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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki
    Multifictino flag

    Multifictino (pronounced mole-tea-fict-ee-no) or Multific is a term for anyone who has more than one fictosexual identity or fictoromantic identity. An example would be someone who has the exclusive sexual attraction to anime characters and cartoon characters, or someone who has exclusive romantic attraction to nekos in videogames. One could use multific to describe their attraction, rather than "animate-cartosexual" or "neko-gamoromantic."


    These are specifically labels for those who fall under two fictosexual/fictoromantic identities.

    • Animafua: when one is anuafsexual/anuafromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Animaneko: when one is nekosexual/nekoromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Animrea: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Animaspectro: when one is spectrosexual/spectromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Animaterato: when one is teratosexual/teratoromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Animatobu: when one is tobusexual/toburomantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Anuafcarto: when one is cartosexual/cartoromantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic.
    • Anuaflo: when one is anuafsexual/anuafromantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Anuafrea: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic.
    • Bookloanimate/Noveloanimate: when one is booklosexual/bookloromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Booklocarto: when one is cartosexual/cartoromantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Cartoanimate: when one is cartosexual/cartoromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Cartoneko: when one is cartosexual/cartoromantic and nekosexual/nekoromantic.
    • Cartospectro: when one is cartosexual/cartoromantic and spectrosexual/spectromantic.
    • Gamoanimate: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and animatesexual/animateromantic.
    • Gamoanuaf: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic
    • Gamobooklo: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Gamocarto: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and cartosexual/cartoromantic.
    • Gamoneko: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and nekosexual/nekoromantic.
    • Gamospectro: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and spectrosexual/spectromantic.
    • Inreacarto: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and cartosexual/cartoromantic.
    • Inreagamo: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and inreasexual/inrearomantic.
    • Inreaneko: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and nekosexual/nekoromantic.
    • Inreaklo: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Inreaspectro: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and spectrosexual/spectromantic.
    • Inreaterato: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and teratosexual/teratoromantic.
    • Inreatobu: when one is inreasexual/inrearomantic and tobusexual/toburomantic.
    • Neknovelo: when one is nekosexual/nekoromantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Nekrato: when one is nekosexual/nekoromantic and teratosexual/teratoromantic.
    • Nekuaf: when one is nekosexual/nekoromantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic.
    • Novelato: when one is booklosexual/bookloromantic and teratosexual/teratoromantic.
    • Novelobu: when one is booklosexual/bookloromantic and tobusexual/toburomantic.
    • Spectronovelo: when one is spectrosexual/spectromantic and booklosexual/bookloromantic.
    • Spectroato: when one is spectrosexual/spectromantic and teratosexual/teratoromantic.
    • Teratobu: when one is teratosexual/teratoromantc and tobusexual/toburomantic.
    • Teracarto: when one is teratosexual/teratoromantic and cartosexual/cartoromantic.
    • Teratogamo: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and teratosexual/teratoromantic.
    • Teratoanuaf: when one is teratosexual/teratoromantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic.
    • Tobuanuaf: when one is tobusexual/toburomantic and anuafsexual/anuafromantic.
    • Tobucarto: when one is teratosexual/teratoromantic and cartosexual/cartoromantic.
    • Tobugamo: when one is gamosexual/gamoromantic and tobusexual/toburomantic.
    • Tobuneko: when one is tobusexual/toburomantic and nekosexual/nekoromantic.
    • Tobuspectro: when one is tobusexual/toburomantic and spectrosexual/spectromantic.


    Multifictino was coined by a user going by Anderson on December 21st, 2020 in order to describe all combination identities of fictosexual and fictoromantic identities within one word.


    The main flag was coined by FANDOM user Clear.Skyes on December 29th, 2020. The colors were chosen from multiple flags from fictosexual and fictoromantic orientations. The specific two-labeled flags for animatesexual/animateromantic combinations were coined by Cryptocrew on January 26th and January 27th of 2021. The specific two-labeled flags for booklosexual/bookloromantic combinations were coined by Cryptocrew on February 3rd of 2021.

