Demi-Gay or Demi-Homosexual when someone is gay and demisexual and/or demiromantic. One feels sexual/romantic attraction towards people of the same gender, but does not experience sexual attraction or romantic attraction until they have formed a deep emotional connection with someone. The connection can be romantic, platonic, or some other form of connection. Forming an emotional bond with someone of the same gender does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said person, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction.
Flags Gallery
Demi-Lesbian flag with seven stripes
Demi-Lesbian flag with five stripes (simplified)
Demi-Lesbian with uneven stripes
Demi-Lesbian with lipstick lesbian flag
Demi-Lesbian flag with black stripe
Demi-Vincian flag with seven stripes
Demi-Vincian flag with five stripes (simplified)
Demi-Vincian flag with uneven stripes
Demi-Gay flag with six stripes
Demi-Gay with thin stripes
The term Demi-Gay and the flag were coined by Tumblr user charmanderstrashcan on July 5, 2021 as a combination of demisexual and homosexual.