Stepgender or ascendgender is a gender that feels like you are taking steps to get closer to your gender; or having to take steps to eventually end up with your gender. And maybe already knowing what gender you are taking those steps to.
For example: girl-girlflux-genderfae-genderfaer-genderfluid-demiboy to eventually reach trans male.
Specific genders
Stepgender people may know what gender they are going to end up with. They may add a specific gender or gender identity to specify what way they are going - or which gender they currently are - like stepgender boy, stepgender girl, stepgender non-binary, etc. Any gender and gender identity can be added.
Stepgender boy or ascendboy
A stepgender boy is someone who is stepgender and knows they are going to end up being a boy, or currently is a boy, boy-related or generally miaspec.
Stepgender girl or ascendgirl
A stepgender girl is someone who is stepgender and knows they are going to end up being a girl, or currently is a girl, woman-related or generally fiaspec.
Stepgender non-binary or ascendnon-binary
A stepgender non-binary is someone who is stepgender and knows they are going to end up being non-binary, or currently is non-binary.
History and flag
The term was coined August 24th 2021 by FANDOM user Biancawrites[1]. The stepgender, stepgender boy and stepgender girl flags were created at the same time.