont fit my gender (genderfae) and im wondering if you can use pronouns that arent related to your gender. (also if someone could give me some tips on coming out to your parents that would be very much amazing)
    Does anyone know if there's an A-Z list [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 20 Sat 6:55:58 GMT)
    HI! I'm wondering if there is a masterlist of wikis that have been entered?
    Sexuality [54 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 19 Fri 21:49:33 GMT)
    Hi! I'm questioning my sexuality right now. I am agender and generally romantically attracted to women but now I had a crush on a feminine presenting nonbinary person and maybe I could like someone who is women aligned. I don't know if this is a one off and I'll probably only like girls from here but still...what is my sexuality??
    Heyyyy [20 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 19 Fri 0:38:57 GMT)
    Hi my name is Luka im an alter in the system About me Im 16 I use all pronouns i dont label my gender or sexuality thats it?
    namezz [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 16 Tue 15:25:02 GMT)
    nnyone know any namez that r based off of cinnamoroll or milkk
    wanna put a new gender, what yall think [105 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 21:56:42 GMT)
    I don't really know if this gender exists yet, but i wanna create a page for a gender, it falls under the term Animogender, but the people you feel are your genders, are people you like/have a crush on. I don't know if I'm the only one in the world who feels this way, i'm animogender but my genders are people that I like, so I just wanted to know if creating a page for it sounds like a cool or bad idea lol, also, if anyone of you feels the same way. Oh, and I would name the gender crushgender, but of course, ill have to think of more names
    help people [85 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 21:44:58 GMT)
    Im a trans boy, and theres this guy i like A LOT, like since 2016, and we know each other, and he said he liked me too, but the problem is he doesnt know im a trans boy and im afraid he wont be accepting or just stop liking me. I know that if he changes his mind after telling him im trans then thats his decision and i must accept it but i feel sad anyways, so can yall pls tell me jokes or funny stuff so i can laugh a little? :)
    owo [4 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 17:12:00 GMT)
    hehe i made a blogggggg :DDDD i dunno how dis works.
    Gender Identity Art [56 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 16:35:43 GMT)
    I was finally able to draw out what my gender dysphoria feels like for me for my therapist! It feels like two different things separately, so I drew two different things that cannot be combined, they always are close but not together. One of them is what I desire/wish biologically, one is what I feel metaphorically.
    idk i just wanna talk to some other oaas [80 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 14:20:31 GMT)
    haii im bored and wanna talk to some other oriented aroaces xD here’s some info about myself, im a demigirl (she/they) and im a lesaroace and polyamalterous (polyamorous but with alterous attraction) really i wanna talk about anything i can relate to on the oaa/alterous side of things bc ive recently found out what alterous attraction is and have been looking at a lot of things and ive been having fun but im running out of things to look at-
    New Gender!!! [89 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 15 Mon 0:04:16 GMT)
    Ok this is the first page I have ever edited/made and I made it because the terms Girlby/Feminenby/Non-Binary Woman didn't exactly fit me so I made a new page; Fenby (or Finby)! if someone requests it, I will make a male counterpart to this gender! I need ideas for the name of the male counterpart though. Also, I kind of like Aesthetigender, so a flag I made is the Fenby Aesthetigender flag! Fenby Aesthetigender Flag by Unfunny person420
    having a gender identity crisisssss [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 14 Sun 21:40:25 GMT)
    Aaaaaaaaa [76 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 14 Sun 20:58:55 GMT)
    I used to be really cis but ive been influenced by a lot of stuff so now I want to kinda be nb/feminine and I feel like im faking when really it just seems like comfortable label even though I hadn't felt that way my whole life also im questioning whether or not im aro or ace bc I dont know how to identify sexual/romantic attraction very well so I am v e ry , c o n f u s ed
    There are too many similar terms [53 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 14 Sun 20:49:17 GMT)
    So I have no problem with micro labels, those are fine. but what really bugs me is that some sexualities/gender/etc. are basically the same definition. I don't think it can really be fixed at this point since there's so many pages, but I just wanted to get that out there bc it's a small thing that bugs me.
    Questioning my gender [363 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 13 Sat 15:34:17 GMT)
    (so- i have no idea if this is how you do this- im so sorry if i made a mistake while trying to make this, please tell me if i did) In December (2020), I was starting to feel like I wasn't a female anymore. So I started searching up stuff on here and eventually found the term demigirl, which I felt described me perfectly. Over the months, I've felt like I'm not a demigirl anymore, because I started feeling different genders week-to-week. I though, "Hmm, maybe I'm genderfluid?" so I went onto the genderfluid page to find more details. Turns out, I'm not genderfluid. Case in point: the page says, "
    New Genders [432 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 11 Thu 10:35:38 GMT)
    Coining many new terms for genders on this post- Xynthera: a singular gender identity, just like female, male, juxera, etc. It is a gender that, like juxera, is derived but distinctly separate from femininity. In the case of xynthera, however, it is not just derived from feminininity. It is also derived from xeninity. Xynthera is a single gender that is derived from both femininity and xeninity, but is a single gender, not a mix of the two, and is still completely unrelated to how xenine people and feminine people experience their (respective) xeninity and femininity. Xynthera is not a combination of feminine and xenine, nor is it someone who is multigender who is both fiaspec and xiaspec or has xenogenders. It is a distinctly separate gender from the two: derived from them but experienced as a singular, completely coalesced gender that relates heavily to qualities of femininity described in an entirely xenine way, that experience is core to the gender but is still separate from "standard" femininity and xeninity. Xynthvir: the masculine version of xynthera Xynthari: the androgyne version of xynthera Xynthouri: the outhrine/aporine version of xynthera Instrugender: general term (could be an umbrella term or a gender on its own) where one's gender is in some way influenced by a musical instrument Genderstaccato: a musicgender that is decisive, shortened, and pronounced, in a musical way. One's gender can be pronounced and decisive, but if not experienced in a musical way or in relation to music or music theory, then their gender would not be genderstaccato. Genderetude: a musicgender that feels like a very specific category or technique of music, while feeling "short" and light"; based off 'etude', a piece composed for a particular technique development which is often short and specific Genderconcerto: a musicagender where one feels that their gender is like a beautiful piece of music, but is composed of one strong, "focus" gender which is complimented by background musicagenders (like how background music supports solo music in concertos) Genderorchestra: a musicagender where one feels their gender is or is like a string orchestra, feels like a piece of music played by a string orchestra, or is a combination of all instrugenders for string orchestra instruments (violigender, celligender, contrebasigender) Gendersymphony: a musicagender that either feels like a combination of most or every single instrugender (therefore feeling like their gender is a literal symphony composed of a lot of instruments and therefore different kinds of music), and/or feels like their gender is an extremely complex, prodigous, deeply emotional musical experience composed of complexly and beautifully interwoven musical aspects and aesthetics/musical instruments. Slightly similar to harmonigender
    How to have discussions on Super Straights from here on out [322 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 10 Wed 21:49:51 GMT)
    TW//super straights (obviously) Thankfully you guys have been kind enough to add trigger warnings in discussions about Super Straights, but I feel like we could do better. So here's how we're going to do things from now on. Depending on the severity of the content, posts discussing Super Straights will probably be either deleted or locked, regardless of whether they're pro-Super Straight or not. The reason for this is because giving Super Straights attention is what they want, whether it's positive or negative attention. For example, posts made for the sake of saying that Super Straights are invalid will be deleted. Posts in general, made for the sole sake saying that an identity is valid or invalid, are really not productive. They invite trolls and discourse that can easily delve into harassment. Yes, Super Straights are not LGBT+. This is not something that needs to be said anymore, and it is not productive to say so for the sake of saying it. If a post is made to discuss information of Super Straights (such as if they get a new flag, symbol, etc.,) these posts will probably be locked. If there is something that you want to add to the Super Straight page, or that you think people should know, message the admins on our walls. Speaking of messaging admins, keep in mind that if you have criticisms or comments for certain decisions or practices involving the admins, please message us on our walls. Making a call-out post is counterproductive and invites drama, and can make it easy to lose sight of whatever issue you wanted to discuss in the first place. If you have any questions, comment below or message me on my wall. Thank you. - James (he/him) Edit: also, here are some videos of trans people talking about super straights and why they're problematic: https://youtu.be/tYiQwYxZlWU https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3Ai21yBPKw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WfbqJlxDHk0
    Please help [239 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 9 Tue 18:37:21 GMT)
    So recently bigender didn't fit me well. Including my sexuality and romantic attraction (pomosexual and panromantic). I'll start talking about my gender identity or just gender I suppose. 1 month ago I found out I "was" bigender (both Nixera and demipangender), but it didn't fit me well. So I decided to search some genders in the feminine genders category but they don't fit me well. Then I decided to go in the androgynous genders category. Still I didn't found my gender, I found some xenogenders that kinda fits me well but I really really wanna find my gender. So here's info about me, I'm sam. I used to be a demigirl then demifluid and then Qenon-fluid (a gender that I created) and now bigender. Those genders didn't really fit me well. I feel genderless but I also feel all genders , a huge amount of femininity and a little bit of masculinity. I'm AFAB. I use they/them and sam/salself. That's all about my gender. Now my sexuality and romantic attraction. I used to be pansexual, then pomosexual and my romantic attraction was just panromantic. I care about personality and if I date someone I feel like I lose sexual attraction to that person that I'm dating especially if it's a boy but it won't if it's a girl, now for my romantic attraction. I feel romantic attraction to everyone especially girls and enbys. That's all. I hope I find my gender, sexuality or my romantic attraction.
    Trans-Friendly Term for Those who Have Preference [294 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 8 Mon 22:30:27 GMT)
    Seeing the onslaught of "super straight" I see people already explained the problems about it so I'm here to coin something that is both trans friendly and specifies preference. Imprisexual Imprisexual is a term for those who have a certain orientation but have very specific preferences. from genital, to aesthetic these individuals may feel these specific preferences may very much shorten down their picks when out on the dating field. One may call themselves impriheterosexual, impribisexual, impriomnisexual etc. Imprisexual is on the sexual range of orientation whilst impriromantic is on the romantic range of orientations. One can be imprisexual but not impriromantic at the same time. Why impri and not SS? Problem with SS is that it implies its better if you aren't attracted to trans people, above that SS pluck out transpeople, and further cause a bigger divide in trans people and dating, it also specifies "natural born" which clearly is very dehumanizing to transgender people because it implies trans people aren't "natural." I have seen this thread from a support forum regarding SS and: https://forum.heartsupport.com/t/super-straight-scares-me/21001 it just shows the sheer harm it causes, many who are SS don't see the lives this is risking by continuing the mob and further damaging others. Its not showing respect, its just dehumanization disguised as a sexuality. If you guys want to show your preference, then do impri, its a flexible term to specify any preference and how it can affect overall the playing field in dating. Flag Don't have one yet but I plan to use some nice pastels and stuff and a human handprint to have everyone acknowledge we are all human and even if they have specific preference they respect you and care. :] Might add on but thats all I have for now!
    Reason why the "super straight" isn't valid [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 8 Mon 18:52:49 GMT)
    Quick Question! [84 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 7 Sun 18:24:15 GMT)
    So I see a gender therapist, and she said that, due to what I feel not matching any gender or label, I should pioneer and coin a gender of my own. However, after reading the links the wiki provided on how to do this, I'm still confused on how to go about doing this. I don't want to offend or weird people out, and I don't know what words to use or how to combine words to create a term. How should I go about doing this?
    New Term [89 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 7 Sun 15:32:25 GMT)
    This new term is called 'ehlasrean' and it comes from the Zulu term 'ehla enyaka' meaning 'fluctuate' and the Irish term 'sreabhach' meaning 'fluid'. It is a term for someone who is both genderflux and genderfluid, but is not fluidflux, because the part of their gender identity that is genderflux isn't genderfluid, and the part of their identity that is genderfluid isn't genderflux. This could mean that they're genderduplex with one part being genderfluid and the other being genderflux, or that they're demigender with one part being a genderflux gender and the other part being genderfluid.
    Question! [22 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 7 Sun 3:43:49 GMT)
    Hi! Is there a term for someone that likes to collect gender terms based on things like the stars and space? If not, could I maybe coin one? :D
    New ''Sexuality'' [42 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 6 Sat 7:24:57 GMT)
    The cishets are at it again by trying to become oppressed. They are trying to make a sexuality called ''superstraight'', where they claim to not be transphobic but superstraight means they ONLY like ''real women'' (cis afab girls). Which, is transphobic. We really can't have anything.
    Syssexual [13 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 5 Fri 19:12:37 GMT)
    Syssexual is a sexuality in which the identity changes depending on who's fronting. Flag: https://pin.it/l90C3yx
    I am confused lol😅😅 [44 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 3 Wed 23:19:36 GMT)
    How tf do you navigate on this website?? I can’t seem to understand where I’m supposed to go to do anything lol. If I want to talk with other users or members for example, where can I do that?? Is this even the right place to ask questions? Idk😅😂
    artttttt [21 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 2 Tue 16:07:46 GMT)
    March 02 2021 9:37am [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 2 Tue 14:41:07 GMT)
    Uhh, I have no clue what to put hereroace :D
    I have some questions about gender [75 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 2 Tue 2:13:26 GMT)
    Anyone who is non-binary, gender queer, or trans can you guys help me. When you first kind of decided that what your gender was did you have moments that you kind of thought you were lying to yourself? Or moments where you didn't want to change your name because people have known you by that name your whole life? Or just moments that you doubted that you actually were that gender? If you guys have experienced anything like that, let me know. :)
    mmm [48 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 1 Mon 14:48:20 GMT)
    Rain they/them
    I can't decide if I'm a lesbian. I need help. [155 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 1 Mon 6:02:12 GMT)
    So apparently, I watched this video that would "turn me gay", and after watching the full video, I realized that I wasn't a lesbian. Also, I was thinking if there was only one way to be gay. But for all I know, there's this thing called same-sex marriage. Everybody knows this, of course. Everyone knows that it's possible to date someone the same gender as you and not only be straight, even if you're bisexual. Or even if you a different sexuality. I kept thinking to myself, with this question in my head: "Is dating someone the same gender as you the only way to be gay?" I'm pretty sure this might be the only way to be gay. I don't know. But I still, I'm thinking if there's any other way to be gay other than dating someone the same gender as you. (P.S: The video was called SUBWAY SURFERS STORYTIMES THAT TURN YOU GAY
    How are yall [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 1 Mon 3:44:31 GMT)
    Help [55 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Mar 1 Mon 0:25:34 GMT)
    Hi I have two questions, How do we remove categories from under a wiki, I made a mistake but I don't know where I can remove it. How do we put our label's place as the thumbnail? Looking through the alphabetical order list there are some without an image next to it , I was wondering how I could do that to mine
    Help with my sexuality [108 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 28 Sun 15:54:05 GMT)
    So um I don't know if anyone else experiences what I do. I've been looking everywhere for it but i just can't find it. Basically my sexuality is like, it takes me a SUPER long time to start to like anyone, due to trauma, but I can like... tell? Who I have the um ability(?) to love in the future? I don't know if I just can't find this and it exists, or if I should just make my own label... Like, I´ve been looking into caedromantic and cupiosexual but those just don´t fit 100% they feel a bit off and I just can´t shake that, I just really need some help -Clara
    My Intro [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 27 Sat 22:32:36 GMT)
    research purposes (cough i'm writing a story) [29 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 27 Sat 18:29:02 GMT)
    OKAY SO DEMIGIRLS DEMIBOYS DO Y'ALL USE HE/THEY / SHE/THEY OR JUST THEY/THEM PRONOUNS IN GENERAL Legitimate question I'm paranoid and I wanna know if y'all use like...two sets of pronouns or not.
    I think I am agender. Can somebody help [268 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 25 Thu 19:32:54 GMT)
    I started to question my gender not long ago, maybe 2 or 3 months ago because i felt the term girl didn't fit me. I liked the term agender because when I got myself more into figuring out my gender, it kinda felt like I just didn't have a gender, and that I didn't want to be seen as a girl, boy or an enby, but just me. But the thing is that ive never really thought about my gender before this, it has never really occured to me that I could be anything else than a girl. Unlike a lot of other trans/enby people that i have read about/talked with, Ive never had a big problem being grouped with girls at school or going to the womens bathroom. I also love presenting feminine and wearing dresses, but I guess that doesn't really have anything to say for my gender identity. I have never had serious dysphoria either (maybe because my chest is natrually small), but idk if it is common for agender people to have dysphoria or not. And lately, i have started to question what gender even means, I just can't really get a grasp on it. Like, what is gender? So if any enby/agender people would like to tell me how they figured out they were agender/non binary and how you experience gender/ what the term 'gender' means to you, I would be really happy And I have one more question btw. Can agenders identify with xenogenders? Ok, have a good morning/day/evening/night everyone! (Sorry if my writing is messy or bad, english is not my first language)
    Xeno pronouns [115 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 25 Thu 1:54:55 GMT)
    How do xeno and chara pronouns work? I’ve seen some people relate to different Xenogenders, but how does it work normally? Like, if you were, let’s say, beargender. If someone wanted to use pronouns like bearself, would it be bear/bears/bearself? And with charapronouns, if someone wanted to be...idk Chara from undertale for the heck of it, would those genders be Chara/charas/charaself? Or William Afton could it be Will/Afts/Willself? Or Luke Skywalker Luk/Skys/Lukself? It’s really confusing to me, since I live with my sister and mom who are trying to squash all my differences and stopping me from learning about things like this. My dad’s okay with it though, thankfully.