    Cartoanimate flags: red represents attraction, white represents the gender spectrum, black represents fiction, blue represents peace, purple represents the sexuality spectrum, yellow represents passion, and the designs represent cartoons/anime, cartoons/manga-comics/anime (or all four), and manga/comics.

    Bookloanimate flag: red represents attraction, dark red represents peace and passion, white represents the gender spectrum, grey represents books/stories, yellow represents anime/manga, and the designs represents books/manga and anime.

    Gamoanimate flag: blue represents peace, green represents the gender spectrum, white represents attraction, tan pink represents personality, dark pink represents the sexuality spectrum, yellow represents anime/manga, grey represents fiction, and the design represents video games.

    Animrea flag: dark blue represents manga, light blue represents peace, white represents the gender spectrum, light green represents live action, dark green represents fiction, yellow represents the sexuality spectrum, and the design represents TV/screens and anime.

    Animaterato flag: dark brown represents monsters/cryptids, casual brown represents passion, dark green represents fiction, lighter green represents unique beings, grey represents humanoids, white represents attraction, purple represents the sexuality and gender spectrum, and yellow represents anime/manga.

    Animatobu flag: blue represents passion, red represents attraction, yellow represents anime/manga, white represents the gender spectrum/the sexuality spectrum, grey represents vampires as well as the design.

    Animaspectro flag: white represents attraction, greyish-white represents the gender spectrum/sexuality spectrum, blue represents fiction, light grey represents life beyond death, dark grey represents ghosts, black represents death, and yellow represents anime/manga.

    Animaneko flag: pink represents attraction, purple represents the gender and sexuality spectrum, blue-ish purple represents fiction, white represents anime/manga, yellow represents feline-like nature, and green-ish turquoise represents peace.

    Animafua flag: blue represents peace, white represents the gender and sexuality spectrum, pink represents attraction, yellow represents anime, and green represents animalistic traits.

    Anuaflo flag: brown represents animalistic traits, red represents attraction, purple represents the gender spectrum, blue represents fiction, white represents peace, black represents the sexuality/romantic spectrums, and turquoise represents identity. The design is made to appear as an open book.

    Booklocarto/cartonovelo flag: pink represents attraction, blue represents peace, purple represents the gender and sexuality/romantic spectrum, black represents fiction, dark grey represents books/comics, and light grey represents cartoons/visual novels. The boxes represent comics/images, the lines represent novels/writing, and the TV represents cartoons.

    Gamobooklo flag: orange represents attraction, white represents peace, yellow represents fiction, pink represents passion, black represents the gender/sexuality/romantic spectrums, grey represents visual novels, brown represents gaming types, the book design represents paper novels/online novels, while the controller represents video games.

    Inreaklo flag: green represents attraction, white represents fiction, blue represents peace, light purple represents sexuality/romance, black represents gender, dark grey represents TV shows, medium grey represents movies, light grey represents any other form of live-action television/visual novels, and the book design represents novels/stories.

    Neknovelo flag: purple represents attraction, pink represents kindness/passion, black represents fiction, white represents playfulness, off-white represents peace, brown represents feline-like nature, the book design represents novels of all kinds, and the cat-design represents nekos.

    Novelato flag: white represents peace, pale red represents attraction, black represents novels, camo-green represents monsters, pale green represents kindness, and the design is made to appear as a book in the background of teeth.

    Novelobu flag: white represents peace, black represents mystery, red represents wild nature, violet represents attraction, maroon represents fiction, pale pink represents love/connection, the background design represents books/novels, and the main design represents vampires.

    Spectronovelo flag: red represents attraction, yellow represents peace, grey represents death, pink represents connection/love, the figure represents ghosts/spirits, the heart represents beauty in what's beyond life, and the book represents novels of all kinds.

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