Ninromantic is the exclusive romantic attraction to those who are neutral or non-binary in nature (NIN), in their gender and/or their gender presentation. This attraction includes individuals who are non-binary, neutrois, agender, androgyne, and anyone else whose gender or gender presentation is neutral or androgynous.
A ninromantic individual may be attracted to a feminine or masculine aligned non-binary person, but it depends on the individual. Ninromantic individuals may or may not be attracted to binary men and women who present androgynously or neutrally. The exact limits of what is "neutral in nature" can be decided by the user.
The masculine equivalent in minromantic. The feminine equivalent is finromantic. The sexual equivalent is ninsexual.
Ninromantic was coined on or before July 1st, 2016 by an unknown person [1]. The original flag was included on the same post. An alternative ninromantic flag was made by wiki user honk4bees on June 1st, 2021.