Polygamy is a term under the ENM umbrella for when someone has a marriage with multiple individuals. It can be an umbrella term for polyandry and polygyny, or it can be a marriage with involving several individuals of different genders. Polygamy is illegal in many Western (and some Eastern) countries.
Unlike what modern society tries to deny, polygamy has been around since the ancient times in almost every culture or religion nameable. It is shown in many cases throughout history, depictions are shown within art and old photography, as well as religious books, such as within the Bible.
Polygamy vs Polyamory
Polyamory is when one desires a relationship with two or more individuals while polygamy is when one marries multiple partners at the same time.
The polygamous flag was coined by Cryptocrew on January 17th of 2021 at Hayden000's request. In the background, the purple represents the gender spectrum, the dark pink represents love, while the light pink represents consent. The dark purple in the heart represents community, while the light purple in the heart represents unity. The P represents the entirety of the polygamous community.