Please read my carrd, specifically its dni, before personally interacting with me! :)
File:Are you a mr. or a ms. dude i'm miserable.mp4
General Info[1]
We're a multigenic median system and we're still going through the process of identifying ourselves! We switch between using plural terms like we/us and singular ones like i/me. For now, we're calling ourselves the Messenger Medianmates (aka the F*cked Up Facets)! Please feel free to give us pronoun and name suggestions on our Message Wall.
- Aidan (blanket identity/quiet self)
- Leo (co-host/confident self)
- possibly more TBD
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, binge-watching, spiraling, writing poetry and song lyrics, researching literally whatever (if you wanna know about sexual dimorphism in largemouth bass hit me up), being a fucking nerd
Comfort show: One Day At a Time
Comfort characters: Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost
Comfort song: Mike Relm's The Chucky Megamix
Pronouns: xe/xyr/xyrs/xyrself, ey/em/eir/eirs/emself, ve/ver/vis/verself (multipronominal and demipronounfluid), none (parapronomial), killer/frost/frostself (charapronouns)
Genders: Non-binary/genderfluid, alexi-xenoflux
Sexuality: Quioromantic, platoniflux, biromantic/bisexual
Amory: Polyamorous (egaliterian polyamory)
Other: Altersex (AFAB-P; X-Altsex)
Stuff I have: ADHD, anxiety, maladaptive daydreaming, intrusive thoughts, dyslexia, dyscalculia
Likes: Music (literally all genres; mostly nightcore, rock, metal, ect), poetry, sci-fi and the supernatural, DC (mostly Arrowverse), Hands Off Gretel (favorite band), cats, enemies to lovers, fic-writing and fanart (fandom culture in general), researching
Dislikes: Bees (scared of them irl, fine with fake/online/drawn ones), can't remember anything else
Pages I've created: fraynominal
If you want, you can sign my profile! You can add anything beyond this point until I say otherwise.
hewo! :) -ravenfire803 10/7/21
frie - basil (@.forestofmushrooms.)
omg is that a piano????????????????????????????????????????????????????? -Rainbow cat thing
heyyyyy :] -fayetheweirdogoblin
aid of ayds i lovb ya hot stuff - leo c;
Annd stop, thank you!
DNI list
If anybody would prefer I not interact with them (no explanation needed), please sign your username here. You can add anything beyond this point until I say otherwise. I'll also be adding names here myself if the need arises.
Queer sunflower