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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki
    The proculsexual flag.
    First alternate proculsexual flag.
    Second alternate proculsexual flag.
    Third alternate proculsexual flag.
    Alternate proculsexual flag by Cryptocrew.
    The demiproculsexual flag.

    Proculsexual is an asexual spectral identity that describes someone who only feels sexual attraction to individuals who they can never be in a relationship with. This can include feeling sexual attraction towards fictional characters, celebrities, or individuals who they know would never reciprocate their feelings.

    Fictosexual falls under the umbrella of proculsexual.

    Many asexual individuals may fantasize about relationships with celebrities or fictional characters, however proculsexual refers to individuals who feel strong exclusive sexual attraction towards these individuals for an extended period of time rather than just daydreaming about them. If and when a sexual relationship with these individuals becomes realistic, the attraction may fade or go away altogether.

    The romantic counterpart is proculromantic.

    Those who experience attraction to only one celebrity or character may identify as certissexual.

    Proculsexual may be seen as being the opposite of potensexual.


    Celesexual or celebsexual is a subset of proculsexuality in which the individual is specifically attracted to celebrities and sub-celebrities.


    Demiproculsexual is when one feels partially proculsexual but not fully. They may feel sexual attraction to individuals who they can never be in a relationship with, such as fictional characters, celebrities, or individuals who they know would never reciprocate their feelings, but can also feel sexual attraction to individuals they can be in a relationship with.


    Proculsexual was coined before March 12, 2015 by an anonymous via MOGAI-Archive.

    Demiproculsexual was coined by FANDOM user Annabanana181913 on May 26, 2021.


    The flag was created on December 2, 2016 by beyond-mogai-pride-flags. The first alternate flag was coined by an anonymous wiki user at an unknown point. The second alternate was coined by wiki user Ratismyspecies on November 19, 2020. All three have no confirmed meaning.

    The fourth flag was coined by Cryptocrew on January 27, 2021. Pink represents women and femininity as well as sexuality, orange represents outherine genders/presentation and compassion, yellow represents xenic genders/presentations and yearning, white represents purity and multigenders, black represents genderless/agender individuals/presentation and passion, neon green represents gender non-conforming individuals/pronoun non-conforming individuals and adoration, blue represents men and masculinity and peace, purple represents androgyny/neutrality and the asexual spectrum. The four red diamonds represent novels/books, anime/manga, movies/live action shows, and cartoons/comics. The yellow star represents celebrities, and the grey circle represents the breach between one and the other that they're attracted to.

    The demiproculsexual flag was created by FANDOM user Annabanana181913 on May 26, 2021. Red and yellow colors represent feeling sexual attraction to individuals one can be in a relationship with and the grays and black represent feeling sexual attraction to individuals one cannot be in a relationship with.


    Procul is latin for 'far away' or 'distant.'


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