Quoiby, also known as quoienby or quoi non-binary, describes one who is unsure about one's gender, or how to define one's gender, but knows it (or a part of it) is non-binary in some way.
Quoiby and its subsets are more specific types of quoigender.
One may experience other genders other in addition to being quoiby, including other non-binary genders that one has identified; the non-binary gender(s) that one is describing as quoiby may only be a part of one's gender. It may be used as a gender on its own or combined with other terms. The term may refer to a single non-binary gender or a multi/fluid gender.
Its feminine counterpart is quoifem, its masculine counterpart is quoimasc and its fluid counterpart is quoifluid.
- Lunarquoi: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and feminine in some way; it is different to quoifem as it specifies/emphasizes that it is non-binary as well as feminine.
- Solquoi: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and masculine in some way; it is different to quoimasc as it specifies/emphasises that it is non-binary as well as masculine.
- Meridiquoi or quoiandrogyne: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and androgyne/androgynous in some way (or is both lunarquoi and solquoi at the same time).
- Stellarquoi or quoineutral: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and neutral in some way.
- Umbraquoi or quoiagender: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and genderless/agenrine in some way.
- Auroraquoi or quoixenic/quoixenine: one is unsure about one's gender but knows it is non-binary and xenic/xenine in some way.
History and Flags
The terms quoiby, lunarquoi, solquoi, meridiquoi, stellarquoi, umbraquoi and auroraquoi were coined by FANDOM user Contie, August 10th 2021 in a discussions post.[1] The flags for these terms were created by the same user, August 14th 2021, inspired by the quoifem and quoimasc flags.