OCDniac (pronounced OCD ni-ack) is an identity that describes someone whose queer experience is affected by having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).
Some examples of how one could experience being OCDniac include:
- being hypergender due to intense thoughts.
- experiencing an OCD-related neurogender, like OCDgender.
- having a gender that fluctuates due to one's OCD.
- having an orientation that changes due to one's OCD.
- changes from being asexual to hypersexual due to intrusive thoughts.
This identity is exclusive to individuals with OCD and should not be used by those without it.
The term was coined by FANDOM user anonymous on September 9, 2021.
The OCDniac flag was created by FANDOM user anonymous on September 9, 2021. Black represents intensity, purple represents neurodiversity, gray represents change, and white represents purity.