Staubergender is a musicagender where one's gender feels connected to, in some way, the musician Jack Stauber. This can be through the music, specific songs, or just the general aesthetic/themes of his music. One may also feel as if their gender is affected by Jack Stauber's music, or may choose to incorporate it into their gender to better understand it.
History & Flags
Staubergender was coined by FANDOM user Daz3d..Ditt0 on May 18, 2021.
The staubergender flag was created on May 18, 2021. The colors of the flag represent the colors on the album cover "HiLo" by Jack Stauber.
An alternate staubergender flag was created on May 18, 2021. The colors of the flag represent the album cover of "Pop Food" by Jack Stauber.
Two alternate flags were coined by FANDOM user Stitchy0 on June 1st, 2021. The colors were taken from the album cover of "Viator" by Jack Stauber and the album cover of "Finite Form" by Jack Stauber.
Eleven alternate flags were created by Instagram user @mogai.terms.xenogenders, 3rd July 2021. The flags' colors were inspired, respectively, by: the album covers for Jack Stauber's "Turkey Dinners Cider Songs", "Heart Balloon", "June Bugs", "Shop", "Zaki!" and "Micropop"; Jack Stauber's "Mike Pig" and "Opal"; Jack Stauber's bands, "Joose" and "CatDash"; and songs that are not part of any of Jack Stauber's albums.
Alternate staubergender flag based on the "Viator" album.
Alternate staubergender flag based on the "Finite Form" album.
Alternate flag based on the "Turkey Dinners Cider Songs" album cover.
Alternate flag based on the "Heart Balloon" album cover.
Alternate flag based on the "June Bugs" album cover.
Alternate flag based on the "Shop" album cover.
Alternate flag based on the "Zaki!" album cover.
Alternate flag based on Jack Stauber's "Mike Pig".
Alternate flag based on the "Micropop" album cover.
Alternate flag based on Jack Stauber's "Opal".
Alternate flag based on Jack Stauber's band, "Joose".
Alternate flag based on Jack Stauber's band "CatDash".
Alternate flag based on Jack Stauber's songs that aren't part of big albums (ex "Cheeseburger Family", "Fighter", "Hamantha").