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    LGBTQIA+ Wiki

    Panfaepronominalflux, also called panomnifaepronominalflux or omnipanfaepronominal, also sometimes shortened to panfaeflux, panomnifae, and omnipanfae is when one uses all pronouns besides traditionally masculine ones, including neopronouns.

    They are fluid from having a preference and having no preference for pronouns. As an example, one day the individual may prefer xey/xem pronouns, and the next day they don't prefer any pronouns.

    The individual may or may not have a lean on whether they have a preference or not, which can be specified via the spelling of the term. (Ex. one who has a lean on having preferences may specify that using the spelling omnipanfaepronominal, where as someone who leans on having no preference may use panomnifaepronominal.)

    This is considered a subtype of faepronominal, and may or may not be considered a subtype of omnifaepronominal and/or panfaepronominal. The traditionally masculine counterpart is panfaunpronominalflux, and the traditionally neutral counterpart is panflorpronominalflux.


    Panfaepronominalflux was coined by the FruitySystem on December 24th, 2021[1].


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