Genus Vulneratis, similar to caedogender, is a neurogender defined when one’s gender has been affected and/or partially or wholly molded by abuse-related trauma they’ve survived/are a victim of. It is Latin for "trauma gender".
One can claim this gender if they have experienced abuse-related trauma that they feel has affected their gender in any way. Genus Vulneratis can be used in conjunction with other genders or alignments, or be used as a stand alone gender (almost an alternate to agender, but affected/caused by trauma).
Genus Vulneratis was coined before June 7, 2018 by unknown.
The flag was created by FANDOM user Wispofcloud on June 23rd, 2021.
- Gray is associated with stress
- Orange is associated with trama
- Lighter orange represents change
- The white represents Genus Vulneratis individuals who identify as genders other than female and male (It also represents that individuals of any sexuality and romantic orientation can be Genus Vulneratis)
- The pink represents female-identifying Genus Vulneratis individuals
- The purple is associated with abuse awareness
- The blue represents masculine-identifying Genus Vulneratis individuals