Questian, also called A?, refers to someone who does not know their sexual/romantic orientation due to their place in the asexual/aromantic spectrum.
They may have narrowed down what their orientation could be, knowing their attraction to some genders but not others.
Reasons one may be questian could include, but are not limited to:
- Haven’t met enough of that/those gender(s) to know if they like that/those gender(s).
- Don’t know if they do or don’t understand romantic/sexual attraction.
- Are demiromantic and/or demisexual and never having a long enough connection with someone of that/those gender(s) to know if one is attracted to that/those gender(s).
This is exclusive to those who are ace-spec and/or aro-spec. One does not have to know their exact identity, as long as they know they are a-spec and believe it is affecting their ability to figure out their attraction. One might also be questioning and/or quoi- in addition to being questian.
Questian Identities
- Expeditian is when they are actively trying to find out what their true romantic/sexual attraction is. This term comes from the word expedition, meaning being on a quest to find more knowledge.
- Journian is when they need/want to find what true romantic/sexual attraction is, but understand it might take more time for them, so they don't actively seek it out. This term comes from the word journey, meaning to be on a quest where the trip is more important then the destination.
- Wanderian is when one doesn't need or want to find what their true romantic or sexual attraction is. This term comes from the word wandering, to mean travelling without destination.
These subsets make it easier to tell how the individual feels about their connection to their true romantic/sexual attraction and their being questian. They can identify as a sub-label, but they don't have to.
The term was originally coined June 9th, 2021, on a post on Ace Alliance Amino[1] by the user Story the Cat, and then updated on a FANDOM post[2] by the same individual on the account IAmArtemisTheCat on October 10th, 2021, adding the subsets and elaborating the sexuality further.
The flag was created on the same coining date as the term by the same user. The color meanings are purple meaning ace spectrum, pink meaning possible attraction to female/feminine gender(s), yellow meaning possible attraction to non-binary/outherine/xenic gender(s), gray meaning unknown/questioning, blue meaning possible attraction to male/masculine gender(s), light green meaning possible attraction to agender/agender-like & neutrois/neutral gender(s), and green meaning aro spectrum
The subset flags have the same color meanings but with more/different gray stripes.