Gaigender, also known as gendergai, is an orientationgender in which one's gai identity is intrinsically tied to their gender in some way. One's gai identity heavily affects, correlates with, or influences their gender. One's experience of their gender may be very heavily influenced by being gai, to the point that the line between one's identity as gai and one's experience of gender are blurred. One may experience other genders alongside gaigender. Some gaigender people may also be omnique.
Gaigender was coined by an unknown person as early as July 11, 2018.
The original flag was designed by tumblr user just-a-mogai-blog.[1]
The current gaigender flag was created by an anonymous FANDOM user on April 28, 2021. It was created by overlaying the transgender flag onto the gai flag, then using the colors created. The stripes, in order, represent non-binary attraction, non-straight attraction, queer identity, gender non-conformity, trixic and sapphic attraction, toric and achillean attraction, diamoric and enbian attraction, and cisn't identity.
On June 2, 2021, a simplified five-striped version of the previous gaigender flag was created by FANDOM user Uncertified Funny.