    Question about making a system [117 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 24 Wed 18:19:42 GMT)
    Hi! I wanted to make a gender system based off of nature, which would be things like mushroomgender and other biogenders together (I promise it makes more sense in reality). I was wondering if I could make a page for it since I didn't create the labels (except for mushroomgender), and I'm putting mostly already existing labels together in one system? I'm sorry if this is confusing ;-; (ps. my intention for making the system is because I fall into it, and find the themes of the genders in question to be quite similar. if you'd like me to talk more about my ideas, i'll happily let you know. also sorry for the obnoxious questions since i am new to making pages and such.)
    Ugh [1 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 23 Tue 19:43:55 GMT)
    the trolls are gonna drive me crazy istg
    Q and A! [148 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 23 Tue 4:52:33 GMT)
    Heyo people! How are you? I’m bored so I thought a Q and A would be nice, just to get to know eachother! You do not have to answer if ya don’t want to. No one will judge you! Be yourself! What’s your name or preferred name? what is your sexuality and pronouns? do you feel happy with who you are? Do you watch anime? If so, what’s your favorite anime? do you like reading? If so, what is your favorite book? what is your favorite game to play? (If you play games) what do you like to do in your free time? what is your favorite food and/or drink? do you like art? do you like listening to music? im sorry it’s so long. Like I said, you don’t have to answer if you don’t feel comfortable about answering. I hope we can be friends. Bye! 🏳️‍🌈
    Question About Gender [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 20 Sat 20:55:36 GMT)
    So, I have a couple questions: 1) Can genderflorer people feel androgynous genders? 2) Is there a type of genderfluidity where you don't know what genders you are experiencing? Like, you know that your gender is changing, but no labels accurately describe your genders?
    Sexuality Help [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 20 Sat 20:12:54 GMT)
    Behind The Closet Door [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 19 Fri 2:04:35 GMT)
    Gender [40 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 19 Fri 0:11:26 GMT)
    Is there a gender like cassgenderfaun, but instead of knowing that they aren't fem, they know that they're masc? I don't really feel like my gender matters at all, but at the same time, labels are really important to me (I know that's kinda contradictory, but whatever).
    I Need Help With My Gender [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 18 Thu 23:06:33 GMT)
    my quest to find my gender [131 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 17 Wed 13:45:07 GMT)
    I already made a post/blog whatever about my gender but I think I can describe it better so you could put my gender into two identity’s I am fluid between 1. the first part of my gender is also fluid/flux between male and female. I go from 100% female -> 50% female 50% male. I think it might be bi-genderflux but the problem is that I never feel agender. I always feel fully gendered (or have I gotten the definition wrong?) 2. and the second part is kenochoric I change between these two, I’m never 50/50 between them. I’m always thankful for your help <3 edit: I just found out that bigender can be fluid between the genders and the genders can be fluid/flux themselves. It fits very well so I guess my quest is over (for now.)
    Can someone help me [113 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 16 Tue 14:02:26 GMT)
    I was pretty sure I was bigender-flux because i my gender identity changed daily from 100% girl to around 50% girl and 50% guy but- Then I realized that sometimes I feel like both/null, not as in 50/50 but as the two genders melting into one and becoming.. neutral/null/void like (not agender) So: I feel 3 genders- girl, guy and null/void/neutral(idk what that’s called so I would also love help with that :D and the two binary genders, girl and guy, fluctuate between 100%->50% girl and 0%guy to 50% guy. and then there’s the void like which is never fluctuating. It’s not 100% to 0%, it’s 100% OR 0% does anyone have an idea of what its called? Thank you <3
    :) [9 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 12 Fri 21:51:39 GMT)
    Y’all ever feel like you don’t exist because you’re only deadnamed and misgendered ☠️👌🏳️‍⚧️
    storage [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 12 Fri 14:18:17 GMT)
    I'm confused on what is my gender (Warning: I have terrible grammar so you may not understand) [167 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 11 Thu 2:37:59 GMT)
    Also Quo Also is Manon-fluid and Suntnon-fluid is for Non-fluid. So uh, (I'm now pomosexual and uh idk how change my name to Sam the pomosexual) Uhhh. So I have been questioning my gender. I used to be Qenon-fluid (a gender that I created a month ago, here's a pic of the meaning of Qenon-fluid (aka Fenon-fluid). But. I didn't feel like that either. I don't feel like agender at all, I feel like I'm fluid but my body doesn't. Maybe pangender? Maybe demigirl? Gxrl?? I'm still not sure about that. I feel like I'm gender queer, I'm not sure. Well uh, if you want more info about me here it is: I'm pomosexual. I use the they/them and sam/sams pronouns. I feel like my body is fluid but is isn't Maybe demifluid or.. idk. My identity changes every day but it's still not fluid. I hope one day I found my gender. (Edit: I'm bigender, both nixera and demipangender :) ]
    Rick Astley is Bendys voice actor [385 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 10 Wed 11:02:52 GMT)
    We're no strangers to love You know the rules and so do I A full commitment's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it And if you ask me how I'm feeling Don't tell me you're too blind to see Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you (Ooh, give you up) (Ooh, give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) Never gonna give, never gonna give (Give you up) We've known each other for so long Your heart's been aching, but You're too shy to say it Inside, we both know what's been going on We know the game and we're gonna play it I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling Gotta make you understand Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Never gonna give you up Never gonna let you down Never gonna run around and desert you Never gonna make you cry Never gonna say goodbye Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you Official Profiles Rickroll.com Rick Astley Rick Astley but with pink hair Official Rick Astley
    Can someone explain the difference between these [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 9 Tue 23:02:34 GMT)
    Finsexual Finic Femmesexual Gynesexual
    uhh questioning somethin [184 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 8 Mon 1:12:20 GMT)
    uh is there something out there that means I'm more attracted to men then anything, but that changes sometimes, and then Im more attracted to women, but like heavily attracted, to one more than the other, but Im still willing to be with them even if they're not what Im extremely attracted to, like I don't know if that's omni or like sanssexual but Im confused, and that describes me a lot. I know for a fact I am asexual, but like my romantic attraction changes Like for the past three weeks Im mainly attracted to males but like I don't mind dating a girl or nb person while still being attracted to boys, but like the three months before that it was women but I was dating a guy, but I was more attracted to women I wouldn't say it's omni but sanssexual is the closest thing I could find, but sanssexual doesn't really fit completely like it's not exactly that. I thought it might be Abrosexual but then it said specifically sexuality, not attraction but i dunno?? so like hhhhh I don't want to get yelled at but like I don't knowww
    Finding flag creators [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 6 Sat 1:36:37 GMT)
    Sorry, nvm
    I Have no Idea What I Am [66 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 4 Thu 21:31:36 GMT)
    So, I’m kinda new to all of this LGBTQIA+ stuff, so I’m not sure what to identify as, or if I even am LGBTQIA+ So some days, I feel like acting traditionally masculine (i.e. things you associate with masculinity), but more frequently I feel like acting traditionally feminine (i.e. things you associate with femininity). Is there a term for this, or am I not including enough details? Thanks!
    trying to make a new label to fit me [125 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 3 Wed 3:22:08 GMT)
    so obligatory intro, i’m mercury or hymn, i use xe/xem, thon/thons, soul/souls, and they/them pronouns. now onto my main issue. i’m like 90% sure i might be aromantic, more specifically arovague and,,,, something like nebularomantic? (don’t attack me, i’m autistic, i can use these terms) i feel kinda like nebularomantic, but instead of being unable to differentiate between platonic and romantic attractions, i can’t differentiate between fixual (basically hyperfixation- or special-interest-based attraction) and romantic attraction. so i’m tryna make a term for that ^^ if any help could be given with anything related to said term (name and flag mainly) i’d be eternally grateful!! tysmm! also apologies for not putting this into a category, i’m on my phone and idk how to
    im kinda confused lol [11 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 3 Wed 0:13:37 GMT)
    How do you link wiki pages on your profile I wanna do it to mine and im confused
    Flag Question [158 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 1 Mon 21:08:14 GMT)
    Actually, I remembered the NB flag exists and am going to use that. Also, how do you delete a post? X3 Hehe, figured out normal posts ^^ I'm making an 'LGBTQIA+' art piece thingy and I have the basic rainbow pride flag as the border/background thing and respective flags for each of the letters but I don't know what to put in the '+'? Does anyone have any ideas of common or broad terms that I could put the flag of in the '+'? (also this isn't the type of post I meant to make- Still learning how to navigate the wiki properly ^^') Also, the finished work is in the comments for anyone interested I chose Vincian for the G to parallel Lesbian since the flags are similar and it is a masculine x masculine attraction, and Gay is often thought of as the male counterpart of Lesbian when not being used to include both homosexualities
    gender issues ‼️ [132 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 30 Sat 10:42:11 GMT)
    hello, everyone. my name is len, and my pronouns are frog/xe/they/he/she. please dont call me girl/miss/sis. my genders are gendervoid, saturnian & demigirl, which makes me trigender! today i’ll be talking about gender. alright, so i used to have so many problems with my gender, and it SUCKED. it was like “i needed a gender to live”. but one day, i found out about the term gendervoid. it pretty much related to me. i felt like i had an empty space for gender, but i just couldnt. i didnt know why, though. after i used the term, i was honestly happy, since my life is kinda complete. i think this is a big ass cliffhanger, but oh well. i dont know how to complete sentences and stuff, but yeah. see you all soon!
    Help [128 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 29 Fri 21:56:23 GMT)
    Okay, so I think I like they/them pronouns, a bit better than she/her. And I THINK I feel somewhat Agender, or genderless but also female. Most of it is female. But if someone asked me, “what’s your gender?” I would say girl. Also, I don’t have trouble picking which bathroom to use, I just go into the girls, and I feel comfortable in it. But I don’t think I feel fully female. I also really want people to not be able to tell if I’m a girl or a boy. But that won’t happen because I have HUGE boobs, which I HATE. But I also love wearing dresses and skirts. Am I demigirl? EDIT: I will take answers even if my question is a year old or 8 months.
    pls help msg me if u are up to the challenge of whats my romantic orientation [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 29 Fri 19:32:17 GMT)
    message me if u think you can help pls also if u have any advice as to how to find out ur gender atm/romantic orientation read the page about me if u wanna know more info before you talk to me
    quantityfluid check out my profile to see what it means!:) [2 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 29 Fri 15:38:53 GMT)
    just click my profile it will take you there
    Little Non-binary Journal Thing [436 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 27 Wed 21:54:25 GMT)
    Being non-binary be like; 27/01/2021 Today, I asked my mother if there was more than one gender. ( I decided to pretend I didn`t know, so it`d be less awkward. ) She said there were, so that confirms that she knows there`s more than male and female! That`s gonna make coming out a lot easier now that I`m confident that she wouldn`t say something like " That`s not real " or " That`s just a phase. " like I originally feared. Even though I trust my father would believe me, I might try pull the same on my Dad. My brother said he would call people who identify out of the binary " It " - and not in a friendly way like " Oh people want these pronouns neat " as in- " This thing isn`t normal. " - or at least that`s what I gathered. Whatever, my brother wouldn`t be a risk even if he was enbyphobic. I hardly speak to him anyway. I`m gonna speedrun my homework. DUDUDUDU---- 1/02/2021 I am so sick of everything. I swear to god it`s like they're trying to rub being a "girl" on me, It`s like they sense the enby energy coming off me and just rubbing more girl stuff on me- like- HUSWHWADKHDKEDDE 6/02/2021 I just put on a hat- It`s pink and at first made me feel bad- But then I my gender just felt like it + d i s s a p e a r e d + and I`m loving it. Hats are on my mental 'favorite clothes list' now. 14/02/2021 PANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANICPANIC I`M ABOUT TO COME OUT I CAN`T DO THIS I`M SO SCARED- I CAN`T- I COSPLAYED AN EGG TODAY AND THAT GAVE ME EUPHORIA WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME
    Hello LGBT Community... [59 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 27 Wed 19:49:55 GMT)
    Hi, um.... I guess I should introduce myself so... cool... My name is Parker.... I usually go by Parker, but you can call me Wilson if you feel like it... Pronouns are he/they... Don't know how the "they" will work into there... heh... I'm just trying to figure myself out while learning other things along the way... so just wanted to say hey! - Parker :)
    Bear Xenogender [15 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 27 Wed 3:38:49 GMT)
    Is there an existing Xenogender that’s related to bears? Like bear/bears/bearself? Cause if not maybe I could make one
    i want to start a wiki but i dont know what it should be about.. [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 25 Mon 21:18:27 GMT)
    i just, don't know... any ideas?
    Dubstepgender [56 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 22 Fri 10:14:36 GMT)
    Here I am once again with a new musicagender :) This time it's dubstepgender! If you relate to this gender feel free to contact me! (I might not get notifications on fandomwiki but feel free to message me on twitter @miskofox) I'm really passionate and attached to dubstep, and I'd love to discuss it with xenic people like myself! ^^ Much love /p
    Colligogender [36 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 21 Thu 13:52:05 GMT)
    Came up with a term to describe the state of having multiple genders where one feels like they are collecting genders and making a collection of them. Got inspired to make this after seeing Worldgender and thinking about my own experience! Link: Colligogender
    Daycoregender [29 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 21 Thu 13:25:32 GMT)
    Made a page about a new xenogender! I'm not the first one who came up with it pretty sure, as I've seen a couple of other people who have mentioned it in several places. Link: Daycoregender
    Introductions!!! [212 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 21 Thu 0:02:07 GMT)
    I’m new here so.... here we go! Name Rowan Wisteria(this is not my irl name, it’s my internet name) Gender Faunflux (also identify with genderfaun, genderflux, genderfluid, nonbinary, and genderqueer) And, um, I think I might be huegender(it fits but I’m a little hesitant to identify with it with all the hate over xenogenders) Sexuality I just go by queer. :P I like all genders, I just don’t feel comfy with a specific label for my sexuality. Pronouns (change depending on the day) He/him/his/his/himself They/them/their/theirs/themself Ze/zem/zeir/zeirs/zeirself Ae/aer/aer/aers/aerself Fae/faer/faer/faers/faerself Ey/em/eir/eirs/emself Ve/vem/veir/veirs/vemself Ne/nem/neir/neirs/neirself I don’t know what this section is called! I’m polyamorous. Relationship Status Currently dating and in love with a genderfloren idiot and a nonbinary idiot. Why Am I Starting a Blog? I wanna be able to rant and talk about my LGBTQ+ experiences and who I am without worrying about the opinions of people I know in real life. Anything Else? Um, yeet? (Ah, I’m so freaking awkward) Pronouns RN Fae/faer and ae/aer
    For people to understand about Animesexual of what it really is [614 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 18 Mon 19:07:27 GMT)
    -DISCLAIMER- I respect your opinion about "animesexual" I have no hate on your answer nor opinion but this is my opinion about "animesexual" Yes there are people who are likely to see kids on gacha life who are infamous for fetishizing the LGBTQ + community and mostly more stuff that is homophobic, but saying that animesexual isn't a really sexuality because of body pillows and "simping" for anime characters isn't fetish and it isn't part of the LGBTQ + community, it's mostly to a community to people who have it difficult or impossible to be attracted towards people in real life which of course contains aromantic and asexual, there's a lot of people mostly making fun of animesexual and mostly being rude about it, you see before anime became popular, the first anime ever made was "Hakujaden" that was created 1958. As people who had watched that anime in that day of time or have seen it in this part of time was people was attracted to anime characters it was just never heard for it to really been a sexuality because of what they pronounced it "bullshit" you see none of this was created to be a sexuality cause it was never exited until a anonymous wiki user made a animesexual flag in October 24, 2020 which I'm thankful for that yes I am attracted to anime characters even people, but I struggle with falling in love, you see people get broken so many times they ended up falling apart into pieces that turn into ashes, people who watches anime is a way for them to escape from reality why? because In our imaginations we think anime characters would love us and never leave us but if they were real our imaginations isn't going to be the same just because we want them to be real they are just going to like everyone else, yes we always think if there was a portal to what called "anime world" to live there for our lives because of the fantasy, we think that because we hate this world and mostly it's "destroyed" not like the world ended but the pain and destruction that is going on, but "simping" isn't ridiculous saying it's disrespectful and calling it bullshit may affect others who are attracted to anime, as what I've seen on the internet disrespecting people who watches anime I couldn't help myself but explain it fully, I've been seeing comments saying "go touch some grass", "your a joke" even calling us "delusional" and even making videos saying "to all those people who are animesexual I present you.....go touch some grass" cause this is legit a full on disrespectful thing to say it's making you look like a dumbass (sorry for language) this is what I call "bullying on social media" and the people who say animesexual are part of the LBGTQ + community you are %100 wrong it isn't part of the LBGTQ community it's part of a community where people who watches a lot of anime who are actually called "WEEBS" so it's part of the anime community not LBGTQ cause saying that is a disrespected to both community's as part of the anime community I don't accept "gacha" nor "those type of people" thank you for reading.
