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    The genderfloretten flag.

    Genderfloretten is a variant of genderfloret in which someone is fluid between genders that span from all feminine genders up to, but not including, binary woman to masculine genders that go about halfway or two-thirds of the way to binary man. Someone who is genderfloretten can, but is not limited to, identify as non-binary, agender, demiboy/demigirl, paragirl, or any other gender which combines masculinity, femininity, neutrality, and genderlessness. Some people who are genderfloretten may also identify with genders that are unaligned/abinary or xenogenders.

    History and Flag

    Genderfloretten was coined by wiki user honk4bees on June 14th, 2021, in response to the label genderflorent. The flag follows the same pattern as the genderflorent flag, however with a pale pink representing the gender's connection to femininity without being a binary woman, and a smaller light clue section representing the connection to masculinity in a lesser degree.

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