Differsexual is a term for individuals who are genderfluid, have more than one gender, and/or are demigender, and feel like their genders have different attractions, ex: an individual who feels homoromantic as non-binary, but feels bisexual as forasboy and catgender. These attractions are static and/or fluctuating, but never fluid.
The term was coined by FANDOM user AlTheWolf on a post on the LGBTA Wiki, March 10th, 2021[1]. The differsexual flag was made by FANDOM user TheIcarusSystem on May 4th, 2021[2]. The first alternate flag was created also made by TheIcarusSystem on the same day as the first flag[3]. The second alternate flag was created by FANDOM user RainbowPink2 on November 10th, 2021.[4]
The second alternate flag was inspired by the genderfluid flag and the meaning of the colors are blue came from vincian, black (originally dark purple) came from enbian, magenta came from lesbian, yellow came from pansexual, and light pink came from omnisexual.