This is a page compiling "identities" that are harmful to the LGBTQ+ community and/or spread dangerous ideologies. Terms and flags listed on this page should be avoided in use, and those that use these terms/flags should be avoided as well for the safety of oneself and others around them. These terms fall under the queerphobia umbrella.
Terms That Harm The LGBTQ+ Community
- Antihaemosexual/Antihaemoromantic: A term used to describe "not being attracted to those who menstruate", which is transphobic, intersexist, and a form of fetishization. Womaantihaemosexual is the same thing, but directed towards women who do not menstruate(possibly similar to Nociswomasexual), which is also transphobic, intersexist, and also leaves open pedophilic acts as well.
- Attack Helicopter (Gender): A term used to make fun of those that are non-binary, transgender, xenogender, or noungender. It is also sometimes used to mock alterhumans. Those with this "identity" claim to "identify as an attack helicopter" and often times use neopronouns they don't actually identify with in a mocking manner.
- Heligender describes an individual whose gender is legitimately connected to helicopters, or who chooses to reclaim the attack helicopter joke.
- Metrosexual: A term used to describe a young, urban, heterosexual cisgender male, generally with liberal political views, living in a post-industrial, capitalist culture who has an interest in fashion and his appearance. This term is typically used as a way to satirize men with traditionally feminine interests or men who were interested in self-care products. The term Meteroinity is the reclaimed version of this, however not all are comfortable with the reclaimed version either.
- Quasihomosexual/Quasihomoromantic/Yaoisexual: A term used to describe (typically conformant) women who are only attracted to gay men. It's also common for these individuals to fetishize MLM relationships.
- Quasilesbian/Quasisapphic/Quasihimesexual/Yurisexual: A term used to describe (typically conformant) men who are only attracted to lesbian and/or sapphic women. It's also common for these individuals to fetishize WLW relationships.
- Rabiosexual/Rabioromantic: A term used to describe individuals who are attracted to rabies/attracted to the idea of getting rabies. This is a dangerous attraction to have and may overlap with mental conditions and/or self-harm, and should not be encouraged. This term has, however, also been used in a reclaiming manner by some individuals who participate in "Rabies Pride".
- Semi-Bisexual: A term used to describe "bisexuals that are only attracted to one gender." This is a biphobic identity (as it is impossible to like a single gender and be bi) and misconstrues how bisexual preferences and/or fluidity works.
- Seniosexual: A term used to describe exclusive attraction to intersex individuals. This is considered fetishizing and objectifying, as it degrades an intersex individual down to their sex traits. This term also implies you can tell who is and isn't intersex by appearance, which is untrue.
- Super Straight/Super Gay/Super Lesbian/Super Bisexual: A term used to describe exclusive attraction to cisgender individuals, which is the opposite of Nocissexual. This term is inherently transphobic, as it implies being attracted to cisgender individuals makes one "super" in their orientation. It also is objectifying to the individual of attraction and degrades them to their sex traits, and this as well as implies you can tell who is and isn't trans (which is not the case.) It is not inherently transphobic to not date trans people as a group specifically, as it is a matter of personal preference. Not dating a specific trans person is also not transphobic but it is transphobic to invalidate trans people for not meeting your preferences, or imply that they aren't "real" men/women/etc. There are some people who reclaim this identity in a non transphobic way.
- Foodsexual: A term used to describe sexual attraction to food. This term falls under the Objectum attraction, but is associated with anti-LGBTQ+ trolls. However, the flag has been reclaimed as a watermelongender pride flag. Not to be confused with Alimentary Attraction
- Dracosexual: A term that describes sexual attraction to the character Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter franchise. This term falls under the Fictosexual category, but is associated with anti-LGBTQ+ trolls.
- Dreamsexual: A term that describes sexual attraction to the YouTuber, Clay (aka Dream). This fetishizes a human being. Not to be confused with dreamsexual.
- Chocosexual: A form of foodsexual that describes sexual attraction to chocolate. This term falls under the Objectum attraction, but is associated with anti-LGBTQ+ trolls.
- Anvil Aromantic: A term that describes the belief that aromanticism is not a spectrum and that the only way to be aromantic is to experience no romantic attraction or desire at all. This term is inherently arophobic as it promotes that aromantics who experience minimal romantic attraction or romantic desire are not true aromantics (which is not the case).
Terms That Harm The Neurodivergent/Disabled Community
- Aimagender/Autoaimagender: Two terms used to describe when ones gender is "affected by blood" or "affected by ones own blood." This term, along with its flag, promote self-harm; even if ones gender is affected by self harm, there should not be a term promoting it, as it can cause one to feel validated in their self-destructive behavior, and thus can cause recovery to be more difficult.
- Barlosexual/Barloromantic: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize the zoophilic attraction to bees as an orientation rather than a disorder, and normalize/encourage acting on said attraction.
- Incestsexual/Incestromantic/Consang/Consanguinamory: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize incestual attraction/incestophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder, and normalize/encourage acting on said attraction. Consang Punk is a movement based around normalizing incestual relationships.
- Found Consang: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize incestual attraction/incestophilia to found family as an orientation rather than a disorder. While being attracted to found family isn't inherently a disordered attraction, it can be classified as such if one considers their found family to be like the traditional definition of a family (ie: considering them ones adopted family members/siblings.) This promotes acting on incestual urges and can harm everyone involved, regardless of whether they are related by blood.