    Omniflux [58 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 18 Mon 14:46:24 GMT)
    Hello! I coined a new term for omnisexual people who experience variying intensities for attractions towards different genders, while still liking all genders! This term/label is not "unnecessary" as it can be quite comforting and useful for people who like using more specific labels! Think about it like the sexuality version of what fluidflux is to genderfluid :) The wiki page: omniflux Hope it's helpful!
    Identity Explanation [857 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 17 Sun 9:24:23 GMT)
    Hello! This blog will be more for personal use for me to keep track of my identity since I can even get lost sometimes. This will be edited as I find more about myself. You can reference this back if you ever forget about my confusing self. Pronouns They/Them Nothing else to say rather than it's just the general one I want people to use and fits with my gender identity. Thon/Thon I just love how thon is a contraction of "that one," and that's my name. I want people to use it more to see how I feel about it. He/Him It's the that fits with my AGAB. Sometimes, I get dysphoria when people use this, but generally, I don't care when people use this. Gender Identity Agender Let me explain my gender experience more metaphorically. Gender, to me, is like paint. Everyone's gender identity gets painted onto them on their soul. That's why some people don't fit their AGAB, their body doesn't represent their inner self. For me, I just didn't get a layer of paint, and that's fine. That does cause some problems with relating with people that got painted different colors, but that's fine. I'm me, and that's the important part. Sexual Attraction Asexual I don't feel sexual attraction, plain and simple. Aegosexual I'm not getting into specifics because of obvious reasons, but I do experience common aegosexual experiences. I do question sometimes since some of my fantasies can go a bit out of the definition of aegosexual, but I need to beat in my head that labels can be fluid and that I'm valid. Iamvanosexual Read the definition if you're curious since I'm not getting into it at all, but I do identify as this. I don't use this term as often as the others, but I feel like it should be noted as one of the many identities I have. Romantic Attraction Aromantic I don't generally feel romantic attraction, but as you read further down, you can tell that this gets complicated. Demiromantic From my experiences, I never experienced romantic attraction to complete strangers or acquaintances. It was only ever friends or people who I was close with. Arospike Continuing from the last bit, those romantic attractions would only last from a short period of time. I called these "mini-crushes" where I fantasize about being with them in a relationship or with the rest of my life. Though, I do sometimes question these two labels, so I just have to see if they'll hold up through the rest of my life. Andromantic (OH MY GOD, I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT THE TERM THAT I IDENTIFY AS AND MADE A PAGE FOR PEOPLE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT IT.) Boys are cute. Yeah, I said it. Cupioromantic Ah yes, the one that pains me. I fantasize about romance every day, but it hurts that: I have no close friends at the moment (reasoning coming up soon). I have no-one to meet up with IRL. I don't feel romantic attraction with the exception of my friends sometimes. But, yeah, it do be like that sometimes. Platonic Attraction Aplatonic This one I found out recently. The reason why is that I don't exactly the same feelings one usually do about friends. I always see my discord friends say "I love you" and "Love you too!" and would get somewhat jealous (hilariously) and confused. Sure, I absolutely care about my friends and would ride with them to the very end. But, as the person who first introduced the term, "Love is a powerful word, and one I cannot apply to them." So, that's how I found out that part of my identity. It's funny how I joked that agender, asexual, aromantic, and aplatonic people as "gods," but then I realized that I am all of those things. Frayplatonic This is a term I like to use that basically describes people who feel platonic attraction towards people who they are not deeply connected with, but then lose platonic attraction once they get to know the person. I know, sounds painful, right? Nah, not really. I do find myself online being like "I want to be friends with this person" to people I look up to. While all of the people that I did feel platonic attraction to ended up not being my friends, I did lose platonic attraction to them. That's how I assumed this label. Now you may be asking: How are you still friends with people? The answer, simply, is that relationships are complicated. I spend time and enjoy spending time with my friends since they're such creative and entertaining people to be around. That love isn't necessarily the type you would describe platonic attraction as. I can't explain it in words, but it's like the sense of community and belonging. Aplspike Going with the last term, I experience platonic attraction just for a short period of time. I find it most common with the people I don't know that well. Other AMAB Asexual Spectrum Aromantic Spectrum SAM (Split Attraction Model)
    I can't find a term for my sexuality [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 15 Fri 22:39:51 GMT)
    Help [34 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 15 Fri 16:38:50 GMT)
    Is there a word for a gender that changes depending on the time of day (ex. being female in the morning, but being more agender in the evening, etc.)? I haven't seen any terms that really fit how I felt yet.
    my intro :,) [219 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 14 Thu 15:24:30 GMT)
    hihi! Name: Shae Time zone / Area: North America CST (Central Standard Time) :) Pronouns: berry/strawberry/strawberries/berryself or strawberryself - bug / bugs / bugs / bugself - it / its / its / itself - they / them / their / themself - phey/phem/pheir/pheirs/pheirself - lav/laven/lavend/lavends/lavendself - sa / sage / sage's / sageself Age: ✨ minor✨ Relationship(s): i have a girlfriend (Jeanetta) and enby s/o (Amari / Muffin / Mars / Sock / Bread) :) Sexuality: graysexual, panromantic, polyamorous Gender / Gender identity: Non-binary, transgender, AFAB (assigned female at birth) About me: hihi! im a non-binary youngin who's currently trying to figure out their identity ;^; i do art, play games, and cosplay! i love Danganronpa, Vocaloid, and Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken! Favorite Song/Song artist: Tyler, the creator; Jack Stauber; IC3PEAK; Jazmin Bean; girl in red; The Neighbourhood Favorite Animal: frog / axolotl / dumbo rat Social Medias: tiktok - @gluedam pinterest - @ch1h1rofuj1sak1 wattpad (-^-) - @sakuraoi_ (i think...) houseparty - @danganronpa_ nintendo switch friend code - SW-6045-9500-0245 im okay with masculine terms, along with androgynous terms (see attached photo :) ) its okay if you forget! just please try to remember :,)
    I just figured out that I'm demiflux [94 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 13 Wed 19:11:57 GMT)
    After idenitfying as a demigirl for a while, I found a term that fits me a lot better, which is demiflux. The static part of my identity is that I'm a demigirl, and the fluctuating part is nonbinaryflux. My pronouns are she/they/it and yeah I just feel happy that I figured out my identity finally. Thanks to the anonymous Reddit user who suggested it to me. I'm still gonna just call myself nonbinary/demigirl just because I don't really feel like explaining to everyone who asks about my gender, but I'm happy that I figured it out for myself.
    IDK what i will post [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 12 Tue 20:06:32 GMT)
    okay i will post another one
    Nonbinaryfluxed [5 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 12 Tue 10:34:00 GMT)
    Check out my own new gender orientation: Nonbinaryfluxed!!! Heres a link: Nonbinaryfluxed
    I think I have a mesh on my friend [11 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 11 Mon 22:08:38 GMT)
    I have a huge alterous crush on my friend who is taken. Gonna be single for life :(
    Anxiegender [109 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 11 Mon 1:49:44 GMT)
    i dont know if this is how we are suposed to use the blog pages (delete this if it isnt) but im just really happy because i found a lable that describes my gender! its anxiegender and I always feel female when im more anxious or in a more anxiety inducing situation than normal. (This adds to my discomfort though cause of dysphoria with feeling female but its probaly cause female is my agab and even though that's not my actual gender i resort back to it when in high stress situations for whatever reason) it fits so well! and actually alieves the dysphoria i do feel when that happens and just eek im so happy!
    All of the terms that describe me :) [446 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 10 Sun 21:18:18 GMT)
    This is my personal archive of all the terms I've collected. :) A little note: Terms in parentheses are terms I don’t use to describe myself often. Pronouns She/Her, They/Them, He/Him - Tripronominal (Multipronominal - Exipronominal - Mutopronominal) I was experimenting with neopronouns, but I have concluded that neopronouns are not for me. :] Sexual Orientation Gynosexual, Sapphic, Lesbian, Trixic, Trixensexual (Finsexual or Womasexual, Lunsynian, Femaric, Morganitian) I like women and fem-aligned enbies 😊 Ace-Spec Identities Ace-Jump, Potensexual With my identity in particular, I mostly identify with allosexual, but I occasionally switch to potensexual or experience spikes of near total asexuality. Romantic Orientation Gynoromantic, Sapphic, Lesbian, Trixic, Trixenromantic (Finromantic or Womaromantic, Lunsynian, Femaric, Morganitian) (I am aware that these are exactly the same as my sexual orientation but shush.) Aro-Spec Identities Potenromantic, Reciproromatic I switch between these two and they're technically both correct. It's complicated okay- Gender Identities Non-Binary, Demifluid, Personagender (Friugender, Royalmedic) I identify as demifluid (where I am half one gender and the other half changes, the constant gender I experience is non-binary/neutral and the other gender switches between girl/feminine, neutral, and androgyne). Presentation Futch (Wisterian, Rosarian) I'm futch but tend to lean towards masculinity. Sex Categories AFAB (Dyadic, Genitalfluid, Afabris) (Yes, I added the sexfluid page because none of the other terms here described me sHuSh-) Relationship Terminology Monopoly (Variamorous) I prefer monoamory. I abruptly found this out from a dream where I had crushes on two girls at the same time. 😳 Combination Identities They/Them Lesbian, He/Him Lesbian, Non-Binary Lesbian (Sapphic Enby) I'm a lesbian by the way- (Also, in completion, I am a She/They/He Non-Binary Lesbian) 👍 Tertiary Attraction Panaesthetic, Lesbisensual, Demisensual (Panplatonic) I thought I was pan/bi for awhile because I thought some men looked handsome, now I know that it was aesthetic attraction the whole time! And I feel so much better lmao. Other Termcollector, Magpiehoarder, Syllapis, Devilic (Deminternetsexual, Perioriented, Sigurcorpo) I know it's not listed on the page, but I'm Deminternetsexual, it's where I only feel attraction to people over the internet after getting to know them/establishing a bond with them. Also, I'm Sigurcorpo - where my identities are affected by my view of my body (usually gender - I feel more comfortable as a Demigirl if I'm more comfortable with my body image). = In conclusion, I'm gay.
    abrogender [108 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 10 Sun 10:04:34 GMT)
    Abrogender Abrogender flag Abrogender is very similar to abrosexual, in that they both change sexuality/gender. Abrogender is where your gender is constantly changing, or changing every once in awhile. Also very similar genderfluid! Some say it is like you are constantly discovering your gender. Another way to describe is its, say one day you could feel non-binary and the next day you could feel like a demigirl. For abrogender people their identity can change over hours, days, months, or even years. Some abrogender people are fluid between all genders, while others may only be fluid between a few. Its different for every abrogender person. I hope this helps!
    Is there a gender for how i feel [191 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 10 Sun 4:59:39 GMT)
    So im a very confused human. my gender feels really wierd cause it feels hyperfeminine during sun/sunshowerd days in spring but in autum it feels differnt and on sunny days in summer its hyperfemminine but on rainy days its more androgynous. i also experience it in kinda like wierd burst things like itll be randomly really strong one way and then it fades for a few hours till its dull but still there. so like ill get a burst of feminine gender and itll fade and then it could stay like that or give another burst again be it the same or different and the bursts also change likelyhood due to weather and season. and at night and the moon is visible its for feminine than on nights where the moon isnt feminine. yeah see my confusion. cause at first i didnt feel fully female and than i noticed it changing in differnt seasons and weather. cause it doesnt feel on like the plane of female and male and more known nonbianary genders. but at the same time it feels slightly on that plane but also not. so are there any identities that are similar to this?
    Poggers [31 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 8 Fri 20:48:16 GMT)
    So I'm just vibing before I have to go and do virtual therapy. Gonna talk to her about my thing and Trevar as well, a bit nervous but not overly nervous. But hey hopefully it'll end up okay ^^
    Hi! [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 7 Thu 3:41:10 GMT)
    I make pride art, so suggest some flags to me!
    Needing some help with my identity! [61 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 6 Wed 14:59:33 GMT)
    I identify as a demigirl, but i sometimes feel really uncomfortable when someone refers to me as a girl, or uses she/her pronouns on me. Am I still a demigirl? Also, I only identify as a demigirl, and the other 50% of my gender feels empty, but at the same time i feel like there's a hint of masculinity. Now i have no clue what I am!
    Mm [8 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 4 Mon 12:59:50 GMT)
    On a google meet right now 🤪 history teacher talks a lot it’s okay though 🙄
    mhm [14 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 3 Sun 22:39:13 GMT)
    First vlog in the house 🤪 what’s poppin so uh life going cool yk gettin yelled at, failing classes, going smooth 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
    Why dont people use this [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 3 Sun 22:22:56 GMT)
    cmon its FuUuUuUuuUuuUuUUuUUuUuuUuUUuNn
    Apparently this is a thing [9 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 2 Sat 5:04:23 GMT)
    I was unaware that blogs were a thing. What am I supposed to do with this?
    So um question [67 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Jan 2 Sat 3:35:31 GMT)
    ( am AFAB. Recently, I have switched my gender to demiboy instead of demigirl and then a month later to trans male. After two months of identifying as that, I am beginning to feel more feminine again. I have switched my gender to genderfluid. But the label genderfluid just doesn’t feel right. Even though I feel more femine, I still feel mostly masculine. Anyway this is weird, any ideas for what I can be?
    Kinda needing help finding out a good term for how I feel [417 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 31 Thu 1:58:02 GMT)
    So, here's a short description of who I am. I created this account specifically so I could ask about this. First of all, my main language is not English, so sorry if this reads wrong (I've been told that I shouldn't say that, but I feel uncomfortable if I don't xd). I was AMAB but currently identify as trans female (though not irl yet due to my family not being very accepting about it). I'm also pansexual but idk if that's relevant to what this post's about. I've been identifying as these two for like a year I think. While I identify as trans female, I'm not entirely sure if that alone accurately describes who I am. See, I'm not entirely sure how to describe it, but I think I could describe it as, I feel 80-90% female, and the rest is something else. Idk what that something else is tho, only thing I'm sure of is that it's not male or close to it, but also it's not necessarily female. Idk, sorry if I'm not describing this well. I think the closest to what I'm feeling is maybe demigirl, but I'm not sure about it. Also, sorta related, I prefer people refer to me as she/her pronouns. But, if for some reason someone decided to refer to me with they/them or any other pronouns that aren't he/him, I don't really think I would mind. It's not like I prefer it over she/her, but it wouldn't make me feel bad like it would if it were with he/him pronouns. So, my second question is, should I have as my personal pronouns "she/they" or something like that? I understand that in the end I should be the one that chooses, but I still would like some help with it. EDIT: After browsing the feminine genders category on here, I think I actually found a term that describes me: Paragirl. When I was reading the description I was basically saying "holy sh*t that's actually what I was describing!!!" xd. I think that's what I am. I'm still gonna wait some more time to think about it, but I think now I have it mostly figured out. Also, I found Catgender. It wasn't related to what I was asking, but reading the description felt kinda relatable. I'm not sure if I'm understanding it correctly tho, xenogenders are a thing that I actually learned about today. But it feels like it may describe me, so I'll be considering that one too.
    Help, I’m counfuseeed [88 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 30 Wed 21:11:44 GMT)
    So I was always like rlly feminine like I love wearing dresses, skirts, pink and stuff you know, but recently I started feeling like it just isn’t right for me, like I still like them but I feel more disconnected from being a girl, does that mean I’m a non binary or a she/they or they/she? Like I feel more disconnected from she/her pronouns but I’m not sure tho, can yall give me some advice please? I’m also questioning my sexuality too so some advice would definitely help
    Hi [371 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 27 Sun 2:57:02 GMT)
    So....hi. I don't really know what to say here. I haven't been a supporter of LBGT for most of my life. Recently, however, things just... started changing. I no longer felt weird when I saw same-sex couples. I watched a video to educate myself on Asexuality and what it was cause I was curious, and I remember thinking... "wow. Why would anyone not support this? It doesn't make any sense!" I started feeling a desire to reach out to the community and learn more about them. And then all of the sudden, one day it just hit me--I no longer was against LBGT. I kind of... loved it. And then I realized another thing. I was in love with a girl. It was a fictional character, sure, but... it was still new for me. I kind of panicked, because I felt... bad about it. I felt like I'd let my family down or I'd let my parents down. I wanted to talk to people about it, but none of my friends support it and I couldn't just TELL them. They'd reject me. Probably call me weird. I actually first talked about it on a youtube comment thread, also mentioning that my family is very religious and wouldn't accept me. (My parents are super religious and I hate to link that to them not being supporters, but... they ARE supporters. It's like, mom, I just wanna be Catholic AND support LBGT, is that too much to ask?) Someone replied to that comment, however, and it just... hit me. They said "God won't punish us for something we can't control." That just made sense. This whole time I was under the delusion that we can CONTROL who we're attracted to, and I just made a mistake somewhere that lead me to this. But that's bullshit. People are BORN with these tendencies, and trying to shut them down is... stupid. This whole thing has been really confusing for me and I'm not really sure how to put my feelings into words. I just felt the need to get this out somewhere where I know I'll be accepted. If you read through this, then... thank you. I love you. Greetings from a maybe-bisexual and a new member of the LBGT community!
