Clypeussexuality is when one's sexual orientation feels blurred. One may have a vague idea of what said sexuality is, but they are unable to grasp it in its entirety. This could be due to trauma, neurodivergence, pressure, questioning, or something else they can't help.
Clypeussexuality was first used as either a troll term or a poorly thought out term. It has since been reclaimed and redefined by a user going by Adora on October 27, 2020.
The clypeussexual flag was created by a user going by Ruthie (in the same system as Adora) on November 21, 2020. The shades of grey represent fogged vision and unclear feelings, while the question mark represents the inability to fully understand one's sexuality, leaving them questioning it.
A clypeus is a plate on a bug's head, which inspired this new definition since bugs are shown to have a blurred vision.