Fluidflux, also known as fluxfluid, fliux, fluix, or genderfliux/genderfluix is a gender in which one's gender changes while also varying in intensity. Fluidflux can be described as being genderfluid and genderflux at the same time. One's gender fluctuates between feeling completely gendered to feeling partially gendered to being without a gender (agender or genderless). At the same time this gendered-feeling is also fluid. For example, one could identify as proxvir at one time, then some time later their gender fluctuates down to agender, and when their gender fluctuates back, they are fully anonbinary.
It can also be felt in a way which is similar to a multigender identity where someone could feel multiple genders at once, but have only one part of that combination fluctuates. For example, one could feel neutrois and androgyne at that time, but only the neutrois part fluctuates. There is also the possibility of both genders fluctuating both in intensity and in identity. For example, one can feel androgyne at one time, then slightly androgyne and mostly neutrois at another.
If one’s gender is partially fluidflux and partially static, one may identify as demifluix.
Flag and Symbols
The current flag (structured like certain genderfluid flags) shows the fluidity between differently saturated colors with a gray edge representing agender identity.
The original flag showed pink, purple, blue, and yellow, representing feminine, androgynous, masculine, and non-binary genders. The black line could potentially represent agender. On the bottom half the colors are desaturated, showing how fluidflux individuals experience varying amounts/intensities of genders.
A proposed flag was created on November 12, 2020 by an anonymous wiki user. Purple represents androgyny, liaspec identities, and lingenders. Pink represents femininity, fiaspec identities, and fingenders. Orange represents xeninity, xiaspec identities, and xingenders. Dark grey represents the agenrinity, agiaspec identities, and agingenders. Green represents unaligned genders. Green-blue represents masculinity, miaspec identities, and mingenders. Dark green-blue represents neutrality, niaspec identities, and ningenders.
In November of 2020, Double-bi created two polls to vote on which flag should replace the original fluidflux flag. The flag currently shown won first place. The current flag is structured like certain genderfluid flags, and shows the fluidity between differently saturated colors with a gray edge representing agender identity.
An alternate flag, created by user Double-bi, was made to be a mix of the genderflux and genderfluid flag, with a yellow protea flower in the center to symbolize change. This flag was the runner-up in the poll.
Another alternate fluidflux flag was designed by FANDOM user Uncertified Funny on July 2021. It is a combination of the genderfluid and genderflux flag, with a black stripe to make it resemble the genderfluid flag.
Another common fluidflux symbol is the Greek letter phi (Φ).
The original flag.
Alternate design of the original flag.
A flag proposed by an anonymous wiki user.
An alternate flag proposed by Eggsistence.
Another proposed flag. Structured like the genderflux flag without the yellow stripe.
Another proposed fluidflux flag.
An alternative flag
Uncertified Funny’s Fluidflux Flag
alternative flag made by overlaying the genderfluid and genderflux flag
same as previous, but lighter
demifluidflux flag