    How should I come out [43 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 23 Wed 16:30:02 GMT)
    I have been in the LGBTQ community for 2.5 years. I don't know how to come out! I'm gender fluid and omnisexual, so this is really confusing. How should I come out? And how should I explain that my gender changes? I feel ready, I just don't know how. Any tips?
    Creating a Flag Advice [1707 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 22 Tue 2:37:39 GMT)
    This is part two of my personal advice for people who want to create an LGBT+ term. This will be much more in depth than part one. Also, note that I will giving examples of flags that I personally dislike or flags that don't follow the advice I'm giving. I'm not hating on the people who made those flag, I'm just giving criticism so people can make appealing flags. Part 1: Creating a term General Guideline Flags should be clear. You should be able to make the image very small and/or stand very far away and still be able to tell exactly what's going on. The flag should be able to be printed on merchandise of various sizes. This means it shouldn't have complex details, should not have gradients, and shouldn't have several colors that are very similar to each other. One should be able to edit or recreate the flag using most digital software. This means it shouldn't have gradients or overly complex shapes. The flag should be able to be drawn by hand. This means it shouldn't have overly complex details and shapes, should not have gradients, and shouldn't have several colors that are very close to each other. Flags should be memorable. Someone should be able to accurately recreate the flag from memory. If someone can't easily be expected to do that then your flag is too complicated. Your flag should be describable. This is another test for if your flag is overly complicated or not. Someone should be able to make an exact copy of the flag using only a written description. Consider how countries have exact geometric instructions on how to recreate their flag (see South Africa for a good example). You should be able to do that with your flag. Stripes When considering the stripes the main thing to consider is how many stripes there are. When it comes to stripe number I would say that the absolute maximum number of stripes is eight. After that it just becomes way too chaotic, so only used more than eight stripes unless you have a very good reason. Generally you should be able to make the image very small and/or stand very far away and still be able to count exactly how many stripes there are. Also, don't feel like you have to do plain, horizontal stripes. There are some very good flags that do not use stripes, like the intersex flag and queer flag. If you aren't using plain stripes, remember what I said about having your flag described precisely from words only. Colors Choose multiple color. Flags that are just different shades of the same color because such flag are generally boring and forgettable. However, you should only choose a small handful of colors, each color should be meaningful and purposeful. Do not use multiple colors when one color can do the same job. For example, do not do what what to iolitian flag does. There is absolutely no reason to have 10 different shades of purple. Be careful with full stripe gradients, they can either be very eye-strain-y and very forgettable. For example, the feminine and masculine flag aren't very interesting because they're only one color and very way to many stripes. The aroflux and aceflux flags can be eye-strain-y at times. If you're doing stripe gradients only make them a small number of stripes and do not make it all shades of the same color. Do not choose colors that are all the same tone and do not choose colors that are eye-straining. Do not choose all neon colors unless you have a very good reason to do so. Do not choose all pastel colors unless you have a very good reason to do so. Do not choose all extremely dark colors unless you have a very good reason to do so. Do not put two dark colors next to each other and do not put two light colors next to each other. Just in general, do not put two colors of a similar lightness/darkness next to each other because it can be hard to tell where one color ends that the other begins. You should be able to make the image small and/or stand very far away and still tell exactly where each colors ends. The example I always think of is the amplusic flag. Notice how the blue pink seem to blur into each other, and if you blur your eyes you can't tell where one end and the other begins. That's because they are too similar to lightness. Color Meanings In will now go over common color meanings used in flag. Before I start: You do not have to choose your color meanings from this list. You can make up your own color meanings. Some of these meanings are contradictory. That is okay. Just because a flag uses a given colors that does not mean it represents all of these things all at once. Red: Plain red is a surprisingly uncommon color in pride flags, but when it is used, the meanings tend to be consistent. Passion Love Sex/Sexuality Repulsion Orange: Orange is another uncommon color in pride flags. It has no consistent meanings, so it is used for a wide variety of things. Maverique, aporagender, aliagender Multigender Uniqueness Man aligned/masculine aligned genders (not binary men) Woman aligned/feminine aligned genders (not binary women) Women (usually alongside pink) Masculine women Sensual attraction Yellow: Common uses: Nonbinary genders (in general) Abinary genders Platonic attraction Less common uses: Maverique Queerplatonic attraction (alongside pink) Intersex (alongside purple) Green: Common uses: Agender Neutral genders Aromanticism Men/masculine genders (alongside blue) Less common uses: Nonbinary genders (in general) Atrinary genders (usually closer to teal) Blue: Common uses: Men Man-aligned genders Masculinity Less common uses: Alterous attraction Opposite sex attraction The self Fluidity Water The mind Purple: Common uses: Androgyny/androgynous genders Asexuality Queerness Xenogender/Xenic Less common uses: Nonbinary genders (in general) Multisexual attraction Attraction to men and women Sapphic attraction Intersex (alongside yellow) Woman aligned/feminine aligned genders (not binary women) Feminine men Pink: Common uses: Women Woman-aligned genders Femininity Love, romance, emotion Uncommon uses: Same sex attraction Queerplatonic attraction (alongside yellow) Aesthetic attraction Brown: Brown is very uncommon color in pride flag, and I've only found a few flags where the color meaning is listed: Aporagender, aliagender Xenogender/Xenic White: Common uses: All of something or a lot of something Unity Uncommon uses: Nonbinary genders (in general) Intersex Allosexuals (from asexual flag) Fluidity Presence of something Contradiction, two opposite extremes (alongside black) Purity Grey: Grey is one of the rare colors that has a very much agreed upon meaning: Ambiguity Uncertainty Being in between Greyasexuality Partial gender Black: Common uses: Asexuality Lack of attraction Agender Lack of gender Lack of something Something unknown, hidden, or secret Uncommon uses: Contradiction, two opposite extremes (alongside white) Unaligned nonbinary Symbols I'm defining a "symbol" as something that is added on top of a flag, that is generally more intricate that the rest of the flag, and is not strictly part of the design. Symbols should be simple. Once again, you should be able to expect someone to draw a symbol by hand, even someone without artist ability. Never use a photograph on your flag as those are impossible to replicate. (Note the difference between the old and new achillean and sapphic flags. Symbols should be meaningful, but should not be overly obvious. This is a pet peeve of mine, I think if you're making a flag for a sexuality, you shouldn't put the sexuality's symbol on the flag. Examples of symbols with good meaning include: sapphic, because violets represents sapphic love; solarian, because the sun is commonly associated with masculinity. An example of symbols I don't like is orchidian, it's the agender, male, and female symbols, because it's agender attraction to men and women. If you feel it's necessary to put the gender symbols on your flag it's probably because you think the flag isn't memorable enough on it's own. You should be able to recognize the flag even without the symbol. Stuff to Avoid Here a several things and symbolisms to outright avoid when making flags. Do not use religious or culturally imagery (with an exception of identities related to that religion or culture). This seems obvious but it needs to be said. Do not use a six pointed star (ie. the Star of David). Do not use a star and crescent. Do not use a cross. A Nordic cross style flag might be okay, since I don't think most people immediately associate it with Christianity, but it might be best to avoid it. Do not make flag reminiscent of flags for real life countries or groups (once again, with an exception of identities related to that country or group). In practice this means do not make a tricolor flag with the colors being red, white, and blue. Do not make a flag with the only colors being red, black, white, and green. Do not make a flag with the only colors being green, red, and yellow; or green, red, and black. Once again, a Nordic cross might be okay, as long as the colors are different enough that it's definitely not real country's flag. If you're unsure put your flag through a reverse google image search to see if any existing flags are similar to it. Avoid upside down triangles, particular black and pink. It's how Nazis marked people in concentration camps[1]. Avoid using a single color, or a small selection of colors to represent "skin", especially if it's peach or tan because it's very white centric. I would avoid having a stripe representing "skin" just in general because it's a very weird if you think too hard about it. ↑ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge
    Creating A Term Advice [603 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 22 Tue 2:37:26 GMT)
    This is part one of my personal advice for people who want to create an LGBT+ term. Part 2: Creating a flag Step 1) Identify a reason for creating the term. Do not create a term just because you want to make a term. Make sure this is an experience that actually exists and needs word to describe it. Do not create something unless people are actually going to use it. Here are some reason for creating a term (I will also give an example of a term I personally coined or helped coin): You personally experience this and there isn't an existing term for it (iodic, I created to describe my relationship preferences as an aro person, which I could not accurately do before). Someone else described their experience to you and there isn't an existing term for it (finmasexual, multiple person asked if this was something that existed). This is a logic extension of an existing them (pomoimplagender, pomoimplasexual existed and there was no reason a gender version could exist). This is an umbrella term or description for a group that did not previously have a description (mesi ace/aro, technically a term already existed but it was far too ambiguous for my liking). The term is an alternative of something that already exists (only do this if there is a very good reason as to why an alterative is absolutely necessary). (triasexual, created as an alterative to ceterosexual that anyone can use, because that was not explicit with ceterosexual.) Step 2) Make sure it doesn't already have a term. Make absolute sure. Do not create a new word for something that already exists or is a simple combination of things that already exist. If you're unsure if something like this already exists then ask. Ask multiple in places and wait for a response. Do not create the term until you are absolutely sure something else doesn't already exist. Step 3) Make your definition clear. Understand the words your are using in your definition. Do not use a word in your definition when it actually doesn't mean what you actually mean. Do not make your definition rambling and incomprehensible. Just because you know what you meant doesn't mean everyone will. If you're unsure ask someone to read through to see if it makes sense to them. When asking for help make sure the person will actually critique your writing, ask for clarification, and help to make the definition more clear, don't go to someone who will just say "this is valid" at any combination of words you give them. To put it simply, if someone else cannot accurately describe the term in their own words, then the definition probably isn't clear enough. Step 4) Choose a name. Take inspiration from existing terms. Do not make the exceedingly literal, particularly for sexualities I've found that most people dislike terms were the entire definition of the word can be understood just by reading the word. Do not make it overly long. If you want to use another language do not rely on google translate. Additionally, if you want to use another language use a single word or a portmanteau of multiple words, do not use complete phrases, and definitely never use google translate for phrases. Step 5) Google search your name. For the love of g-d google search the name you choose. It's not that hard to do. You don't want to choose a name when a term of the exact same name already exists, and you definitely don't want to give your term the same name as a brand of cough syrup or something.
    okay help [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 21 Mon 21:08:58 GMT)
    HeLp PlEaSe [17 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 17 Thu 19:32:21 GMT)
    So im 15 and I need help with coming out of the closet! I'm non-binary and gay! My sister is lesbian and we need help!
    bi [61 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 16 Wed 19:44:28 GMT)
    So, I'm bi, maybe lesbian but my parents have no idea. I think I'm just going to vent in these blogs and talk about what has been happening lately. I also want to make some new friends that can understand me through here. Also, how do you come out? I'm not in a hurry since I'm probably going to be single for my whole life but.... oh well.
    GOOD SONG [7 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 16 Wed 19:15:30 GMT)
    Listen to They/them by atlas, it makes me feel SO much enby prideeee!!
    Questioning a Little Bit [142 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 16 Wed 0:42:34 GMT)
    Questioning a little bit Hello! I have identified as demiflux for a while. I feel that the static part is non-binary, while the fluctuating part is female (by the way, I'm AMAB) I sometimes feel a little bit masculine, but do not like he/him pronouns. I know that pronouns and gender are not the same thing but I feel like I need to say that. Anyways, I know my gender isn't fluid and I think that the genders fluctuate. The female part fluctuates from female (100%) all the way to agender (0%), and I think the masculine part goes from masculine to agender. It's kind of hard to explain, but the gender is masculine and not male. Like, a little masculine, but not super masculine. I don't know whether it's demiboy (with male and agender) or maybe something else. If anyone can help, please do. :D
    Question about identity [41 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 15 Tue 8:02:29 GMT)
    So I’m AFAB and I feel both masculine and feminine, also feel like I lean more on masculinity then feminity. I don’t really know about most other genders other than trans and non-binary, so I’m pretty new to other genders. What gender would I be?
    woah [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 15 Tue 7:03:35 GMT)
    what is this- what have i done-
    Female + Non-binary Genders [22 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 15 Tue 4:51:49 GMT)
    hey, can anyone list out all of the genders that encompass feeling both female and non-binary? it would be a great help and narrow down my search for genders
    too many genders [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 11 Fri 23:07:45 GMT)
    i identify as so many genders woah
    My terms I use to identify myself [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 10 Thu 20:05:45 GMT)
    Coming out soon [48 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 10 Thu 16:03:30 GMT)
    Ello! I've only come out to my brother so far but mostly because he is Genderfluid and a Biromantic Asexual ^^ I don't know how my parents are gonna take me being trans or pan, my mom is homophobic and transphobic :( but my dad will probably support me! Please refer to me as He/Him thx ^^
    hi [212 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 9 Wed 16:38:41 GMT)
    hi, so I'm AFAB and all my life, I've felt mostly like a cis female. I was always kinda tomboy-ish and don't really like wearing most dresses, but I know that doesn't solely affect what gender u want to identify as. However, this year, I realized that I don't really feel 100% female, and I don't think I ever did (lol how does feeling 100% female even feel like... idk) so I identified as girlflux. Then I realized I might be a demigirl... then I thought I was demigirlflux. But recently I feel like being more androgynous? For some reason, she/her pronouns don't really feel right... (at the moment, I still go by them but I also go by he/him and it/its.) I also don't want my breasts to be that apparent anymore? Even though they're already kinda small, I want them to be smaller so it's not very clear whether i'm a female or not. I also really want to get a haircut so that it looks like I'm a boy with slightly longer hair (like maybe down to my chin). Idk if I'm completely non-binary now, but I think I still somewhat identify with being a girl. I might be girlby or a xirl, or maybe something completely different, lmao I'm so confused, can someone help ??
    What Is Gender [74 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 9 Wed 12:47:14 GMT)
    I feel like I don't really have a gender per se, but I definately have something? It's kinda really hard to describe. I kinda fluctuate between different levels of femeninity and masculinity, but I don't feel like I'm ever actually a girl or a boy. Neither of the words feel like they can adaquately describe my gender. I've been considering the idea that I might be fluidflux, but I'm not sure. For a point of reference, I'm AFAB. Any ideas/advice?
    Polyamory I need help [138 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 8 Tue 4:09:55 GMT)
    I'm really open to polyamorous relationships, but I wouldn't actively seek it out. If my partner was polyamorous, I would be okay with it and I might even start to fall in love with their other partners, but if my partner was monogamous, they would be enough for me. HOWEVER- if someone came up to me and told me they liked me and I had a monogamous partner, I would put the person on hold, decide if I would like to date them or not, and talk to my partner about it. if my partner is okay with it, and I like the person, then I will ask the person if they are okay with polyamory. if my partner is not okay with it, or I don't like the person, then I will say no. any clue if I'm polyamorous or if I'm something else?
    That moment when [19 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 8 Tue 0:47:41 GMT)
    you want to draw stuff with your gender flag, but your gender flag has a gradient and you are too lazy to do something about it
    hi [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 5 Sat 18:25:23 GMT)
    hi eyeryone this me
    Help I’m confused [224 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 5 Sat 2:59:50 GMT)
    So, when I was younger, I never ever had a crush, but I didn’t worry. But when I got to middle school, I would look at peoples butts (mostly girls, but sometimes boys). I currently have a crush on a girl. And I’ve never been in a relationship. A boy once asked me out, and I didn’t feel anything. But, I kinda feel like that if a girl asked me out, I would go out with her. But I do feel comfortable with a boy, but I’m not attracted to them, I think. And I also don’t feel comfortable having s*x with anyone, no matter their gender. I also had a dream, where I found out what I was and the flag was pink, white and purple. I don’t remember the name of it. And I also NEVER remember my dreams, this is the first time in 5 years. And I’m also perfectly fine with my gender identity, so it’s none of those. Any idea of what I am? Here’s what I remember the flag looking like EDIT: I’m not attracted to boys, but I think non binary people who dress femininely are cute, even though I never met a non-binary person. I think that girls are attractive.
    Time for a round of "what the hell is sexuality" [96 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Dec 4 Fri 18:25:35 GMT)
    So here's the tea I'm an AFAB (assigned female at birth) nonbinary person. I'm attracted to girls and nonbinary people. "femisexual" is a sexuality for nonbinary people who are attracted to females, female-aligned nonbinary people, and femininity. I don't know if I'm femisexual, because the wiki apparently says that you could be attracted to someone who's feminine, but that person wasn't assigned female at birth. I dunno if it's me being a professional overthinker, but wouldn't that mean that that sexuality includes feminine males? Because I don't have any attraction to guys. I'm not trixic (nonbinary attracted to girls) Someone help me please
    help! [38 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 27 Fri 19:20:57 GMT)
    ahhh guys i need help. so im a girl and i have a girlfriend. i think i only like girls period, but honestly i could see myself doing something with a guy, i just wouldn't date one. is that weird? and what are my labels??
