Yunkgender is a xenogender, not to be mistaken with genderpunk, that is related or connected in some way towards the punk lifestyle in a youthful way. This means opposition towards authority, conformity, authoritarianism, and corporate greed. Youthful acts include harsh graffiti, skateboards, punk hairstyles, and/or intense musical interest. Youthful can also mean the feeling of "ones eyes finally being opened" to the negative issues in society or ones own sense of self. Those who identify as yunkgender may have a connection to grunge, goth, mosh pits, loud music, body modifications, or non-censored communication. Anyone who identifies as yunkgender can add a suffix such as: yunkgal, yunkbro, yunkdude, yunkenby etc.
Yunkgender was coined on August 16th, 2022 by Tumblr user quolovesrp[1]. The flag was created at the same time by Tumblr user quolovesrp.