Comicsansgender is an aesthetigender and xenogender where one feels that their gender is best described by, or relates to the font Comic Sans. it can also be broadened to be a gender that relates to general bad and garish graphic design, it can be described as childish, naive, lazy, colorful, mediocre, garish, bubbly and even misunderstood and/or hated
Comicsansgender was coined by user Some Nerd Idk on February 28th, 2021.
The Comicsansgender flag was made by user Some Nerd Idk on the same day of its coining, the green represents laziness, naiveness and mediocrity, the pink and white represent childishness and bubblyness, the rainbow gradient is made to mimic classic cases of bad graphic design from the internet, the font is made into a heart with the phrase "text here", a phrase commonly used by image editing programs when a new line of text is created, showing again laziness and naiveness.