Exomyn or Psuedomyn is a neurogender and/or xenogender specific for systems. It is a term to describe any gender that is effected by exolimbs, exopain, exotrauma, exomemories, or a combination of these in some way, shape, or form. For example, one may feel as though their gender is effected by exolimbs and exopain, but not exotrauma and exomemories.
This could be a gender that fluctuates from these experiences, a gender that changes from these experiences, a mutogender or emotugender that is felt from these experiences, or anything similar.
This term was coined by Cryptocrew, specifically Ally, in order to describe faer experiences. It was first thought up in early May, and was officially coined on June 22nd of 2021.
This term was coined through this page, and has no outside resources.