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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki

    List of nonbinary-specific and neutral nouns

    This page is currently a work in progress.

    Many nouns are also specific gender identities, such as demigirl and xoy. Others are slang terms, relationship terms, etc.

    The descriptions and definitions I give for each term are relatively flexible due to the flexible nature of personal identity. I included notes which state how certain terms are often perceived, but you are allowed to use whichever terms you enjoy most, regardless of their connotations. As I've stated in another post:

    Your label does not have to be "perfect." You don't have to precisely and neatly fit into any label, whether you use it or not. Treat labels as flexible tools that you can use if you feel they benefit you.

    Examples of Usage

    Everything in this list can replace the "X" in at least one of these sentences:

    • They're a(n) X.
    • They're my X.


    • They're an enby.
    • They're a demigirl.
    • They're my nephling.
    • They're my ommer.

    Note Guide

    Here's an explanation of what the note symbols mean:

    ◐ = Often considered derogatory in adjective form. Use with caution. This word is always acceptable in noun form (unless ◕ or ◔ is also included in the note)

    ◑ = Sometimes or rarely considered derogatory in adjective form. This word is always acceptable in noun form (unless ◕ or ◔ is also included in the note)

    ◕ = Often considered derogatory in noun form. This word is always acceptable in adjective form (unless ◐ or ◑ is also included in the note)

    ◔ = Sometimes or rarely considered derogatory in noun form. This word is always acceptable in adjective form (unless ◐ or ◑ is also included in the note)

    ◉ = This term is sometimes considered infantilizing or otherwise demeaning.

    ⊕ = Primarily perceived as woman-aligned.

    ⊗ = Primarily perceived as feminine or fem-aligned.

    ⊘ = Primarily perceived as man-aligned.

    ⊖ = Primarily perceived as masculine or masc-aligned.

    ⊜ = Often gender neutral, but sometimes has gendered connotations.

    ⊝ = Completely neutral; this can be used by any gender. There are no gendered connotations.

    ◎ = Exclusive to nonbinary people, but has no specified gender alignment.

    ⊛ = Exclusive to nonbinary people, but implies androgyny, alignment to both masculinity and femininity, or alignment to bot manhood and womanhood.

    ◜ = Sometimes perceived as woman-aligned.

    ◝ = Sometimes perceived as feminine or fem-aligned.

    ◟ = Sometimes perceived as man-aligned.

    ◞ = Sometimes perceived as masculine or masc-aligned.

    Category Guide

    Here's an explanation of how things are categorized:

    Nonbinary-Specific (non-relationship terms)

    Nonbinary-Specific (general) = Nouns that are intended to be exclusively used by nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship or gender alignment.

    Nonbinary-Specific (man-aligned/masc-aligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by man-aligned and masc-aligned nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship.

    Nonbinary-Specific (woman-aligned/fem-aligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by woman-aligned and fem-aligned nonbinary people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship.

    Nonbinary-Specific (xenic or xenine): Nouns that are intended to be used by xenic or xenine people. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship.

    Nonbinary-Specific (liaspec/lingender/androgynous): Nouns that are intended to be used by people who are liaspec, lingender, and/or androgynous and nonbinary. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship.

    Nonbinary-Specific (genderless/null/neutral/unaligned): Nouns that are intended to be used by people who are genderless, null, neutral, or unaligned and nonbinary. These are basic nouns with no specification of one's relationship.

    Relationships (nonbinary-specific and gender neutral)

    Relationships (parents): Nouns that refer to parents.

    Relationships (grandparents): Nouns that refer to grandparents.

    Relationships (siblings): Nouns that refer to siblings.

    Relationships (piblings): Nouns that refer the siblings of one's parents.

    Relationships (niblings): Nouns that refer to the children of one's sibling.

    Relationships (partners): Nouns that refer to partners, typically of the romantic sort.

    Miscellaneous (these nouns do not fit into other categories)

    Animals: Nouns that refer to nonhuman animals, anthropomorphic animals, or humans with animal characteristics. These may or may not be used in a xenic or xenine manner.

