Synamorous is a term for when one would only be in a polyamorous relationship if all partners were involved with all other partners. A relationship where all members are involved with other members is called a group relationship. Someone who is synamorous would only be comfortable with group relationships, like a triad or a full quad. They would not be comfortable with v-polyamory, n-polyamory, or any other kind of polyamory where not all members are involved with other members. They may or may not be comfortable with multiamorous relationships, and may or may not be open to a monoamorous relationship.
This term was coined by FANDOM user Idratherhavecake on April 8th, 2021.
The flag was created by FANDOM user Idratherhavecake on April 8th, 2021. The meanings of the blue, red, and black stripes are the same as the polyamorous flag. In order, the blue stripe represents honesty, the purple stripe represents devotion, the red stripe represents love and passion, the black stripe represents the strength of those who are open with their relationships and solidarity with those who are forced to hide them, the white stripe represents openness, and the brown stripe represents the mixture of several kinds of polyamorous relationships. The infinity symbol represents the link between all partners involved in the relationship.
"Syn" is the latin root for together, and "amor" is the latin word for love