    Update about my sexuality [15 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 27 Fri 6:26:33 GMT)
    I am bisexual. I found my sexuality and who I want to be. I am really glad about this decision I made!!!
    question regarding my gender [97 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 26 Thu 13:32:51 GMT)
    okay so i just took a peek in what xenogenders are, and i finally understand what they might be! so i decided to read the xenogender articles while doing so, i somewhat realized that my gender experience is quite loud, it just wont shut up and it keeps bothering me :( but when i play some other music, it just quiets down and i stop caring/feeling about my gender (which i still cant figure out fyi) i just wanna ask - is something like that coined? if it is, id really like a link to the page because im just really curious,, thx alot!
    Question! [91 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 26 Thu 4:17:21 GMT)
    Uh, okay so... I've very recently found out I'm genderfluid, specifically, genderfloren. I have been in a relationship with a straight guy for two years now. He's wonderful but I know he's gonna ask what this means for his sexuality and I don't have an answer. IS he still straight!? It was easy to explain how me being pansexual doesn't affect his sexuality when we started dating but I don't know about this. :( I'm sure this has been talked about a lot before but I couldn't really find anything helpful and I thought maybe I'd ask people here.
    these flags really pretty- [35 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 23 Mon 13:36:49 GMT)
    This community is all valid, but they do got that drip doe. Like some of these flags really pretty not gonna lie. (I'm not saying that any flag is 'ugly', these are just my personal favorites!) Aromantic Spectrum Nebularomantic Lithromantic Aplflux Lunarian
    Poly VS Poly [102 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 19 Thu 14:12:16 GMT)
    Hey-o! More blog posting time! So, I've see people getting polysexual and polyamorous confused cough cough ONLINE GAMES cough cough and I wanted to clear it up in a short post. Someone who is polysexual experiences sexual attraction to several genders, but not all. (I think it's an umbrella term but I'm not sure.) Someone who is polyamorous wants to have a romantic or sexual relationship with multiple people WITH THE CONSENT OF ALL INVOLVED! People say that polyamory is an excuse for cheating, but they are very different. Here's the articles on them if you want to learn more: Polyamorous Polysexual
    introduction [105 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 19 Thu 7:26:33 GMT)
    Name: call me Blun (bloon) Ethnicity: Latino Age: 15 Pronouns: He/His/Himself and It/Its/Itself Zodiac: Libra ( Nicki Minaj loves me >:3 ) Personality irl: rude, apathetic, intense, and quiet... but online I'm literally the opposite of all of those lol Likes: Venetian masks and small dolls (specifically porcelain ones), True crime, drawing, V-tubers, and LEMON DEMON. Dislikes: Dogs and sad clowns. Stims: sucking my thumb, spinning, biting my hands or arm, constantly cracking my fingers and thumb, biting my lip or inside mouth, and contorting my arms! special interest(s): anime, anime inspired art-styles, manga is one I've had since i was 7 ^^' thanks for reading :D feel free to ask questions!!
    Types of Demigenders & Meanings [162 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 19 Thu 2:49:58 GMT)
    Hello! I'm really obsessed with posting right now, but I'll try to even out my posting schedule sooner or later. So I've noticed on quite a few pages about demigenders that people have been confused about what was different about demigender, demiflux, and demifluid. Demigender: Someone who is demigender partly (but not fully) identifies as non-binary. Some demigenders prefer the terms demiboy or demigirl. They may user she/they or he/they pronouns, but some demigenders use she or he plus neopronouns or nounself pronouns. Demiflux: A demiflux person's gender flexes between cisgender, demigender, and non-binary. Demiflux people may one day feel strongly non-binary or strongly cisgender. They do not need to flux between all 3 and may flux just between demi and cis, or any other conbonation. Demifluid: Demifluid people's genders are very similar to demiflux people, but their gender tens to change more rapidly or frequently than demiflux people. For more info, visit these: Demigender Genderflux Demifluid DISCLAIMER: These are NOT all the types of demigenders out there!
    Asexual Discrimination [145 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 18 Wed 16:21:24 GMT)
    There's been a lot of people saying that asexuals shouldn't be apart of the LGBTQ+ community. They say that they 'already have rights' or 'are already accepted'. This is very wrong. Asexuals are apart of the community no matter what. There's a whole spectrum of ace identities and people can identify as ace for all sorts of reasons like trauma or neglect. Just because somebody doesn't feel sexual attraction doesn't mean they can't feel romantic attraction. 'What about asexual aromantic people?' Again, there is also a whole spectrum of aromantic identities. Ace-aro people can sometimes be pressured to get into relationships because of hate from their family or (unsupportive) friends. Ace-aro people can still desire a romantic relationship but just not experiance attraction. Conclusion: ace and aro people are 100% valid and are defiantly apart of the community. Here's the Ace/Aro spectrum links if you need them. Asexual Spectrum Aromantic Spectrum
    Confusion with Neopronouns [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 18 Wed 14:13:04 GMT)
    deleted bc im a fVcking dVmbazz lol
    chaosgender oficial flag [0 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 18 Wed 5:05:43 GMT)
    help me [39 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 17 Tue 19:04:59 GMT)
    HELP I don't know what to do :/ I thought I was pan, but I don't know. What's it called when you like someone, until they like you back? Because I've had crushes, but this guy liked me back and now I don't like him anymore. :( Help?
    Question about my romantic attraction [101 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 17 Tue 15:15:09 GMT)
    Hi! I was wondering what my romantic attraction could be. For some time I identified myself as a pomoromantic person, but I think that I could define my attraction. I have no preferences in gender. I thought I might be demiromantic, but.. Once I had a crush on a person without any strong bond. Then I had another crush, but I was very connected to her. Normally, I require a bond to form an romantic attraction. Is there any definition for it? If not, can I create it? I would be very grateful for answers! Edit: I found the anwser, but idk how to delete this post xd
    To all questioning their gender or sexuality: [202 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 16 Mon 21:27:07 GMT)
    First, that is 100% okay, these things take time, and sometimes it's hard to understand how you think you are feeling even if your not questioning who you are, it actually took me a few years to find out what non-binary means, and even longer to discover the term agender. Second, this is up to you, and only you. If someone says you might be a sexuality or gender, and you don't agree with them, that's perfectly normal. it is your, only your choice to make. Third, If you're having a tough time understanding who you are, YouTube videos, articles, and websites like this one can help a lot. Fourth, try talking to someone, like your family or friends ( you can even message me and I'll talk with you if you would like <3 ) they can help you understand what you're feeling 5th, feel free to change your pronouns ( if you're trying to figure out your gender ) for periods of time to see how it feels, same goes for sexuality's, try labeling yourself as ( ex.) homosexual, or bisexual for a period of time and see how you like it. Just remember that no matter who you are, where your from, or what your dealing with, you are loved and you matter.
    A Ghostly Gender System [72 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 16 Mon 19:24:10 GMT)
    I made some ghostkin gender identities for us ghosties 🥺👉👈 If you guys could make flags and a system name for us it'd be great! 😭 Speerios - A ghostly-masculine gender. Lainios - A ghostly-feminine gender. Nonios - A ghostly-unalligned gender. Zertexios - A ghostly-feminine and unalligned gender. Kesvios - A ghostly-masculine and unalligned gender. Vusilios - A ghostly-feminine and masculine gender. Qotios - a ghostly-feminine, masculine and unalligned gender. Update: I have decided to call this the Spectral Gender System!
    How do I know if a girl likes me romantically [43 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 15 Sun 7:39:47 GMT)
    How do I know if my crush likes me? I think she might be sending hints and we are going on a date. I still don't know if she just wants to be friends or more. We hold hands at school from time to time. I really don't know anymore.
    it's official [121 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 14 Sat 14:48:12 GMT)
    Hi so i originally made an account here because my friend is bisexual, and i wanted to learn more about the lgbtqia+ community. but the more i read, the more i felt understood, the more i could relate to people. i originally thought i was bisexual, but now i know that i'm pan. my family is catholic (ik yikes) and very homophobic, so it's really nice talking with all my fellow gays (:. so i've never really felt like my gender, which is female. but i never felt like a man either, it was always different days that i felt more masculine, feminine, and somewhere in between. but i found out about genderfluidity, and it describes me perfectly. it's been an adventure, but i think i've finally found myself. :)
    Feeling a bit frustrated... [231 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 13 Fri 14:04:05 GMT)
    I continue to find people who are using feminine/masculine and woman/man interchangably, like feminine-aligned vs. female-aligned, when the two are very different things. You can be one and not the other- there are feminine-aligned men, masculine-aligned women, man-aligned feminine nbis, and woman-aligned masculine nbis. Proxvir and juxera are good examples of how this does not work. They are feminine/masculine aligned but are not woman/man aligned at all. The same goes for all other woman-related and man-related genders in a lot of instances. It goes beyond that, too. It can also harm binary trans and cis people. There are lesbians who call themselves transmasculine and are going on testosterone, but because being masculine is seen as being A Man so often, people think they're someone using the term incorrectly when they're not. Trans man and transmasc aren't the same terms but for some reason things like this are shoved together despite a lot of these terms being made exactly because of this issue to begin with! I guess as a nonbinary person it just continuously frustrated me to no end that people use the terms to mean the same thing when they're not. It makes talking about nonbinary expression and identity really difficult. Even in nonbinary spaces everything feels so binary to the point where masculinity and femininity are conflated with being man/woman-aligned. I dunno, I guess it's just kinda frustrating.
    My venufluid, marfluid and eafluid flags [97 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 8 Sun 0:17:38 GMT)
    Hello! I don’t really like the venufluid, marfluid and eafluid flags very much so I redesigned them. The flags are meant to be in the style of the genderfluid flag and the colours of the flags are meant to be feminine, masculine or non-binary colours. Hope you enjoy my redesigns. My venufluid flag design My marfluid flag design My eafluid flag design
    Gender and all that [6 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 4 Wed 19:08:50 GMT)
    I'm questioning my gender and like its all so confusing, aaaaaaaaaah help me!
    Hmm. [105 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 3 Tue 1:44:35 GMT)
    Okay so- I think im missing out on a sexuality for me.. Like something is missing. I'm Frayromantic, Reciprosexual, and Bisexual but I feel like im missing one. Demisexual and Asexual are kinda close but Instead of me having to make a strong connection with the person or not having any sexual attraction at all it just takes a long long time to actually fall for someone. And when I do I back out of it and pretend it's not real feelings or whatever- Is there an actual Sexuality that defines that description or is at least sort of close it it? If so please let me know im internally struggling TvT
    An Angelic gender system [175 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Nov 1 Sun 4:38:12 GMT)
    I'm angelkin and I feel like my gender identity as male was directly impacted by my kin. I feel as though I do not experience gender in the same way a human might and I wanted to give other angels similar words. So, I created this: Angelian- An angelic gender that is unaligned Archerlian- An angelic gender that is masculine Princelian- An angelic gender that is feminine Powelian- An angelic gender that is unaligned and masculine Virtelian- An angelic gender that is unaligned and feminine Dominelian- An angelic gender that is masculine and feminine Seraphelian- An angelic gender that is Masculine, feminine and unaligned If anyone wants to make flags for these, please do so, I am bad at making flags. However, I would like it if you stuck to the same format for each flag. Like, if you make one with 5 stripes, all the others should have 5 stripes as well. Also, please tell me if these terms are already in existence or if there is a system like this already. EDIT: I have now labelled this as the Ophanian gender system
    How should I come out to my class [99 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 30 Fri 23:41:06 GMT)
    I want to come out to my class with my pronouns but I really don't know how. I go to a girls school and use she/they pronouns. I don't know if they'll understand my pronouns and identity. I have used pronoun earrings at school but only 2 people asked/complemented them. My school has a dress code and it is very strict. I am only out with my gender and sexuality to my close friends at school. I have a pretty accepting school but there are still homophobes in my class. I just want my pronouns to be accepted by my class. What should I Do?
    My new OC drawings [21 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 29 Thu 18:49:26 GMT)
    OC drawings of the community have a specific flag you want feel free to tell me and ill draw a character for it!
    A problem. [3 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 28 Wed 1:32:16 GMT)
    I can't decide my sexuality.. would that make me questioning..?
    My Gender Crisis [82 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 24 Sat 5:45:05 GMT)
    Hello! I am new to this wiki. I came here because I’ve been confused recently. So I’ve discovered I feel comfortable with any pronouns. However, I want a non-binary appearance, and don’t like my breasts and other pubescent female things. This is confusing because I don’t know if I’m non-binary, or I’m something else. It would be great if you had any suggestions for what I might be. My family isn’t transphobic, however they don’t know much about the lgbtqia+ community.
    new pages [44 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 21 Wed 2:16:26 GMT)
    hey, if anyone needs help creating a new page for their gender, sexuality, romantism, etc we'd be willing to help!! just comment the pride flag, name, and definition. if you dont have a pride flag, we can make it (with your consent). <3 much love to everyone, ya'll are cool and valid!!
    Demispike [63 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 21 Wed 1:22:28 GMT)
    i am so happy that me and LittlePrettyKittyAlly have relsed our new term, demisexual spike and demiromantic spike. i want to thank her so much for letting me help her, letting me make both flags and helping me find out my sexualty which is demi spike. i love her (platonically) and hope great things will happen to her. so thank you so much Lucy you really have changed my life
    The allo-spec in a nutshell [137 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 16 Fri 21:28:10 GMT)
    So basically the allo-spec is the opposite of the a-spec in which the a-spec meaning with the suffix a- meaning none or lack like...... Asexual Aromantic Agender Aplatonic These are....... The lack of sexual attraction The lack of romantic attraction The lack of gender The lack of platonic attraction Agender means the lack of gender but It has the suffix a- which means it’s on the a-spec same thing with apl Let’s cut to the chase allosexual is similar to heterosexual but instead of being compared to the h-spec (homo spec) it is compared to the a-spec alloplatonic, allogender, and alloromantic are all forms of the allo spectrum they are used most of time by an, Dyadicstaticcishet which means a not gender fluid, not intersex, not transgender, not on the homo-spec person (this is not an “normal” person everyone is normal!)
    I coined a bunch of variant terms [31 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 12 Mon 0:28:53 GMT)
    I've made some terms referring to alignment, exclusive gay attraction to binary people, desired sex characteristics, and some other random ones. Check them out. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Uh76FqdJrZMWbMF-Cbc_ZwirH1s-y-CerNpawMDLE4A/edit?usp=sharing
    Gender Arngorym LegoSexual (GALS) [54 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Oct 1 Thu 16:20:49 GMT)
    So, yeah. I created this flag for an unofficial reason i guess... Maybe this kind of flag is about a Women and a Men attracted to a Non-binary who is falling live with the lego franchise i think... maybe i just created this non-existent flag for a while now. here is the image. The GALS Flag
    90scoric Flag [51 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Aug 24 Mon 15:34:41 GMT)
    The other day I was looking through terms on MOGAIpedia without flags, and I saw 90scoric didn't have one, so I made one! I'll probably do this for more terms, but post them in bulk. So if anyone wants to write the article for 90scoric (if I don't get to it first lol), flag!
