Korittean is a gender identity where one exclusively experiences/feels connected to girlhood. They may feel as if their gender itself is girlhood; however, one could also have other genders yet exclusively feel relation to girlhood.
Demikorittean is a gender identity where one experiences/feels a partial connection to girlhood. This is a mixture of demigender and korittean.
Koritteflux (or koritteflexible) is a gender identity where one feels related to or experiences girlhood but may feel related to something like boyhood on occasion as well. This is a mixture of genderflux and korittean.
One doesn't necessarily have to be fin- to be any of these genders. One just has to feel a connection to girlhood.
The boyhood counterpart of these genders is aorittean.
The terms were coined by Reddit user u/hiitsyaz in July 2021, without a specified. The flags were created by the same person on July 29, 2021.
The pink is meant to represent girlhood and potential fin-. The black is meant to represent fluctuation and flexibility. The white represents the potential non-binary connection one may or may not feel.
The word korittean is a mixture of the words hette, korítsi, and koukoúla, which mean hood in Norwegian, girl in Greek, and hood in Greek.