Miscamorous (previously known as Amor-selective) is an identity underneath the ENM umbrella, which describes an individual who is open to, or has the capability to enjoy a particular amount or a few types of relationships. For example, a person may be interested in pluriads (or a particular pluriad) and monoamory/monogamy, but unwilling to participate in any other partnership. It can also be known as Amoselective, Seleamorus, Miscelamoric, or Miscellic.
The counterpart to/opposite of miscamorous is genamorous.
Differentiation/inclusivity information
- Miscamorous stretches to an interest in a min. of two types of partnership, in order to maintain the labels purpose whilst having an element of inclusivity.
- An individual must be able to enjoy a form of polyamorous relationship in order to use the term.
- The label does not exclude anyone of a particular identity in another region - aka gender and sexual/romantic orientation(s).
- Miscamorous can be used with or without experience in relationships miscamorous concerns.
- A person who identifies with miscamorous can identify as non-monogamous (ENM) or polyamorous as well.
- Miscamorous differs from the stereotypical polyamorous definition because individuals may also feel comfy with monoamorous/monogamous partnerships, though this is always not the case.
- It is also different from monopoly as amor-selective people would not typically be open to every type of partnership within non-monoamory (aka non-monogamy).
As a whole, miscamorous differs from other orientations because of it’s specification.
Miscamorous. It is pronounced mis-cam-or-ous.
· "-Misc", prefix, is placed to form an identity-related term related to a selection of different partnerships - miscellaneous.
· "-Amorous", suffix, is taken from "amory" to specify that the label is a form of ENM.
The term was created by an anonymous fandom user who wishes to go by "QMCR" on this wiki, due to disowning their rude username. QMCR designed the term with intent to self-identify more specifically. The official date the label was coined was 3rd September 2021. Currently, there are no resources outside of the wiki that provide further information on the identity.
The Miscamorous fag was inspired by colour psychology and the original polyamorous flag by Jim Evans. The simplistic flag's stripes were also inspired by Jim Evans' design.
Purple represents authenticity/originality. They gray and pink-ish mixture imbetween represents acceptance. The symbol, a wave-like sequence, shows the fluidity or broad selectivity within amor-selective, Red represents love, and passion for non-monogamy.