    "I'm Questioning My Sexuality, Is There A Term For..." (Part 3) [1837 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Aug 13 Thu 15:08:48 GMT)
    This is the last part in a three part masterpost for people questioning their orientation. This part will cover aro-spec identities, identifying whether you're aro-spec or not, as well as tertiary forms of attraction. Part 1 Part 2 What is Romantic Attraction Romantic attraction is harder to identify than sexual attraction. This is because there are no complete, 100% signs of romantic attraction. There are things that are typically associated with romance like cuddling, hand holding, and kissing. However, some people might enjoy some or all of these things in non-romantic context, yet dislike them in romantic context. Therefore, taking a page out of linguistics, a romantic relationship is described as a relationship with romantic intent. It’s a bit of a logic loop, but that is the only way to describe it that doesn’t alienate people who are affectionate with their friends. A romantic relationship is any relationship where all participants agree to the romantic context of the relationship and inherently romantic nature to any of the actions done in the relationship. Romantic attraction, therefore, is the desire to be in such a relationship with a particular person.  That said, if you dislike traditionally "romantic" stuff like kissing and cuddling it's a sign you might be aro-spec. However if you like those things that doesn't mean you can't be aro-spec. Potential Signs of Being Aro-Spec Note that these are only generalizations. Some aromantic people won't related to any of these, and some alloromantic people might related to some of them. Some of these items are contradictory. Having any of the experiences listed below is not definite proof that you’re aromantic. This just serves as possible signs that you aren't alloromantic. You’ve never had a crush on someone, or fallen in love. You’re not sure if you’ve ever had a crush on someone or fallen in love. You have trouble telling the difference between romantic and aesthetic/platonic/sexual/sensual attraction. Or you often had “crushes” on your friends. You have doubted whether crushes or love really exist, or if they’re just cultural constructs or exaggerations.  You thought that having a crush on someone meant you admired them or really wanted to be their friend. You thought crushes were something you consciously decided to have, so you selected an acquaintance or celebrity to be your crush. You have never had a romantic relationship- not because you couldn’t get one, but because you just never really bothered to try, or you liked being single better. You feel left out or confused when your friends talk about romance or crushes. Your romantic partners always seem to be way more into the lovey-dovey stuff than you are. When a romantic relationship gets serious, it makes you feel cold, distant or uncomfortable. You have felt guilty about not loving your romantic partner as much as they loved you, even though you sincerely cared about them and wanted to love them back. You enjoy gestures and activities that are traditionally labeled “romantic,” but at no point during them do you actually feel attracted to whoever you’re with. You don’t enjoy gestures and activities that are traditionally labeled romantic, either because the romance aspect bothers you, or because all of them are just plain unappealing to you. You’re more excited by making a new best friend than by falling in love. You are either oblivious to other people flirting with you, or feel uncomfortable or threatened by it. You find romance boring, annoying, or upsetting when it appears in fiction, even if it’s written well. You’re not against the idea of being single forever, or even enjoy the idea. You assumed you were bisexual, pansexual, or something similar because you feel the same way towards all genders. Alternatively, you assumed you were straight because you were given no reason to assume otherwise. Aro-Spec Identities Aromantic: Not feeling any romantic attraction. Arospike: When one is usually aromantic, but occasionally feel intense romantic feelings for a short amount of time. Greyromantic: Feeling romantic attraction very rarely or weakly. Demiromantic: Only feeling attraction after you have a deep emotional connection with someone. Aroflux: When your romantic feelings fluctuate but generally stays on the aromantic spectrum. Aliquaromantic: When you only feel sexual/romantic attraction under specific circumstances. Reciproromantic: When you don’t experience romantic attraction unless you know that the other person is attracted to you first. Frayromantic: When you only experiences romantic attraction towards those you are not deeply connected with, and lose that attraction as you get to know the person. (The opposite of demi.) Lithromantic: When you experience romantic attraction but do not want it reciprocated/loose that attraction when reciprocated. Aro-jump: When one is normally alloromantic, but experiences rare, sudden, and intense spikes of total or near total aromantism for a short amount of time. Any sexuality can be combined with any aro-spec identity. As some examples: Demibiromantic: Only feeling romantic attraction after you have a deep emotional connection. This attraction can occur towards two or more genders. Gayaroflux/Gayflux: Your romantic feelings fluctuate from gay to aromantic. Greyheteroromantic: You feel romantic attraction to a different gender but only very rarely or weakly. More Aro-Spec Terms These are terms that can be used in conjuction with any of the above identites. Arovague: When someones aro-spec identity is partially or fully influenced by their neurodivergency. Amicusromantic: When one only develop sexual/romantic attraction to people they have a platonic relationship with. (Subcategory of demi.) Apresromantic: When romantic attraction only develops after another form of attraction is felt. (Subset of demi.) Caedromantic: Someone who was at one point alloromantic, but that has been cut away from them due to past trauma. Fictoromantic: Someone who only feels romantic attraction to fictional characters. (Subcategory of procul.) Proculromantic: Someone who only feels romantic attraction to people who they're sure they can never be in a relationship with, such as celebrities or fictional characters. Requiromantic: When one has limited or no romantic attraction due to emotional exhaustion. (For neurodivergant and disabled people.) For When You Can’t Classify Your Attraction Idemromantic: Someone who can categorize relationships and feelings as platonic or romantic based on outside factors, but experiences no notable internal differences between platonic and romantic feelings. Nebularomantic: Someone who cannot distinguish between romantic and platonic attraction because of being neurodivergent. Platoniromantic: Someone who is not able to distinguish between platonic and romantic feelings. Quoiromantic: Someone who can't classify there romantic feelings/is unsure of their romantic feelings/is unsure if they expirence romantic feelings, for any number of reasons. Words To Describe Your Feelings Towards Romance I Don’t Like Romance Apothiromantic or Romance-Repulsed: Someone who is repulsed or disgusted by the idea of romance or romantic acts. Romance-Averse: Someone who is repulsed by romance that involves them, but not by romance that does not. No Strong Opinion Romance-Neutral: Someone who is indifferent to romance or the idea of romance. I Like the Idea of Romance Bellusromantic: Someone who likes traditionally romantic things, such as kissing or cuddling, but does not want a romantic relationship. Cupioromantic: Someone who does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship. Romance-Favorable: Someone who enjoys the idea of romance, despite not feeling romantic attraction. It’s Complicated Acoromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction that one wants to act on, but at the same time they have a strong aversion doing so. Apathromantic: When one lacks interest in acting on their attraction. They may or may not feel attraction, but it doesn’t matter to them. Inactromantic: Someone who experiences romantic attraction and desires a romantic relationship despite being romance repulsed.  Romance-Ambivalent: Having complicated or mixed feelings towards romance. Other Types of Attraction There are other types of attraction beyond just sexual and romantic attraction. These types of attraction can be modified using any sexuality terms. For example, you can be heteroqueerplatonic, meaning you only feel queerplatonic attraction to people of a different gender. You can also attach a-spec related terms to tertiary attractions. For example, you could be demipolyalterous, meaning you can feel alterous attraction to many genders, but only after you have a strong connection to someone. You can also use the a- prefix to show that you don't feel that form of attraction. For example, is you don’t feel sensual attraction you could be asensual.  If you are both aro-spec and ace-spec and feel tertiary attraction you might identify as oriented aroace or angled aroace. Platonic Attraction: The strong desire to be friends with someone in particular, or to have a stronger friendship if you’re already friends. Queerplatonic Attraction: The strong desire to be in a queerplatonic relationship with someone in particular. Some people feel that platonic and queerplatonic attraction are the same, but other make the distinction between the two. Aesthetic attraction: An attraction to a particular person's appearance. It is based on a desire to observe someone because one finds them aesthetically pleasing. Sensual Attraction: The desire to be phyically intiment/phyically touch a particular person (non-sexually). Alterous Attraction: A form of attraction that is not platonic or queerplatonic, but also is not romantic. Cedural attraction: The desire to feel protected, covered, understood, tutored, and supported by someone in particular. Tutelary attraction: The desire to take care of, protect, and support a particular person. FAQ Can I be aro-spec if I feel sexual attraction? Yes, romantic and sexual attraction are completely separate. Aro-spec people can have any sexual orientation. Can I can be
    I need advice... [142 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jul 31 Fri 12:39:52 GMT)
    So my BFF just came out as trans less then a week ago. I have known him for almost 2 years now, and for most of that time, he was a girl. I am perfectly fine of his decision, actually supportive, but I myself and still a bit confused. I looked up stuff about transgender, and looked into as much as I could. But I am still confused. How should I deal with this? Does anyone have any advice for people whose friend just came out as trans? How do I get past the confusion? I am seeing him today, so I don't think anyone will get back that soon, but I just hope I get at least one response. If anyone has had a friend that came out as trans, can you give me some advice, or if you are trans, advice on how you would find it respectful?
    Lgbta experience: parts 1 and 2 [383 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jul 27 Mon 10:56:30 GMT)
    Part 1: Introduction  Hey everyone! I had this thought recently, and I wanted to see if this'd even work. So I am constantly asking for what it is like to have X sexuality or X gender. I decided that it would easier if instead of asking when I get confused, making blog posts, featuring different subjects for people to talk about. Here is how it would work: First, I would give the subject of the part (so for example, this one is introduction, the next will be Gay/Lesbian). Then, I would ask for real life experiences with the sexuality or gender. I think if people see information, straight from the source, it is definitely easier to understand. One thing before we get started, I don't want anyone saying that they know someone like that and then writing about them. I want it to come from the person who is the sexuality or gender being discussed. Okay, let's get started! Part 2: Gay/ Lesbian So the first sexuality we are going to be talking about is Gay/Lesbian. If you are gay or lesbian, or something else that falls in that area, feel free to write about it here. For it to fall under the umbrella: You can only be interested in one gender, or gender alignment. We will cover bi/pan/omnisexual next time. The gender alignment you love cannot be the "opposite" of your gender. So if you are male, and you write about loving females, you are defeating the purpose of this. Pronouns do not matter here. If you are a she/her gay, write about it, and feel free to talk about the she/her part. Also, can you please, if you have a more specific label, tell us what that label is.  One more thing: If you are Vixenamoric (I don't think I spelled that right), please write here. There is a lot of controversy on your page, and I am constantly trying to defend, but I wanna know who I am defending, if anyone at all. If you are Vixenamoric, please explain why. If there isn't anyone who is Vixenamoric by next week, when I put up part 3, I won't defend it anymore as there isn't anyone to defend.  Edit: if you are ace-spec homoromantic, feel free to post, but ace-spec is coming in part 5
    "I'm Questioning My Sexuality, Is There A Term For..." (Part 2) [1458 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jul 25 Sat 16:07:59 GMT)
    This is part two of three in a masterpost for people questioning their orientation. This part will cover ace-spec identities. I will also, go more in depth into identifying whether you're ace-spec or not. Part 1 Part 3 What is Sexual Attraction Sexual attraction is the desire to have sex with a specific person. Sexual attraction has nothing to do with sex drive/libido. Some (but not all) asexual people have a sex drive, however this is only the desire for sex in general. They do not have the desire to have sex with anyone in particular. Put simply, an asexual person will never look at someone and think “I want to have sex with that person.” Potential Signs of Being Ace-Spec Note that these are only generalizations. Some asexual people won't related to any of these, and some allosexual people might related to some of them. This just serves as possible signs that you aren't allosexual. You are general uninterested in sex. Or your interest in sex is more scientific than emotional. You don’t understand how people can look at someone and want to have sex with them. You don’t understand the idea of someone doing something just for sex. Why don’t they just not? If you had sex, your reaction was “meh”. You don’t understand what people were making such a bad deal about. You feel left out or confused when your friends talk about sex. On multiple occasions you have had to pretend to be sexually interested in someone because that’s what you’re “suppose” to do. You have not had sex in years, and aren’t bothered by that. Or you would be fine with the idea of never having sex again. Ace-Spec Identities  Asexual: Someone who does not feel any sexual attraction. Acespike: Someone who is usually asexual, but occasionally feel intense sexual feelings for a short amount of time. Greyasexual: Someone who feels sexual attraction very rarely or weakly. Demisexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction after they have a deep emotional connection with someone. Aceflux: Someone whose sexual feelings fluctuate but generally stays on the asexual spectrum. Aliquasexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction under specific circumstances. Reciprosexual: Someone who doesn't experience sexual attraction unless they know that the other person is attracted to them first. Fraysexual: Someone who only experiences sexual attraction towards those they are not deeply connected with, and lose that attraction when they get to know the person. (The opposite of demisexual.) Lithosexual: Someone who experience sexual attraction but do not want it reciprocated/loose that attraction when it is reciprocated. Ace-jump: Someone who is normally allosexual, but experiences rare, and intense spikes of total or near total asexuality for a short amount of time. Ace-spec labels can be combined with any other sexuality. As some examples: Demibisexual: Only feeling attraction after you have a deep emotional connection. This attraction can occur towards two or more genders. Gayaceflux/Gayflux: Your sexual feelings fluctuate from gay to asexual. Greyheterosexual: You feel sexual attraction to a different gender but only very rarely or weakly. Any sexuality can be combined with any ace-spec identity (with the exception of purely asexual). More Ace-Spec Terms These are terms that can be used in conjuction with other the above ace-spec identites. Acevague: When someone's ace-spec identity is partially or fully influenced by their neurodivergency. Amicussexual: When someone only develops sexual attraction to people they have a platonic relationship with. (Subcategory of demisexual.) Apressexual: When sexual attraction only develops after another form of attraction is felt (platonic, romantic, etc.) (Subset of demisexual.) Caedsexual: Someone who was at one point allosexual, but that has been partly or fully cut away from their attraction due to past trauma. Fictosexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction to fictional characters. (Subcategory of proculsexual.) Proculsexual: Someone who only feels sexual attraction to people who they're sure they can never be in a relationship with, such as celebrities or fictional characters. Requisexual: When someone has limited or no sexual attraction due to emotional exhaustion. (For neurodivergant and disabled people.) Words To Describe Your Feelings Towards Sex I Don’t Like Sex Agensexual: Genitalia repulsed asexual. May or may not also be sex repulsed. Apothisexual or Sex-Repulsed: Someone who is repulsed or disgusted by the idea of sex. Sex-Averse: Someone who is repulsed by sexual activity that involves them, but not toward sexual activity that does not. Anticarnal: Someone who feels a strong visceral reaction of disgust at the concept of sex in general. Discarnal: Someone who is opposed/disgusted by the idea of engaging in sex themselves, but is fine with sexual activity that does not involve them. No Strong Opinion Sex-Neutral or Acarnal: Someone who is indifferent to sex or the idea of sex. I Have a Sex Drive Aremsexual: Someone who has a sex drive, but usually is not attracted to other people. Autochorisexual/Aegosexual: Someone who has a disconnect between themself and the subject of arousal. They may have sexual fantasies, watch porn, or masturbate, but do not desire to have sex with another person. I Like the Idea of Sex Iamvanosexual: Someone who enjoys having sexual acts performed on them but does not want to perform sexual acts on others. Placiosexual: Someone who enjoys performing sexual acts for other people but does not want them reciprocated.  Sex-Favorable or Iculasexual or Procarnal: Someone who enjoys the idea of sex, despite not feeling sexual attraction. It’s Complicated Acorsexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction that they want to act on, but at the same time they have a strong aversion doing so. Apathsexual: Someone who lacks interest in acting on their attraction. May or may not feel attraction, but it doesn’t matter to them. ARCflux: When one’s feelings about sex fluctuate. ARCsexual: Someone who feels averse, repulsed, or conflicted towards sex. Chameleosexual: When someone prefers to receive or perform sexual acts based on the gender of their partner. Eriscarnal: Sex conflicted. When there’s disconnect between one's conscious desires and one's subconscious reactions.  Inactsexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction and desires a sexual relationship despite being sex repulsed.  Sex-Ambivalent: Having complicated feelings towards sex. FAQ Can I be ace-spec if I watch porn/masturbate/have a libido? Yes. Sex drive is entirely separate from sexual attraction. You can be asexual as long as you don’t experience the desire to have sex with someone specifically.  Can I be ace-spec if I enjoy sex/want to have sex? Yes. You can enjoy the act of sex without being sexually attracted to someone. Some asexuals have a low sex drive, but these things are not the same. Can I be ace-spec if I have/want to have a romantic relationship? Yes, romantic attraction is entirely separate from sexual attraction. You can have or want a romantic relationship without any sexual aspects. Ace-spec people can have any romantic orientation. Can I combine demi/grey/litho/fray/etc. and
    "I'm Questioning My Sexuality, Is There A Term For..." (Part 1) [2095 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jul 23 Thu 19:59:09 GMT)
    This is part one of three posts for people who are questioning their sexuality. This serves as a masterpost for a large amount of sexualities, orginized mostly based on the gender(s) you're attracted to. (Parts 2 and 3 will cover a-spec identities.) A note before we start: Instead of writing out "women and women-aligned people" and "men and men-aligned people" a thousand times I wrote "women*" and "men*" in all instances to show that non-binary people are include in all these definitions unless explicitly specified otherwise. Also note that some terms say "(exclusive or not)" in this case it means that someone with that identity is definitely attracted to a certain gender(s), but they may or may not be attracted to other genders as well (what those other genders are, if any, are not specified). In addition, terms that are generally considered exclusive may have exceptions. Part 2  Part 3  Attracted to Women*, Fiaspec, Fingenders, or Femininity  For Women* Lesbian: Womenexclusively attracted to women*. Sapphic: Womanattracted to women(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). For Men* Marsexual: Genderfluid boy exclusively attracted to women*.  Romeric: Manattracted to women(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). For Non-Binary People Aurorasexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to women*. Donnasexual: Unaligned non-binary exclusively attracted to women*. Feminamoric: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women*. Robiselle: Anonbinary attracted exclusively to binary women. Trixic/Orbisian: Non-binary attracted to women(exclusively or not). Venusic: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and women-aligned non-binary people. Xenirian: Xenic people exclusively attracted to women*. For Agender People Agenirian: Agender attracted to women(exclusively or not). Azalian: Agender attracted to women(exclusively or not). Iliosexual: Agender or abinary exclusively attracted to women*. Naneosexual: Agender exclusively attracted to women*. For Anyone Femaric: Any non-straight attraction to women(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). Finsexual: Anyone attracted to feminine people regardless of gender. Gynesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to womenand/or femininity. Lunaric: Anyone attracted to exclusively feminine-aligned non-binary people (not including binary women). Minwomasexual: Anyone attracted only to womenwho are GNC. Proquasexual: A feminine person attracted to feminine people regardless of gender. Womasexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women*. Attracted to Men*, Miaspec, Mingenders, or Masculinity For Men* Achillean or Vincian: Manattracted to men(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). Gay, Veldian/Turian, or : Manexclusively attracted to men*. For Women* Aphrodisexual: Genderfluid girl exclusively attracted to men*. Julietian: Womanattracted to men(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). For Non-Binary People Erwekinne: Anonbinary exclusively attracted to binary men. Marsic: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men and men-aligned people. Toric/Quadrisian: Non-binary attracted to men(exclusive or not). Uomosexual: Unaligned non-binary exclusively attracted to men. Ursasexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to men*. Viramoric: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men*. Xenilian: Xenic exclusively attracted to men*. For Agender People Agenilian: Agender attracted to men(exclusive or not). Fenosexual: Agender or abinary exclusively attracted to men*. Thistlian: Agender exclusively attracted to men. Yaesexual: Agender exclusively attracted to men*. For Anyone Androsexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*. Finmasexual: Anyone attracted to menwho are GNC. Mascic: Any non-straight attraction to men(exclusive or not) (umbrella term). Masexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*. Proquusexual: A masculine person attracted to masculine people regardless of gender. Solaric: Anyone exclusive attracted to masculine aligned non-binary people (not including binary men). Attracted to Non-Binary People For Non-Binary People Ceterosexual: Non-binary exclusively attracted to non-binary people. Enbian: Non-binary attraction to non-binary people (exclusively or not). Galaxsexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to non-binary people. Terraric: Non-binary attracted to non-binary people. Xenidian: Xenic exclusively attracted to non-binary people. Xenixian: Xenic exclusively attracted to xenic. For Agender People Agenidian: Agender attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not). Agenixian: Agender attracted to xenic people (exclusively or not). Delphinian: Agender attracted to agender people (exclusively or not). Magnolian: Agender attracted to non-binary and agender people (exclusive or not). Wisterian: Agender attracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not). For Men* Astroidian: Manattracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not). For Women*: Asterian: Womanattracted to non-binary people (exclusively or not). For Anyone Ageninic: Anyone attracted to agender people. Ceterosexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-binary people. Enboric: Any attraction to non-binary people (exclusive or not) (umbrella term). Neusexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to agender and/or neutral genders.  