Xenokinfluid is a mutogender and a combination of xenogenders, kingenders and genderfluidity. It is a gender that is the same as your kintype when you are in a kinshift (your kintype becomes its own xenogender, only lasting until the kinshift is over). It is fluid and changes with your kinshifts. For example if you were angelkin and xenokinfluid, during a kinshift you would be angelkingender. This identity is exclusive to otherkin and therian who have more than one kintype.
Similar genders include kingenderfluid and xenofluid
Xenokinfluid was coined by FANDOM user Literallynotgod using kingenderfluid as a base for this identity. This is the first mention of xenokinfluid, and it has no outside sources/references.
The Xenokinfluid flag is a transitional flag morphing between the kingender, xenogender and genderfluid flags with the otherkin symbol in the middle. It was made on the same day as the coining of the term.