Outheric or outher-aligned is a term used to describe individuals whose gender is aligned to outherinity.
Instead of male- or female- aligned, one may feel like they're more aligned with atrinary anthrogenders such as maverique, ilyagender, and others. Outheric is the ouingender/ouiaspec version of male- or female-aligned.
One might say "I am outheric" or "I am outher-aligned". The term was designed to be used by individuals who identify as outherine genders, but any non-binary individual may use it.
This term was coined by FANDOM user EvilEnby on the LGBTA wiki on October 10, 2021.[1]
The flag was made by Itz henka gacha on 16 January 2022. It is a combination of the Outherine flag and Xenic flag.