Ninsexual: Anyone attracted to gender neutral/androgynous presenting people regardless of gender. Nogarian: Anyone attracted to anonbinary (exclusively or not). Saturnic: Anyone exclusively attracted to androgynous aligned non-binary people. Stellaric: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-aligned, and androgynous non-binary people. Triasexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to non-binary people. General Attractions These terms there do not fit in the previous sections because they do not specify the gender(s) that you are attracted to. Contraic: “Opposite” gender attraction for non-binary people. Demetersexual: Genderfluid and strayt. Diamoric: Any form of non-binary attraction. Duaric: Includes all men attracted to women and all women attracted to men, exclusively or not (umbrella term). Gai: Gay but in a uniquely non-binary way. Gay: Attraction to the same/similar gender. Queer: Anyone who is not straight. Straight/Heterosexual: Attraction to a different gender. Strayt: Straight but in a uniquely non-binary way. Symmaic: “Same” gender attraction for non-binary people. Ultramoric: Anyone who experiences non-straight attraction (umbrella term). Attracted to Multiple Genders  If you are bigender, multigender, or genderfluid you may be interested in our gender-loving-gender page, where there are many, many more terms. If you are anonbinary you may be interested in the anonbinary collection page. Bisexual: Anyone attracted to more the one gender (any genders). Disexual: Anyone attracted to exactly two genders (any two). Omnisexual: Anyone attracted to all genders, though gender still plays a role in the attraction. Pansexual: Anyone attracted to all genders, where gender does not play a role in attraction. Pluralian/Multisexual: Anyone who is attracted to multiple genders (umbrella term). Polysexual: Anyone attracted to many genders, but not all (any genders). Trisexual: Anyone attracted to exactly 3 genders (any three). Hexsexual: Anyone attracted to exactly 6 genders (any six). Preferences Ainic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for genderless people or genderless/gender neutral presentation. Ambivaic: Attracted to multiple genders and having no preference. Finic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for womenor a feminine gender presentation. Minic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for menor a masculine gender presentation. Ninic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for non-binary/neutral genders or an androgynous/gender neutral presentation. Nonbic: Non-cis person attracted to multiple genders but with preference for non-binary people. Xinic: Attracted to multiple genders but with preference for xenic people or a xenine gender presentation. Attracted to Menand Women* Mercuric: Anyone exclusively attracted to men, masculine-aligned non-binary, women, and feminine-aligned non-binary people. Orchidian: Agender attracted to womenand men(exclusive or not). Rochillic: Manattracted to womenand men(exclusive or not). Salietian: Womanattracted to menand women(exclusive or not). Scapolitian: Non-binary attracted to womenand men(exclusive or not). Attracted to Womenand Non-Binary People Agatic: Womanattracted to womenand non-binary people (exclusive or not). Brownitian/Ammolic/Ametrian: Non-binary attracted to womenand non-binary people (exclusive or not). Enbitrix: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and non-binary people. Femmesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women, feminine non-binary people, and androgynous people. Litian: Manattracted to non-binary people and women(exclusive or not). Neptunic: Anyone attracted to women*, and non-binary people.  Trixensexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to womenand non-binary people. Attracted to Menand Non-Binary People Asterosian: Manattracted to non-binary people and men(exclusive or not). Carnelian: Non-binary attracted to menand non-binary people (exclusive or not). Citrinian: Womanattracted to non-binary people and men(exclusive or not). Enbitor: Non-binary exclusively attracted to men and non-binary people. Lilacian: Agender attracted to menand non-binary people (exclusive or not). Mascusexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to men*, masculine-aligned people, and androgynous people. Uranic: Anyone exclusively attracted to menand non-binary people. Torensexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to menand non-binary people. Attracted to Men*, Women*, and Non-Binary People Dahlian: Agender attracted to men*, women*, non-binary, and agender people (exclusive or not). GNCsexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to people who are gender non-conforming. Marblic/Astronic: Manattracted to women*, men*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not). Plutaric: Anyone attracted to men, women, stellarians, and lunarians, but not solarians. Taaffeitian: Womanattracted to men*, women*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not). Versian/Jaspian: Non-binary attracted to women*, men*, and non-binary people (exclusive or not). Attracted to All Genders Except... Nofinsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present feminine, regardless of gender. Nomasexual: Attraction to all genders except binary men. Nominsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present masculine, regardless of gender. Noninsexual: Attraction to everyone except those who present gender neutral/androgynous, regardless of gender.  Nowomasexual: Attraction to all genders except binary women. Penultisexual: Attracted to all genders except one's own. Other These are identities based on questioning, feeling unsure, having a sexuality that changes, not being able to define your sexuality, or not wanting to define your sexuality. Abrosexual: Someone whose orientation changes Comsexual: Someone who experiences attraction but can’t/doesn’t want to specify that attraction any further. Cryptosexual: Someone whose orientation cannot be defined using our current vocabulary. Implasexual: Someone who will never be satisfied with their orientation due to self-doubt.  Novisexual: Attraction so complicated it is difficult or impossible to fit into one term. Novosexual: Genderfluid and abrosexual at the same time. One cannot say what their sexuality or gender is, because it is not permanent.  Omnique/Omnigay: Genderfluid and abrosexual at the same time, where one's gender or sexuality changes so that one is always defined as gay or queer. Paraidemsexual: When gay/lesbian is very close to defining one’s identity, but one feels unsure or anxious about describing themself as gay/lesbian. Pomoimplasexual: Someone who feels there is currently no identity which describes their experiences, but feels like sometime in the future there might be. Pomosexual: Someone who denies or does not fit any labels of attraction. Queer: Anyone who is not straight. Sanssexual: Someone whose attraction changes randomly, subcategory of abrosexual. Xumsexual: Someone who will never be satisfied with their orientation due to self-doubt or identity issues (exclusive to neurodivergent people). FAQ I’m non-binary but I feel most comfortable identifying as
    Kind of Calling Myself Out [301 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jul 22 Wed 17:29:37 GMT)
    I'm not really sure why I'm doing this, but I've been internalizing this a lot and I felt if I put it out there that I could maybe find some peace within myself about it. Since I don't want this blog post to be too long, I'll just state it: I feel uncomfortable under any label. Reason? I'm not really sure. I started with bisexual in 2018, then queer, then lesbian, and now? I guess I consider myself a sapphic? But I also explored this wiki today and found Agatic ("a woman, or feminine aligned person, who is wlw and wlnb, meaning a woman who is attracted to women and to non-binary people, and/or a woman who prioritizes her attraction to women and non-binary people over other attractions she may have.") Which, yeah, I feel like that fits me? But.. for some reason when I see people who find their sexuality identity or gender identity, I see them as they had this light bulb go off or this spark and they are so confident that it's them and I feel like I should have that when I don't. Can I identify as a Sapphic Agatic? Is that a thing? Can I create my own sexuality that I feel is best for me? Like, i'm just so confused and I feel like I'll be offending or disrespecting somebody by using sapphic-agatic or creating my own sexuality. IDKKKK i'm lost atp. Am I still questioning??? And for anybody that wants to help me, I find myself being romantically and sexually attracted to women, but I also find myself sometimes attracted to men, but it's not in a necessarily sexual way? I think? I am homosexual heteroromantic but that's like such a mouthful, so if there is a term that puts that into one word, is that real? 
    MOGAI Discourse; a critical analysis. [1240 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jun 26 Fri 6:27:01 GMT)
    MOGAI is an all-inclusive acronym for the LGBT+ community standing for Marginalized Orientations, Genders and Intersex. This acronym has a lot of controversy, and is targetted with many accusations of being a community of people turning the queer community into a 'trend'. Here we will be doing a critical analysis of the acronym, and whether or not it is helpful. Glossary MOGAI - Marginalized Orientations, Genders and Intersex Queer - Any form of LGBTQ+ identity LGBTQ+ - Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and more. Cisgender - Someone who strictly identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth. Straight - Someone who is attracted to the opposite gender. Cishet - Someone who is both straight and cisgender. Gay - Someone attracted to the same gender. Lesbian - A woman who is attracted to the same gender. Bisexual - Someone attracted to two or more genders. Trans - Someone who does not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth. Non-binary - Someone who does not strictly identify as either a man or a woman. Pan - Someone attracted to all genders. Allo - Someone who is able to experience attraction, the opposite of asexual or aromantic. Micro-labels - Labels to describe small details in ones identity. Anxiegender - A gender affected by anxiety. Exclusion - Leaving certain things or people out of a group, in this case the LGBTQ+ community. Cupioromantic - Someone who does not experience romantic attraction but still desires a romantic relationship. Trixensexual - Someone who is exclusively attracted to women and non-binary people. Marginalized - When a group or person is treated as a lesser or insignificant. Arguments for the MOGAI Acronym MOGAI is shadowed with many accusations of glorifying oppression and the discrimination the queer community faces for the sake of being apart of a trend, but is it a trend? Why is MOGAI helpful? Less clunky If you were to have an a letter for everyone in the LGBTQ+ acronym without leaving anybody out, you would have LGBTQIAPKCDEFHJMNORSUVWXYZ2 which is riddled with flaws, being too long, being hard to memorize, and in general sounding ridiculous. MOGAI is a 5 letter, short and all inclusive acronym. All inclusive MOGAI represents all people who diverge from the societal norm of being cisgender, straight and allo in 5 letters without 'prioritizing' other orientations, and treating everyone with equality and respect. Validates obscure identities The acronym MOGAI does not exclude anybody, and in 5 letters accounts for trans people, non-binary people, gay people, lesbians, bi people, pan people, the list can go on but for the sake of brevity we shall stop there. Arguments Against the MOGAI Acronym MOGAI is shadowed with many accusations of glorifying oppression and the discrimination the queer community faces for the sake of being apart of a trend, but is it a trend? Why could MOGAI be harmful? Coining "unnecessary" labels MOGAI has a reputation of coining obscure micro-labels for the slightest difference in orientation or gender, which to some may seem ridiculous and unnecessary; potentially harming the cause for equal rights by confusing people outside of the LGBT+ community. These unnecessary labels are sometimes called offensive as to some they may seem ridiculous, for example in the case of Anxiegender, a term that describes any form of gender identity affected by anxiety, which can be seen as a glorification of anxiety, in my personal eyes it is not, but rather a term to more accurately describe certain people's experiences. Allows cishets into the community The acronym is accused of letting everyone into the community, but this argument is inherently exclusionary because it implies that obscure identities do not deviate from the societal norm of being straight, cisgender and allo which is a completely opinion based argument. Glorification of mental illness Many times you can see MOGAI blogs glorifying mental illnesses, such as in the case of the depression pride flag or misophonia pride flag, which may make mental illness look like a cool and quirky trend, which is damaging to society as a whole because of the brutal mortality rates and risks of mental illness. Discussion The discourse has many arguments, most very similar to eachother but this blog post has stored some of the main ones, now I shall be giving my personal opinion on the matter. "Allowing cishets into the community" The whole point of MOGAI is marginalized orientations, genders and intersex. If an orientation or gender is not marginalized, it is not a MOGAI identity, and the claim that some of the more obscure identities are merely opinion based and inherently exclusionary. Micro-labels Micro-labels are a form of jargon to connect with other members of the queer community to easily express and explain ones personal experiences; for example, someone interested in flags may know what a canton, hoist, fimbriation, bordure or fess is but in a normal conversation these words would not be used as communication is a two way street, and if the other person fails to understand you, you have failed to communicate a point. For example, a cupioromantic trixensexual person may not tell people upon meeting for the first time that they are a cupioromantic trixensexual person because they are very obscure, unknown terms, instead these labels may just be summarised with the term "bisexual". Glorification of mental illness I think the glorification of mental illness is a fucked up thing to do, as someone diagnosed with depression, anxiety, OCD and a potential eating disorder I am repulsed by the depression pride flag. However, I believe this to be the fault of the creator and people who make these flags rather then MOGAI as a whole, because 4chan claimed in 2017 that the LGBTQ+ community was adding a P for 'pedosexual' does that mean it was true? No, the P stands for pansexual. Conclusion I personally see no problem with MOGAI, though other peoples opinions may differ, and I believe that people have the right to define their orientation or gender how they please rather then letting other people speak for them. A reader may disagree with the points I make, but at the end of the day, just be kind to each other, rather then responding with hostility to what you disagree with, engage in a healthy discussion or debate. Resources https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/620406935004512256/misophoniac-flag https://beyond-mogai-pride-flags.tumblr.com/post/158036134050/depression-flag#notes https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lgbtp-adding-letter/
    The Desistance Myth [398 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jun 17 Wed 5:10:58 GMT)
    The Desistance Myth The desistance argument is a common narrative used in attempt to oppose any form of medical or social transition. One of the most cited studies is the Steensma study of 2013. Steensma Steensma surveyed 127 adolescents, of which 80 participants ‘desisted’ in their gender dysphoria (62.99%)  Flaws in the methodology of the study This study suffers from several methodological flaws making this study very unreliable. Baseless assumptions "As the Amsterdam clinic is the only gender identity service in the Netherlands where psychological and medical treatment is offered to adolescents with GD, we assumed that for the 80 adolescents (56 boys and 24 girls), who did not return to the clinic, that their GD had desisted, and that they no longer had a desire for gender reassignment." (583) The problem with measuring this way is that these adolescents could have died, moved to a different country, decided to speak to a different doctor or not medically transition. Not all individuals with gender dysphoria desire to medically transition for many reasons, as in trans men not wanting to go on testosterone to keep a singing voice. Instead of counting the children who failed to go to the clinic again, you cut them out of your statistics. "All 47 persisters participated in the study. Of the 80 desisters, 46 adolescents sent back the questioners." (584) They contacted the 80 desisters, of which only 46 responded, making 34 of these desisters invalid and not part of the actual statistics. The actual sample size is now 93, which brings the desistance rate down to approximately 49.4% (46 desisters, 47 persisters). Many of the children surveyed did not meet the criteria for gender dysphoria Many of the desisters did not meet the threshold for gender dysphoria. 91.3% of male persisters were diagnosed with gender dysphoria. 95.8% of female persisters were diagnosed with gender dysphoria. 60% of male desisters were not diagnosed with gender dysphoria. 41.7% of female desisters were not diagnosed with gender dysphoria. Conclusion Other studies also suffer from similar flaws in their method of surveying, this study completely goes against the scientific method and bases its evidence on bad statistics. It is safe to say that the studies available to us are of poor quality and more research needs to be done. Glossary GD: Gender Dysphoria GID: Gender Identity Disorder (now known as Gender Dysphoria) Resources Steensma, Thomas, et al. Factors Associated With Desistence and Persistence of Childhood Gender Dysphoria: A Quantitative Follow-Up Study. NEW RESEARCH, June. 2013, https://www.docdroid.net/hY664Sc/steensma2013-pdf
    View on Gender, Non-Outherine, and Coining a New Term [1014 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jun 12 Fri 15:26:07 GMT)
    Part 1: My View on Gender (Updated) Over a year ago I made a post describing my view on gender. I didn't particularly like the way I visualized it, but I couldn't think of anything better. Well, now I've thought of something better. Admittedly, it's more complicated than the version I presented before, but I feel like this version more actually describes gendered expirences. The gender pyramid.The gender pyramid as viewed from above.This view of gender takes the form of a triangluar pyramid. The top face has three points, each point representing masculinity, feminine, and neutrality/epicenity. In this case, neutrality is defined as a gender which is not related to masculinity, and feminity in any way, but is still strongly gendered in a way that still typically falls into the understanding human genders. They are genders that would be classified as abinary. You can fall somewhere in between two of these points, such as with androgyne, neutromme, and neutremme. You can also fall somewhere inbetween all three of these points, and have a gender that has elements of masculinity, femininity, and neutrality. (Not sure what this gender is called.) You can also move closer to the fourth, downard facing point of the pyramid, which shows how intensely you feel your gender. If you're on the top face you're completely gendered, but you can also move down to paragender (almost, but not completely gender), demigender (around half way gendered), and libragender (mostly genderless, but slightly a given gender). All three gender faces meet at a slight point, where there is no gender at all (agender). (Note: I didn't label para-, demi-, and libra- forms of neutromme, neutremme, and androgyne. These genders still exist, I just did it for the sake of space. Also note that the androgyne face of the pyramid in not seen at this angle.) Most people's gender can be described as a point somewhere within this pyramid. (Admittedly, I'm not sure how cooridenates would work in a non-cubical space. But that's for the math nerds to work out.) Genderfluid people have a point what moves around within the pyramid. Genderflux people have a point that moves, but only on the axis that is farther and close to agender. Multigender people have mulitple points within the pyramid. If we zoom out slightly, we'll see that the potential "gender space" extends out infinitely from the pyramid, which is where outherine genders like atrinary genders and xenogenders are found. Part 2: Non-Outherinity So in researching genders, I'm come across some genders that claim to be "not masc, fem, neutral, or outherine". Now, don't get me wrong, I fully support people describing their gender as whatever they want. But, that being said I feel like people saying their gender is not outherine don't fully understand what outherinity is. Outherinity is not a specific label- it does not describe a specific trait or set of traits like masculine, feminine, or neutral do. Outherine describes all traits that don't fall into the categories of masc, fem, or neutral. Basically, imagine it like this: All things in the universe can be placed into four categories: Books Spoons Frogs Everything else This statement is complete true. If something doesn't fall within the category of "book", "spoon", or "frog" (or potentially some combination of them), then it would fall into the "everything else" category. This fourth category doesn't say anything specific about that object. It only tells you that it isn't a book, spoon, or frog. If we apply this to gender we could say: All genders can be placed into four categories: Masculine Feminine Neutral Outherine In this case outherine is the "everything else" cateogory. Describing a gender as outherine says nothing about the actually gender itself. It only means that the gender does not fall into any of the other categories. There is no such thing as "typically outherine traits" like there are for the other categories. Outherine is not a category, it's a cateogry for things that lack a category. If you say that your gender is not outherine, then that means, by definition, it must be masculine, feminine, neutral, or some combination of them. Maybe I'm misunderstanding this, in which case someone correct me, but this is why I think that people who say their gender is "not outherine" don't actually understand what outherine means. They simply saw a new label and went "no". Once again, I support people's right to describe their gender however they want, which is why I've made a new term to try and end all this. Part 3: Coining a New Term The term I'm coining is ineffaline. It's based on the word ineffable. The adverb form is ineffity. An ineffaline gender is a gender that defies all forms of classification. Any label or attempt to classify the gender with human language will be rejected. An ineffaline gender will say "no, I'm not masc, fem, or neutral" and "no, I'm not atriary either" and "no I'm not xenic or outherine" and it will continue like this. An ineffaline gender in not masculine, feminine, neutral, outhernine, xenic, or anything related to any of them. It is also not related to any terms that may be coined in the future. For as long as people come up with new terms an ineffaline gender will reject those terms. It is not neccessarily because the person who possesses the gender is questioning or doesn't understand their gender. An ineffaline person can be strongly gendered, and fully confident in their gender, but all labels that exist don't seem to fit. Basically, ineffaline is the "everything else" category. If you are not ineffaline, that means, by definition, you must identify with an existing gender term. Admittedly, due to the definition of ineffaline, and ineffaline person is probably going to reject the label of ineffaline on principle, so I don't know how usful with term actually is. But this is my attempt to help people to claim their gender in not outherine. 
