my quest to find my gender [131 words]
(created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 17 Wed 13:45:07 GMT)
I already made a post/blog whatever about my gender but I think I can describe it better so you could put my gender into two identity’s I am fluid between 1. the first part of my gender is also fluid/flux between male and female. I go from 100% female -> 50% female 50% male. I think it might be bi-genderflux but the problem is that I never feel agender. I always feel fully gendered (or have I gotten the definition wrong?) 2. and the second part is kenochoric I change between these two, I’m never 50/50 between them. I’m always thankful for your help <3 edit: I just found out that bigender can be fluid between the genders and the genders can be fluid/flux themselves. It fits very well so I guess my quest is over (for now.)
Can someone help me [113 words]
(created by Chaoticcylinder on 2021 Feb 16 Tue 14:02:26 GMT)
I was pretty sure I was bigender-flux because i my gender identity changed daily from 100% girl to around 50% girl and 50% guy but- Then I realized that sometimes I feel like both/null, not as in 50/50 but as the two genders melting into one and becoming.. neutral/null/void like (not agender) So: I feel 3 genders- girl, guy and null/void/neutral(idk what that’s called so I would also love help with that :D and the two binary genders, girl and guy, fluctuate between 100%->50% girl and 0%guy to 50% guy. and then there’s the void like which is never fluctuating. It’s not 100% to 0%, it’s 100% OR 0% does anyone have an idea of what its called? Thank you <3