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    Presentation Order Isomorphic

    Presentation order isomorphic is an identity relating to presentation as a physical comfort. It is where presentation is important to a being's gender identity as a physical comfort, and where their fluid gender on a given axis homeomorphically maps to presentation with preservation of relative order. This means that as a being's gender changes along a given axis, their presentation of physical comfort will change in a direction matching that of the change in gender. To be Presentation order isomorphic is a subset of the artemisian identity, and the axes of fluid presentation can be described with the floral system.

    As an example, if a being's gender can exist on an axis between xenic and neutral, then their comforting presentation might change from a more xenic to a more neutral appearance. This change in appearance does not need to match in intensity or endpoints to be order isomorphic. For another example, if a being's gender is fluid between masculine and feminine, with neutral in between, then their comforting presentation may never be masculine. Instead, it may start as fully neutral when they identify as exceptionally masculine, and gradually become more femme as their gender changes from slightly masculine, through neutral, and suddenly become very feminine as their gender identity becomes medium to strongly feminine. So long as the presentation of physical comfort changes along the same axis and in the same direction, it is order isomorphic. This means, furthermore, that if a being's gender identity shifts along an axis from outherine to masculine to xenic, then at no point would they be physically comforted by presenting as fem.

    This label can apply to a single axis of a being's gender, or to several or all. If, as another example, a being has several simultaneous fluid genders, then they may still use the label order isomorphic even if it applies to only one of those axes by which one of their genders changes.


    Presentation order isomorphic was coined by LilamJazeefa on March 26th, 2022 on the r/Inclusivity subreddit.[1]


    Order isomorphism is a concept in order theory, a branch of mathematics. The coiner felt that this term more accurately described the flow found in this identity than other related terms.


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