    A Very Special Milestone [1538 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Jun 3 Wed 16:21:27 GMT)
    Today we've reached two major milestones. First, we've reached 800 pages of this wiki! It's crazy how fast this wiki is growing. It feels like we only just reached 700 pages. Also, fun fact, since this wiki is almost exactly two years old, it averages out to just a little bit over one page added per day.Second thing (and the thing I will be talking about for the rest of this post): we've just achieved one article starting with each letter of the alphabet!Now, you might be thinking "there's only 26 letters, how does it take 800 pages to get one for each letter?" Well, that's actually a bit of a story, which I will tell to you now. I think it was around 400 articles when I first got the idea of one article per letter of the alphabet. When you're the sort of person who writes and organizing hundreds of wiki pages for fun this is the sort of thing that gets you excited. I was close to the goal at the time, but there were a handful of letters I hadn't gotten yet. At that point I started keeping a close eye out for an identities starting with specific letters. I also became quite interested in the letter distribution in names. I think the best way to show this is with a graph, which I will show you now: ​​​​​ The first are broken down by category. Yellow: sexuality . Green: gender . Purple: xenogender . Blue: Other, which includes the categories "identity ", "terminology ", ace-spec identity ", and "aro-spec identity ".) The graph shows the letter distribution across all articles at the time of writing this. (It doesn't exactly add up to the total number of articles because some articles are in multiple categories and therefore are counted twice.) In this graph you can clearly see that some letters are extremely over represented when it comes to identity names. The top five most common letters are: 5) N and V (tied): The letter N gets a boost with all the sexualities that are "no
    pride edits [78 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 May 22 Fri 9:07:34 GMT)
    Hi folks, I'm a student with an interest in graphic design, and I wondered if anyone would be interested in me creating them LGBTQ+ edits - completely for free. Sorry, that sounds weird. What I'm saying is, I love making edits, aesthetics and collages, and since I'm currently quarantined due to COVID-19, I wondered if anyone would like me to create them something. I had the idea, since it's Pride Month really soon, so I wondered if anyone had any requests! Feel free to ask. :)
    Contradictory Information on SAM Page [113 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2020 Feb 21 Fri 20:03:35 GMT)
    Currently, the page for Split Attraction Model displays contradictory information in the History subsection: "It wasn't until 2005 that the modern form of the SAM was created on AVEN." "In 2015, a new criticism emerged among anti-ace bloggers: conflating the concepts of multiple orientation labeling, attraction subtyping, and universalizing language by sloppily grouping all three together as 'the split attraction model'." It can't have been created both in 2005 and in 2015. More sources point toward 2015 as the origin point of the term, as explained in this revision. Although early 2000s AVEN is relevant, this section needs to be revised for clarity and consistency.
    Negative Comments Poll Results [165 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2019 Nov 23 Sat 5:15:22 GMT)
    A month ago I set up a poll regarding how we should treat people who leave comments that are not outright hate speech but are still queerphobic. Here are the results of that poll: As you can see the "delete comment and (temporaily) block the user" option is the clear winner. With that my process will be the following: Any existing negetive comments will be deleted. The users will not be blocked (since many of these are from several month ago, sometimes even years). With the exception of comments that have been replied to. Any new negetive comments will be deleted and the user will be banned for one week (or longer if it's a repeated offence).  I have also made a community guidelines page. It's fairly short now as I think everything should be pretty self explainitory but it will be added to as new guidelines are created.
    Regarding Negative Comments [118 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2019 Oct 21 Mon 1:17:57 GMT)
    By far the most common reason people are blocked here is because of hate speech, however there are also a sizable amount of comments that are something along the lines of "this is stupid lol". I've been wondering what do to about these sorts of comments for awhile now, because the people who make these comments are very clearly homophobic/transphobic and would not be willing to listen to any attempts to explain. However, it seems seems like an overreaction to block someone over a minor comment like this. But at the same time I'm sure most people who use this wiki for it's intended purpose would rather not see these comments.  The poll is closed, here are the results:
    The Misunderstanding Behind The Term Atrinary [1244 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2019 Sep 15 Sun 22:12:02 GMT)
    In my last blog post I mentioned now I don't think atrinary is a useful term, because it currently does have any agreed upon meaning. In this post I want to dissect what I think the intended meaning on atrinary was. But first, before I get into the meat of the article I want to address a couple of points about atrinary first. 1) Atrinary is for culture specific idenities and for neurodivergent people who do not/cannot understand gender in the "standard" way. I actually like this definition of atrinary. However, it's very clear that not everyone argees with this definition of atrinary. Clearly there is another definition that a sizable amount of people argee with, and that is what I will be discussing. 2) Atrinary isn't synonymous with xenogender. Maverique is an atrinary gender but not a xenogender. Whenever people talk about atrinary genders maverique is always the example they give, and while maverique typically isn't considered a xenogender, I argue that it could be interpretted as one. If maverique is a gender that is "based on autonomy, inner conviction, unconventionality, and being unorthodox" one could say that it's a gender based on concepts and ideas typically not assosiated with gender, and therefore a xenogender. I've also never seen someone give a specific example of an atrinary gender that isn't maverique. Now that that is out of the way I want to give the purpose of this post. The main question I want to answer is this: If xenogenders and atrinary genders are the same thing in my visualisation of gender, then why do some people say that atrinary contains genders that are not xenogenders? What are those genders? Like I said in my previous post I believe this difference in meaning comes from the fact that the coiner of atrinary has a different view of gender than me, and most people. In this post I will be trying to understand and explain this different view of gender that would lead to the creation of atrinary. I need to make it clear that I do not agree with this view of gender, for reasons that I will explain shortly, however I think that in order to fully understand what atrinary was intended to mean one needs to understand this alternate view of gender. Secondly, I do not know who the coiner of atrinary is, and I most certainly don't know them personally, so this is only speculation on my part. And lastly I use the word "coiner" here, however since I don't know exactly what the coiner's original intent for the term was I'm using "coiner" as shorthand for "people who interpret atrinary was meaning something that is not binary, not non-binary, but not inherently xenogenders", which appears to be the original menaing of the term. Now, let's get a visual of how I think the coiner viewed gender. As you can see this view of gender is based on the assumtion that if "neutral" is a gender, that implies the existance of being "positively" gender (male, female, or anything inbetween) and the existance of the "negetive" of gender (agender). In this view of gender "non-binary" refers to anything that is "positive" (gendered) but is inbetween male or female, as well as anything that is on the "neutral" or "ungendered" line. In this view of gender "abinary" refers to anything that is not on the vertical "gendered" line. As seen by the horizontal line moving away from it. However, and this is the key, "neutral" and "ungendered" are still connected to the binary genders. In this view of gender, neutral and ungender are inherently tied to the binary genders. All of these genders are dependant on each other to exist. So in this view of gender atrinary refers to genders that are not related to this balance of positive, negetive, and neutral. Now, I don't want to shame someone for visualizing gender in a different way than me but... I think this view of gender is wrong. This view of gender is based on an inherent misunderstanding of what "neutral" means. As I explained in my previous post neutral does not literally mean neutral, rather it is a catch-all term for genders that are not related to femininity or masculinity but are still gendered in a similar way of understanding. Neutral genders are not inherently tied to the existence of the binary genders. For example, if masculinity didn't exist femininity could still exist without. They are not intrinsically connected, femininity is not the "lacking" or "opposite" of masculinity or vice verse. There could still be women if the concept of men didn't exist. The same thing can be applied to neutral genders. If the binary genders didn't exist then neutral genders could still exist. Neutral genders are just as connected to the binary gender as the binary genders are connected to themselves (that is to say; not connected at all). In my view of gender you could remove any one of the genders and none of the other genders would be affected because they are all independant of each other. Basically what I'm trying to say is genders are not electrical charge. These aren't subatomic particles. The nuclei of the atoms across the universe would not implode on themselves if the binary genders stopped existing. There is no "balance" or "connection". So with all that explained, can we finally answer the question at hand? What is atrinary? It seems like atrinary genders (that are not xenogenders) are "any gender which is unrelated to the gender binary or anything connected to the gender binary, but is still gendered in a similar way of understanding." Now that I've written it out like that, we can see the atrinary is the same definition as neutral/abinary in my view of gender. So am I saying the (nonxenogender) atrinary genders are just the same thing as abinary genders? Yes. Well, sort of. If the people who identify as atrinary wish to use this view of gender that I outlined above then that's perfectly valid, but if that's the case we have to realize that when they say things like "abinary" or "neutral" in means something completely different than when other people say "abinary" or "neutral". However, in the view of gender that I use I will continue to refer to genders that use concepts outside the human understand of gender as xenogenders, and to genders that are not binary, but are still gendered as abinary genders, with maverique included. Unless of course, someone explains how atrinary actually works. So what do we do now? Should people not use atrinary? Well, I think it's perfectly fine if people use the term atrinary. It's even fine if you want to use the "atomic" view of gender. However, I think if people are going to use atrinary then someone needs to come and lay down exactly what atrinary actually means, because there is currently alot of confusion as to the actually meaning, even among people who use the term. I layed out what I think atrinary was originally suppost to mean however, I said in the beginning of the post that I prefer the definition of including culturally specific genders and neurodivergent genders. If atrinary is to be a legitamate term that can be used there needs to be an agreed upon definition.
    My View Of Gender [947 words]
    (created by Chaoticcylinder on 2019 Sep 15 Sun 4:39:39 GMT)
    I've decided to try and get into writing blog posts, so I figured the best place to start is to explain how I view gender, after writing several dozen articles about different genders on this wikia. I think this topic is best explained with a visual: Now, obviously in actuality this would be a fluent gradient, but I used boxes here so I can easily point out specific things. On the top is the "categories" of gender, and on the side is the amount of gender felt. Obviously muligender people would fall on multiple places on this chart at once, and genderfluid people would move throughout the chart, but for now I'm going to talk about the genders one at a time. Firstly, I want to talk about the first and third columns, the "feminine" and "masculine" categories. The topmost boxes of these cateories would be binary men and binary women. Anything outside of these boxes I consider non-binary. However, these aren't the only feminine or masculine genders, for example juxera and lunarian are both highly feminine genders, (in some cases they may even be 100% feminine), however they both relate to femininity in way completely different than binary women. As we go farther down we get to genders like demigirl/demiboy and dawnian/duskian. When we get very close to the bottom we get to libragenders. At the very bottom is agender, as you can see there are four boxes but all of them are white, showing that they are all the same (lack of) gender but it can still have some relation to genders, allowing for agender boys, and agender girls, etc. Agender is also in a box on its own, showing that it's on its own, since it isn't exactly a gender, but rather the lack of a gender. Moving on to the second column, it's pretty self explainitory. Androgyne is the mix of masculine and feminine at the same time. Since in reality this chart would be a smooth gradient one could be a complete 50/50 mix or one could be, for example closer to feminine and farther from masculine. And once again there's a gradient downwards for demi- and libra- versions of these genders. Next up is neutral. Now, I think that "neutral" is a sort of inaccurate term. Neutral refers to abinary/unaligned genders; any gender that is completely unrelated to the gender binary but is still gendered. This includes genders like neutrois, stellarian, and aporagender. Of course, this "other gender" could be completely different for two people and therefore it covers a very wide varient of gender, however all these genders they are all grouped into the vague category of "other" due to the limitations of spoken language and such. However the key to member about neutral genders is that they are still in the same realm as the feminine/masculine genders. They are still genders in the way that humans typically understand gender (unlike xenogenders). Now I can segway to atrinary genders. First, a bit of terimology: anonbinary is an umbrella term that includes atrinary and nontrinary. Xenogenders are a category of atrinary genders (according to the coiner of the term). Now for a bit of a controversial take. I often call atrinay genders "non-binary", now some atrinary people may disargee with this as non-binary implies the existence, and therefore a relation to, a binary in the first place. However I think this stems from a different use in terminology. I believe in this case people are using "non-binary" to refer to a specific gender or group of genders (androgyne gender+unaligned genders), whereas in this case I'm using "non-binary" as a vague umbrella term to refer to any gender that is not binary man or binary woman. With that out of the way, time for another controversial statement: I don't think atrinary is a useful term, at least not yet. As I was researching atrinary I soon realized that nobody actually knows what it means. "Not binary or non-binary" is so vague that no one really knows what it's supposed to refer to and appearantly the coiner of the term didn't really specify any farther. Now, the way I see it there are genders outside the gender trinary. As you can see on the chart there's a box around the "main genders". The way I see it, these are "traditional" human genders. They are described and felt in similar ways. A way that most humans feels and expirence gender. However, outside of that is a grey space. That grey space goes on infinitely in all directions and contains all concepts, words, and things in existence (and maybe even things that don't exist). Xenogenders are any gender which defines it's gender as relating to something outside the human concepts of gender AKA in the grey space. However, atrianry/anonbinary also defines itself as being everything outside traditional human understanding of gender, so in that way xenogender and atrianry mean the same thing? I believe this that all this strangeness surrounding the term atrinary comes from the fact that the coiner of atrinary seems to have a different view of gender than me (and most people for that matter). However, I'm going to be covering that topic in it's own blog post. If you've read this far thanks for putting up with All That. It's definitely alot of information all at once. This whole thing is very strange because this is my first time really expressing any opinions or personality here. Also, just to clarify I'm not bashing people who identify as atrinary. I'll explain my thoughts more in the next post but if someone finds that the term works for them then that's great.
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