Genderflora is a floragender defined as a gender that blooms and evolves based on weather and atmosphere. It is similar to genderfluid but more plant-like. The meaning of "plant-like" is up to the interpretation of those identifying as genderflora.
The term was coined by Tumblr user pride-flags-for-us on or before September 6, 2015.
The genderflora flag was created by DeviantArt user pride-flags on September 6, 2015.
The second genderflora flag was also created by DeviantArt user pride-flags on October 16, 2015.
The third genderflora flag was created by Reddit user Oof-Immidiate-Regret on April 7, 2021. The blues represent fluidity, water, and sky. The dark blue-green stripe represents night sky and deep forest. And the greens represent non-binary, grass, and plants.