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    The eevelutiofluid flag.
    Alternate eveelutiofluid flag.

    Eeveelutiofluid is when one is fluid between identifying with more than two identities of the Eeveelutions from the Eeveelutiogender System.


    Eeveelutiofluid was coined by a retired fandom user on July 2, 2021, and later reclaimed with permission by FANDOM user NyxIsSus on 31st July 2021.


    The Eeveelutiofluid flag was made by Ametrine of the FANDOM user Morphodite. Each color corresponds with an eeveelution; Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Glaceon, Sylveon, and Leafeon respectively.

    An alternate eveelutiofluid flag was created by a user who wishes to remain anonymous, August 18th 2021. The colors represents the different eeveelutions - orange for flareon, gold for umbreon, yellow for jolteon, green for leafeon, white for eevee (white because of its potential to evolve into any eeveelution), light blue for vaporeon, blue for glaceon, purple for espeon and pink for sylveon.

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