Cisn’t Transmission is a movement made up of transgender individuals/those who do not identify as/or fully as their AGAB who support all of those who:
- Don't feel dysphoria
- Are non-binary
- Identify with xenogenders
- Use neopronouns
- And others not listed.
The group is inclusionary and their purpose is to combat transmedicalists. It is similar to other inclusive groups such as Gays of the Guillotine, Lesbians of the Longbow, Bisexuals of the Blade, A-specs of the Axe, Nuclear Bomb Neptunics, Pans of the Parashu, Switchblade Sapphics and Trident Trixic.
Cisn't Transmission was coined on June 22nd, 2021 by FANDOM user Musephile.
The Cisn't Transmission flag was created by Musephile on June 22nd, 2021.
- [ Musephile's coining post