- Genderconsang: When ones gender is connected to/related to "consanguiamory" in some way.
- Syscest/System Consang: A system that is "consanguinamorous" to either another system, their system members, and/or someone else.
- Menosexual/Menoromantic: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize menophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder, or who try to turn a fetish for menstruation into a sexuality/romanticism. This can come off as transphobic and intersexist, as well as harmful towards individuals who struggle with paraphilic attraction.
- Necrosexual/Necromantic: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize necrophillia as an orientation rather than a disorder, and encourage acting on it.
- Teniasexual: A term used by individuals who are attracted to individuals infected with tapeworms, or individuals who have symptoms of being infected with tapeworms. This means that they are attracted to underweight individuals (which fetishizes those with eating disorders), those with sunken eyes, and those who appear dehydrated (which fetishizes those with mental conditions as well as those with some disabilities/illnesses). This is fetishizing to the neurodivergent, disabled, and ill communities, and also encourages tapeworm infections. Cestasexual is the attempt to normalize zoophilic attraction to tapeworms as an orientation.
Terms That Harm POC
- Skinsexual: A term used to describe exclusive attraction to a specific race or skin color. This term is a fetishization and objectifying as it degrades oneself down to their skin color, and it is also racist/ethnicist as it puts specific races on a pedestal. A common subset to this is Asian Lovers which are those who fetishize Asian individuals.
- Transracial: A term used to describe someone who wishes to "transition in race." This is often blackface, perpetuating harmful stereotypes, and an attempt to change ones body to "fit their true race." This is not the same as being disparethnic in a system, or having an alterhuman identity of a different race; alterhumans and headmates are often against this term, and do not try to "change the race" of their body. This term is also used to refer to kids adopted by families of a different race, which is an acceptable use.
Terms That Harm Trauma Survivors
- Problematic Neopronouns: Neopronouns are most often a non-harmful concept, however there are a few words that cause harm/suffering to trauma survivors and perpetuate discrimination that should not be used as pronouns. For example, Neopronouns that use slurs and Neopronouns that use sensitive topics (ie: ab/abu/abuseself, ra/rape/rapeself, etc.) are typically unacceptable and highly controversial.
- Pedosexual/MAP/Girl Lover/Boy Lover/Child Lover/Shotacon/Lolicon: A term used by individuals who attempt to normalize pedophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder, and normalize/encourage acting on said attraction.
- GenderMAP: A term for someone whose "gender is connected to being a MAP."
- Clovergender: A "gender" that describes someone with a young mental age. Was coined by and is used by pedophiles who act on their attraction to excuse said actions. The term transage may be used similarly, but may also refer harmlessly to individuals such as age regressors and system littles.
- Rapesexual: A term used to normalize the attraction to rape/committing rape.
- Traumasexual: A term used when one is attracted trauma victims. This term is used to fetishize victims of trauma, and is typically used by non-traumatized individuals to perpetuate the idea that trauma victims are weak/helpless.
The Antihaemosexual "Pride Flag".
The Womaantihaemosexual "Pride Flag".
The Metrosexual "Pride Flag".
Another Metrosexual "Pride Flag".
The Quasihomosexual "Pride Flag".
The Yaoisexual "Pride Flag".
The Quasilesbian "Pride Flag".
The Yurisexual "Pride Flag".
Another Yurisexual "Pride Flag".
The Rabiosexual "Pride Flag".
The Semi-Bisexual "Pride Flag."
The Seniosexual "Pride Flag".
The Super-Straight "Pride Flag".
Another Super-Straight "Pride Flag".
The Super-Lesbian "Pride Flag".
The Super-Gay "Pride Flag".
The Super-Bisexual "Pride Flag".
The Amiagender "Pride Flag".
The Autoamiagender "Pride Flag".
The Barlosexual "Pride Flag".
The Incestsexual "Pride Flag".
Another Incestsexual "Pride Flag".
Another Incestsexual "Pride Flag".
Another Incestsexual "Pride Flag".
The Consang/Consanguiamory "Pride Flag".
The Consangpunk "Pride Flag".
The Found Consang "Pride Flag".
The Genderconsang "Pride Flag".
The Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The System Consang "Pride Flag".
The Lesbian Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Vincian Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Asexual Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Bisexual Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Pansexual Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Fictosexual Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Boy Lover "Pride Flag".
The Child Lover (Leaning To Boys) "Pride Flag".
The Girl Lover "Pride Flag".
The Child Lover (Leaning To Girls) "Pride Flag".
The Child Lover "Pride Flag".
The Transgender Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Genderqueer Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The Non-Binary Pedophile "Pride Flag".
The GenderMAP "Pride Flag".
The Lolisexual/Lolicon "Pride Flag".
The "Pride Flag" For Pedophiles in Systems.
The "Pride Flag" For Pedophiles Attracted to Claudias in Systems.
The Menosexual "Pride Flag".
The Necrosexual "Pride Flag".
Another Necrosexual "Pride Flag".
Another Necrosexual "Pride Flag".
The Original Teniasexual "Pride Flag".
The Current Teniasexual "Pride Flag".
The Skinsexual "Pride Flag".
The Asian Lover "Pride Flag".
The Transracial "Pride Flag".
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
A flag used by those who attempt to normalize Zoophilia as an orientation rather than a disorder.
The "Ra/Rapes/Rapeself" Neopronouns "Pride Flag".
The Rapesexual "Pride Flag".