Positive or Positive Gender can either be used as a gender on its own as a gender that is characterized by gender positivity, or it may be used as a quality that a gender may have. A positive gender has no relation to positive thoughts or optimism, instead it is a gender that has no relation with femininity, masculinity, or other gender constructs. Gender positivity is a feeling of multiplicity, addition, or excess of elements, it is a multiple, additive, or abundant gender, but it is not an necessarily multigender. One can also interpret the negative gender as a gender that gives off energy.
It is the opposite of negative.[1] Gender neutral or neutrois is the balance of these two genders, null the result of those energies nullifying each other.
The positive flag was created by Tumblr user imogai-pride on December 22, 2020.[2] It was based on the feminine and masculine flags.
The alternate positive flag was designed by FANDOM user Unfunny person420 on April 1, 2021. The flag has no confirmed meaning.