Mixtasexual(which can be shortened to Mixtace) is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum. Mixtasexual describes the feeling of being unable to differentiate sexual attraction from any other attractions except for romantic attraction.
Someone who identifies as Mixtasexual is unable to differentiate from two or more types of attraction. For example, a Mixtasexual person could be unable to tell the difference between sexual and aesthetic attraction. Mixtasexual's romantic counterpart is Mixtaromantic.
Mixtasexual can be an identity on it's own or be combined with other sexual orientations, for example, one could be Mixtasexual and Pansexual, meaning when the individual does experience sexual attraction, it is to all genders without a preference.
The term Mixtasexual was coined by Fandom user GreyromanticPerson on February 2nd, 2022, and Fandom user Just-a-friendly-enby helped to flesh out the idea.
The Mixtasexual flag was made by Fandom user Greyromanticperson on February 2nd, 2022. The purple stripe represents sexual attraction, the orange stripe represents aesthetic attraction, the yellow stripe represents platonic attraction, the blue stripe represents tertiary attraction, and the black stripe represents blurriness and confusion.
The prefix mixta comes from the Latin word for mixed, or mixed up.