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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki
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    Bigenderfluix flag
    Alternate bigenderfluix flag
    Simplified alternate bigenderfluix flag

    Bigenderfluix, also known as bigender-fluidflux, is a gender identity in which someone identifies with two genders (much like bigender). These genders will be fluid and fluctuate, much like bigenderflux but the genders are fluid as well.

    For example, an individual who identifies as bigenderfluix that identifies as maverique and androgyne and will feel only androgyne at some times and only maverique at other times but they may also feel mostly androgyne with a small part of maverique, and vice versa. They may also feel completely agender at other times, or mostly genderless with small parts of one or both of the other genders they identify with in the "background", either one at a time or at the same time.


    This gender identity was coined by FANDOM user Benjiboisbeans on May 28, 2021.


    The bigenderfluix flag was created by FANDOM user Benjiboisbeans on May 28, 2021. The pinks in the flag are for female and feminine aligned genders, the blues are for male and masculine aligned genders, the purple is for mixed genders like male-female, and the yellow is for non-binary genders.

    An alternate flag was created by FANDOM user Evo - InsaneDragon on September 18, 2021.[1] The colour meanings are: green is for agender identities and genderlessness, cyan is for masculine-aligned identities and masculinity, blue is for men, purple is for androgyny and "mixed" identities, white is for fluidity and fluctuation, the first pink stripe is for women, the second pink is for feminine-aligned identities and femininity, and the orange is for non-binary and xenine identities.

    A simplified version of the alternate flag was also created by FANDOM user Evo - InsaneDragon on September 18, 2021. The colour meanings are: green is for agender identities and genderlessness, blue is for men, masculine-aligned identities and masculinity, purple is for androgyny and "mixed" identities, white is for fluidity and fluctuation, pink is for women, fem-aligned identities and femininity, and orange is for non-binary and xenine identities.


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