    Royalty: Nouns that refer to royalty.


    Nonbinary-Specific (general):

    • Enby
      • equivalent to boy/girl
      • other spellings: enbie
      • plural: enbies
      • notes: ◉◎
    • Enban
      • equivalent to man/woman
      • plural: enben
      • notes: ◎
    • Nonbinary
      • equivalent to boy/girl/man/woman/etc.
      • other spellings: non-binary
      • plural: nonbinaries; non-binaries
      • notes: ◔◎
    • Queer
      • equivalent to boy/girl/man/woman/etc.
      • plural: queers
      • notes: ◕◑
    • Thude
      • equivalent to dude/dudette
      • plural: thudes
    • Doodle
      • equivalent to dude/dudette
      • alternative spellings: dudle
      • plural: doodles; dudles
      • notes: ◉◎
    • Dudex
      • equivalent to dude/dudette
      • alternative spellings: dudexxe
      • plural: dudex; dudexes, dudexxes
      • notes: ◎

    Nonbinary-Specific (man-aligned/masc-aligned):

    • Enboy
      • nonbinary boy or nonbinary masc person
      • plural: enboys
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Xoy
      • nonbinary boy or nonbinary masc person
      • plural: xoys
      • note: often pronounced "zoy"
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Bxy
      • agender boy or agender masc person
      • plural: bxys
      • note: pronounced "boy-X"
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Menby
      • nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person
      • other spellings: menbie
      • plural: menbies
    • Manby
      • nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person
      • other spellings: manbie
      • plural: manbies; menby; menbie; menbies
    • Minby
      • nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person
      • other spellings: minbie
      • plural: minbies
      • note: ⊖◟
    • Minenby
      • nonbinary man or nonbinary masc person
      • other spellings: minenbie
      • plural: minenbies
      • note: ⊖◟
    • Guyby
      • nonbinary guy or nonbinary masc person
      • other spellings: guybie
      • plural: guybies
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Nonbinary gender identities ending in the following words: boy, man, guy, dude, or similar terms
      • examples: demiboy, demiman, demiguy, demidude, etc.

    Nonbinary-Specific (woman-aligned/fem-aligned):

    • Girlby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: girlbie
      • plural: girlbies
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Femby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: fembie
      • plural: fembies
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Fenby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: fenbie
      • plural: fenbies
      • note: ⊗◜
    • Femenby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: femenbie
      • plural: femenbies
      • note: ⊗◜
    • Finby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: finbie
      • plural: finbies
      • note: ⊗◜
    • Finenby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: finenbie
      • plural: finenbies
      • note: ⊗◜
    • Feminenby
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: feminenbie
      • plural: feminenbies
    • Engirl
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • plural: engirls
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Xirl
      • nonbinary girl or nonbinary fem person
      • plural: xirls
      • note: often pronounced "zirl"
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Gxrl
      • agender girl or agender fem person
      • plural: gxrls
      • note: pronounced "girl-X"
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Galby
      • nonbinary gal or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: galbie
      • plural: galbies
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Womanby
      • nonbinary woman or nonbinary fem person
      • other spellings: womanbie
      • plural: womanbies; womenby; womenbie; womenbies
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Nonbinary gender identities ending in the following words: girl, woman, gal, dudette, or similar terms
      • examples: demigirl, demiwoman, demigal, demidudette, etc.

    Nonbinary-Specific (xenic or xenine):

    • Xenby
      • xenic nonbinary person
      • other spellings: xenbie
      • plural: xenbies
    • Xenogirl
      • xenic girl
      • plural: xenogirls
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Xengirlby
      • xenic nonbinary girl
      • other spellings: xengirlbie
      • plural: xengirlbies
      • note: ⊕◝
    • Xenoboy
      • xenic boy
      • plural: xenoboys
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Xenboy
      • xenic nonbinary boy
      • plural: xenboys
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Xenenboy
      • xenic nonbinary boy
      • plural: xenenboys
      • note: ⊘◞
    • Xenbyboy
      • xenic nonbinary boy
      • other spellings: xenbieboy
      • plural: xenbyboys; xenbieboys
      • note: ⊘◞

