Notifications don't work
DM’s are open
Commissions for flags or art are open and free
here are my most preferred to least that i use
- Bea (pronounced bee)
- Max
- Black Cat
- Rue
- Clover
- Grey
- Mist
- demiattraction
- xenogender (159, last count 1st june)
you can use any pronouns on me but she/her but heres a list of my most preferred to least pronouns that i commonly use
- he/him
- just my name
- 👻/👻s/👻self
- they/them
- ghostkin
- alienkin
maybe spacekin or something like that
- confronting emotions/people talking about emotions/talking about my emotions/people venting (getting better)
- shouting
- loud places
- being late
- swearing (getting better)
- caps lock (getting better)
- ":)"
- 2019
Flags And Terms I've Conied
- second definition of panflux
- helped LittlePrettyKittyAlly with demisexual-spike and demiromantic-spike
- requested to make plynestraean with the helped of Reign of the breadsticcs and Moorgathan
- the pronoun set em/em/er/ers/emself
- one of the panflux flags
- the demisexual-spike and demiromantic-spike flags
- the 4 seasonrosegender flags, Summerrosegender, Springrosegender, Fallrosegender and Winterrosegender
- the chickengender
- an alternate royalgalaxic flag
- an alternate rubiksgender flag
- the soulsandgender flag
- an alternate corrodegender flag
- the em/er pronoun set flag
- the hei/heim pronoun set flag
- asked to make the lemonself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the chaiself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the stromself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the cryoself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the achernarself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the bellatrixself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the mushroonself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the venusself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the mercuryself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the marsself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the ceresself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the aquiself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the chauself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the leafself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the sweetself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the cactusself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the rainbowself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the barnowlself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
- asked to make the infiniteself pronoun set flag by Cosmic Lemon
Head Mates
- name
- pronouns
- gender identity
- sexuality
- species
- role
- sign off/signicher
- colur signicher
- anything else if needed
- him/she
- half elf
- little
- 🌼
- orange
- alt verbal
- she/they, bun/bunny, Fae/Faer
- fallen angle
- little
- 🌸
- pink
- she/her
- cisgender female
- human witch
- companion
- 🌹
- dark blue
- they/them
- most likly human
- care taker
- 🌵
- grey
- newst member
these alters under are no longer part of the system
they might come back but at the time being we are not sure
- he/they
- human
- old caretaker
- 🌻
- blue
- has now merged with spike
- demon
- old protecter
- 🥀
- red
- has now merged with Patton
DNI list
Please dont intertact with us
- XxAntionetteIsUnavailiblexX (Max, Crow)
- Alesjif (Max, Crow, Patch, Hazard)
- Quillflight34 (Max)
- Fox ||| The Predator & Prey System (Max, Crow, Patch)