Hysomnigender, also known as hypsomnigender or hypersomnigender, is a xenogender related to hypersomnia. One’s gender could feel restless, drowsy, hazy, or similar to general hypersomnia symptoms.
The gender is not exclusive to people with hypersomnia.
The term was coined by Reddit user u/hiitsyaz on May 14, 2021. The flags were created by the same user on the same day.
It was created due to the coiner seeing insomnigender and not an alternate version.
The hysomnigender flag was inspired by the idea of dull yet mixed colors representing drowsiness, as that's a significant symptom of hypersomnia. The alternative flag was made for those who prefer brighter shades but still want their mixture of experiences to be represented.
The alternate flag was made by Tumblr user felix-makes-gender on December 21st, 2021.[1]