    Nonbinary-Specific (liaspec/lingender/androgynous):

    • Birl
      • boy girl
      • plural: birls
      • notes: ⊛
    • Boygirl
      • boy girl
      • other spellings: boy girl; boy-girl
      • plural: boygirls
      • notes: ⊛
    • Girlboy
      • girl boy
      • other spellings: girl boy; girl-boy
      • plural: girlboys
      • notes: ⊛

    Nonbinary-Specific (genderless/null/neutral/unaligned):

    • Neut
      • neutral nonbinary equivalent to boy/girl
      • other spellings: newt
      • plural: neuts; newts
    • Null
      • null nonbinary equivalent to boy/girl
      • plural: nulls


    Relationships (parents):

    • Parent
      • neutral equivalent to mother/father
      • plural: parents
      • notes: ⊝
    • Pare
      • short for parent; equivalent to mom/dad
      • other spellings: par; per
      • plural: pares; pars; pers
    • Ren
      • short for parent; equivalent to mom/dad
      • plural: rens
    • Renny
      • short for parent; equivalent to mommy/daddy
      • plural: rennies
    • Non
      • nonbinary equivalent to mom/dad
      • plural: nons
      • notes: ◎
    • Nonny
      • nonbinary equivalent to mommy/daddy
      • plural: nonnies
      • notes: ◎
    • Cennend
      • neutral equivalent to mother/father
      • plural: cennends
      • notes: ⊝
    • Cenn
      • short for cennend; equivalent to mom/dad
      • plural: cenns
    • Moddy
      • nonbinary combination of mommy and daddy
      • plural: moddies
      • notes: ⊛
    • Muddy
      • nonbinary combination of mommy and daddy
      • plural: muddies
      • notes: ⊛
    • Zaza
      • nonbinary equivalent to mama/dada
      • other spellings: xaxa
      • plural: zazas; xaxas
      • notes: ◎
    • Zither
      • nonbinary equivalent to mother/father
      • other spellings: xither
      • plural: zithers; xithers
      • notes: ◎

    Relationships (grandparents):

    • Grandparent
      • neutral equivalent to grandmother/grandfather
      • plural: grandparents
      • note: ⊝
    • Grandy
      • short for grandparent, grandmother, or grandfather
      • plural: grandies
      • note: ⊝
    • Grandwa
      • nonbinary equivalent to grandma/grandpa
      • plural: grandwas
      • note: ◎
    • Grandza
      • nonbinary equivalent to grandma/grandpa
      • other spellings: grandxa
      • plural: grandza; grandxa
      • note: ◎

    Relationships (siblings):

    • Sibling
      • neutral equivalent to sister/brother
      • plural: siblings
      • note: ⊝
    • Sib
      • short for sibling; equivalent to sis/bro
      • plural: sibs
      • note: ⊝
    • Sibster
      • nonbinary combination of sibling and sister
      • plural: sibsters
      • note: ◜◝
    • Sither
      • nonbinary combination of sibling and brother
      • plural: sithers
      • note: ◟◞
    • Sibler
      • nonbinary equivalent to sister/brother
      • plural: siblers
      • note: ◎
    • Emmer
      • nonbinary equivalent to sister/brother
      • plural: emmers
      • note: ◎

    Relationships (piblings):

    • Pibling
      • neutral equivalent to aunt/uncle
      • plural: piblings
    • Ommer
      • nonbinary equivalent to aunt/uncle
      • plural: ommers
      • note: ◎
    • Oggy
      • nonbinary equivalent to aunt/uncle
      • plural: oggies
      • note: ◎
    • Avaunt
      • neutral equivalent to aunt/uncle
      • plural: avaunts
    • Auncle
      • nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle
      • plural: auncles
      • note: ⊛
    • Auntle
      • nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle
      • plural: auntles
      • note: ⊛
    • Unty
      • nonbinary combination of aunty/auntie and uncle
      • other spellings: untie
      • plural: unties
      • note: ⊛
    • Entle
      • nonbinary combination of aunt and uncle
      • plural: entles
      • note: ⊛
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