Neuman (also known as Neumale, Neumen, Neumem, or Neuboy) is a gender identity for men/miaspec individuals who have a significant connection to neutrality, or for individuals who have any sort of "mixture" of male and neutrois. Neuman is a subset of neugender.
Examples of neumen are:
- An AMAB individual who has a desire to be physically perceived as gender neutral (using unisex clothing, having long hair, etc.) and/or feel neutral in a significant way while still feeling like a man/boy.
- Bigender individuals who identify as male (or any gender that falls under the miaspec umbrella) and neutrois.
- Individuals who feel like they are "in between" (centrigender) male and neutrois.
- Gendervast individuals.
- Someone who is neutral-aligned and male-aligned. (Mostly used by individuals who can't narrow down what they are, but know they are at least something involving the two.)
Neumen don't have to feel masculine, since being male-aligned is not the same as being masculine-aligned (see the miaspec umbrella for more info), but they can feel masculine as long as they still have that connection to neutrality. Individuals may also identify as non-binary, non-binary man/enboy, and/or transneutral depending on how they view their own gender identity.
It is important to remember that neutrality ≠ androgyny. "Neutral" is a term describing something that is not strongly masculine nor strongly feminine, whereas "androgynous" describes something that is both masculine and feminine at the same time. If one feels androgynous they would identify as an androgynous gender (like androgyne), instead of a neutral gender (like neuman).
The female counterpart to neuman is neuwoman.
Neuman/Neuboy (along with neugender and neuwoman) was coined on a Tumblr blog titled "Adversus, Neugender, and Genderspectral Blog".[1]
The flag was created by Tumblr user beyond-mogai-pride-flags on January 29, 2019.[2] The colors have no confirmed meaning.
Although there is no official meaning to the colors used, it can be determined that blue was most likely chosen to represent the male connection, while green was chosen to represent either neutrality, or it's connection to being a neugender.