Wasigendic (pronounced wah-see-jen-dik) is a neurogender exclusive for neurogenic-xiegenic systems. It is a term used to describe a headmate who feels as though being within a xiegenic system effects their gender(s).
For example, if a system formed in order to cope with panic attacks, one headmate may feel as though their gender feels more intense when fronting during a panic attack.
This can also be used as a xenogender, as one could say their gender feels 'panicky, blurry, and dissociated' or something similar due to the type of system and anxiety-related disorder they have.
Any neurogenic system that has xiegenic origins may use this. This could be from any form of anxiety, such as social anxiety, panic disorder, generalized anxiety, separation anxiety, etc. All that matters is that the anxiety is their system's origin.
This term was coined by Cryptocrew, specifically Alex, on May 4th of 2021. This term was coined through this page, and has no outside resources.
The first part of the name is taken from the Swahili word for 'anxiety,' which is wasiwasi. The second part is a mix of gender and genic.