Quadrantromantic is on the aromantic spectrum and is characterised by only being able to experience romantic attraction inside Homestuck's troll romance system, known as quadrants. A quadrantromantic person may or may not vacillitate, or may not use the term kismesis to its full potential (eg. using kismesissitude to describe someone who you are fond of and romantically interested in, and make hateful/threatening jokes towards - both parties are aware of, participate in and consent to these jokes being made). There are no sexual counterparts to quadrantromantic.
A microlabel of quadrantromantic is paleamorous
This term is intended for autistic people whose special interest is Homestuck and can best describe their experience with romantic attraction through quadrants, though anyone can relate to and use this label.
Quadrantromantic was coined by FANDOM user Literallynotgod on August 24, 2021. It was coined through this page with the flag being made at the same time. Originally it was named Quadromantic, but was changed due to a pre-existing label having the same name.
Flag meaning
The red symbolises Matespritship - the flushed quadrant denoted by the <3 symbol in texting. It is the most similar to human (note: alloromantic) romance.
- your matesprit
- being flushed for someone
The pink symbolises Moiraillegience - the pale quadrant denoted by the <> symbol in texting. It is like a soulmate but in a more platonic way, your "true" partner, with a certain social nuance. You and your moirail keep eachother happy and safe.
- your moirail (informal is palemate)
- being in the pale for someone
The grey symbolises Auspisticism - the ashen quadrant denoted by the o8< symbol in texting. They are the mediator between you and your kismesis, making sure you do not act out of turn with eachother.
- your auspistice
- someone who is a mediator between you and your kismesis, or someone who stops a certain pale or flushed relationship from happening due its potential toxicity
The black symbolises Kismessitude - the pitch quadrant denoted by the <3< symbol in texting. This is when you feel "true hate" for someone, in a romantic way. You cannot stand eachother but yet you are attracted to eachother.
- your kismesis
- being in the pitch for someone
The entire zodiac is lined up in the pale strip, and inverted in the ashen to symbolise how quadrants can suddenly vacillitate and change (eg. moirail to kismesis). This flip can either be one-sided or all of your quadrantmates can vacilliate alongside you.