Geuldrin, also known as Caiene-Loving-Caiene (CNLCN), is an orientation for those on the Mid-Binary spectrum that refers to Caienes who are attracted to other Caienes. One may or may not be attracted to other genders as well. This attraction does not need to be exclusive, as the label is used as an umbrella term.
Caienes who identify as CNLCN are usually emphasizing or prioritizing their attraction to Caienes over any other attractions that they may have.
The masculine counterpart to Geuldrin is Anqulian.
The word Geuldrin was made to reference and fit in with the naming scheme of the other Mid-Binary spectrum-specific Gender-Loving-Gender terms coined by twitter user midbinary.
"Ge" from Gealian, "ul" to reference Caienes, and "drin" from Andrin. Ge-ul-drin.
It parallels it's masculine counterpart orientation, Anqulian, which takes "An" from Andrin, "qu" to reference Terines, and "lian" from Gealian. An-qu-lian.
History and Flag
Geuldrin, it's flags[1][2], and it's symbol[3] were made by miraheze user Bigender on March 21st, 2022. The flag was made by combining the format of the Andrin and Gealian flags with the Caiene flag colors.