The Domesticat System or Domestic System is a gender system for genders that relate to domestic cat breeds. The genders are not necessarily non-binary and prefixes can be added to show gender alignment in the breeds.
- Shoican: A gender that has a connection to the breed American Shorthair.
- Curlican: A gender that has a connection to the breed American Curl.
- Abyssinia: A gender that has a connection to the breed Abyssinian.
- Basine: A gender that has a connection to the breed Balinese.
- Gallian: A gender that has a connection to the breed Bengal.
- Lapem: A gender that has a connection to the breed LaPerm.
- Colaine: A gender that has a connection to the breed Maine Coon.
- Anx: A gender that has a connection to the breed Manx.
- Tiren: A gender that has a connection to the breed Ocicat.
- Ixinoal: A gender that has a connection to the breed Pixiebob.
- RāDol: A gender that has a connection to the breed Ragdoll.
- Rissinue: A gender that has a connection to the breed Russian Blue.
- Kirixex: A gender that has a connection to the breed Selkirk Rex.
- Mīsuue: A gender that has a connection to the breed Siamese.
- Yanax: A gender that has a connection to the breed Sphynx.
- YoCho: A gender that has a connection to the breed York Chocolate.
- Em: Feminine-aligned
- Ma: Masculine-aligned
- Nua: Neutral-aligned
- Andra: Androgynous-aligned
- Xon: Xeno-alignment
- O: A prefix to show any other alignment
- Demi: A prefix for demigender
The Domesticat System flag colour meanings are the following:
- Purplish blue: Predicting the weather.
- Dark grey: Shyness, angriness or happiness.
- Black to white: Love to sapient beings or hate on sapient beings such as humans.
The Domesticat System and terms were created by ChuckyDooDaa, Anx, and Were the Devil on Discord, on the 21st of March, 2021.