Plaguegender is defined as a gender that is connected to plaguecore, plague doctors, and/or an interest in the disease as a whole as-well as its history.
This term was coined by a Tumber user called lemondemogai on 19th June, 2021. The flag was created on the same day.[1]
- The light green represents feminine-leaning plaguegender individuals and a respect for nature.
- The dark green represents miasma theory, herbs, and mogai acceptance.
- The black represents a doctor’s robes, unaligned plaguegender individuals, and any animal tied to the black death (rats, crows, leeches, etc).
- The dark purple represents posies (especially lavender) and hospitality for those in need.
- The light purple represents masculine-leaning and gender-nonconforming plaguegender individuals.