Furfag is a derogatory term for a furry or alterhuman who is also queer. The word has been reclaimed by some, but not all, queer furries and alterhumans. It is a combination of fur and the derogatory slur fag.
It is debated where the term originates, but one possible origin is 2002, where the term was used on alt.fan.furry:
"Well, there WAS that one lone snotwad who came up to my table and tried to make it sound like I did a bad, BAD thing by not publishing any nekkid guys in my zines, and that he was gonna punish me by not bying any of my stuff. Oh, how utterly crushed that made me. Why ever did I NOT publish loads and loads of buttburglar comix like ASB? Then I'd have more furfags dropping lots of 'cash on my a$$'."[1]
A flag for those that reclaim the term was created by Tumblr user sapphic-horror on July 6th, 2024.[2]