Cherrian or Cherryan is a combination of walnutian, red cedarian, and aspenian. It is when one feels as though they are more tephrian than the traditional sense of tephrian. If a annulian person was 100% tephrian then a cherrian would be 101% to 500% tephrian. It could also describe someone who is more than 100% tephrian in every aspect. It is different from hypergender since hypergender can feel anything above 100% including more than 500% and is not limited to just feeling more tephrian but could be more of any gender.
The term cherrian was coined by FANDOM user RoseWatera on the November 25th, 2020. The term was coined on the wood system page before the page for the term was made. This page is the original source of the term.
The main flag was created by FANDOM user RoseWatera on June 1st 2021. The white represents being over 100% gendered. The light teal represents masculinity, the teal represents neutrality. The lime green represents xeninity.
The first made flag was created on November 25th, 2020 and the flag was released publicly on June 3rd 2021. Ash-ish purple representing being intensely tephrian, the grey-ish purple represents being tephrian, the magenta-purple represents being over 100% gendered. The colors blend for 'aesthetic purposes'.